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Közleményjegyzék |
Z. Saffer and M. Telek: Fluid vacation model with Markov modulated load and gated discipline, 9th International Conference on Queueing Theory and Network Applications (QTNA), 2014 | R. Hayden, I. Horvath, and M. Telek: Mean field for performance models with generally distributed-timed transitions, Quantitative Evaluation of System, QEST, vol. 8657 of LNCS, pp. 90-105,, 2014 | Z. Saffer and M. Telek: Fluid vacation model with markov modulated load and exhaustive discipline, Computer Performance Engineering, EPEW, vol. 8721 of LNCS, pp. 59-73, 2014 | K. Farkas, G. Horvath, A. Meszaros, and M. Telek: Performance modeling of intelligent car parking systems, Computer Performance Engineering, EPEW, vol. 8721 of LNCS, pp. 149-163, 2014 | A. Meszaros and M. Telek: Markov decision process and linear programming based control of map/map/n queues, Computer Performance Engineering, EPEW, vol. 8721 of LNCS, pp. 179-193, 2014 | G. Horvath and M. Telek: Sojourn times in fluid queues with independent and dependent input and output processes, Performance Evaluation, vol. 79, pp. 160 - 181, 2014 | P. Reinecke and M. Telek: Does a given vector-matrix pair correspond to a ph distribution?, Performance Evaluation, vol. 80, pp. 40 - 51, 2014 | A. Meszaros, J. Papp, and M. Telek: Fitting traffic traces with discrete canonical phase type distributions and Markov arrival processes, Int. J. Appl. Math. Comput. Sci., vol. 24, no. 3, pp. 453 - 470, 2014 | G. Fodor, P. Di Marco, and M. Telek: Performance analysis of block and comb type channel estimation for massive MIMO systems, 1st Int. Conf. on 5G for Ubiquitous Connectivity, 2014 | G. Horvath, B. Van Houdt, and M. Telek: Commuting matrices in the queue length and sojourn time analysis of MAP/MAP/1 queues, Stochastic Models, vol. 30, no. 4, pp. 554-575, 2014 | I. Horvath, and M. Telek: A heuristic procedure for compact Markov representation of {PH} distributions, ValueTools, 2014 | Razumchik R, Telek M: Delay analysis of a queue with re-sequencing buffer and Markov environment, QUEUEING SYST 82: (1) 7-28, 2016 | Fodor G, Marco PD, Telek M: On Minimizing the MSE in the Presence of Channel State Information Errors, IEEE COMMUN LETT 19: (9) 1604-1607, 2015 | G Fodor, M Telek, P Di Marco: On the impact of antenna correlation on the pilot-data balance in multiple antenna systems, In: IEEE (szerk.) (szerk.) 2015 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC). New York: IEEE Communications Society, 2015. pp. 2590-2596., 2015 | Horváth G, Telek M: Exhaustive fluid vacation model with positive fluid rate during service, PERFORM EVALUATION 91: 286-302, 2015 | Horváth Gábor, Saffer Zsolt, Telek Miklós: Exhaustive Vacation Queue with Dependent Arrival and Service Processes, In: Tien Van Do, Yutaka Takahashi, Wuyi Yue, Viet-Ha Nguyen (szerk.) (szerk.) Queueing Theory and Network Applications. Berlin; Heidelberg; New York; London; Paris; Tokyo: Springer, 2015. pp. 19-27. (Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing; 383.), 2015 | Horvath I, Papp J, Telek M: On the Canonical Representation of Order 3 Discrete Phase Type Distributions, ELECTR NOTES COMPUT SCI 318: 143-158, 2015 | Horvath Illes, Telek Miklos: A Constructive Proof of the Phase-Type Characterization Theorem, STOCH MODELS 31: (2) 316-350, 2015 | Kristóf Attila Horváth, Miklós Telek: Task Delegation in a Peer-to-peer Volunteer Computing Platform, In: Marco Gribaudo, Daniele Manini, Anne Remke Analytical and Stochastic Modelling Techniques and Applications: 22nd International Conference, ASMTA 2015. Cham (Svájc): Springer International Publishing, 2015. pp. 115-129. (Lecture Notes in Computer Science; 9081.), 2015 | Mészáros A, Telek M: Canonical form of order-2 non-stationary Markov arrival processes, LECT NOTES COMPUT SCI 9272: 163-176, 2015 | Horváth G, Reinecke P, Telek M, Wolter K: Heuristic representation optimization for efficient generation of PH-distributed random variates, ANN OPER RES &: &, 2014 | Gábor Horváth: Efficient analysis of the MMAP[K]/PH[K]/1 priority queue, EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF OPERATIONAL RESEARCH 246:(1) pp. 128-139, 2015 | Gábor Horváth: Analysis of generalized QBD queues with matrix-geometrically distributed batch arrivals and services, QUEUEING SYSTEMS &: pp. 1-28. (In press), 2015 | Gábor Horváth: Measuring the Distance Between MAPs and Some Applications, 22nd International Conference, ASMTA (Lecture Notes in Computer Science; 9081.), 2015 | Telek M, Vécsei M: Analysis of fluid queues in saturation with additive decomposition., COMMUNICATIONS IN COMPUTER AND INFORMATION SCIENCE 356: pp. 167-176. (2013), DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-35980-4_19, 2013 | Telek M, Vécsei M: Finite queues at the limit of saturation., DOI: 10.1109/QEST.2012.20, 2012 | Gábor Horváth, Miklós Telek: Acceptance-Rejection Methods for Generating Random Variates from Matrix Exponential Distributions and Rational Arrival Processes., Matrix-Analytic Methods in Stochastic Models. pp. 123-143. (Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics; 27.) DOI: 10.1007/978-1-4614-4909-6_7, 2012 | L. Lakatos, L. Szeidl, and M. Telek: Introduction to Queueing Systems with Telecommunication Applications, Springer, 2013 | A. Mészáros and M. Telek,: A two-phase map fitting method with aph interarrival time distribution, WSC '12 Proceedings of the Winter Simulation Conference Article No. 425, 2012 | Buchholz P, Telek M: On minimal representations of Rational Arrival Processes., ANNALS OF OPERATIONS RESEARCH 202:(1) pp. 35-58. (2013) DOI: 10.1007/s10479-011-1001-5, 2013 | G. Horváth, P. Reinecke, M. Telek, and K. Wolter,: Efficient generation of ph-distributed random variates, Analytical and Stochastic Modeling Techniques and Applications. Grenoble, Franciaország, -. Berlin ; Heidelberg: Springer, pp. 271-285. Vol. 7314, LNCS, 2012 | J. F. Pérez, M. Telek, and B. V. Houdt: A fast Newton iteration for M/G/1-type and GI/M/1-type Markov chains,, STOCHASTIC MODELS 28:(4) pp. 557-583. (2012) DOI: 10.1080/15326349.2012.726038, 2012 | Buchholz P, Telek M: RATIONAL PROCESSES RELATED TO COMMUNICATING MARKOV PROCESSES., JOURNAL OF APPLIED PROBABILITY 49:(1) pp. 40-59. (2012) DOI: 10.1239/jap/1331216833, 2012 | S. Hautphenne, M. Telek: Extension of some {MAP} results to transient {MAPs} and markovian binary trees, Performance Evaluation, 2013 | J. Papp, M. Telek: Canonical representation of discrete phase type distributions of order 2 and 3, In Proc. of UK Performance Evaluation Workshop, UKPEW 2013, 2013 | A. Mészáros and M. Telek: Canonical representation of discrete order 2 MAP and RAP, vol. 8168 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pp. 89-103, Springer, 2013 | A. Mészáros, G. Horváth, and M. Telek,: Representation transformations for finding markovian representations,, vol. 7984 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pp. 277-291, Springer,, 2013 | G. Horváth, M. Telek, and B. V. Haudt: Commuting matrices in the analysis of MAP/MAP/1 queue,, The Eighth International Conference on Matrix-Analytic Methods in Stochastic Models (MAM8), pp. 75-83, 2014 | S. Hautphenne, M. Telek: Extension of some {MAP} results to transient {MAPs} and markovian binary trees, Performance Evaluation, 2013 |





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