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Közleményjegyzék |
Ánh PN: Generalization of a theorem of Clifford, Acta Math. Vietnam. (to appear) DOI:10.1007/s40306-015-0159-3, 2016 | Ánh PN; Birkenmeier GF; van Wyk L: Idempotents and structures of rings, Lin. Multilin. Algebra 64(10), 2002-2029, 2016 | Ánh PN; Siddoway M: Divisibility theory of arithmetical rings with one minimal prime ideal, Commun. Algebra 44, 823-836, 2016 | Ánh PN; Siddoway M: Gauss lemma and valuation theory, Quaest. Math. (to appear), 2016 | Ánh PN: Generalization of a theorem of Clifford, Acta Math. Vietnam., 2015 | Cziszter K; Domokos M; Geroldinger A: The interplay of invariant theory with multiplicative ideal theory and with arithmetic combinatorics, Chapman ST; Fontana M; Geroldinger A; Olberding B (Eds.), Multiplicative Ideal Theory and Factorization Theory, Springer-Verlag, 43-95, 2016 | Domokos M; Drensky V: Noether bound for invariants in relatively free algebras, J. Algebra 463, 152-167, 2016 | Domokos M; Joó D: On the equations and classification of toric quiver varieties, Proc. Royal Soc.Edinb. Sect. A Math. Vol. 146(2), 265-295, 2016 | Domokos M; Zubor M: Commutative subalgebras of the Grassmann algebra, J. Algebra Appl. 14, 1550125, 2015 | Foldes S; Szigeti J: Which self-maps appear as lattice anti-endomorphisms?, Algebra Universalis 75, 439-449, 2016 | Janelidze G; Márki L; Veldsman S: Commutators for near-rings: Huq ≠ Smith, Algebra Universalis (to appear), 2016 | Laan V; Márki L: Fair semigroups and Morita equivalence, Semigroup Forum 92, 633-644, 2016 | Márki L; Meyer J; Szigeti J; van Wyk, L: Matrix representations of finitely generated Grassmann algebras and some consequences, Israel J. Math. 208, 373-384, 2015 | Szigeti J; van Wyk L: On Lie nilpotent rings and Cohen's Theorem, Commun. Algebra 43(11), 4783-4796, 2015 | Márki L; Tumurbat S: On radicals of polynomial rings, Acta Math. Hungar. 144 (1), 227-235, 2014 | Domokos M; Fehér LM; Rimányi R: Equivariant and invariant theory of nets of conics with an application to Thom polynomials, J. Singularities 7: 1-20, 2013 | Ánh PN; van Wyk L: Isomorphisms between strongly triangular matrix rings, Linear Alg. Appl. 438, 4374-4381, 2013 | Cziszter K; Domokos M: On the generalized Davenport constant and the Noether number, Central European J. Math. 11(9), 1605-1615, 2013 | Domokos M: Hermitian matrices with a bounded number of eigenvalues, Lin. Alg. Appl. 439(12), 3964-3979, 2013 | Grandis M; Janelidze G; Márki L: Non-pointed exactness, radicals, closure operators, J. Austral. Math. Soc. 94, 348-361, 2013 | Cziszter K; Domokos M: The Noether number for the groups with a czclic subgroup of index two, J. Algebra 399, 546-560, 2014 | Szigeti J: Which self maps appear as lattice endomorphisms, Discrete Math. 321, 53-56, 2014 | Szigeti J; van Wyk L: Determinants for nxn matrices and the symmetric Newton formula in the 3x3 case, Lin. Multilin. Algebra, to appear, 2014 | Ánh PN; Gould V; Grillet PA; Márki L: Commutative orders revisited, Semigroup Forum, 2014 | Cziszter K; Domokos M: Groups with large Noether bound, Ann. Inst. Fourier (Grenoble), to appear, 2014 | Domokos M: Invariant theoretic characterization of subdiscriminants, Lin. Multilin. Algebra, to appear, 2014 | Domokos M; Fehér LM; Rimányi R: Equivariant and invariant theory of nets of conics with an application to Thom polynomials, J. Singularities 7: 1-20, 2013 | Ánh PN; van Wyk L: Isomorphisms between strongly triangular matrix rings, Linear Alg. Appl. 438, 4374-4381, 2013 | Cziszter K; Domokos M: On the generalized Davenport constant and the Noether number, Central European J. Math. 11(9), 1605-1615, 2013 | Domokos M: Hermitian matrices with a bounded number of eigenvalues, Lin. Alg. Appl. 439(12), 3964-3979, 2013 | Grandis M; Janelidze G; Márki L: Non-pointed exactness, radicals, closure operators, J. Austral. Math. Soc. 94, 348-361, 2013 | Cziszter K; Domokos M: The Noether number for the groups with a cyclic subgroup of index two, J. Algebra 399, 546-560, 2014 | Szigeti J: Which self maps appear as lattice endomorphisms, Discrete Math. 321, 53-56, 2014 | Szigeti J; van Wyk L: Determinants for nxn matrices and the symmetric Newton formula in the 3x3 case, Lin. Multilin. Algebra 62(8), 1076-1090, 2014 | Domokos M; Zubor M: Commutative subalgebras of the Grassmann algebra, J. Algebra Appl. (to appear), 2015 | Domokos M: Invariant theoretic characterization of subdiscriminants, Lin. Multilin. Algebra 62, 63-73, 2014 | Cziszter K; Domokos M: Groups with large Noether bound, Ann. Inst. Fourier (Grenoble), 64(3), 909-944, 2014 | Ánh PN; Siddoway M: Divisibility theory of arithmetical rings with one minimal prime ideal, Commun. Algebra (to appear), 2015 | Márki L; Meyer J; Szigeti J; van Wyk L: Matrix representations of finitely generated Grassmann algebras and some consequences, Israel J. Math. (to appear), 2015 | Szigeti J; van Wyk L: On Lie nilpotent rings and Cohen's Theorem, Commun. Algebra (to appear), 2015 | Ánh PN; Gould V; Grillet PA; Márki L: Commutative orders revisited, Semigroup Forum 89 (2), 336-366, 2014 |





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