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Hargitai R, Hegyi G, Török J: Winter body condition in relation to age, sex and plumage ornamentation in a migratory songbird, Ibis 154: 410-413, 2012 | Herényi M, Hegyi G, Garamszegi LZ, Hargitai R, Michl G, Rosivall B, Török J: Lifetime offspring production in relation to breeding lifespan, attractiveness, and mating status in male collared flycatchers, Oecologia 170: 935-942, 2012 | Hegyi G, Nagy G, Török J: Reduced compensatory growth capacity in mistimed broods of a migratory passerine, Oecologia 172: 279-291, 2013 | Kiss D, Hegyi G, Török J, Rosivall B: The relationship between maternal ornamentation and feeding rate is explained by intrinsic nestling quality, Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 67: 185-192, 2013 | Laczi M, Hegyi G, Herényi M, Kiss D, Markó G, Nagy G, Rosivall B, Szöllősi E, Török J: Integrated plumage colour variation in relation to body condition, reproductive investment and laying date in the collared flycatcher, Naturwissenschaften 100: 983-991, 2013 | Hargitai R, Hegyi G, Herényi M, Laczi M, Nagy G, Rosivall B, Szöllősi E, Török J: Winter body condition in the collared flycatcher: determinants and carry-over effects on future breeding parameters, Auk, in press, 2014 | Herényi M, Garamszegi LZ, Hargitai R, Hegyi,G. Rosivall,B. Szöllősi,E. Török,J: Laying date and polygyny as determinants of annual reproductive success in male collared flycatchers (Ficedula albicollis): a long-term study, Naturwissenschaften, in press, 2014 | Hegyi G, Nagy G, Török J: Reduced compensatory growth capacity in mistimed broods of a migratory passerine, Oecologia 172: 279-291, 2013 | Kiss D, Hegyi G, Török J, Rosivall B: The relationship between maternal ornamentation and feeding rate is explained by intrinsic nestling quality, Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 67: 185-192, 2013 | Laczi M, Hegyi G, Herényi M, Kiss D, Markó G, Nagy G, Rosivall B, Szöllősi E, Török J: Integrated plumage colour variation in relation to body condition, reproductive investment and laying date in the collared flycatcher, Naturwissenschaften 100: 983-991, 2013 | Hargitai R, Hegyi G, Herényi M, Laczi M, Nagy G, Rosivall B, Szöllősi E, Török J: Winter body condition in the collared flycatcher: determinants and carry-over effects on future breeding parameters, Auk 131: 257-264, 2014 | Herényi M, Garamszegi LZ, Hargitai R, Hegyi,G. Rosivall,B. Szöllősi,E. Török,J: Laying date and polygyny as determinants of annual reproductive success in male collared flycatchers (Ficedula albicollis): a long-term study, Naturwissenschaften 101: 305-312, 2014 | Szász E, Garamszegi LZ, Hegyi G, Szöllősi E, Markó G, Török J, Rosivall B: Aggressive behavior of the male parent predicts brood sex ratio in a songbird, Naturwissenschaften 101: 653-660, 2014 | Hegyi G, Laczi M, Nagy G, Szász E, Kötél D, Török J: Stable correlation structure among multiple plumage colour traits: can they work as a single signal?, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 104: 92-108, 2015 | Hargitai R, Hegyi G, Herényi M, Laczi M, Nagy G, Rosivall B, Szöllősi E, Török J: Winter body condition in the collared flycatcher: determinants and carry-over effects on future breeding parameters, Auk 131: 257-264, 2014 | Herényi M, Garamszegi LZ, Hargitai R, Hegyi,G. Rosivall,B. Szöllősi,E. Török,J: Laying date and polygyny as determinants of annual reproductive success in male collared flycatchers (Ficedula albicollis): a long-term study, Naturwissenschaften 101: 305-312, 2014 | Szász E, Garamszegi LZ, Hegyi G, Szöllősi E, Markó G, Török J, Rosivall B: Aggressive behavior of the male parent predicts brood sex ratio in a songbird, Naturwissenschaften 101: 653-660, 2014 | Hargitai R, Nagy G, Herényi M, Nyiri Z, Laczi M, Hegyi G, Eke Zs, Török J: Darker eggshell spotting indicates lower yolk antioxidant level and poorer female quality in the Eurasian Great Tit (Parus major), Auk 133: 131-146, 2016 | Hegyi G, Kötél D, Laczi M: Direct benefits of mate choice: a meta-analysis of plumage colour and offspring feeding rates in birds, Science of Nature 102: 62, 2015 | Hegyi G, Laczi M: Using full models, stepwise regression and model selection in ecological data sets: Monte Carlo simulations, Annales Zoologici Fennici 52: 257-279, 2015 | Kötél D, Laczi M, Török J, Hegyi G: Mutual ornamentation and the parental behaviour of male and female Collared Flycatchers Ficedula albicollis during incubation, IBIS 158: 796-807, 2016 | Szollosi E, Garamszegi LZ, Hegyi G, Laczi M, Rosivall B, Torok J: Haemoproteus infection status of collared flycatcher males changes within a breeding season., PARASITOL RES 115: (12) 4663-4672, 2016 | Laczi, M., Kötél, D., Török, J., Hegyi, G: Mutual plumage ornamentation and biparental care: consequences for success in different environments., Behavioral Ecology, 2017 | Hegyi G., Laczi M., Boross N., Jablonszky M., Kötél D., Krenhardt K., Markó G., Nagy G., Rosivall B., Szász E., Garamszegi L. Z., Török J.: When to measure plumage reflectance: a lesson from collared flycatchers Ficedula albicollis., Ibis, published online, 2018 | Hargitai R, Hegyi G, Török J: Winter body condition in relation to age, sex and plumage ornamentation in a migratory songbird, Ibis 154: 410-413, 2012 | Herényi M, Hegyi G, Garamszegi LZ, Hargitai R, Michl G, Rosivall B, Török J: Lifetime offspring production in relation to breeding lifespan, attractiveness, and mating status in male collared flycatchers, Oecologia 170: 935-942, 2012 | Hegyi G, Nagy G, Török J: Reduced compensatory growth capacity in mistimed broods of a migratory passerine, Oecologia, published online, 2013 | Kiss D, Hegyi G, Török J, Rosivall B: The relationship between maternal ornamentation and feeding rate is explained by intrinsic nestling quality, Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 67: 185-192, 2013 |
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