Traumás élmény által előidézett magatartási zavarok: az NMDA és AMPA receptor altípusok szerepe
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Mikics É, Tóth M, Biró L, Haller J: Fear conditioning-induced changes in the expression of NMDA and AMPA receptor subunits: relationship with conditioned fear., Psychopharmacology, előkészületben, 2016 | Tóth M, Mikics É, Biró L, Haller J.: The role of NR2B-containing NMDA receptors in short- and long-term fear recall., Behavioral Pharmacology, előkészületben, 2017 | Mikics É, Soproni K, Barna I, Halász J, Tóth M, Barsy B, Barsvari B, Leveleki Cs., Farkas I, Haller J.: Evaluating post-traumatic stress disorder models based on psychological (DSM-IV) criteria. An evidence-based study and theoretical implications., Plos One, előkészületben, 2017 | Dóra Zelena, Éva Mikics, Diána Balázsfi, János Varga, Barbara Klausz, Eszter Urbán, Eszter Sipos, László Biró, Christina Miskolczi, Krisztina Kovács, Szilamér Ferenczi, József Haller: Enduring erasure of remote but not recent fear memories by the blockade of calcium-permeable AMPA receptors before extinction training., Int J Neuropsychopharmacol beküldve, 2015 | Haller, J., Aliczki M., Gyimesine Pelczer, K.: Classical and novel approaches to the preclinical testing of anxiolytics: a critical evaluation., Neurosci Biobehav Rev 37: 2318-2330., 2013 | Haller J, Goldberg SR, Pelczer KG, Aliczki M, Panlilio LV.: The effects of anandamide signaling enhanced by the FAAH inhibitor URB597 on coping styles in rats., Psychopharmacology 230: 353-362., 2013 | Aliczki M, Zelena D, Mikics E, Varga ZK, Pinter O, Bakos NV, Varga J, Haller J.: Monoacylglycerol lipase inhibition-induced changes in plasma corticosterone levels, anxiety and locomotor activity in male CD1 mice., Horm Behav. 63: 752–758., 2013 | Zelena D, Mikics É, Balázsfi D, Varga J, Klausz B, Urbán E, Sipos E, Biró L, Miskolczi C, Kovács K, Ferenczi S, Haller J.: Enduring abolishment of remote but not recent expression of conditioned fear by the blockade of calcium-permeable AMPA receptors before extinction training., Psychopharmacology, 233(11):2065-76., 2016 | Zelena D, Varga J, Haller J: Paradigm- and time-dependent interactions between conditioned fear, extinction and resinstatement., Laboratory Animals, előkészületben, 2014 | Mikics É, Haller J: The effects of traumatic stress on conditioned fear and social behavior are mediated by different populations of NMDA receptors. Interactions with NMDA subunit expression., Biological Psychiatry, előkészületben, 2016 | Haller, J., Aliczki M., Gyimesine Pelczer, K.: Classical and novel approaches to the preclinical testing of anxiolytics: a critical evaluation., Neurosci Biobehav Rev in press, 2013 | Haller, J., Aliczki M., Gyimesine Pelczer, K.: Classical and novel approaches to the preclinical testing of anxiolytics: a critical evaluation., Neurosci Biobehav Rev 37: 2318-2330., 2013 | Haller J, Goldberg SR, Pelczer KG, Aliczki M, Panlilio LV.: The effects of anandamide signaling enhanced by the FAAH inhibitor URB597 on coping styles in rats., Psychopharmacology 230: 353-362., 2013 | Aliczki M, Zelena D, Mikics E, Varga ZK, Pinter O, Bakos NV, Varga J, Haller J.: Monoacylglycerol lipase inhibition-induced changes in plasma corticosterone levels, anxiety and locomotor activity in male CD1 mice., Horm Behav. 63: 752–758., 2013 | Zelena D, Haller J: AMPA receptor blockade and conditioned fear: time and extinction paradigm-dependent effects., Behavioural Pharmacology, előkészületben, 2014 | Zelena D, Varga J, Haller J: Paradigm- and time-dependent interactions between conditioned fear, extinction and resinstatement., Laboratory Animals, előkészületben, 2014 | Mikics É, Haller J: The effects of traumatic stress on conditioned fear and social behavior are mediated by different populations of NMDA receptors. Intercations with NMDA subunit expression, Biological Psychiatry, előkészületben, 2014 |
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