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Közleményjegyzék |
Kele, S., Bernasconi, S.M., Capezzuoli, E., Kluge, T., John, C.M., Meckler, A.N., Ziegler, M., Millan, M.I., Breitenbach, S.F.M., Deák, J., Özkul, M., Gökgöz, A., Yan, H., Liu, Z: ‘Clumped isotope’-based thermometry of travertine and tufa deposits: calibration of a new and water-independent method, ISC 2014, 19th International Sedimentological Congress, Geneva, Switzerland, 2014 | Czuppon Gy, Kármán K, Németh S, Kiss K, Demény A, Szilárd J, Kern Z, Bíborka M, Kohán B, Haszpra L, Siklósy Z: Hydrogen and oxygen isotopic variation of cave drip waters: implications for recent climate and paleclimate signal in stalagmite, Climate Change: The Karst Record (VII) KR7: 7th International Conference, 2014 | Demény A, Németh A, Leél-Őssy Sz, Czuppon Gy, Surányi G, Lin K, Shen CC, Dobosi G, Záray Gy, Óvári M: Cave-hosted travertine deposit as a potential subject for paleoclimate studies (Béke Cave, NE-Hungary), Climate Change: The Karst Record (VII) KR7: 7th International Conference, 2014 | Czuppon Gy, Demény A, Siklósy Z, Leél-Őssy Sz, Shen CC: Changes in temperature and precipitation seasonality during the 8.2 KY event in Central Europeas Recorded by combined H-C-O isotope compositions in speleothem calcite and, Climate Change: The Karst Record (VII) KR7: 7th International Conference, 2014 | Kele, S., Bernasconi, S.M., Kluge, T., John, M.C., Capezzuoli, E., Millan, I.M., Meckler, N.M., Ziegler, M., Breitenbach, S.F.M., Deák, J., Hanselmann, K., Yan, H., Liu, Z.: Calibration of the conventional carbonate-water and the ‘clumped isotope’ thermometer on travertines and tufas in the 5-95 ºC temperature range, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 168, 172-192., 2015 | Stieber J., Leél-Őssy Sz.: Megváltozott vagy csak visszaváltozott a Béke-barlang klímája?, Karsztfejlődés XIX., 225-230., 2015 | Leél-Őssy, Sz., Stieber, J.: Különös szén-dioxid szintek a Béke barlangban, Karsztfejlődés XIX., 225-230., 2014 | Török, Á., Mindszenty, A., Kele, S., Swennen, R.: Palaeoenvironmental reconstruction of the “Gazda” travertine quarry based on sedimentological and geochemical studies (Süttő, Gerecse Hills, Hungary)., Travertine-Tufa Workshop Proceedings Book, p. 58, Pamukkale University, Denizli, Turkey, 5-8 November, 2015, 2015 | Bódai, B., Móga, J., Kele, S.: Study of calcite-water oxygen isotope fractionation at the recently depositing Szalajka tufa (Bükk Mts, Hungary): issues regarding paleotemperature calculations, Travertine-Tufa Workshop Proceedings Book, p. 59, Pamukkale University, Denizli, Turkey, 5-8 November, 2015, 2015 | Kele, S., Breitenbach, S.F.M., Capezzuoli, E. , Meckler, A. N., Ziegler, M., Millan, I.M., Kluge, T., Deák, J., Hanselmann, K. , John, C. M., Yan, H., Liu, Z., Bernasconi, S. M.: Temperature dependence of oxygen- and clumped-isotope fractionation in travertines and tufas in the 6 – 95 °C temperature range, ESIR Isotope Workshop XIII, Zadar, Croatia, 20-24 September 2015, Book of Abstracts, p. 19., 2015 | Kele, S., Markó, A., Kisne Cseh, J., Shen, C.-C., Wu, C.-C., Bernasconi, S.M.: Samuel's paleo-jacuzzi: Dating and clumped isotope-based temperature of the Vertesszőlős Early Man site (Hungary), Abstract Book of 31st IAS Meeting of Sedimentology, 22-25 June, 2015, Krakow, Poland, p. 267., 2015 | Kele, S., Breitenbach, S.F.M., Meckler, N.M., Ziegler, M., Millan, I.M., Kluge, T., John, M.C., Bernasconi, S.M.: Presentation and calibration of the clumped isotope thermometer using travertine and tufa deposits, 6th Mineral Sciences in the Carpathians Conference, Veszprém, 16-19 May, Acta Mineralogica-Petrographica, Abstract Series, 9, 2015, p. 29., 2015 | Czuppon G, Demeny A, Siklosy Z, Leel-Ossy S, Lin K, Shen CC: The 8.2 kyr event in Central Europe recorded by combined H-C-O isotope compositions of calcite and inclusion-hosted water of a stalagmite, ESIR Isotope Workshop XIII, Zadar, Croatia, 20-24 September 2015, Book of Abstracts, p. 39., 2015 | Demeny A, Kern Z, Nemeth A, Czuppon G, Leel-Ossy S, Molnar M: Recently forming stalagmites from NE Hungary as recorders of regional climate conditions, ESIR Isotope Workshop XIII, Zadar, Croatia, 20-24 September 2015, Book of Abstracts, p. 32., 2015 | Demeny A, Czuppon G, Siklosy Z, Leel-Ossy S, Lin K, Shen CC, Vennemann TW: Temperature and humidity changes at the beginning of the last interglacial reflected by combined H and O isotope compositions of inclusion-hosted water., ESIR Isotope Workshop XIII, Zadar, Croatia, 20-24 September 2015, Book of Abstracts, p. 33., 2015 | Németh A, Demeny A, Czuppon G, Leél-Őssy S, Surányi G, Chuan-Chou S, Dobosi G, Záray G, Óvári M: Comparison of sedimentological processes and stable isotopic composition of a cave hosted travertine deposit (Béke Cave, NE-Hungary)., Abstract Book of 31st IAS Meeting of Sedimentology, 22-25 June, 2015, Krakow, Poland, p. 375., 2015 | Török, Á., Mindszenty, A., Claes, H., Kele, S., Fodor, L.,Kudó, I., Swennen, R.: Sedimentological study and tentative reservoir characterization of the "Gazda" travertine quarry (Süttő, Gerecse Hills, Hungary), Quaternary International (on-line first), 2017 | Claes, H., Degros, M., Soete, J., Claes, S., Kele, S., Mindszenty, A., Török, Á., El Desouky, H., Vanhaecke, F., Swennen, R.: Geobody architecture, genesis and petrophysical characteristics of the Budakalász continental spring-related carbonates, Buda Hills (Hungary), Quaternary International (on-line first), 2017 | Bódai, B., Móga, J., Bartha, A., Holló, S., Kele, S.: A szilvásváradi Szalajka-patak mésztufáinak szezonális geokémiai vizsgálata, Karsztfejlődés XXI., Szombathely, pp. 45-64., 2016 | Kele, S.: Clumped isotope: theory, calibrations, applications, Geo-Science Education Journal 2: (S1), pp. 19-23., 2016 | Demény, A., Kern, Z., Czuppon, Gy., Németh, A., Leél-Őssy, Sz., Siklósy, Z., Lin, K., Hsun-Ming, H., Shen, Ch-Ch., Vennemann, T. W., Haszpra, L.: Stable isotope compositions of speleothems from the last interglacial - Spatial patterns of climate fluctuations in Europe, Quaternary Science Reviews 161: pp. 68-80., 2017 | Demény, A., Czuppon, G., Kern, Z., Leél-Őssy, S., Németh, A., Szabó, M., Tóth, M., Wu, C-C., Shen, Ch-Ch., Molnár, M., Németh, T., Németh, P., Óvári, M.: Recrystallization-induced oxygen isotope changes in inclusion-hosted water of speleothems - Paleoclimatological implications, Quaternary International 415: pp. 25-32., 2016 | Demény, A., Németh, P., Czuppon, Gy., Leél-Őssy, Sz., Szabó, M., Judik, K., Németh, T., Stieber, J.: Formation of amorphous calcium carbonate in caves and its implications for speleothem research, Scientific Reports 6: p. 39602., 2016 | Demény, A., Németh, A., Kern, Z., Czuppon, Gy., Molnár, M., Leél-Őssy, Sz., Óvári, M., Stieber, J.: Recently forming stalagmites from the Baradla Cave and their suitability assessment for climate-proxy relationships, Central European Geology, 2017 | Deák, J., Demény, A., Fórizs, I., Kele, S.: pH dependence of calcite-water oxygen isotope fractionation based on observations at recent carbonates deposited from thermal and ground waters, Isotopes in Environmental and Health Studies (to be submitted), 2017 | Czuppon, Gy., Demény, A., Leél-Őssy, Sz., Óvari, M., Molnár, M., Stieber, J., Kármán, K., Kiss, K., Haszpra, L: Cave monitoring in Béke and Baradla Caves (NE Hungary): implications for the condition of the formation of cave carbonates, International Journal of Speleology (accepted with revision), 2017 | Bottyán, E., Czuppon, Gy., Weidinger, T., Haszpra, L., Kármán, K.: Moisture source diagnostic and isotope characteristics for precipitation in East Hungary: implication for their relationship, Hydrological Sciences Journal (accepted with revision), 2017 | Kele, S., Markó, A., Cseh, J., Shen, C.-C., Wu, C.-C., Bernasconi, S.M.: Dating and clumped isotope-based temperature of a paleo-jacuzzi (Vértesszőlős Early Man site, Hungary), ). 5th International Clumped Isotope Workshop, 6-9 January, St. Petersburg, Florida, USA, 2016 | Kele, S., Markó, A., Cseh, J., Shen, C.-C., Wu, C.-C., Bernasconi, S.M.: Dating and clumped isotope-based temperature of the Vértesszőlős travertine and Early Man site (Hungary), ). 5th Geological-Palaeontological-Archaeological Discussion 2016) Gánovce – Poprad, 2016 | Czuppon, Gy., Demény, A., Siklósy, Z., Leél-Őss,y Sz., Lin, K., Baykara, M.O., Shen, Ch.Ch.: The 8.2 event as recorded by compbined H-C-O isotope composition in speleothem in Central Europe: Implications for changes in moisture sources and precipitation seasonality., Goldschmidt Conference, Yokohama, Japan,, 2016 | Czuppon, Gy, Bottyán, E., Haszpra, L., Weidinger, T., Kármán, K.: Temporal Variabilities in Air Moisture Sources and Stable Isotope Compositions of Precipitation in Hungary, 8th EGU Leonardo Conference, 2016 | Czuppon, Gy., Breuer, H., Bottyán, E., Simon, G., Göndöcs, J., Kern, Z.: Variability of Stable Isotope Composition of Precipitation at Different Location in Central Europe: Implication for Moisture Source Variability and the Effect of Evapotranspiration., 8th EGU Leonardo Conference, 2016 | Demény, A., Kern, Z., Czuppon, G., Németh, A., Leél-Őssy, S., Shen, Ch-Ch., Vennemann, T.: Stable isotope compositions of carbonate and inclusion-hosted water of speleothems from the last interglacial – spatial patterns of climate fluctuations in Europe, GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH ABSTRACTS 18: Paper 7920. 1 p., 2016 | Demény, A., Czuppon, Gy., Leél-Őssy, Sz., Németh, P., Szabó, M., Tóth, M., Németh, T.: Recrystallization-induced oxygen isotope changes in inclusion-hosted water of speleothems – paleoclimatological implications, GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH ABSTRACTS 18: Paper 7819. 1 p., 2016 | Demény, A., Kern, Z., Molnár, M., Czuppon, Gy., Leél-Őssy, Sz., Surányi, G., Gilli, A.: Flowstone compositions as indicators of centennial fluctuations of hydrological balance in Central Europe during the late Holocene, Geophysical Research Abstracts Vol. 19, EGU2017-3463-1, 2017 |





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