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Genoveva Filipcsei, Kimio Sumaru, Toshiyuki Takagi, Toshiyuki Kanamori, Miklós Zrinyi: Swelling degree and shape change of photo- and thermo-response of spirobenzopyran-functionalized porous pNIPAAm hydrogels, Journal of Molecular Liquids 189, 63-67, 2014 | Kristóf Molnar, David Juriga, Peter Nagy, Katalin Sinkó, Angela Jedlovszky-Hajdú and Miklos Zrinyi: Electrospun poly(aspartic acid) gel scaffolds for artificial extracellular matrix, Polymer International, 63, 1608-1615, 2014 | Zrínyi M., Jedlovszky-Hajdú A, Tombácz E: Mágneses folyadékok és rugalmas mágnesek, Magyar Tudomány, 3, 302-310, 2014 | A. Tél, R. Bauer, Zs. Varga, M. Zrínyi: Heat conduction in PNIPA gels, International Journal of Thermal Science 85, 47-53, 2014 | M Zrínyi: Magnetoelasticity, Magnetorheology Edited by Norman M Wereley, RSC Publishing, Chapter 3, 2014 | M. Zrinyi, M. Nakano, T. Tsujita:: Electrorotation of novel electroactive polymer composites in Uniform DC and AC electric field., Smart Mater. Struct. 21, (2012), 2012 | M. Zrínyi, T. Gyenes, D. Juriga, K. Ji-Heung,: Volume change of double cross-linked poly(aspartic acid) hydrogels induced cleavage of one of the crosslinks, Acta Biomaterialia, 9, 5122-5131 (2013), 2013 | K. Sinkó, E. Manek, A. Meiszterics, K. Havancsák, U. Vainio, H. Peterlik: Liquid-phase syntheses of cobalt ferrite nanoparticles”, J. Nanoparticle Research 14. 6. 1-14 (2012), 2012 | A. Meiszterics, K. Havancsák, K. Sinkó: Catalysis, nanostructure and macroscopic property triangle in bioactive calcium-containing ceramic system”, Materials Science and Engineering C Materials for Biological Applications 32. (2013), 2013 | Jedlovsky-Hajdú A., Varga Zs., Juriga D., Molnár K., Zrínyi M.:: Biokompatibilis anyagok: mesterséges mátrixok és nanorészecskék., Magyar Tudomány 2012. Júniusi számának melléklete, 39-47 (2012), 2012 | A. Meiszterics, K. Sinkó: Study of bioactive calcium silicate ceramic systems for biomedical applications, IFMBE Proceedings 37. 1098-1101 (2012), 2012 | M.Zrinyi: Zrinyi:Magnetically responsive polymer gels and elastomers: properties, synthesis and applications, Woodhead Publishing Limited, Sawston, Cambridge Chapter 5 p. 134-166, 2013 | M.Zrinyi: Physical Chemistry Under High Electric Field,, Journal of Electrostatics, 71, 357-361. (2013), 2013 | Zhao Wei , Jian Hai Yang , Xiao Jing Du , Feng Xu , Miklos Zrinyi , Yoshihito Osada, Fei Li, Yong Mei Chen: Dextran-Based Self-Healing Hydrogels Formed by Reversible Diels–Alder Reaction under Physiological Conditions,, Macromolecular Rapid Communications, 34, 1464−1470 8, (2013), 2013 | Molnár K., Juriga D., Jedlovszky H.A., Zrinyi M: Kolloidika a modern orvostudomány szolgálatában., Természet Világa 144. évf., 11.sz., 488-491. (2013), 2013 | K. Sinkó: Gel-derived porous alumina systems, Materials Letters 107, 344-347. (2013), 2013 | K. Sinkó, S. Kubuki, H. Peterlik: Various Three-Dimensional Structures connected by Al–O/OH/Acetate–Al bonds, Inorganic Chemistry 52, 13238−13243. (2013), 2013 |





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