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Közleményjegyzék |
Stepan Gabor , Toth Mate , Bachrathy Daniel, Ganeriwala Suri: Spectral properties of milling and machined surface, MATER SCI FORUM 836-837: 570-577, 2016 | Bachrathy D, Munoa J, Stepan G: Experimental validation of appropriate axial immersions for helical mills, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ADVANCED MANUFACTURING TECHNOLOGY Vol. 80 pp. 1-8., 2015 | Dombovari Z, Stepan G: On the bistable zone of milling processes, PHILOSOPHICAL TRANSACTIONS OF THE ROYAL SOCIETY A Vol. 373, paper no. 20140409, pp. 1-17, 2015 | BACHRATHY Daniel, KOSSA Attila, STEPAN Gabor: Modeling process damping via FEM based Force-FRF, In: Yusuf Altintas (szerk.) (szerk.) 4th INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE on VIRTUAL MACHINING PROCESS TECHNOLOGY (VMPT 2015). Vancouver: University of British Columbia, 2015. pp. ., 2015 | Habib G, Rega G, Stepan G: Stability analysis of a two-degree-of-freedom mechanical system subject to proportional-derivative digital position control, Journal of Vibration and Control Vol. 21 pp. 1539-1555, 2015 | MolnarT, Insperger T, Stepan G: State-dependent distributed-delay model of orthogonal cutting, NONLINEAR DYNAMICS, in press, pp. 1-10, 2015 | Zhang L, Stepan G: Exact stability chart of an elastic beam subjected to delayed feedback, JOURNAL OF SOUND AND AND VIBRATION (2016), in press, pp. 1-14., 2016 | Antali M, Stepan G: Loss of stability in a nonsmooth model of dual-point rolling, Proceedings of the 24th International Symposium on Dynamics of Vehicles on Roads and Tracks (IAVSD 2015). Graz, 17-21 August 2015, pp. 1-10., 2015 | Habib G, Miklos A, Enikov E, Stepan G, Rega G: Nonlinear model-based parameter estimation and stability analysis of an aero-pendulum subject to digital delayed control, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF DYNAMICS AND CONTROL pp. online first doi: 10.1007/s40435-015-0203-0, 2015 | Reith M, Bachrathy D, Stepan G: Improving stability of multi-cutter turning with detuned dynamics, MACHINIG SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, accepted for publication in 2015, pp. 1-10., 2016 | Reith MJ, Bachrathy D, Stepan G: Stability properties and optimization of multi-cutter turning operations, Proceedings of the ASME 2013 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences, August 4-7, 2013, Portland, Oregon, USA, article no. DETC2013-12347, pp. 1-6, 2013 | Takacs D; Stepan G: Regenerative effect of tire carcass in simple shimmy models, Proceedings of the ASME 2013 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences August 4-7, 2013, Portland, Oregon, USA, article no. DETC2013-13158, pp. 1-6, 2013 | Stepan G: Delayed dynamical systems in engineering: where the rubber meets the road, Abstracts of SIAM Conference on the Application of Dynamical Systems, May 19-23, 2013, Snowbird, Utah), USA, 2013 | Stepan G: Wheel shimmy and delayed tyre models, Electronic Proceedings of 11th International Conference on Vibration Problems, 9-12 September 2013,Lisbon, Portugal, pp. 1-8, 2013 | Zelei A; Bencsik L; Kovacs LL; Stepan G: Impact models for walking and running systems - angular moment conservation versus varying geomteric constraints, Proceedings of Eccomas 2013, Zagreb, Croatia, July 1-4, 2013, pp. 47-48. ISBN: 978-953-7738-21-1, 2013 | Habib G; Rega G; Stepan, G: Bifurcation analysis of a two-DoF mechanical system subject to digital position control. Part II. Effects of asymmetry and transition to chaos, NONLINEAR DYNAMICS, Vol. 74, 1223-1241, 2013 | Stepan G, Munoa J, Insperger T, Suricoc M, Bachrathy D, Dombovari Z: Cylindrical milling tools: Comparative real case study for process stability, CIRP ANNALS-MANUFACTURING TECHNOLOGY Vol. 63, 385-388, 2014, 2014 | Habib G, Rega G, Stepan G: Delayed digital position control of a single-DoF system and the nonlinear behavior of the act-and-wait controller, JOURNAL OF VIBRATION AND CONTROL, first published on-line on May 14, 2014, 2014 | Kidd M, Stepan G: Delayed control of an elastic beam, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF DYNAMICS AND CONTROL, Vol. 2, 68–76, 2014, 2014 | Insperger T, Stepan G: Preface - Thematic Issue on Time-delay Systems in Engineering I & II, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF DYNAMICS AND CONTROL, Vol. 2, pp. 125, 2014, 2014 | Antali M, Stepan G, Hogan SJ: Kinematic oscillations of railway wheelsets, MULTIBODY SYSTEM DYNAMICS, first published on-line on June 12, 2014, 2014 | Antali M, Stepan G: Nonlinear kinematic oscillations of railway wheelsets of general surface, PAMM · Proceedings of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, Vol 14, 303 – 304, 2014, 2014 | Habib G, Rega G, Stepan,: Bifurcation analysis of a two-DoF mechanical system subject to digital position control. Part I: theoretical investigation, NONLINEAR DYNAMICS, Vol. 76, 1781-1796, 2014, 2014 | Bachrathy D, Stepan G: Multi-Dimensional Bisection Method in experimental validation of stability charts, ENOC 2014. Konferencia helye, ideje: Bécs, Ausztria, 2014.08.06-2014.08.11. Paper 557. 3 p., 2014 | Dombovari Z, Stepan G: On the Nonsmooth Dynamics of Conventional Milling Processes, ENOC 2014. Konferencia helye, ideje: Bécs, Ausztria, 2014.08.06-2014.08.11. Paper 558, pp. 1-2., 2014 | Antali M, Stepan G, Hogan SJ: Kinematic oscillations of railway wheelsets, MULTIBODY SYSTEM DYNAMICS, Vol. 34, pp. 259-274, 2015 | Reith Marta J, Bachrathy Daniel, Stepan Gabor: Optimization of the robust stability limit for multi-cutter turning processes, In: ASME (szerk.) (szerk.) Proceedings of the ASME 2015 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences & Computers and Information in Engineering Conference . Boston, Amerikai Egyesült Államok, 2015.08.02-2015.08.05. Kiadvány: Boston: 2015. Paper Reith et al. , 2015 | Milton J, Insperger T, Stepan G: Human Balance Control: Dead Zones, Intermittency, and Micro-chaos, Mathematical Approaches to Biological Systems (Eds.: T. Ohira T, T. Uzawa), Springer, Tokyo, 2015 (ISBN 978-4-431-55443-1) pp. 1-28, 2015 | Habib G, Rega G, Stepan G: Delayed digital position control of a single-DoF system and the nonlinear behavior of the act-and-wait controller, JOURNAL OF VIBRATION AND CONTROL Vol. 22 (2016) 481-495. doi: 10.1177/1077546314533583 (online first in May 2014), 2014 | Reith MJ, Stepan G: Optimization of material removal rate for orthogonal cutting with vibration limits, Periodica Polytechnica, Vol 56, 91-97, 2012 | Dombovari Z, Stepan G: The effect of helix angle variation on milling stability, Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering - Transactions of the ASME, Vol. 134 paper no. 051015 pp. 1-6, 2012 | Insperger T, Milton J, Stepan G: Acceleration feedback improves balancing against reflex delay, Journal of the Royal Society Interface, Vol. 10, article no. 20120763, pp. 1-13., 2013 | Reith MJ, Stepan G: Stability boundaries of the turning process for extreme damping values, Proceedings of Gépészet, Budapest, 24-25 May, pp. 1-7, 2012 | Takacs D, Stepan G: Micro-shimmy of towed structures in experimentally uncharted unstable parameter domain, Vehicle System Dynamics, Vol. 50, 1613-1630, 2012 | Dombovari Z, Stepan G: Experimental identification of bi-stable parameter zones in milling processes, Proceedings of 23rd Int. Congress on Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Beijing, 19-24 August, pp. 1-2., 2012 | Dombovari Z. Stepan G: Dynamic effects of varying helix angles in drilling bits, Proceedings of 2nd Int. Colloquium on Nonlinear Dynamics and Control of Deep Drilling Systems, Eindhoven, 15-16 May, pp. 11-16, 2012 | Zelei A, Bencsik L, Kovacs LL, Stepan G: Redundancy resolution of the underactuated manipulator ACROBOTER, Proceedings of 19th CISM-IFToMM Symposium on Robot Design, Dynamics, and Control, Paris, June 12-15, pp. 233-240, 2012 | Habib G; Rega G; Stepan, G: Bifurcation analysis of a two-DoF mechanical system subject to digital position control. Part II. Effects of asymmetry and transition to chaos, Nonlinear Dynamics, Vol. 74, 1223-1241, 2013 | Takacs D; Stepan G: Contact patch memory of tyres leading to lateral vibrations of four-wheeled vehicles, PHILOSOPHICAL TRANSACTIONS OF THE ROYAL SOCIETY A-MATHEMATICAL PHYSICAL AND ENGINEERING SCIENCES Vol. 371, paper no. 20120427, pp. 1-16, 2013 | Bachrathy D; Stepan G: Improved prediction of stability lobes with extended multi frequency solution, CIRP ANNALS-MANUFACTURING TECHNOLOGY, Vol. 62, 411-414, 2013 |





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