Lumineszkáló szilíciumkarbid nanokristályok tervezése, előállítása és analízise in vivo biomarker alkalmazásokhoz
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David Beke, Zsolt Szekrényes, István Balogh, Zsolt Czigány, Katalin Kamarás and Adam Gali: Preparation of small silicon carbide quantum dots by wet chemical etching, Journal of Materials Research, 28, 44-49, 2013, 2013 | David Beke, Zsolt Szekrényes, Denes Pálfi, Gergely Róna, István Balogh, Pal Andor Maák, Gergely Katona, Zsolt Czigány, Katalin Kamarás, Balazs Rózsa, Laszlo Buday, Beáta Vértessy and Adam Gali: Silicon carbide quantum dots for bioimaging, Journal of Materials Research, 28, 205-209, 2013 | B. Somogyi, V. Zólyomi, and Adam Gali: Near-infrared luminescent cubic silicon carbide nanocrystals for in vivo biomarker applications: an ab initio study, Nanoscale, 4, 7720-7726, 2012 | S. Castelletto, B. C. Johnson, V. Ivády, N. Stavrias, T. Umeda, A. Gali, and T. Ohshima: A silicon carbide room-temperature single-photon source, Nature Materials, 13, 151-156, 2014 | David Beke, Zsolt Szekrényes, István Balogh, Zsolt Czigány, Katalin Kamarás and Adam Gali: Preparation of small silicon carbide quantum dots by wet chemical etching, Journal of Materials Research, 28, 44-49, 2013 | David Beke, Zsolt Szekrényes, Denes Pálfi, Gergely Róna, István Balogh, Pal Andor Maák, Gergely Katona, Zsolt Czigány, Katalin Kamarás, Balazs Rózsa, Laszlo Buday, Beáta Vértessy and Adam Gali: Silicon carbide quantum dots for bioimaging, Journal of Materials Research, 28, 205-209, 2013 | B. Somogyi, V. Zólyomi, and Adam Gali: Near-infrared luminescent cubic silicon carbide nanocrystals for in vivo biomarker applications: an ab initio study, Nanoscale, 4, 7720-7726, 2012 | S. Castelletto, B. C. Johnson, V. Ivády, N. Stavrias, T. Umeda, A. Gali, and T. Ohshima: A silicon carbide room-temperature single-photon source, Nature Materials, 13, 151-156, 2014 | B. Somogyi and A. Gali: Computational design of in vivo biomarkers (invited review), Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 26, 143202, 2014 | Stefania Castelletto, Brett Johnson, Cameron Zachreson, Dávid Beke, István Balogh, Takeshi Ohshima, Igor Aharonovich, and Adam Gali: Room Temperature Quantum Emission from Cubic Silicon Carbide Nanoparticles, ACS Nano, 8, 7938-7947, 2014 | Zsolt Szekrényes, Bálint Somogyi, Dávid Beke, Gyula Károlyházy, István Balogh, Katalin Kamarás, and Adam Gali: Chemical Transformation of Carboxyl Groups on the Surface of Silicon Carbide Quantum Dots, The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 118, 19995-20001, 2014 | Matthias Widmann,Sang-Yun Lee, Torsten Rendler, Nguyen Tien Son, Helmut Fedder, Seoyoung Paik, Li-Ping Yang, Nan Zhao, Sen Yang, Ian Booker, Andrej Denisenko, Mohammad Jamali, S. Ali Momenzadeh, Ilja Gerhardt, Takeshi Ohshima, Adam Gali, Erik Janzén, and Jörg Wrachtrup: Coherent control of single spins in silicon carbide at room temperature, Nature Materials 14 164-168, 2015 | David Beke, Zsolt Szekrényes, Zsolt Czigány, Katalin Kamarás and Adam Gali: Dominant Luminescence is not Due to Quantum Confinement in Molecular-Sized Silicon Carbide Nanocrystals, Nanoscale, 7, 10982-10988, 2015 | A. Lohrmann, N. Iwamoto, Z. Bodrog, S. Castelletto, T. Ohshima, T.J. Karle, A. Gali, S. Prawer, J.C. McCallum, and B.C. Johnson: Single-photon emitting diode in silicon carbide, Nature Communications, 6, 7783, 2015 | Andreas Gällström, Björn Magnusson, Stefano Leone, Olof Kordina, Nguyen T. Son, Viktor Ivády, Adam Gali, Igor A. Abrikosov, Erik Janzén, and Ivan G. Ivanov: Optical properties and Zeeman spectroscopy of niobium in silicon carbide, Physical Review B, 92, 075207, 2015 | Dávid Beke, Tibor Z. Jánosi, Bálint Somogyi, Dániel Á. Major, Zsolt Szekrényes, János Erostyák, Katalin Kamarás, and Adam Gali: Identification of Luminescence Centers in Molecular-Sized Silicon Carbide Nanocrystals, The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 120, 685-691, 2016 | Gabriella Dravecz, László Bencs, Dávid Beke, and Ádám Gali: Determination of silicon and aluminum in silicon carbide nanocrystals by high-resolution continuum source graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry, Talanta, 147, 271-275, 2016 | Matthias Widmann,Sang-Yun Lee, Torsten Rendler, Nguyen Tien Son, Helmut Fedder, Seoyoung Paik, Li-Ping Yang, Nan Zhao, Sen Yang, Ian Booker, Andrej Denisenko, Mohammad Jamali, S. Ali Momenzadeh, Ilja Gerhardt, Takeshi Ohshima, Adam Gali, Erik Janzén, and Jörg Wrachtrup: Coherent control of single spins in silicon carbide at room temperature, Nature Materials 14 164-168, 2015 |





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