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Közleményjegyzék |
S. Thomas, I. Lagzi, F. Molnár, Z. Rácz: Probability of the emergence of helical precipitation patterns in the wake of reaction-diffusion fronts, Phys. Rev. Lett., 078303, 2013 | I. Lagzi: Chemical robotics - chemotactic drug carriers, Cent. Eur. J. Med., 8, 377-382, 2013 | R. Mészáros, F. Molnár, F. Izsák, T. Kovács, P. Dombovári, Á. Steierlein, R. Nagy, I. Lagzi: Environmental modeling using graphical processing unit with CUDA, Időjárás, 116, 237-251, 2012 | S. Thomas, F. Molnár, Z. Rácz, I. Lagzi: Matalon-Packter law for stretched helicoids formed in precipitation processes, Chem. Phys. Lett., 577, 38-41, 2013 | S. Thomas, I. Lagzi, F. Molnár, Z. Rácz: Helices in the wake of precipitation fronts, Phys. Rev. E, 88, 022141, 2013 | T. Haszpra, I. Lagzi, T. Tél: Dispersion of aerosol particles in the atmosphere: Fukushima, Geophysical Research Abstracts, 15, EGU2013-11028, 2013 | Á. Leelőssy, E.L. Ludányi, R. Mészáros, I. Lagzi: Application of an object-oriented Lagrangian trajectory model for dispersion simulations after the Rouen Lubrizol accident, EMS Annual Meeting Abstracts, 10, EMS2013-409, 2013 | Á. Leelőssy, E. L. Ludányi, R. Mészáros, I. Lagzi: Radioaktív anyagok terjedésének modellezése, Geoinformációs Konferencia, A geoinformáció alkalmazási területei, 1-7, ISBN: 978-963-08-6192-2, 2013 | T. Haszpra, I. Lagzi, T. Tél: Dispersion of aerosol particles in the free atmosphere using ensemble forecasts, NONLINEAR PROCESSES IN GEOPHYSICS, 20, 759-770, 2013 | A. Leelossy, E. L. Ludanyi, M. Kohlmann, I. Lagzi, R. Meszaros: Comparison of two Lagrangian dispersion models: a case study for the chemical accident in Rouen, January 21-22, 2013, IDOJARAS, 117, 435-450, 2013 | A. Leelossy, F. Molnar, F. Izsak, A. Havasi, R. Meszaros, I. Lagzi: Dispersion modeling of air pollutants in the atmosphere: a review, CENTRAL EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF GEOSCIENCES, 6, 257-278, 2014 | K. Suzuno, D. Ueyama, M. Branicki, R. Toth, A. Braun, I. Lagzi: Maze Solving Using Fatty Acid Chemistry, LANGMUIR, 30, 9251-9255, 2014 | B. Duzs, I. Lagzi, I. Szalai,: Propagating Fronts and Morphological Instabilities in a Precipitation Reaction, LANGMUIR, 30, 5460-5465, 2014 | S. Thomas, G. Varghese, D. Bardfalvy, Z. Racz, I. Lagzi: Helicoidal precipitation patterns in silica and agarose gels, CHEMICAL PHYSICS LETTERS, 599, 159-162, 2014 | I. Derenyi, I. Lagzi: Fatty acid droplet self-division driven by a chemical reaction, PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY CHEMICAL PHYSICS, 16, 4639-4641, 2014 | M. M. Ayass, I. Lagzi, M. Al-Ghoul: Three-dimensional superdiffusive chemical waves in a precipitation system, PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY CHEMICAL PHYSICS, doi: 10.1039/C4CP02587C, 2014 | I. Derenyi, I. Lagzi: Fatty acid droplet self-division driven by a chemical reaction, PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY CHEMICAL PHYSICS, 16, 4639-4641, 2014 | M. M. Ayass, I. Lagzi, M. Al-Ghoul: Three-dimensional superdiffusive chemical waves in a precipitation system, PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY CHEMICAL PHYSICS, 16, 24656-24660, 2014, 2014 | M. M. Ayass, M. Al-Ghoul, I. Lagzi: Chemical Waves in Heterogeneous Media, JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY A, 118, 11678–11682, 2014, 2014 | T. Mona, A. Havasi, I. Lagzi: Solving Reaction-Diffusion and Advection Problems with Richardson Extrapolation, JOURNAL OF CHEMSITRY, 350362, 2015 | A. Braun, R. Tóth, I. Lagzi: Künstliche Intelligenz aus dem Chemiereaktor, Nachrichten aus der Chemie 63, 445-446, 2015, 2015 | R. M. Walliser, F. Boudoire, E. Orosz, R. Tóth, A. Braun, E. C. Constable, Z. Rácz, I. Lagzi: Growth of Nanoparticles and Microparticles by Controlled Reaction-Diffusion Processes, Langmuir, 31, 1828-1834, 2015 | M. M Ayass, I. Lagzi, M. Al-Ghoul: Targets, ripples and spirals in a precipitation system with anomalous dispersion, PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY CHEMICAL PHYSICS, 17,19806-19814, 2015 | P. Lovass, M. Branicki, R. Tóth, A. Braun, K. Suzuno, D. Ueyama, I. Lagzi: Maze solving using temperature-induced Marangoni flow, RSC Advances 5, 48563-48568, 2015 | B. Peter, S. Kurunczi, D. Patko, I. Lagzi, B. Kowalczyk, Z. Rácz, B. A. Grzybowski, R. Horvath: Label-Free in Situ Optical Monitoring of the Adsorption of Oppositely Charged Metal Nanoparticles, Langmuir, 30, 13478-13482, 2015 | K. Suzuno, D. Ueyama, I. Lagzi: Chemical-based Maze Solving Methods, CURRENT PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY, 5, 29 - 36, 2015 | I. Lagzi: Self-division of a mineral oil–fatty acid droplet, Chemical Physics Letters 640, 1-4, 2015 | K Suzuno, D Ueyama, M Branicki, R Tóth, A Braun, I Lagzi: Marangoni Flow Driven Maze Solving, Advances in Unconventional Computing (SPRINGER), 237-243, 2017 | A Vágó, G Szakacs, G Sáfrán, R Horvath, B Pécz, I Lagzi: One-step green synthesis of gold nanoparticles by mesophilic filamentous fungi, Chemical Physics Letters 645, 1-4, 2016 | D Zámbó, K Suzuno, S Pothorszky, D Bárdfalvy, G Holló, H Nakanishi, D Wang, D Ueyama, A Deak, I Lagzi: Self-assembly of like-charged nanoparticles into Voronoi diagrams, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 18 (36), 25735-25740, 2016 | R Toth, RM Walliser, I Lagzi, F Boudoire, M Düggelin, A Braun, C E Housecroft, E C Constable: Probing the mystery of Liesegang band formation: revealing the origin of self-organized dual-frequency micro and nanoparticle arrays, Soft Matter, doi: 10.1039/C6SM01564F, 2016 | RM Walliser, R Tóth, I Lagzi, D Mathys, L Marot, A Braun, CE Housecroft, E C Constable: Understanding the formation of aligned, linear arrays of Ag nanoparticles, RSC Advances 6 (34), 28388-28392, 2016 | R Mészáros, Á Leelőssy, T Kovács, I Lagzi: Predictability of the dispersion of Fukushima-derived radionuclides and their homogenization in the atmosphere, Scientific Reports, 6, 19915, 2016 | R Toth, RM Walliser, I Lagzi, F Boudoire, M Düggelin, A Braun, C E Housecroft, E C Constable: Probing the mystery of Liesegang band formation: revealing the origin of self-organized dual-frequency micro and nanoparticle arrays, Soft Matter, 12 (40), 8367-8374, 2016 | G Holló, B Dúzs, I Szalai, I Lagzi: From Master–Slave to Peer-to-Peer Coupling in Chemical Reaction Networks, The Journal of Physical Chemistry A 121 (17), 3192-3198, 2017 | E Tóth-Szeles, J Horváth, G Hollo, R Szücs, H Nakanishi, I Lagzi: Chemically coded time-programmed self-assembly, Molecular Systems Design & Engineering, 2, 274-282, 2017 |





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