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André Veski, Biró Péter, Kaire Pöder, Triin Lauri: Efficiency and fair access in kindergarten allocation policy design, To appear in Journal of Mechanism and Institutional Design, 2017 | Ágoston K Cs, Biró P, Szántó R: Stable project allocation under distributional constraints, In: Proceedins of the 10th Japanese-Hungarian Symposium on Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications . Budapest, Magyarország, 2017.05.22-2017.05.24. Kiadvány: 2017. pp. 43-52., 2017 | Aziz H, Biró P, Fleiner T, Gaspers S, Haan R, Mattei N, Rastegari B: Stable matching with uncertain pairwise preferences, In: Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems: AAMAS 2017. Sao Paulo, Brazília, 2017.05.08-2017.05.12. Kiadvány: 2017. pp. 344-352., 2017 | Biró P, Fleiner T, Palincza R: Designing Chess Pairing Mechanisms, In: Proceedins of the 10th Japanese-Hungarian Symposium on Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications . Budapest, Magyarország, 2017.05.22-2017.05.24. Kiadvány: 2017. pp. 77-86., 2017 | Biró P, Kern W, Paulusma D, Wojuteczky P: The stable fixtures problem with payments, GAME ECON BEHAV in press: -, 2017 | Ágoston K Cs, Biró P, McBride I: Integer programming methods for special college admissions problems, J COMB OPTIM 32: (4) 1371-1399, 2016 | Aziz H, Biró P, Gaspers S, Haan R, Mattei N, Rastegari B: Stable Matching with Uncertain Linear Preferences, In: Martin Gairing, Rahul Savani (szerk.) (szerk.) Algorithmic Game Theory: 9th International Symposium, SAGT 2016, Liverpool, UK, September 19–21, 2016, Proceedings. Berlin: Springer, 2016. pp. 195-206., 2016 | Aziz H, Biró P, Lang J, Lesca J, Monnot J: Optimal Reallocation under Additive and Ordinal Preferences, In: AAMAS '16 International Conference on Autonomous Agents & Multiagent Systems . Singapore, Szingapúr, 2016.05.09-2016.05.13. Kiadvány: 2016. pp. 401-410., 2016 | Biró P, Fleiner T: Fractional solutions for capacitated NTU-games, with applications to stable matchings, DISCRETE OPTIM 22: (Part A) 241-254, 2016 | Biró P, Fleiner T, Irwing RW: Matching couples with Scarf’s algorithm, ANN MATH ARTIF INTEL 77: (3) 303-316, 2016 | Biró P, Iñarra E, Molis E: A new solution concept for the roommate problem, MATH SOC SCI 79: 74-82, 2016 | Biró P, McBride I: Integer programming methods for special college admissions problems, In: Zhang Z, Wu L, Xu W, Du D-Z (szerk.) (szerk.) Combinatorial optimization and applications: 8th International Conference, COCOA 2014, Wailea, Maui, HI, USA, December 19-21, 2014, Proceedings. Cham (Németország): Springer-Verlag Wien, 2014. pp. 429-443. (Lecture notes in computer science; 8881.), 2014 | Peter Biro, David Manlove, Iain McBride: The Hospitals / Residents Problem with Couples: Complexity and Integer Programming Models, In Proceedings of SEA 2014: the 13th International Symposium on Experimental Algorithms, volume 8504 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 10-21, Springer, 2014, 2014 | Peter Biro, Iain McBride: Integer programming methods for special college admissions problems, To appear in the proceedings of COCOA 2014: the 8th Annual International Conference on Combinatorial Optimization and Applications, LNCS, Springer, 2014 | Péter Biró, Elena Inarra, Elena Molis: A new solution for the roommate problem: Q-stable matchings, CERS-HAS Discussion Papers, MT-DP-2014/22, 2014 | Peter Biro, Tamas Fleiner: Fractional solutions for NTU-games, with applications to stable matchings, Discrete Optimization, 2015 | Péter Biró, Walter Kern, Daniel Paulusma, Péter Wojuteczky: Stable Fixtures Problem with Payments, Proceedings of the 41st International Workshop, WG 2015, LNCS, 2015 | Peter Biro, Elena Inarra and Elena Molis: A new solution for the roommate problem: The Q-stable matchings, Mathematical Social Sciences 79:74-82, 2016 | Peter Biro, Tamas Fleiner, Rob Irving: Matching couples with Scarf's algorithm, Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence, 77(3):303-316, 2016 | H. Aziz, P. Biro, J. Lang. J. Lesca, and J. Monnot: Optimal Reallocation under Additive and Ordinal Preferences, To appear in Proceedings of AAMAS 2016, 2016 | H. Aziz, P. Biro, S. Gaspers, R. de Haan, N. Mattei and B. Rastegari: Stable Matching with Uncertain Linear Preferences, To appear in the proceedings of SAGT 2016, 2016 |





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