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Ágnes Révész, Tibor András Rokob, Dany Jeanne Dit Fouque, Lilla Turiák, Antony Memboeuf, Károly Vékey, László Drahos: Selection of collision energies in proteomics mass spectrometry experiments for best peptide identification: study of Mascot score energy dependence reveals double optimum, Journal of Proteome Research 17, 1898-1906, 2018 | Bazso FL, Ozohanics O, Schlosser G, Ludanyi K, Vekey K, Drahos L: Quantitative Comparison of Tandem Mass Spectra Obtained on Various Instruments, J AM SOC MASS SPECTR 27: (8) 1357-1365, 2016 | Tóth E., Hevér H., Ozohanics O., Telekes A., Vékey K., Drahos L.: Simple correction improving long-term reproducibility of HPLC-MS, J Mass Spectrom 50, 10 1130-1135, 2015 | Acs. A,; Ozohanics O. ,Vekey K., Drahos L., Turiak, L.: Distinguishing Core and Antenna Fucosylated Glycopeptides Based on Low-Energy Tandem Mass Spectra, Anal. Chem. 90, 12776-12782, 2018 | Rondeau D, Drahos L, Vekey K: Internal energy distribution in electrospray ionization: Towards the evaluation of a thermal-like distribution from the multiple-collision model, RAPID COMMUN MASS SP 28: (11) 1273-1284, 2014 | Turiák, Lilla; Ozohanics, Oliver; Tóth, Gábor; Ács, András; Révész, Ágnes; Vékey, Károly; Telekes, András; Drahos, László: High sensitivity proteomics of prostate cancer tissue microarrays to discriminate between healthy and cancerous tissue, Journal of Proteomics doi: 10.1016/j.jprot.2018.11.009. [Epub ahead of print], 2018 | Rondeau D, Drahos L, Vekey K: Internal energy distribution in electrospray ionization: Towards the evaluation of a thermal-like distribution from the multiple-collision model, RAPID COMMUN MASS SP 28: (11) 1273-1284, 2014 | Tóth Eszter, Hevér Helga, Ozohanics Oliver, Telekes András, Vékey Károly, Drahos László: Simple correction improving long-term reproducibility of HPLC-MS, J MASS SPECTROM 50: (10) 1130-1135, 2015 | Hevér H., Tóth E, Ozohanics O., Telekes A., Vékey K., Drahos L.: Correcting Long-term Drifts in HPLC-MS, 10th Balaton Symposium, Sept 2-4, 2015, Siófok, Hungary, 2015 | Bazso FL, Ozohanics O, Schlosser G, Ludanyi K, Vekey K, Drahos L: Quantitative Comparison of Tandem Mass Spectra Obtained on Various Instruments, J AM SOC MASS SPECTR 27: (8) 1357-1365, 2016 | Bazso FL, Ozohanics O, Schlosser G, Ludanyi K, Vekey K, Drahos L: Quantitative Comparison of Tandem Mass Spectra Obtained on Various Instruments, 34th IMMS Books of Abstracts, 2016 | Ágnes Révész, Tibor András Rokob, Dany Jeanne Dit Fouque, Lilla Turiák, Antony Memboeuf, Károly Vékey, László Drahos: Selection of collision energies in proteomics mass spectrometry experiments for best peptide identification: study of Mascot score energy dependence reveals double optimu, Journal of Proteome Research (under review), 2019 | Turiák, Lilla; Ozohanics, Oliver; Tóth, Gábor; Ács, András; Révész, Ágnes; Vékey, Károly; Telekes, András; Drahos, László: High sensitivity proteomics of prostate cancer tissue microarrays to discriminate between healthy and cancerous tissue, Journal of Proteome Research (Under review), 2019 | Ágnes Révész, Tibor András Rokob, Dany Jeanne Dit Fouque, Lilla Turiák, Antony Memboeuf, Károly Vékey and László Drahos: Selection of Collision Energies in Tandem Mass Spectrometry Based Proteomics, 12th Central and Eastern European Proteomic Conference, Bucharest, Romania, 2018 | Ágnes Révész, Tibor András Rokob, Dany Jeanne Dit Fouque*, Lilla Turiák, Antony Memboeuf,* Károly Vékey and László Drahos: Tuning Mass Spectrometric Proteomics Experiments: Collision Energy Dependence of Mascot Score, 22nd INTERNATIONAL MASS SPECTROMETRY CONFERENCE (IMSC), Florence, Italy, 2018 | Károly Vékey, Fanni Bazsó, Ágnes Gömöry, Oliver Ozohanics, Lilla Turiák, László Drahos: Energy resolved MS/MS of Leucin Enkephalin, 34th IMMS, Fiera di Primiero, Italy, 2016 |





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