M-ERA.NET: Hybrid Materials for Low Cost Volatile Organic Compound Sensor System  részletek

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Vezető kutató Kukovecz Ákos
magyar cím M-ERA.NET: Hybrid Materials for Low Cost Volatile Organic Compound Sensor System
Angol cím M-ERA.NET: Hybrid Materials for Low Cost Volatile Organic Compound Sensor System
magyar kulcsszavak hybrid material, sensor
angol kulcsszavak hybrid material, sensor
megadott besorolás
Fizikai kémia és elméleti kémia (Műszaki és Természettudományok Kollégiuma)100 %
Ortelius tudományág: Felületi rétegek kémiája
zsűri Kémia 1
Kutatóhely Alkalmazott és Környezeti Kémiai Tanszék (Szegedi Tudományegyetem)
résztvevők Haspel Henrik
Kónya Zoltán
Kozma Gábor
Madarász Dániel
Pusztai Péter
projekt kezdete 2013-09-01
projekt vége 2016-08-31
aktuális összeg (MFt) 17.501
FTE (kutatóév egyenérték) 3.06
állapot lezárult projekt
magyar összefoglaló
A kutatás összefoglalója, célkitűzései szakemberek számára
Itt írja le a kutatás fő célkitűzéseit a témában jártas szakember számára.

Novel hybrid materials made from polymers and nanoparticles will be developed to make low cost (<150 EUR) mobile volatile organic compounds (VOCs) sensor system. Currently, the photo ionization detector is the most widely used VOC sensor to detect the VOC in environment. However, it is not reliable to detect aromatic compounds and in humid environment. Furthermore, it can only do quantitative measurement at relatively low concentration by environmental specialist and it is in high cost >1,500EUR. The proposed program uses the hybrid materials that can fabricate the VOC sensor easily through solution printing process. The detecting principle is based on the changes of optical properties of hydrophoblic hybrid material upon VOCs explosive which can determine all kinds of VOCs in type and quantity without any sensitivity toward humidity. We have done the proof of concept to detect the VOCs below their explosive limits. With the innovations in material development and processing, signal detection, data acquisition, display, we expect to make the VOC sensor system that has similar size and warning function like the smoke detector to protect human from harzdous enviroment exposure and to prevent any caulty occurring.

Mi a kutatás alapkérdése?
Ebben a részben írja le röviden, hogy mi a kutatás segítségével megválaszolni kívánt probléma, mi a kutatás kiinduló hipotézise, milyen kérdéseket válaszolnak meg a kísérletek.

We will develop a new VOC sensor system.

Mi a kutatás jelentősége?
Röviden írja le, milyen új perspektívát nyitnak az alapkutatásban az elért eredmények, milyen társadalmi hasznosíthatóságnak teremtik meg a tudományos alapját. Mutassa be, hogy a megpályázott kutatási területen lévő hazai és a nemzetközi versenytársaihoz képest melyek az egyediségei és erősségei a pályázatának!

The new system will be able to detect VOC's using a mobile and affordable unit.

A kutatás összefoglalója, célkitűzései laikusok számára
Ebben a fejezetben írja le a kutatás fő célkitűzéseit alapműveltséggel rendelkező laikusok számára. Ez az összefoglaló a döntéshozók, a média, illetve az érdeklődők tájékoztatása szempontjából különösen fontos az NKFI Hivatal számára.

We are proposing to develop low cost, high sensitivity, mobile volatile organic compound (VOC) sensor system that can be easily installed and used in home, laboratory, factory to provide better living environment and protect human from VOC exposure and explosion. Volatile organic compound means any organic compound having an initial boiling point less than or equal to 250°C measured at a standard pressure of 101,3 kPa (Directive 2008/50/EC). The system can detect and monitor any excess harmful VOC in the environment and send out warning signals to alert people through visible and/or audible alarm; smart cell phone or computer message (Directive 2004/42/EC).
angol összefoglaló
Summary of the research and its aims for experts
Describe the major aims of the research for experts.

Novel hybrid materials made from polymers and nanoparticles will be developed to make low cost (<150 EUR) mobile volatile organic compounds (VOCs) sensor system. Currently, the photo ionization detector is the most widely used VOC sensor to detect the VOC in environment. However, it is not reliable to detect aromatic compounds and in humid environment. Furthermore, it can only do quantitative measurement at relatively low concentration by environmental specialist and it is in high cost >1,500EUR. The proposed program uses the hybrid materials that can fabricate the VOC sensor easily through solution printing process. The detecting principle is based on the changes of optical properties of hydrophoblic hybrid material upon VOCs explosive which can determine all kinds of VOCs in type and quantity without any sensitivity toward humidity. We have done the proof of concept to detect the VOCs below their explosive limits. With the innovations in material development and processing, signal detection, data acquisition, display, we expect to make the VOC sensor system that has similar size and warning function like the smoke detector to protect human from harzdous enviroment exposure and to prevent any caulty occurring.

What is the major research question?
Describe here briefly the problem to be solved by the research, the starting hypothesis, and the questions addressed by the experiments.

We will develop a new VOC sensor system.

What is the significance of the research?
Describe the new perspectives opened by the results achieved, including the scientific basics of potential societal applications. Please describe the unique strengths of your proposal in comparison to your domestic and international competitors in the given field.

The new system will be able to detect VOC's using a mobile and affordable unit.

Summary and aims of the research for the public
Describe here the major aims of the research for an audience with average background information. This summary is especially important for NRDI Office in order to inform decision-makers, media, and others.

We are proposing to develop low cost, high sensitivity, mobile volatile organic compound (VOC) sensor system that can be easily installed and used in home, laboratory, factory to provide better living environment and protect human from VOC exposure and explosion. Volatile organic compound means any organic compound having an initial boiling point less than or equal to 250°C measured at a standard pressure of 101,3 kPa (Directive 2008/50/EC). The system can detect and monitor any excess harmful VOC in the environment and send out warning signals to alert people through visible and/or audible alarm; smart cell phone or computer message (Directive 2004/42/EC).



kutatási eredmények (magyarul)
Ez a kutatás a M-ERA.NET "VOCSENSOR" projekt hazai implementációjára irányult. A nemzetközi konzorcium tagjaként a Szegedi Tudományegyetem feladatai a következők voltak: (i) nanorészecskék előállítása, jellemzése és partnereink rendelkezésére bocsátása, (ii) fluid-szilárd kölcsönhatások vizsgálata, (iii) direkt szenzorikai mérések. Új eredményeinket konkrétan a következő területeken értük el: szén nanocsövek hálózatainak és folyadékcseppek kölcsönhatásának vizsgálata, titanát nanoszálak előállítása és módosítása, zéró vegyértékű vas nanorészecskék előállítása és hasznosítása, titanát és CePO4 nanoszálak nedvességtartalom-függő elektromos vezetési tulajdonságainak feltárása. Maga a VOCSENSOR projekt egy működő prototípus eszköz építésével sikeresen lezárult 2016 nyarán.
kutatási eredmények (angolul)
The objective of this research was the Hungarian implementation of the M-ERA.NET "VOCSENSOR" project. As a member of this international consortium, the University of Szeged was responsible for the following research areas: (i) synthesis and characterization of nanoparticles to be used by our consortial partners, (ii) investigations on fluid-solid interface phenomena, (iii) direct sensorics measurements. Our new results were mainly clustered around the following themes: interaction of carbon nanotube networks with sessile liquid droplets, synthesis and characterization of titanate nanowires, synthesis and utilization of zero valent iron nanoparticles, uncovering the humidity-dependent electrical conductivity of CePO4 and titanate nanowires. The whole VOCSENSOR project was successfully concluded in Summer 2016 by the creation of the working prototype demonstrator unit.
a zárójelentés teljes szövege https://www.otka-palyazat.hu/download.php?type=zarobeszamolo&projektid=110676
döntés eredménye



Buchholcz Balazs, Haspel Henrik, Kukovecz Akos, Konya Zoltan: Low temperature conversion of titanate nanotubes into nitrogen-doped TiO2 nanoparticles, CRYSTENGCOMM 16: (32) 7486-7492, 2014
Haspel Henrik, Bugris Valéria, Kukovecz Ákos: Water-Induced Changes in the Charge-Transport Dynamics of Titanate Nanowires, LANGMUIR 30: (8) 1977-1984, 2014
Haspel Henrik, Peintler Gábor, Kukovecz Ákos: Dynamic origin of the surface conduction response in adsorption-induced electrical processes, CHEM PHYS LETT 607: 1-4, 2014
Kerkez Djurdja V, Tomašević Dragana D, Kozma Gábor, Bečelić-Tomin Milena R, Prica Miljana Dj, Rončević Srdjan D, Kukovecz Ákos, Dalmacija Božo D, Kónya Zoltán: Three different clay-supported nanoscale zero-valent iron materials for industrial azo dye degradation: A comparative study, J TAIWAN INST CHEM E 2014: 1, 2014
Kiss J, Pusztai P, Óvári L, Baán K, Merza G, Erdőhelyi A, Kukovecz Á, Kónya Z: Decoration of titanate nanowires and nanotubes by gold nanoparticles: XPS, HRTEM and XRD characterization, E-J SURF SCI NANOTECH 12: 252-258, 2014
Malikov EY, Muradov MB, Akperov OH, Eyvazova GM, Puskás R, Madarász D, Nagy L, Kukovecz Á, Kónya Z: Synthesis and characterization of polyvinyl alcohol based multiwalled carbon nanotu be nanocomposites, PHYSICA E 61: 129-134, 2014
Tomašević DD, Kozma G, Kerkez DjV, Dalmacija BD, Dalmacija MB, Bečelić-Tomin MR, Kukovecz Á, Kónya Z, Rončević S: Toxic metal immobilization in contaminated sediment using bentonite- and kaolinite-supported nano zero-valent iron, J NANOPART RES 16: (8) , 2014
Jasmina Zbiljić, Olga Vajdle, Valéria Guzsvány, Zoltán Kónya, Ákos Kukovecz, Božo Dalmacija, Kurt Kalcher: Carbon Paste Electrodes Bulk-Modified with Carbon Nanotubes and Chemically Oxidized Carbon Nanotubes for the Determination of Hydrogen Peroxide, Sensing in Electroanalysis, Vol. 8 (K. Kalcher, R. Metelka, I. Švancara, K. Vytřas; Eds.), pp. 195−211. 2013/2014 University Press Centre, Pardubice, Czech Republiic, 2014
Zoltán Győri, Zoltán Kónya, Ákos Kukovecz: Visible light activation photocatalytic performance of PbSe quantum dot sensitized TiO2 Nanowires, Applied Catalysis B - Environmental 179 (2015) 583-588., 2015
Sanja Panić, Dušan Rakić, Valéria Guzsvány, Erne Kiss, Goran Boskovic, Zoltán Kónya, Ákos Kukovecz: Optimization of thiamethoxam adsorption parameters using multi-walled carbon nanotubes by means of fractional factorial design, Chemosphere 141 (2015) 87-93., 2015
Péter Pusztai, Henrik Haspel, Ildikó Y. Tóth, Etelka Tombácz, Krisztina László, Ákos Kukovecz, Zoltán Kónya: Structure-Independent Proton Transport in Cerium(III) Phosphate Nanowires, ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces 7 (2015) 9947-9956., 2015
Melek Cumbul Altay, Elvin Y. Malikov, Goncha M. Eyvazova, Mustafa B. Muradov, Oktay H. Akperov, Robert Puskás, Dániel Madarász, Zoltán Kónya, Ákos Kukovecz: Facile synthesis of CuS nanoparticles deposited on polymer nanocomposite foam and their effects on microstructural and optical properties, European Polymer Journal 68 (2015) 47-56., 2015
Jhih-Fong Lin, Olli Pitkänen, Jani Mäklin, Robert Puskas, Akos Kukovecz, Aron Dombovari, Geza Toth, Krisztian Kordas: Synthesis of tungsten carbide and tungsten disulfide on vertically aligned multi-walled carbon nanotube forests and their application as non-Pt electrocatalysts for the h, Journal of Materials Chemistry A 3 (2015) 14609-14616., 2015
Krisztián Kordás, Melinda Mohl, Zoltán Kónya, Ákos Kukovecz: Layered titanate nanostructures: perspectives for industrial exploitation, Translational Materials Research 2(1) (2015) 015003., 2015
Marijana Kragulj, Jelena Tričković, Ákos Kukovecz, Branislav Jović, Jelena Molnar, Srđan Rončević, Zoltán Kónya, Božo Dalmacija: Adsorption of chlorinated phenols on multiwalled carbon nanotubes, RSC Advances 5 (2015) 24920-24929., 2015
Gábor Schuszter, Erzsébet-Sára Bogya, Dezső Horváth, Ágota Tóth, Henrik Haspel, Ákos Kukovecz: Liquid droplet evaporation from buckypaper: on the fundamental properties of the evaporation profile, Microporous and Mesoporous Materials 209 (2015) 105-112., 2015
P. Pusztai, R. Puskás, E. Varga, A. Erdőhelyi, Á. Kukovecz, Z. Kónya, J. Kiss: Influence of gold additives on the stability and phase transformation of titanate nanostructures, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 16 (2014) 26786-26797., 2014
Jhih-Fong Lin, Melinda Mohl, Mikko Nelo, Geza Toth, Ákos Kukovecz, Zoltán Kónya, Srividya Sridhar, Robert Vajtai, Pulickel M. Ajayan, Wei-Fang Su, Heli Jantunen, Krisztian Kordas: Facile synthesis of nanostructured carbon materials over RANEY® nickel catalyst films printed on Al2O3 and SiO2 substrates, Journal of Materials Chemistry C 3 (2015) 1823-1829., 2015
E.Y. Malikov, M.C. Altay, M.B. Muradov, O.H. Akperov, G.M. Eyvazova, R. Puskás, D. Madarász, Á. Kukovecz, Z. Kónya: Synthesis and characterization of CdS nanoparticle based multiwall carbon nanotube–maleic anhydride–1-octene nanocomposites, Physica E 69 (2015) 212-218., 2015
Sandra Cerovac, Valéria Guzsvány, Zoltán Kónya, Amir M. Ashrafi, Ivan Švancara, Srđan Rončević, Ákos Kukovecz, Božo Dalmacija, Karel Vytřas: Trace level volammetric determination of lead and cadmium in sediment pore water by a bismuth-oxychloride particle - multiwalled carbon nanotube composite modified glassy, Talanta 134 (2015) 640-649., 2015
Zoltán Győri, Zoltán Kónya, Ákos Kukovecz: Visible Light Induced Photocatalytic Activity of TiO2 Nanowires Photosensitized with CdSe Quantum Dots, Reaction Kinetics, Mechanisms and Catalysis 115 (2015) 143-157., 2015
Zoltán Győri, Zoltán Kónya, Ákos Kukovecz: Synthesis and Characterization of Composition-gradient Based CdxZn1-xSeyS1-y Heterostructured Quantum Dots, Reaction Kinetics, Mechanisms and Catalysis 115 (2015) 129-141., 2015
P. Pusztai, Á. Kukovecz, Z. Kónya: Green synthesis of biomimetic CePO4:Tb nanostructures using the simplest morphology control, RSC Advances 4 (2014) 49879-49887., 2014
László Vanyorek, Ferenc Kristály, Andrea Mihalkó, Olivér Bánhidi, Ákos Kukovecz, Zoltán Kónya, János Lakatos: Synthesis and 1-butene hydrogenation activity of platinum decorated bamboo-shaped multiwall carbon nanotubes, Reaction Kinetics, Mechanisms and Catalysis, (doi:10.​1007/​s11144-015-0906-4), 2015
Vijay Kumar, Henrik Haspel, Krisztina Nagy, Amit Rawald, Akos Kukovecz: Leveraging compressive stresses to attenuate the electrical resistivity of buckypaper, Carbon 110 (2016) 62-68., 2016
Kukovecz, Ákos Kordás, Krisztián Kiss, János Kónya, Zoltán: Atomic Scale Characterization and Surface Chemistry of Metal Modifided Titanate Nanotubes and Nanowires, Surface Science Reports 71 (2016) 473-546., 2016
Bogya, Erzsébet Sára Szilágyi, Botond Kukovecz, Ákos: Surface pinning explains the low heat transfer coefficient between water and a carbon nanotube film, Carbon, 2016
Alene, Georgies Dombovari, Aron Sipola, Teemu Puskás, Robert Kukovecz, Akos Kónya, Zoltán Popov, Alexey Lin, Jhih-Fong Lorite, Gabriela S. Mohl, Melinda Toth, Geza Lloyd-Spetz, Anita Kordas, Krisztian: A novel WS2 nanowire-nanoflake hybrid material synthesized from WO3 nanowires in sulfur vapor, http://www.nature.com/articles/srep25610, 2016
Kozma Gábor, Puskás Róbert, Papp Ibolya Zita, Bélteky Péter, Kónya Zoltán, Kukovecz Ákos: Experimental validation of the Burgio-Rojac model of planetary ball milling by the length control of multiwall carbon nanotubes, Carbon 105 (2016) 615-621., 2016
Kozma Gábor, Rónavári Andrea, Kónya Zoltán, Kukovecz Ákos: Environmentally Benign Synthesis Methods of Zero-Valent Iron Nanoparticles, ACS Sustainable Chemistry and Engineering 4 (2016) 291-297., 2016
Akperov Oktay H., Muradov Mustafa B., Malikov Elvin Y., Akperov Elchin O., Mammadova Rasmiyya E., Eyvazova Goncha M., Kukovecz Ákos, Kónya Zoltán: Synthesis and characterization of CdS nanocrystals in Maleic anhydride–Octene-1–Vinylbutyl Ether terpolymer matrix, Physica E 81 (2016) 150-155, 2016
Rónavári, Andrea Balázs, Margit Tolmacsov, Péter Molnár, Csaba Kiss, István Kukovecz, Ákos Kónya, Zoltán: Impact of the morphology and reactivity of nanoscale zero-valent iron (NZVI) on dechlorinating bacteria, Water Research 95 (2016) 165-173, 2016
Puskas R., Sápi A., Kukovecz Á., Kónya Z.: Understanding the role of post-CCVD synthetic impurities, functional groups and functionalization-based oxidation debris on the behaviour of carbon nanotubes as a catalyst support in cyclohexene hydrogenation over Pd nanoparticles, RSC Advances 6 (2016) 88538-88545, 2016
Sütő Blanka, Berkó Szilvia, Kozma Gábor, Kukovecz Ákos, Budai-Szűcs Mária, Erős Gábor, Kemény Lajos, Sztojkov-Ivanov Anita, Gáspár Róbert, Csányi Erzsébet: Development of ibuprofen-loaded nanostructured lipid carrier-based gels : characterization and investigation of in vitro and in vivo penetration through the skin, Int. J. Nanomedicine 11 (2016) 1201-1212, 2016


Projekt eseményei

2023-08-09 12:25:45
Kutatóhely váltás
A kutatás helye megváltozott. Korábbi kutatóhely: Alkalmazott KKT (Szegedi Tudományegyetem), Új kutatóhely: Alkalmazott és Környezeti Kémiai Tanszék (Szegedi Tudományegyetem).
2017-02-03 08:03:43
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2014-09-23 10:40:10
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