Ca2+ szignalizáció BRAF-mutáns daganatokban: terápia rezisztencia és gyógyszer kombinációk
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Hegedűs L, Garay T, Molnár E, Varga K, Bilecz A, Török S, Padányi R, Pászty K, Wolf M, Grusch M, Kállay E, Döme B, Berger W, Hegedűs B, Enyedi A: The plasma membrane Ca2+ pump PMCA4b inhibits the migratory and metastatic activity of BRAF mutant melanoma cells, INT J CANCER 140: (12) 2758-2770, 2017 | Luca Hegedüs, Rita Padányi, Judit Molnár, Katalin Pászty, Karolina Varga, István Kenessey, Eszter Sárközy, Matthias Wolf, Michael Grusch, Zoltán Hegyi, László Homolya, Clemens Aigner, Tamás Garay, Balázs Hegedüs, József Tímár, Enikö Kállay, Ágnes Enyedi: Histone deacetylase inhibitor treatment increases the expression of the plasma membrane Ca2+ pump PMCA4b and inhibits migration of melanoma cells independent of ERK, FRONT ONCOL 7: (May) , 2017 | Zambo B, Varady G, Padanyi R, Szabo E, Nemeth A, Lango T, Enyedi A, Sarkadi B: Decreased calcium pump expression in human erythrocytes is connected to a minor haplotype in the ATP2B4 gene., CELL CALCIUM 65: 73-79, 2017 | Rita Padányi, Katalin Pászty, Luca Hegedűs, Karolina Varga, Béla Papp, John T Penniston, Ágnes Enyedi: Multifaceted plasma membrane Ca2+ pumps: From structure to intracellular Ca2+ handling and cancer, BBA-MOL CELL RES 1863: (6) 1351-1363, 2016 | Pászty K, Caride AJ, Bajzer Ž, Offord CP, Padányi R, Hegedus L, Varga K, Strehler EE, Enyedi A: Plasma membrane Ca2+-ATPases can shape the pattern of Ca2+ transients induced by store-operated Ca2+ entry, SCI SIGNAL 8: (364) , 2015 | Pászty K, Caride AJ, Bajzer Ž, Offord CP, Padányi R, Hegedus L, Varga K, Strehler EE, Enyedi A: Plasma membrane Ca2+-ATPases can shape the pattern of Ca2+ transients induced by store-operated Ca2+ entry, SCI SIGNAL 8: (364) , 2015 | Hegedus L, Garay T, Molnar E, Varga K, Grusch M, Kallay E, Hegedus B, Enyedi A: The role of the plasma membrane Ca2+ pump PMCA4b in Ca2+ homeostasis and migration of BRAF mutant melanoma cells, 13th International Meeting of the European Calcium Society.13-17 September 2014, Aix-en-Provence, France., 2014 | Hegedus L, Garay T, Molnar E, Varga K, Grusch M, Kallay E, Hegedus B, Enyedi A: The plasma membrane Ca2+ pump PMCA4b inhibits the migratory and metastatic activity of BRAF mutant melanoma cells, European Calcium Society´s (ECS) Workshop. June 21 – 24. in Domaine de Seillac, France, 2015 | Padanyi R, Paszty K, Hegedus L, Varga K, Papp B, Penniston JT, Enyedi A: Multifaceted plasma membrane Ca pumps: From structure to intracellular Ca handling and cancer., BBA-MOL CELL RES &: &, 2015 | Enyedi A: Plasma membrane Ca2+ ATPase PMCA in cancer., 6th European Calcium Society workshop. 21-24 June 2015, Seillac, France., 2015 | Enyedi A: Ca2+ signaling in BRAF mutant melanoma., Semmelweis Symposium. 2015. november 5-6., Budapest, 2015 | Padányi R, PennistonJT, Pászty K,Varga K, Hegedűs L, Enyedi Á.: The plasma membrane Ca2+ATPase can regulate Ca2+ signaling by controlling phosphatidylinositol-4,5-bisphosphate level., Hungarian Molecular LifeSciences.27-29 March 2015, Eger, Hungary.Book of Abstracts p. 246, 2015 | Varga K, Hegedűs L, Pászty K, Padányi R, Papp B, Enyedi A: Expression of calcium pumps in breast tumor cell lines having different genetic backgrounds during histone deacetylase inhibitor treatments., 6th European Calcium Society workshop. 21-24 June 2015, Seillac, France., 2015 | Hegedus L, Garay T, Molnar E, Varga K, Bilecz A, Torok S, Padanyi R, Paszty K, Wolf M, Grusch M, Kallay E, Dome B, Berger W, Hegedus B, Enyedi A: The plasma membrane Ca2+ pump PMCA4b inhibits the migratory and metastatic activity of BRAF mutant melanoma cells., INT J CANCER &: &, 2017 | Zambo B, Varady G, Padanyi R, Szabo E, Nemeth A, Lango T, Enyedi A, Sarkadi B: Decreased calcium pump expression in human erythrocytes is connected to a minor haplotype in the ATP2B4 gene., CELL CALCIUM Epub ahead of print: , 2017 | Rita Padányi, Katalin Pászty, Luca Hegedűs, Karolina Varga, Béla Papp, John T Penniston, Ágnes Enyedi: Multifaceted plasma membrane Ca2+ pumps: From structure to intracellular Ca2+ handling and cancer, BBA-MOL CELL RES 1863: (6) 1351-1363, 2016 | Pászty K, Caride AJ, Bajzer Ž, Offord CP, Padányi R, Hegedus L, Varga K, Strehler EE, Enyedi A: Plasma membrane Ca2+-ATPases can shape the pattern of Ca2+ transients induced by store-operated Ca2+ entry, SCI SIGNAL 8: (364) , 2015 | Ribiczey P, Papp B, Homolya L, Enyedi A, Kovacs T: Selective upregulation of the expression of plasma membrane calcium ATPase isoforms upon differentiation and 1,25(OH)D-vitamin treatment of colon cancer cells., BIOCHEM BIOPH RES CO 464: 189-194, 2015 | Szebenyi K, Furedi A, Kolacsek O, Csohany R, Prokai A, Kis-Petik K, Szabo A, Bosze Z, Bender B, Tovari J, Enyedi A, Orban TI, Apati A, Sarkadi B: Visualization of Calcium Dynamics in Kidney Proximal Tubules., J AM SOC NEPHROL 26: (11) 2731-2740, 2015 | Szebenyi K, Füredi A, Kolacsek O, Pergel E, Bosze Z, Bender B, Vajdovich P, Tovari J, Homolya L, Szakacs G, Heja L, Enyedi A, Sarkadi B, Apati A, Orban TI: Generation of a Homozygous Transgenic Rat Strain Stably Expressing a Calcium Sensor Protein for Direct Examination of Calcium Signaling, SCI REP 5: , 2015 |
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