Flavonoidok széles spektrumú és ROS specifikus antioxidáns képességének összehasonlító vizsgálata, és szerepük a csemegeszőlő biológiai értékének UV fénnyel történő utólagos (post-harvest) javításában
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Csepregi K, Kőrösi L, Teszlák P, Hideg É: Postharvest UV-A and UV-B treatments may cause a transient decrease in grape berry skin flavonol-glycoside contents and total antioxidant capacities., Phytochemistry Letters 31: 63-68., 2019 | Csepregi K, Hideg É: Phenolic compound diversity explored in the context of photo-oxidative stress protection, Phytochemical Analysis 29, 129-136, 2018 | Rácz A, Hideg É, Czégény Gy: Selective responses of class III plant peroxidase isoforms to environmentally relevant UV-B doses, Journal of Plant Physiology 221, 101-106, 2018 | Hideg É, Czégény Gy, Majer P, Mátai A, Dér A, Sándor Gy, Dix PJ, Strid Å: Plant responses to UV - hydrogen peroxide in new light, 16th Congress of The European Society of Photobiology, Aveiro Portugal, Programme Book of Abstracts, p.95, 2015 | Mátai A, Hideg É, Czégény Gy: Detecting hydrogen peroxide in tobacco leaves responding to light stress, 16th Congress of The European Society of Photobiology, Aveiro Portugal, Programme Book of Abstracts, p.150, 2015 | Csepregi K, Hideg É: Plant leaf polyphenols as antioxidants - versatilities of photometric total antioxidant capacity assays in plant physiology, 9th ISANH Word Congress on Polyphenol Applications, StJulian's Malta, Abstract Book p.112, ISBN: 978-2-35609-073-7, 2015 | Czégény Gy, Mátai A, Hideg É: UV-B effects on leaves – oxidative stress and acclimation in controlled environments., Plant Science 248, 57-63, 2016 | Csepregi K, Hideg É: A novel procedure to assess the non-enzymatic hydrogen-peroxide antioxidant capacity of metabolites with high UV absorption., Acta Biologica Hungarica 67, 447–450, 2016 | Csepregi K, Neugart S, Schreiner M, Hideg É: Comparative evaluation of total antioxidant capacities of plant polyphenols., Molecules, 21, 208., 2016 | Hideg É, Czégény Gy, Mátai A, Csepregi K, Majer, P: The role of antioxidants in acclimation to UV-B., 1st Network Meeting of UV4Plants, International Association for Plant UV Research Abstract Book. p.22. ISBN: 978-963-429-048-3, 2016 | Czégény Gy, Majer P, Pávkovics D, Ayaydin F, Dix PJ, Hideg É: The role of chloroplast hydrogen peroxide neutralization in the acclimation of leaves to supplementary UV., 1st Network Meeting of UV4Plants, International Association for Plant UV Research Abstract Book. p.23. ISBN: 978-963-429-048-3, 2016 | Mátai A, Rácz A, Czégény Gy, Hideg É: Balancing between H2O2 generation and neutralisation during acclimation to UV-B, 1st Network Meeting of UV4Plants, International Association for Plant UV Research Abstract Book. p.51. ISBN: 978-963-429-048-3, 2016 | Rácz A, Czégény Gy, Hideg É: Comparison of three assays measuring horseradish peroxidase activities in UV-B exposed tobacco leaves, 1st Network Meeting of UV4Plants, International Association for Plant UV Research Abstract Book. p.54. ISBN: 978-963-429-048-3, 2016 | Hideg É, Csepregi K, Neugart S, Schreiner M: Possible roles of leaf polyphenols in acclimation to light-stress, Abstracts of PBE EPSO/FESPB 2016 Congress, ID283, 2016 | Czégény Gy, Majer P, Pávkovics D, Dix PJ, Hideg É: Acclimation to UV-B is orchestrated by peroxidase enzymes, Abstracts of PBE EPSO/FESPB 2016 Congress, ID348, 2016 | Csepregi K, Coffey A, Cunningham N, Hideg É, Jansen MAK: Developmental age and UV-B exposure co-determine antioxidant capacity and flavonol accumulation in Arabidopsis leaves., Environmental and Experimental Botany 140, 19-25., 2017 | Csepregi K, Hideg É: Phenolic compound diversity explored in the context of photo-oxidative stress protection., Phytochemical Analysis doi: 10.1002/pca.2720, 2017 | Castagna A, Csepregi K, Neugart S, Zipoli G, Večeřová K, Jakab G, Jug T, Llorens L, Martínez-Abaigar J, Martínez-Lüscher J, Núñez-Olivera N, Ranieri A, Schoedl-Hummel K, Schreiner M, Teszlák P, Tittmann S, Urban O, Verdaguer D, Jansen MAK, Hideg É.: Environmental plasticity of Pinot noir grapevine leaves; a trans-European study of morphological and biochemical changes along a 1500 km latitudinal climatic gradient., Plant Cell and Environment 40, 2790-2805., 2017 | Csepregi K, Kőrösi L, Teszlák P, Hideg É: Post-harvest UV treatment changes grapevine berry skin flavonol composition and antioxidant capacities, 17th Congress European Society for Photobiology. Programme and Book of Abstracts, Pisa Italy 4-8 September 2017, p.143, 2017 | Czégény Gy, Strid Å, Hideg É: The importance of antioxidant protection against UV-mediated photoconversion of hydrogen peroxide in plant leaves, 17th Congress European Society for Photobiology. Programme and Book of Abstracts, Pisa Italy 4-8 September 2017, p142, 2017 | Hideg É, Csepregi K, Rácz A, Czégény Gy, Teszlák P, Kőrösi L, Jakab G: How do phenolic compounds contribute to sunlight acclimation of leaves? Potetials and possibilities., 17th Congress European Society for Photobiology. Programme and Book of Abstracts, Pisa Italy 4-8 September 2017, p.56, 2017 | Mátai A, Hideg É: A comparison of colorimetric assays detecting hydrogen peroxide in leaf extracts., Analytical Methods 9, 2357-2360., 2017 | Arnold Rácz, Éva Hideg, Gyula Czégény: Selective responses of class III plant peroxidase isoforms to environmentally relevant UV-B doses, J PLANT PHYSIOL 221: 101-106, 2018 | Csepregi Kristóf, Hideg Éva: Phenolic Compound Diversity Explored in the Context of Photo-Oxidative Stress Protection, Phytochemical Analysis 29, 129-136, 2018 | Czégény Gy, Kőrösi L, Strid Å, Hideg É: Antioxidant and more - The role of vitamin B6 in plant UV-acclimation, 2019 ESP-IUPB Word Congress Book of Abstracts, p.447, 2019 |





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