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Deák B: Természet és történelem - A kurgánok szerepe a sztyeppi vegetáció megőrzésében, Ökológiai Mezőgazdasági Kutatóintézet, Budapest, 152 pp., 2018 | Deák B, Valkó O, Török P, Kelemen A, Bede Á, Csathó AI, Tóthmérész B.: Landscape and habitat and filters jointly drive richness and abundance of grassland specialist plants in terrestrial habitat islands, Landscape Ecology 33: 1117-1132., 2018 | Deák B, Valkó O, Török P, Tóthmérész B: Factors threatening grassland specialist plants - A multi-proxy study on the vegetation of isolated grasslands, BIOL CONSERV 204: 255-262, 2016 | Deák, B., Tóthmérész, B., Valkó, O., Sudnik-Wójcikowska, B., Bragina, T.-M., Moysiyenko, I., Apostolova, I., Bykov, N., Dembicz, I., Török, P.: Cultural monuments and nature conservation: The role of kurgans in maintaining steppe vegetation, Biodiversity & Conservation 25: 2473–2490., 2016 | Deák B, Hüse B, Tóthmérész B: Grassland vegetation in urban habitats – testing ecological theories, TUEXENIA 36: 379-393, 2016 | Alexander C, Deák B, Heilmeier H: Micro-topography driven vegetation patterns in open mosaiclandscapes, ECOL INDIC 60: 906-920, 2016 | Torma, A., Császár, P., Bozsó, M., Deák, B., Valkó, O., Kiss, O., Gallé, R.: Species and functional diversity of arthropod assemblages (Araneae, Carabidae, Heteroptera and Orthoptera) in grazed and mown salt grasslands., Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 273: 70-79., 2019 | Tölgyesi, C., Valkó, O., Deák, B., Kelemen, A., Bragina, T. M., Gallé, R., Erdős, L., Bátori, Z.: Tree–herb co-existence and community assembly in natural forest-steppe transitions., Plant Ecology and Diversity doi: 10.1080/17550874.2018.1544674, 2018 | Deák, B., Becker, T., Boch, S., Wagner, V.: Conservation, management and restoration of semi-natural and natural grasslands in Central-Europe – Editorial to the 13th EDGG Special Feature, Tuexenia, 2018 | Sonkoly, J., Deák, B., Valkó, O., Molnár, V.A., Tóthmérész, B., Török, P.: Do rare herbs have large seeds? Seed size - distribution range trade-off hypothesis, Ecology and Evolution, 2017 | Kiss, R., Deák, B., Török, P., Tóthmérész, B., Valkó, O.: Grassland seed bank and community resilience in a changing climate, Restoration Ecology, 2018 | Bátori, Z., Erdős, L., Kelemen, A., Deák, B., Valkó, O., Gallé, R., Bragina, T. M., Kiss, P.J., Kröel-Dulay, G., Tölgyesi, C.: Diversity patterns in sandy forest-steppes – a comparative study from the western and central Palaearctic. Biodiversity and Conservation, Biodiversity and Conservation, 2018 | Tälle, M., Deák, B., Poschlod, P., Valkó, O., Westerberg, L., Milberg, P.: Similar effects of different mowing frequencies on the conservation value of semi-natural grasslands in Europe, Biodiversity and Conservation, 2018 | Végvári Zs, Valkó O, Deák B, Török P, Konyhás S, Tóthmérész B: Effects of land use and wildfires on the habitat selection of Great Bustard (Otis tarda L.) – Implications for species conservation, LAND DEGRAD DEV 27:, 2016 | Valkó O, Deák B, Magura T, Török P, Kelemen A, Tóth K, Horváth R, Nagy D D, Debnár Z, Zsigrai G, Kapocsi I, Tóthmérész B: Supporting biodiversity by prescribed burning in grasslands - a multi-taxa approach, Science of the Total Environment 572: 1377-1384., 2016 | Orsolya Kiss, Béla Tokody, Balázs Deák, Csaba Moskát: Increased landscape heterogeneity supports the conservation of European rollers (Coracias garrulus) in southern Hungary, J NAT CONSERV 29: 97-104, 2016 | Hüse B, Szabó Sz, Deák B, Tóthmérész B: Mapping an ecological network of green habitat patches and their role in maintaining urban biodiversity in and around Debrecen city (Eastern Hungary), LAND USE POLICY 57: 574-581, 2016 | Tälle M, Deák B, Poschlod P, Valkó O, Vesterberg L, Milberg P: Grazing vs. mowing: a meta-analysis of biodiversity benefits for grassland management, AGR ECOSYST ENVIRON 222: 200-212, 2016 | Valkó O, Deák B, Török P, Kelemen A, Miglécz T, Tóthmérész B: Filling up the gaps - Passive restoration does work on linear landscape elements, ECOL ENG 102: 501-508, 2017 | Godó L, Valkó O, Tóthmérész B, Török P, Kelemen A, Deák B: Scale-dependent effects of grazing on the species richness of alkaline and sand grasslands, TUEXENIA 37: 229-246, 2017 | Sonkoly J, Valkó O, Deák B, Miglécz T, Tóth K, Radócz Sz, Kelemen A, Riba M, Vasas G, Tóthmérész B, Török P: A new aspect of grassland vegetation dynamics: Cyanobacterium colonies affect establishment success of plants, J VEG SCI &: &, 2017 | Deák B, Wagner V, Csecserits A, Becker T: Vegetation and conservation of grasslands in Central-Europe – Editorial to the 12th EDGG Special Feature, TUEXENIA 37: 375-378, 2017 | Deák B, Valkó O, Török P, Kelemen A, Bede Á, Csathó AI, Tóthmérész B: Landscape and habitat filters jointly drive richness and abundance of specialist plants in terrestrial habitat islands, LANDSCAPE ECOL 33: (7) pp. 1117-1132., 2018 | Deák B, Tölgyesi C, Kelemen A, Bátori Z, Gallé R, Bragina TM, Abil YA, Valkó O: The effects of micro-habitats and grazing intensity on the vegetation of burial mounds in the Kazakh steppes, PLANT ECOL DIVERS 10: (5-6) pp. 509-520., 2017 | Godó L, Tóthmérész B, Valkó O, Tóth K, Kiss R, Radócz S, Kelemen A, Török P, Švamberková E, Deák B: Ecosystem engineering by foxes is mediated by the landscape context – A case study from steppic burial mounds, ECOL EVOL 8: Paper 15448666., 2018 | Valkó O, Tóth K, Kelemen A, Miglécz T, Radócz S, Sonkoly J, Tóthmérész B, Török P, Deák B: Cultural heritage and biodiversity conservation – Plant introduction and practical restoration on ancient burial mounds, NAT CONSERV 24: pp. 65-80., 2018 | Burai P, Lénárt Cs, Valkó O, Bekő L, Szabó Zs, Deák B: Fátlan vegetációtípusok azonosítása légi hiperspektrális távérzékelési módszerrel, TÁJÖKOLÓGIAI LAPOK 14: (1) 1-12, 2016 | Deák B, Hüse B, Tóthmérész B: Grassland vegetation in urban habitats – testing ecological theories, TUEXENIA 36: 379-393, 2016 | Deák B, Tóthmérész B, Valkó O, Sudnik-Wójcikowska B, Moysieyenko I I, Bragina T M, Apostolova I, Dembicz I, Bykov N I, Török P: Cultural monuments and nature conservation: A review of the role of kurgans in the conservation and restoration of steppe vegetation, BIODIVERS CONSERV &: &, 2016 | Hüse B, Szabó Sz, Deák B, Tóthmérész B: Mapping an ecological network of green habitat patches and their role in maintaining urban biodiversity in and around Debrecen city (Eastern Hungary), LAND USE POLICY 57: 574-581, 2016 | Orsolya Kiss, Béla Tokody, Balázs Deák, Csaba Moskát: Increased landscape heterogeneity supports the conservation of European rollers (Coracias garrulus) in southern Hungary, J NAT CONSERV 29: 97-104, 2016 | Valkó O, Deák B, Magura T, Török P, Kelemen A, Tóth K, Horváth R, Nagy D D, Debnár Z, Zsigrai G, Kapocsi I, Tóthmérész B: Supporting biodiversity by prescribed burning in grasslands - a multi-taxa approach, SCI TOTAL ENVIRON &: &, 2016 | Végvári Zs, Valkó O, Deák B, Török P, Konyhás S, Tóthmérész B: Effects of land use and wildfires on the habitat selection of Great Bustard (Otis tarda L.) – Implications for species conservation, LAND DEGRAD DEV 27:, 2016 | Zlinszky A, Deák B, Kania A, Schroiff A, Pfeifer N: Biodiversity mapping via Natura 2000 conservation status and ebv assessment using airborne laser scanning in alkali grasslands, ISPRS (2002-) XLI-B8: 1293-1299, 2016 | Deák B, Wagner V, Csecserits A, Becker T: Vegetation and conservation of grasslands in Central-Europe – Editorial to the 12th EDGG Special Feature, TUEXENIA 37: 375-378, 2017 | Godó L, Valkó O, Tóthmérész B, Török P, Kelemen A, Deák B: Scale-dependent effects of grazing on the species richness of alkaline and sand grasslands, TUEXENIA 37: 229-246, 2017 | Kelemen A, Tóthmérész B, Valkó O, Miglécz T, Deák B, Török P: Old-field succession revisited - New aspects revealed by trait-based analyses of perennial-crop-mediated succession, ECOL EVOL 7: (7) 2432-2440, 2017 | Sonkoly J, Valkó O, Deák B, Miglécz T, Tóth K, Radócz Sz, Kelemen A, Riba M, Vasas G, Tóthmérész B, Török P: A new aspect of grassland vegetation dynamics: Cyanobacterium colonies affect establishment success of plants, J VEG SCI &: &, 2017 | Valkó O, Deák B, Török P, Kelemen A, Miglécz T, Tóthmérész B: Filling up the gaps - Passive restoration does work on linear landscape elements, ECOL ENG 102: 501-508, 2017 | Alexander C, Deák B, Heilmeier H: Micro-topography driven vegetation patterns in open mosaiclandscapes, ECOL INDIC 60: 906-920, 2016 | Deák B, Tóthmérész B, Valkó O, Sudnik-Wójcikowska B, Moysieyenko I I, Bragina T M, Apostolova I, Dembicz I, Bykov N I, Török P: Cultural monuments and nature conservation: A review of the role of kurgans in the conservation and restoration of steppe vegetation, BIODIVERS CONSERV 25: 2473-2490, 2016 | Deák B, Valkó O, Török P, Tóthmérész B: Factors threatening grassland specialist plants - A multi-proxy study on the vegetation of isolated grasslands, BIOL CONSERV 204: 255-262, 2016 | Tälle M, Deák B, Poschlod P, Valkó O, Vesterberg L, Milberg P: Grazing vs. mowing: a meta-analysis of biodiversity benefits for grassland management, AGR ECOSYST ENVIRON 222: 200-212, 2016 | Valkó O, Deák B, Magura T, Török P, Kelemen A, Tóth K, Horváth R, Nagy D D, Debnár Z, Zsigrai G, Kapocsi I, Tóthmérész B: Supporting biodiversity by prescribed burning in grasslands - a multi-taxa approach, SCI TOTAL ENVIRON 572: 1377-1384, 2016 | Valkó, O., Kelemen, A., Miglécz, T., Török, P., Deák, B., Tóth, K., Tóth, J.P., Tóthmérész, B.: Litter removal does not compensate detrimental fire effects on biodiversity in regularly burned semi-natural grasslands, Science of the Total Environment 622-623: 783-789., 2018 | Sonkoly, J., Kelemen, A., Valkó, O., Deák, B., Kiss, R., Tóth, K., Tóthmérész, B., Török, P.: Both mass ratio effects and community diversity drive biomass production in a grassland experiment, Scientific Reports doi: 10.1038/s41598-018-37190-6, 2019 | Kelemen A, Tóthmérész B, Valkó O, Miglécz T, Deák B, Török P: Old-field succession revisited - New aspects revealed by trait-based analyses of perennial-crop-mediated succession, ECOL EVOL 7: (7) 2432-2440, 2017 |
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