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Közleményjegyzék |
András Sápi, Gyula Halasi, János Kiss, Dorina G Dobó, Koppány L Juhász, Vanessza J Kolcsár, Zsuzsa Ferencz, Gábor Vári, Vladimír Matolin, András Erdőhelyi, Ákos Kukovecz, Zoltán Kónya: In Situ DRIFTS and NAP-XPS Exploration of the Complexity of CO2 Hydrogenation over Size-Controlled Pt Nanoparticles Supported on Mesoporous NiO, The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 122 10 5553-5565; DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpcc.8b00061, 2018 | Mária Szabó, Gyula Halasi, András Sápi, Koppány L. Juhász, János Kiss, Ákos Kukovecz, Zoltán Kónya: Outstanding activity and selectivity of controlled size Pt nanoparticles over WO3 nanowires in ethanol decomposition reaction, Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology - Accepted Manuscript (Accepted in 01/2018), 2018 | András Sápi, Gyula Halasi, András Grósz, János Kiss, Albert Kéri, Gergő Ballai, Gábor Galbács, Ákos Kukovecz, Zoltán Kónya: Designed 4 nm Pt promoted 3D Mesoporous Co3O4 supported catalyst in CO2 hydrogenation, Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology - Accepted Manuscript (Accepted in 01/2018), 2018 | Emőke Sikora, Ádám Prekob, Gyula Halasi, László Vanyorek, Péter Pekker, Ferenc Kristály, Tamás Varga, János Kiss, Zoltán Kónya, Béla Viskolcz: Development and application of carbon layers stabilized nitrogen-doped bamboo like carbon nanotubes catalysts in CO2 hydrogenation, Chemistryopen - Accepted manuscript, 2018 | Gyula Halasi, Andrea Gazsi, Tamás Bánsági, Frigyes Solymosi: Catalytic and photocatalytic reactions of H2+ CO2 on supported Au catalysts, Applied Catalysis A: General 506 (2015) 85-90, 2015 | Anita Tóth, Gyula Halasi, Tamás Bánsági, Frigyes Solymosi: Reactions of propane with CO2 over Au catalysts, Journal of Catalysis 337 (2016) 57-64, 2016 | Gyula Halasi, Anita Toth, Tamas Bansagi, Frigyes Solymosi: Production of H2 in the photocatalytic reactions of ethane on TiO2-supported noble metals, International journal of hydrogen energy 41 (2016) 13485-13492, 2016 | Gyula Halasi, Anita Tóth, Zoltán Kónya, Frigyes Solymosi: Reactions of hydrocarbons with CO2 over supported Au, Poszter, 2016 | Gyula Halasi, Anita Tóth, Tamás Bánsági, Zoltán Kónya, Frigyes Solymosi: Production of H2 in the photocatalytic reactions of ethane on TiO2-supported noble metals, Poszter, 2016 | László Vanyorek, · Gyula Halasi, · Péter Pekker, · Ferenc Kristály, · Zoltán Kónya: Characterization and Catalytic Activity of Different Carbon Supported Pd Nanocomposites, Catalysis Letters , (2016) 146:2268–2277 DOI 10.1007/s10562-016-1857-8, 2016 | András Sápi,*, Dorina G. Dobó, Dániel Sebők, Gyula Halasi, Koppány L. Juhász, Ákos Szamosvölgyi, Péter Pusztai, Erika Varga, Ildikó Kálomista, Gábor Galbács, Ákos Kukovecz, Zoltán Kónya: Silica-Based Catalyst Supports Are Inert, Are They Not?: Striking Differences in Ethanol Decomposition Reaction Originated from Meso- and Surface-Fine-Structure Evidenced, J. Phys. Chem. C, 2017, 121 (9), pp 5130–5136 DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpcc.7b00034, 2017 | Attila Dékány · Enikő Lázár · Bálint Szabó · Viktor Havasi · Gyula Halasi · András Sápi · Ákos Kukovecz · Zoltán Kónya · Kornél Szőri · Gábor London: Exploring Pd/Al2O3 Catalysed Redox Isomerisation of Allyl Alcohol as a Platform to Create Structural Diversity, Catal Lett (2017) 147:1834–1843 DOI 10.1007/s10562-017-2087-4, 2017 | Gyula Halasi, András Sápi, János Kiss , Dorina Dobó, Kornélia Baán, Koppány Juhász, András Erdőhelyi, Vladimir Matolin, Zoltán Kónya: Molecular level exploration of the complexity of hydrogenation of CO2 over size controlled Pt nanoparticles supported on mesoporous NiO by in-situ DRIFTS and NAP-XPS tech, Poszter - ECOSS 33, 2017 | Anita Tóth, Gyula Halasi, Tamás Bánsági, Frigyes Solymosi: Reactions of propane with CO2 over Au catalysts, Journal of Catalysis 337 (2016) 57-64, 2016 | Gyula Halasi, Anita Toth, Tamas Bansagi, Frigyes Solymosi: Production of H2 in the photocatalytic reactions of ethane on TiO2-supported noble metals, International journal of hydrogen energy 41 (2016) 13485-13492, 2016 | András Sápi,*, Dorina G. Dobó, Dániel Sebők, Gyula Halasi, Koppány L. Juhász, Ákos Szamosvölgyi, Péter Pusztai, Erika Varga, Ildikó Kálomista, Gábor Galbács, Ákos Kukovecz, Zoltán Kónya: Silica-Based Catalyst Supports Are Inert, Are They Not?: Striking Differences in Ethanol Decomposition Reaction Originated from Meso- and Surface-Fine-Structure Evidenced, J. Phys. Chem. C, 2017, 121 (9), pp 5130–5136 DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpcc.7b00034, 2017 | Attila Dékány · Enikő Lázár · Bálint Szabó · Viktor Havasi · Gyula Halasi · András Sápi · Ákos Kukovecz · Zoltán Kónya · Kornél Szőri · Gábor London: Exploring Pd/Al2O3 Catalysed Redox Isomerisation of Allyl Alcohol as a Platform to Create Structural Diversity, Catal Lett (2017) 147:1834–1843 DOI 10.1007/s10562-017-2087-4, 2017 |





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