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F. Podmaniczky, G.I. Tóth, G. Tegze, T. Pusztai, L. Gránásy: Phase-field crystal modeling of heteroepitaxy and exotic modes of crystal nucleation., J. Cryst. Growth 457, 32-37, published electronically in 2016, appeared in, 2017 | F. Podmaniczky, G.I. Tóth, T. Pusztai, L. Gránásy: Investigating nucleation using the phase-field method, J. Ind. Inst. Sci. 96, (3) 161-177, 2016 | B. Korbuly, T. Pusztai, G.I. Tóth, H. Hervé, M. Plapp, L. Gránásy: Orientation-field models for polycrystalline solidification: grain coarsening and complex growth forms, J. Cryst. Growth 457, 32-37; published electronically in 2016, appeared in, 2017 | L. Gránásy, F. Podmaniczky, G.I. Tóth: Phase-field crystal modeling of nucleation including homogeneous and heterogeneous processes and growth front nucleation, Collection of Extended Abstracts, Frontiers in Solidification, TMS Annual Meeting, eds. W. Kurz, J. Dantzig, A. Karma, J. Hoyt (EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland), pp. 23-26, 2016 | J-Ch. Anglès d’Auriac, F. Iglói: Phase-transitions of the random bond Potts chain with long-range interactions, Phys. Rev. E 94, 062126, 2016 | G.I. Tóth, T. Pusztai, B. Kvamme, L. Gránásy: A physically consistent multiphase-field theory of first order phase transitions, Collection of Extended Abstracts, Frontiers in Solidification, TMS Annual Meeting, eds. W. Kurz, J. Dantzig, A. Karma, J. Hoyt (EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland), pp. 73-76, 2016 | F. Podmaniczky, G.I. Tóth, G. Tegze, T. Pusztai, L. Gránásy: Phase-field crystal modeling of heteroepitaxy and exotic modes of crystal nucleation., J. Cryst. Growth 457, 32-37, published electronically in 2016, appeared in, 2017 | B. Korbuly, T. Pusztai, G.I. Tóth, H. Hervé, M. Plapp, L. Gránásy: Orientation-field models for polycrystalline solidification: grain coarsening and complex growth forms, J. Cryst. Growth 457, 32-37; published electronically in 2016, appeared in, 2017 | L. Rátkai, G.I. Tóth, L. Környei, T. Pusztai, L. Gránásy: Phase-field modeling of eutectic structures on the nanoscale: the effect of anisotropy., J. Mater. Sci. 52, (10) 5544-5558, 2017 | F. Podmaniczky, G.I. Tóth, G. Tegze, L. Gránásy: Hydrodynamic theory of freezing: Nucleation and polycrystalline growth., Phys. Rev. E. 95, (5) 052801-1-8, 2017 | B. Korbuly, T. Pusztai, H. Hervé, M. Plapp, M. Apel, L. Gránásy: Grain coarsening in two-dimensional phase-field models with an orientation field, Phys. Rev. E. 95, (5) 053303-1-12, 2017 | B. Korbuly, M. Plapp, H. Hervé, J.A. Warren, L. Gránásy, T. Pusztai: Topological defects in two-dimensional orientation-field models for grain growth, Phys. Rev. E 96, 052802-1-16, 2017 | F. Podmaniczky, G.I. Tóth, L. Gránásy: Nucleation and polycrystalline growth in a hydrodynamic theory of freezing, Proc. 6th Decennial Int. Conf. on Solidification Processing, ed. Z. Fan, Brunel University, London, pp. 22-25, ISBN – 978-1-908549-29-7, 2017 | R. Juhász, I. A. Kovács, G. Roósz, F. Iglói: Entanglement between random and clean quantum spin chains, J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 50, 324003-1-20, 2017 | G. Roósz, Y.-C. Lin, F. Iglói: Critical quench dynamics of random quantum spin chains: Ultra-slow relaxation from initial order and delayed order from initial disorder, New J. Phys. 19, 023055-1-11, 2017 | R. Juhász, F. Iglói: Mixed-order phase transition of the contact process near multiple junctions, Phys. Rev. E 95, 022109-1-8, 2017 | R. Juhász, F. Iglói: Non-universal and anomalous critical behavior of the contact process near an extended defect, Phys. Rev. E 97, 012111-1-8, 2018 | F. Podmaniczky, G.I. Tóth, G. Tegze, L. Gránásy: Hydrodynamic theory of freezing: Nucleation and polycrystalline growth, Phys. Rev. E. 95, (5) 052801-1-8, 2017 | H. Henry, G. Tegze: Self-similarity and coarsening rate of a convecting bicontinuous phase separating mixture: Effect of the viscosity contrast, Phys. Rev. Fluids 3, 074306-1-9, 2018 | V. Schoeppler, L. Gránásy, E. Reich, N. Poulsen, R. de Kloe, P. Cook, A. Rack, T. Pusztai, I. Zlotnikov: Biomineralization as a Paradigm of Directional Solidification: A Physical Model for Molluscan Shell Ultrastructural Morphogenesis, Advanced Materials 45, 1803855-1-8, 2018 | B. Blass, H. Rieger, G. Roósz, F. Iglói: Quantum relaxation and metastability of lattice bosons with cavity-induced long-range interactions, Phys. Rev. Lett. 121, 095301-1-6, 2018 | F. Iglói, I. A. Kovács: Transverse spin correlations of the random transverse-field Ising model, Phys. Rev. B 97, 094205-1-6, 2018 | F. Iglói, C. Monthus: Strong disorder RG approach - a short review of recent developments, Eur. Phys. J. B 91, 290-1-25, 2018 | F. Iglói, B. Blass, G. Roósz, H. Rieger: Quantum XX-model with competing short- and long-range interactions: Phases and phase transitions in and out of equilibrium, Phys. Rev. B 98, 184415-1-15, 2018 | L. Gránásy, G.I. Tóth, J.A. Warren, F. Podmaniczky, G. Tegze, L. Rátkai, T. Pusztai: Phase-field modeling of crystal nucleation in undercooled liquids – A review, Prog. Mater. Sci. 106, art. no. 100569, (pp. 1-51), 2019 | V. Schoeppler, R. Lemanis, E. Reich, T. Pusztai, L. Gránásy. I. Zlotnikov: Crystal growth kinetics as an architectural constraint on the evolution of molluscan shells, Proc. Nat. Acad. of Sci. (U.S.A.) 114, (41) art. no. 2019-07229RR, (pp. 1-10), 2019 | G. Roósz, I. A. Kovács and F. Iglói: Entanglement entropy of random partitioning, Eur. Phys. J. B 93, art. no. 8 (pp. 1-8), 2020 | H. Henry, G. Tegze: Kinetics of coarsening have dramatic effects on the microstructure: Self-similarity breakdown induced by viscosity contrast, Phys. Rev. E 100, art. no. 013116, (pp. 1-10), 2019 | P. Lajkó, J.-Ch. Anglés d’Auriac, H. Rieger, F. Iglói: Reentrant Random Quantum Ising Antiferromagnet, Phys. Rev. B, accepted for publication; https://arxiv.org/abs/1912.06035, 2020 | L. Rátkai, T. Pusztai, L. Gránásy: Phase-field lattice Boltzmann model for dendrites growing and moving in melt flow, Nature partner journal - Comput. Mater. 5, art. no. 113, (pp. 1-10), 2019 |




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