Antioxidánsok, mint oxidatív stress aktivált prodrug-ok: egy figyelmen kívül hagyott kémiai tér antitumor potenciálja
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Hunyadi A: The mechanism(s) of action of antioxidants: from scavenging reactive oxygen/nitrogen species to redox signaling and the generation of bioactive secondary metabolites, Med Res Rev, 39(6): 2505-2533, 2019 | Fási L, Di Meo F, Kuo CY, Stojkovic Buric S, Martins A, Kúsz N, Béni Z, Dékány M, Balogh GT, Pesic M, Wang HC, Trouillas P, Hunyadi A: Antioxidant-inspired drug discovery: antitumor metabolite is formed in situ from a hydroxycinnamic acid derivative upon free radical scavenging, J Med Chem, 62(3): 1657-1668, 2019 | Issaadi M, Csábi J, Hsieh TJ, Gáti T, Tóth G, Hunyadi A: Side-chain cleaved phytoecdysteroid metabolites as activators of Protein Kinase B, Bioorg Chem, 82, 405-413, 2019 | Savchenko RG, Nové M, Spengler G, Hunyadi A, Parfenova LV: In Vitro Adjuvant Antitumor Activity of Various Classes of Semi-synthetic Poststerone Derivatives, Bioorg Chem, 106, 104485, 2021 | Heger V, Tyni J, Hunyadi A, Horakova L, Lahtela-Kakkonen M, Rahnasto-Rilla M: Quercetin based derivatives as sirtuin inhibitors, Biomed Pharmacother, 111: 1326-1333, 2019 | Vágvölgyi M, Bélteky P, Bogdán D, Nové M, Spengler G, Latif AD, Zupkó I, Gáti T, Tóth G, Kónya Z, Hunyadi A: Squalenoylated Nanoparticle Pro-Drugs of Adjuvant Antitumor 11α-Hydroxyecdysteroid 2,3-Acetonides Act as Cytoprotective Agents Against Doxorubicin and Paclitaxel, Frontiers Pharmacol, 11:552088 (2020), 2020 | Fási L, Latif AD, Zupkó I, Lévai S, Dékány M, Béni Z, Könczöl Á, Balogh GT, Hunyadi A: AAPH or Peroxynitrite-Induced Biorelevant Oxidation of Methyl Caffeate Yields Potent Antitumor Metabolite, Biomolecules, 10(11), 1537, 2020 | Vágvölgyi M, Girst G, Kúsz N, Ötvös SB, Fülöp F, Hohmann J, Servais JY, Seguin-Devaux C, Chang FR, Chen MS, Chang LK, Hunyadi A: Less Cytotoxic Protoflavones as Antiviral Agents: Protoapigenone 1′-O-isopropyl ether Shows Improved Selectivity Against the Epstein–Barr Virus Lytic Cycle, Int J Mol Sci, 20, 6269, 2019 | Keglevich A, Dányi L, Rieder A, Horváth D, Szigetvári Á, Dékány M, Szántay C Jr, Latif AD, Hunyadi A, Zupkó I, Keglevich P, Hazai L: Synthesis and Cytotoxic Activity of New Vindoline Derivatives Coupled to Natural and Synthetic Pharmacophores, Molecules 25(4) pii: E1010, 2020 | Heger V, Benesova B, Viskupicova J, Majekova M, Zoofishan Z, Hunyadi A, Horakova L: Phenolic Compounds from Morus nigra Regulate Viability and Apoptosis of Pancreatic β‑Cells Possibly via SERCA Activity, ACS Med Chem Lett, 11, 5, 1006-1013, 2020 | Latif AD, Jernei T, Podolski-Renić A, Kuo CY, Vágvölgyi M, Girst G, Zupkó I, Develi S, Ulukaya E, Wang HC, Pešić M, Csámpai A, Hunyadi A: Protoflavone-Chalcone Hybrids Exhibit Enhanced Antitumor Action Through Modulating Redox Balance, Depolarizing the Mitochondrial Membrane, and Inhibiting ATR-Dependent..., Antioxidants, 9, 519, 2020 | Vágvölgyi M, Bélteky P, Bogdán D, Nové M, Spengler G, Latif AD, Zupkó I, Gáti T, Tóth G, Kónya Z, Hunyadi A: Squalenoylated Nanoparticle Pro-Drugs of Adjuvant Antitumor 11α-Hydroxyecdysteroid 2,3-Acetonides Act as Cytoprotective Agents Against Doxorubicin and Paclitaxel, Frontiers Pharmacol, 11:552088 (2020), 2020 | Csekes E, Vágvölgyi M, Hunyadi A, Račková L: Protoflavones in melanoma therapy: Prooxidant and pro-senescence effect of protoapigenone and its synthetic alkyl derivative in A375 cells, Life Sci, 260, 118419, 2020 | Bús C, Kulmány Á, Kúsz, N, Gonda T, Zupkó I, Mándi A, Kurtán T, Tóth B, Hohmann J, Hunyadi A, Vasas A: Oxidised juncuenin B analogues with increased antiproliferative activity on human adherent cell lines: semisynthesis and biological evaluation, J Nat Prod, doi: 10.1021/acs.jnatprod.0c00499, 2020 | Hornok S, Csorba A, Kováts D, Csörgő T, Hunyadi A: Ecdysteroids are present in the blood of wild passerine birds, Sci Rep, 9: 17002, 2019 | Dankó Balázs: Synthesis of new, biologically active protoflavone derivatives, SZTE Gyógyszertudományok Doktori Iskola, 2019 | Zoofishan Zoofishan: Isolation of bioactive phenolic compounds from the root bark of Morus nigra, SZTE Gyógyszertudományok Doktori Iskola, 2020 | Halima Meriem Issaadi: Preparation of bioactive oxidized ecdysteroid derivatives, SZTE Gyógyszertudományok Doktori Iskola, 2018 | Heger V, Benesova B, Viskupicova J, Majekova M, Zoofishan Z, Hunyadi A, Horakova L: Phenolic Compounds from Morus nigra Regulate Viability and Apoptosis of Pancreatic β‑Cells Possibly via SERCA Activity, ACS Med Chem Lett, 11, 5, 1006-1013, 2020 | Müller Judit, Martins Ana, Csábi József, Fenyvesi Ferenc, Könczöl Árpád, Hunyadi Attila, Balogh György T: BBB penetration-targeting physicochemical lead selection: Ecdysteroids as chemo-sensitizers against CNS tumors, EUR J PHARM SCI 96: 571-577, 2017 | Hunyadi A, Csábi J, Martins A, Molnár J, Balázs A, Tóth G: Backstabbing P-gp: Side-Chain Cleaved Ecdysteroid 2,3-Dioxolanes Hyper-Sensitize MDR Cancer Cells to Doxorubicin without Efflux Inhibition, MOLECULES 22(2): 199, 2017, 2017 | Dankó B, Tóth S, Martins A, Vágvölgyi M, Kúsz N, Molnár J, Chang F R, Wu Y C, Szakács G, Hunyadi A: Synthesis and SAR Study of Anticancer Protoflavone Derivatives: Investigation of Cytotoxicity and Interaction with ABCB1 and ABCG2 Multidrug Efflux Transporters, CHEMMEDCHEM 12: (11) 850-859, 2017 | Issaadi HM, Hunyadi A, Németh K: Capillary electrophoresis study on the base-catalyzed formation of bioactive oxidized metabolites of 20-hydroxyecdysone, J PHARMACEUT BIOMED ANAL 146: 188-194, 2017 | Zoofishan Z, Kúsz N, Tóth G, Csorba A, Hajagos-Tóth J, Kothencz A, Gáspár R, Hunyadi A: Antispasmodic activity of prenylated phenolic compounds from the root bark of Morus nigra, Molecules, 24: 2497, 2019 | Bús C, Kulmány Á, Kúsz, N, Gonda T, Zupkó I, Mándi A, Kurtán T, Tóth B, Hohmann J, Hunyadi A, Vasas A: Oxidized juncuenin B analogues with increased antiproliferative activity on human adherent cell lines: semisynthesis and biological evaluation, J Nat Prod, doi: 10.1021/acs.jnatprod.0c00499, 2020 | Csábi J, Rafai T, Hunyadi A, Zádor E: Poststerone increases muscle fibre size partly similar to its metabolically parent compound, 20-hydroxyecdysone, Fitoterapia, 134: 459-464, 2019 | Issaadi HM, Tsai YC, Chang FR, Hunyadi A: Centrifugal partition chromatography in the isolation of minor ecdysteroids from Cyanotis arachnoidea, J CHROMATOGR B 1054: 44-49, 2017 | Balázs A, Hunyadi A, Csábi J, Tillekeratne LMV, Martins A, Tóth G: New cyclic 2,3-sulfite ester derivatives of poststerone – Discriminating diastereomers and probing spatial proximities by NMR and DFT, MAGN RESON CHEM, 55(12):1102-1107, 2017 | Ricci F, Carrassa L, Christodoulou MS, Passarella D, Michel B, Benhida R, Martinet N, Hunyadi A, Ioannou E, Roussis V, Musso L, Dallavalle S, Silvestri R, Westwood N, Mori M, Ingallina C, Botta B, Kavetsou E, Detsi A, Majer Z, Hudecz F, Bosze S, Kaminska B, Hansen TV, Bertrand P, Athanassopoulos CM, Damia G: A high-throughput screening of a chemical compound library in ovarian cancer stem cells, Comb Chem High Throughput Screen. 21, 50-56, 2018, 2018 | Hunyadi Attila: A kémiai tér természetes anyagokon alapuló bővítése új bioaktív anyagok előállítására, MTA Doktori Értekezés, 2021 | Fási Laura: Preparation of bioactive oxidized hydroxycinnamic acid derivatives, SZTE Gyógyszertudományok Doktori Iskola, 2021 | Vágvölgyi Máté: Expanding the chemical space of enone-containing natural products: studies on ecdysteroid and protoflavone oxime derivatives, SZTE Gyógyszertudományok Doktori Iskola, 2020 | Issaadi M, Csábi J, Hsieh TJ, Gáti T, Tóth G, Hunyadi A: Side-chain cleaved phytoecdysteroid metabolites as activators of Protein Kinase B, Bioorg Chem, 82, 405-413, 2018 | Fási L, Di Meo F, Kuo CY, Stojkovic Buric S, Martins A, Kúsz N, Béni Z, Dékány M, Balogh GT, Pesic M, Wang HC, Trouillas P, Hunyadi A: Antioxidant-inspired drug discovery: antitumor metabolite is formed in situ from a hydroxycinnamic acid derivative upon free radical scavenging, J Med Chem, 62(3): 1657-1668, 2019 | Heger V, Tyni J, Hunyadi A, Horakova L, Lahtela-Kakkonen M, Rahnasto-Rilla M: Quercetin based derivatives as sirtuin inhibitors, Biomed Pharmacother, 111: 1326-1333, 2019 | Csábi J, Rafai T, Hunyadi A, Zádor E: Poststerone increases muscle fibre size partly similar to its metabolically parent compound, 20-hydroxyecdysone, Fitoterapia, 134: 459-464, 2019 | Latif AD, Gonda T, Vágvölgyi M, Kúsz N, Kulmány Á, Ocsovszki I, Zomborszki ZP, Zupkó I, Hunyadi A: Synthesis and In Vitro Antitumor Activity of Naringenin Oxime and Oxime Ether Derivatives, Int J Mol Sci. 20(9): pii: E2184, 2019 | Hunyadi A: The mechanism(s) of action of antioxidants: from scavenging reactive oxygen/nitrogen species to redox signaling and the generation of bioactive secondary metabolites, Med Res Rev, 39(6): 2505-2533, 2019 | Zoofishan Z, Kúsz N, Tóth G, Csorba A, Hajagos-Tóth J, Kothencz A, Gáspár R, Hunyadi A: Antispasmodic activity of prenylated phenolic compounds from the root bark of Morus nigra, Molecules, 24: 2497, 2019 | Hunyadi A: A növényi rovarhormonoktól az antitumor nanorészecskékig, MAGYAR KÉMIKUSOK LAPJA 74 : 6 pp. 193-194, 2019 | Hunyadi A: ROS scavenging by small-molecule antioxidants: key to a neglected treasury of bioactive compounds, Trends in Natural Product Research - PSE Young Scientists’ Meeting on Biochemistry, Molecular Aspects and Pharmacology of Bioactive Natural Products, 2019 | Latif AD, Vágvölgyi M, Girst G, Jenei T, Zupkó I, Csámpai A, Hunyadi A: In vitro antitumor activity of protoflavone-based hybrid compounds on human gynecological cancer cell lines, Trends in Natural Product Research - PSE Young Scientists’ Meeting on Biochemistry, Molecular Aspects and Pharmacology of Bioactive Natural Products, 2019 | Balázs A, Hunyadi A, Csábi J, Tillekeratne LMV, Martins A, Tóth G: New cyclic 2,3-sulfite ester derivatives of poststerone – Discriminating diastereomers and probing spatial proximities by NMR and DFT, MAGN RESON CHEM, DOI: 10.1002/mrc.4641, 2017 | Dankó B, Tóth S, Martins A, Vágvölgyi M, Kúsz N, Molnár J, Chang F R, Wu Y C, Szakács G, Hunyadi A: Synthesis and SAR Study of Anticancer Protoflavone Derivatives: Investigation of Cytotoxicity and Interaction with ABCB1 and ABCG2 Multidrug Efflux Transporters, CHEMMEDCHEM 12: (11) 850-859, 2017 | Halima Meriem Issaadi, Krisztina Németh, Attila Hunyadi: Direct analysis of the formation of autoxidized derivatives of 20-hydroxyecdysone by capillary electrophoresis, In: Céline Rivière (szerk.) Trends in Natural Product Research - PSE Young Scientists’ Meeting Lille 2017. Leicester: Phytochemical Society of Europe, 2017. pp. 97., 2017 | Hunyadi A, Csábi J, Martins A, Molnár J, Balázs A, Tóth G: Backstabbing P-gp: Side-Chain Cleaved Ecdysteroid 2,3-Dioxolanes Hyper-Sensitize MDR Cancer Cells to Doxorubicin without Efflux Inhibition, MOLECULES 22(2): 199, 2017, 2017 | Issaadi HM, Hunyadi A, Németh K: Capillary electrophoresis study on the base-catalyzed formation of bioactive oxidized metabolites of 20-hydroxyecdysone, J PHARMACEUT BIOMED ANAL 146: 188-194, 2017 | Issaadi HM, Tsai YC, Chang FR, Hunyadi A: Centrifugal partition chromatography in the isolation of minor ecdysteroids from Cyanotis arachnoidea, J CHROMATOGR B 1054: 44-49, 2017 | Müller Judit, Martins Ana, Csábi József, Fenyvesi Ferenc, Könczöl Árpád, Hunyadi Attila, Balogh György T: BBB penetration-targeting physicochemical lead selection: Ecdysteroids as chemo-sensitizers against CNS tumors, EUR J PHARM SCI 96: 571-577, 2017 | Zoofishan Zoofishan, Norbert Kúsz, Zoltán Péter Zomborszki, Attila Csorba, Attila Hunyadi: Angiotensin-Converting Enzyme inhibition by phenolic compounds isolated from the root bark of Morus nigra, In: Céline Rivière (szerk.) Trends in Natural Product Research - PSE Young Scientists’ Meeting Lille 2017. Leicester: Phytochemical Society of Europe, 2017. pp. 190., 2017 | Csábi J, Martins A, Sinka I, Csorba A, Molnár J, Zupkó I, Tóth G, Tillekeratne LMV, Hunyadi A: Synthesis and in vitro evaluation of the antitumor potential and chemo-sensitizing activity of fluorinated ecdysteroid derivatives, MEDCHEMCOMM 7: (12) 2282-2289, 2016 | Máté Vágvölgyi, Ana Martins, Gábor Tóth, Norbert Kúsz, Giulia Giorgi, Daniele Passarella, Attila Hunyadi: Semi-synthetic preparation of self-assembling drug-conjugates from a potentially bioactive ecdysteroid derivative, COST Action CM1407 - 3rd Meeting Krakow Poland, Faculty of Biochemistry, Biophysics and Biotechnology of the Jagiellonian University, March 2-3, 2017; Abstracts p. 37., 2017 | Tímea Gonda, Norbert Kúsz, Attila Hunyadi: Synthesis of chalcones as new bioactive protoflavone analogues, COST Action CM1407 - 3rd Meeting Krakow Poland, Faculty of Biochemistry, Biophysics and Biotechnology of the Jagiellonian University, March 2-3, 2017; Abstracts p. 48., 2017 | Zoofishan Zoofishan, Kúsz Norbert, Zomborszki Zoltán Péter, Csorba Attila, Hunyadi Attila: In vitro angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibition by phenolic compounds isolated from the root bark of Morus nigra, 65th International Congress and Annual Meeting of the Society for Medicinal Plant and Natural Product Research, Basel, Switzerland, 3-7 Sept, 2017; Abstracts pp. 87-88, 2017 | Vágvölgyi Máté, Martins Ana, Kulmány Ágnes, Zupkó István, Tóth Gábor, Hunyadi Attila: Preparation and chemo-sensitizing activity of nitrogen-containing ecdysteroid derivatives: 6-oximes, oxime ethers, and a lactam, 65th International Congress and Annual Meeting of the Society for Medicinal Plant and Natural Product Research, Basel, Switzerland, 3-7 Sept, 2017; Abstracts pp. 90-91, 2017 | Gonda Tímea, Ötvös Sándor Balázs, Hunyadi Attila: Synthesis of new, potentially bioactive chalcones as protoflavone analogues, 65th International Congress and Annual Meeting of the Society for Medicinal Plant and Natural Product Research, Basel, Switzerland, 3-7 Sept, 2017; Abstracts p. 176, 2017 | Issaadi Halima Meriem, Csábi József, Németh Krisztina, Hunyadi Attila: Comparative HPLC and CE studies on the formation of 20-hydroxyecdysone metabolites from base-catalyzed autoxidation and Fenton reaction, 65th International Congress and Annual Meeting of the Society for Medicinal Plant and Natural Product Research, Basel, Switzerland, 3-7 Sept, 2017; Abstracts pp. 178-179, 2017 | Hunyadi Attila: Ecdysteroids: from insect molting hormones to potent chemo-sensitizers in cancer, 65th International Congress and Annual Meeting of the Society for Medicinal Plant and Natural Product Research, Basel, Switzerland, 3-7 Sept, 2017; Abstracts pp. 210-211, 2017 | Ötvös SB, Vágvölgyi M, Girst G, Kuo CY, Wang HC, Fülöp F, Hunyadi A: Synthesis of Non-Toxic Protoflavone Derivatives through Selective Continuous-Flow Hydrogenation of the Flavonoid B-Ring, ChemPlusChem, 83, 72-76, 2018, 2018 | Vágvölgyi M, Martins A, Kulmány Á, Zupkó I, Gáti T, Simon A, Tóth G, Hunyadi A: Nitrogen-containing ecdysteroid derivatives vs. multi-drug resistance in cancer: Preparation and antitumor activity of oximes, oxime ethers and a lactam, Eur J Med Chem 144, 730-739, 2018, 2018 | Ricci F, Carrassa L, Christodoulou MS, Passarella D, Michel B, Benhida R, Martinet N, Hunyadi A, Ioannou E, Roussis V, Musso L, Dallavalle S, Silvestri R, Westwood N, Mori M, Ingallina C, Botta B, Kavetsou E, Detsi A, Majer Z, Hudecz F, Bosze S, Kaminska B, Hansen TV, Bertrand P, Athanassopoulos CM, Damia G: A high-throughput screening of a chemical compound library in ovarian cancer stem cells, Comb Chem High Throughput Screen. 21, 50-56, 2018, 2018 | Zoofishan Z, Hohmann J, Hunyadi A.: Phenolic antioxidants of Morus nigra roots, and antitumor potential of morusin, Phytochem Rev, doi: 10.1007/s11101-018-9565-1, 2018 | Fumagalli G, Giorgi G, Vágvölgyi M, Colombo E, Christodoulou M, Collico V, Prosperi D, Dosio F, Hunyadi A, Montopoli M, Hyraci M, Silvani A, Lesma G, Dalla Via L, Passarella D: Hetero-Nanoparticles by self-assembly of ecdysteroid and doxorubicin conjugates to overcome cancer resistance, ACS Med Chem Lett, 9, 468-471, 2018, 2018 | Máté Vágvölgyi, Gábor Girst, Zoltán P Zomborszki, Ferenc Fülöp, Sándor B Ötvös, Attila Hunyadi: Nontoxic protoflavone derivatives as potential inhibitors of xanthine oxidase, Trends in Natural Products Research, Liverpool, UK / England, 202018.07.02-2018.07.05. Paper P49., 2018 | Bogdán D, Haessner R, Vágvölgyi M, Passarella D, Hunyadi A, Gáti T, Tóth G: Stereochemistry, and complete 1H and 13C NMR signal assignment of C-20-oxime derivatives of posterone 2,3-acetonide in solution state, Magn Reson Chem, 56, 859-866, 2018, 2018 | Vladimir Heger, Minna Rahnasto-Rilla, Jana Viskupicova, Zoofishan Zoofishan, Attila Hunyadi, Lubica Horakova, Maria Mastihubova, Maija Lahtela-Kakkonen: Modulation of SIRT6 deacetylation activity by flavonoid derivatives, COST Action CM1407, 5th MC/WG Meeting, Salini Resort, Málta, 2018.03.01-2018.03.02. Paper 4., 2018 | Máté Vágvölgyi, Gábor Girst, Zoltán P. Zomborszki, Ferenc Fülöp, Sándor B. Ötvös, Attila Hunyadi: Preparation of B-ring saturated nontoxic protoflavones as novel xanthine oxidase inhibitors, 66th International Congress and Annual Meeting of the Society for Medicinal Plant and Natural Product Research (GA), Aug. 26-29, 2018, Shanghai, China, Abstracts p6., 2018 | Laura Fási, András Gyovai, István Zupkó, Márta Nové, Gabriella Spengler, Fang-Rong Chang, Attila Hunyadi: Semi-synthetic preparation of antitumor p-coumaric acid derivatives, 66th International Congress and Annual Meeting of the Society for Medicinal Plant and Natural Product Research (GA), Aug. 26-29, 2018, Shanghai, China, Abstracts p211., 2018 | Ahmed Latif, Tímea Gonda, Norbert Kúsz, Ágnes Kulmány, István Zupkó, Attila Hunyadi: Synthesis and biological activity of naringenin-oxime derivatives, 66th International Congress and Annual Meeting of the Society for Medicinal Plant and Natural Product Research (GA), Aug. 26-29, 2018, Shanghai, China, Abstracts p213., 2018 |
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