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Szapáry L, Tinusz B, Farkas N, Márta K, Szakó L, Meczker Á, Hágendorn R, Bajor J, Vincze Á, Gyöngyi Z, Mikó A, Csupor D, Hegyi P, Erőss B: Intralesional steroid is beneficial in benign refractory esophageal strictures: A meta-analysis, WORLD JOURNAL OF GASTROENTEROLOGY 2018 Jun 7;24(21):2311-2319., 2018 | Kiss Z, Tel B, Farkas N, Garami A, Vincze A, Bajor J, Sarlos P, Marta K, Eros A, Miko A, Szakacs Z, Pecsi D, Matrai P, Hegyi P, Veres G: Eosinophil Counts in the Small Intestine and Colon of Children Without Apparent Gastrointestinal Disease-a Meta-analysis, JOURNAL OF PEDIATRIC GASTROENTEROLOGY AND NUTRITION 2018 Jul;67(1):6-12, 2018 | Gódi S, Erőss B, Gyömbér Z, Szentesi A, Farkas N, Párniczky A, Sarlós P, Bajor J, Czimmer J, Mikó A, Márta K, Hágendorn R, Márton Z, Verzár Z, Czakó L, Szepes Z, Vincze Á, Hegyi P: Centralized Care For Acute Pancreatitis Significantly Improves Outcomes, JOURNAL OF GASTROINTESTINAL AND LIVER DISEASES 2018 Jun;27(2):151-157, 2018 | Meczker Á, Mikó A, Hegyi P: 5-ASA Induces Mild Acute Pancreatitis. Case Report and Review of the Literature, JOURNAL OF GASTROINTESTINAL AND LIVER DISEASES 2018 Jun;27(2):189-194, 2018 | Hágendorn R, Farkas N, Vincze Á, Gyöngyi Z, Csupor D, Bajor J, Erőss B, Csécsei P, Vasas A, Szakács Z, Szapáry L, Hegyi P, Mikó A: Chronic kidney disease severely deteriorates the outcome of gastrointestinal bleeding: A meta-analysis, WORLD JOURNAL OF GASTROENTEROLOGY 2017 Dec 21; 23(47): 8415–8425, 2017 | Weiss FU, Hesselbarth N, Parniczky A, Mosztbacher D, Lammerhirt F, Ruffert C, Kovacs P, Beer S, Seltsam K, Griesmann H, Bohme R, Kaune T, Hollenbach M, Schulz HU, Simon P, Mayerle J, Lerch MM, Cavestro GM, Zuppardo RA, Di Leo M, Testoni PA, Malecka-Panas E, Gasirowska A, Gluszek S, Bugert P, Szentesi A, Mossner J, Witt H, Michl P, Hegyi P, Scholz M, Rosendahl J: Common variants in the CLDN2-MORC4 and PRSS1-PRSS2 loci confer susceptibility to acute pancreatitis, PANCREATOLOGY 2018 Jun 1. pii: S1424-3903(18)30605-7, 2018 | Miko A, Farkas N, Garami A, Szabo I, Vincze A, Veres G, Bajor J, Alizadeh H, Rakonczay Z Jr, Vigh E, Marta K, Kiss Z, Hegyi P, Czako L: Preexisting Diabetes Elevates Risk of Local and Systemic Complications in Acute Pancreatitis: Systematic Review and Meta-analysis, PANCREAS, 2018 | Marta K, Szabo AN, Pecsi D, Varju P, Bajor J, Godi S, Sarlos P, Miko A, Szemes K, Papp M, Tornai T, Vincze A, Marton Z, Vincze PA, Lanko E, Szentesi A, Molnar T, Hagendorn R, Faluhelyi N, Battyani I, Kelemen D, Papp R, Miseta A, Verzar Z, Lerch MM, Neoptolemos JP, Sahin-Toth M, Petersen OH, Hegyi P: High versus low energy administration in the early phase of acute pancreatitis (GOULASH trial): protocol of a multicentre randomised double-blind clinical trial, BMJ OPEN 2017; 7(9): e015874, 2017 | Dobszai D, Mátrai P, Gyöngyi Z, Csupor D, Bajor J, Erőss B, Mikó A, Szakó L, Meczker Á, Hágendorn R, Márta K, Szentesi A, Hegyi P; Hungarian Pancreatic Study Group.: Body-mass index correlates with severity and mortality in acute pancreatitis: A meta-analysis, World J Gastroenterol. 2019 Feb 14;25(6):729-743. doi: 10.3748/wjg.v25.i6.729, 2019 | Kucserik LP, Márta K, Vincze Á, Lázár G, Czakó L, Szentkereszty Z, Papp M, Palatka K, Izbéki F, Altorjay Á, Török I, Barbu S, Tantau M, Vereczkei A, Bogár L, Dénes M, Németh I, Szentesi A, Zádori N, Antal J, Lerch MM, Neoptolemos J, Sahin-Tóth M, Petersen OH, Kelemen D, Hegyi P.: Endoscopic sphincterotoMy for delayIng choLecystectomy in mild acute biliarY pancreatitis (EMILY study): protocol of a multicentre randomised clinical trial., BMJ Open. 2019 Jul 9;9(7):e025551. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2018-025551., 2019 | Márta K, Lazarescu AM, Farkas N, Mátrai P, Cazacu I, Ottóffy M, Habon T, Erőss B, Vincze À, Veres G, Czakó L, Sarlós P, Rakonczay Z, Hegyi P.: Aging and Comorbidities in Acute Pancreatitis I: A Meta-Analysis and Systematic Review Based on 194,702 Patients, Front Physiol. 2019; 10: 328. Published online 2019 Apr 2. doi: 10.3389/fphys.2019.00328, 2019 | Katalin Márta, Peter Hegyi: Uncommon appearance of concurrent liver cirrhosis and chronic pancreatitis: The alcohol metabolism theory, Dig Liver Dis. 2019 Apr;51(4):559-560. doi: 10.1016/j.dld.2018.12.023. Epub 2019 Jan 11., 2019 | Ágnes Meczker, Alexandra Mikó, Noémi Gede, Andrea Szentesi, Andrea Párniczky, Szilárd Gódi, and Péter Hegyi,: Retrospective Matched-Cohort Analysis of Acute Pancreatitis Induced by 5-Aminosalicylic Acid–Derived Drugs, Pancreas. 2019 Apr; 48(4): 488–495. Published online 2019 Apr 10. doi: 10.1097/MPA.0000000000001297, 2019 | Mikó A, Vigh É, Mátrai P, Soós A, Garami A, Balaskó M, Czakó L, Mosdósi B, Sarlós P, Erőss B, Tenk J, Rostás I, Hegyi P: Computed Tomography Severity Index vs. Other Indices in the Prediction of Severity and Mortality in Acute Pancreatitis: A Predictive Accuracy Meta-analysis., Front Physiol. 2019 Aug 27;10:1002. doi: 10.3389/fphys.2019.01002. eCollection 2019., 2019 | Alexandra Mikó, Bálint Erőss, Patrícia Sarlós, Péter Hegyi Jr, Katalin Márta, Dániel Pécsi, Áron Vincze, Beáta Bódis, Orsolya Nemes, Nándor Faluhelyi, Orsolya Farkas, Róbert Papp, Dezső Kelemen, Andrea Szentesi, Eszter Hegyi, Mária Papp, László Czakó, Ferenc Izbéki, László Gajdán, János Novák, Miklós Sahin-Tóth, Markus M Lerch, John Neoptolemos, Ole H Petersen, Péter Hegyi: Observational longitudinal multicentre investigation of acute pancreatitis (GOULASH PLUS): follow-up of the GOULASH study, protocol, https://bmjopen.bmj.com/content/9/8/e025500.long, 2019 | Párniczky A, Lantos T, Tóth EM, Szakács Z, Gódi S, Hágendorn R, Illés D, Koncz B, Márta K, Mikó A, Mosztbacher D, Németh BC, Pécsi D, Szabó A, Szücs Á, Varjú P, Szentesi A, Darvasi E, Erőss B, Izbéki F, Gajdán L, Halász A, Vincze Á, Szabó I, Pár G, Bajor J, Sarlós P, Czimmer J, Hamvas J, Takács T, Szepes Z, Czakó L, Varga M, Novák J, Bod B, Szepes A, Sümegi J, Papp M, Góg C, Török I, Huang W, Xia Q, Xue P, Li W, Chen W, Shirinskaya NV, Poluektov VL, Shirinskaya AV, Hegyi PJ, Bátovský M, Rodriguez-Oballe JA, Salas IM, Lopez-Diaz J, Dominguez-Munoz JE, Molero X, Pando E, Ruiz-Rebollo ML, Burgueño-Gómez B, Chang YT, Chang MC, Sud A, Moore D, Sutton R, Gougol A, Papachristou GI, Susak YM, Tiuliukin IO, Gomes AP, Oliveira MJ, Aparício DJ, Tantau M, Kurti F, Kovacheva-Slavova M, Stecher SS, Mayerle J, Poropat G, Das K, Marino MV, Capurso G, Małecka-Panas E, Zatorski H, Gasiorowska A, Fabisiak N, Ceranowicz P, Kuśnierz-Cabala B, Carvalho JR, Fernandes SR, Chang JH, Choi EK, Han J, Bertilsson S, Jumaa H, Sandblom G, Kacar S, Baltatzis M, Varabei AV, Yeshy V, Chooklin S, Kozachenko A, Veligotsky N, Hegyi P; Hungarian Pancreatic Study Group.: Antibiotic therapy in acute pancreatitis: From global overuse to evidence based recommendations., Pancreatology. 2019 Jun;19(4):488-499. doi: 10.1016/j.pan.2019.04.003. Epub 2019 Apr 19., 2019 | Szakács Z, Gede N, Pécsi D, Izbéki F, Papp M, Kovács G, Fehér E, Dobszai D, Kui B, Márta K, Kónya K, Szabó I, Török I, Gajdán L, Takács T, Sarlós P, Gódi S, Varga M, Hamvas J, Vincze Á, Szentesi A, Párniczky A, Hegyi P: Aging and Comorbidities in Acute Pancreatitis II.: A Cohort-Analysis of 1203 Prospectively Collected Cases., Front Physiol. 2018; 9: 1776. Published online 2019 Apr 2. doi: 10.3389/fphys.2018.01776, 2019 |
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