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Közleményjegyzék |
A. Némethi: Filtered lattice homology of curve singularities,, arXiv:2306.13889, 2023 | A. Némethi: Filtered lattice homology of surface singularities., arXiv:2307.16581, 2023 | A. Némethi, A. Romano-Velazquez: The classification of reflexive modules of rank one over rational and minimally elliptic singularities, arXiv:2302.08768, 2023 | A Cavallo, A Stipsicz: Traces of links and simply connected 4-manifolds, Bulletin of the London Math Soc, 55 (2023), no. 1, pp. 321-337, https://doi.org/10.1112/blms.12729, 2022 | J. Bowden, F. Gironella, A. Moreno,: Bourgeois contact structures: tightness, fillability and applications, Invent. math. (2022) 230:713–765 , https://doi.org/10.1007/s00222-022-01131-y., 2022 | A. Stipsicz, Z. Szabó: On the minimal genus problem, "Frontiers in Geometry and Topology" Proceedings of Symposia in Pure Mathematics, 2023 | A. Cavallo, I. Matkovic: Nearly fibered links with genus one, Acta Math. Hungar. 170 (2023) 721-731., 2023 | A. Cavallo and I. Matkovič: Legendrian invariants and half Giroux torsion, preprint, 2023 | JOSE LUIS CISNEROS-MOLINA AND AGUSTIN ROMANO-VELAZQUEZ: INDEXES OF VECTOR FIELDS FOR MIXED FUNCTIONS, arXiv:2305.16719, 2023 | P. Aceto, N. Castro, M. Miller, J. Park, A. Stipsicz: SLICE OBSTRUCTIONS FROM GENUS BOUNDS IN DEFINITE 4-MANIFOLDS, arXiv:2303.10587, 2023 | Sz. Szabó: Exponential decay of harmonic 1-forms for wild harmonic bundles on curves, Comptes Rendus de l'Académie des Sciences, to appear, 2023 | Á. Gyenge, Sz. Szabó: Blow-ups and the quantum spectrum of surfaces,, arXiv:2210.08939, 2022 | M. Marengon, A. N. Miller, A. Ray, A. Stipsicz: A note on surfaces in ℂℙ2 and ℂℙ2#ℂℙ2, arXiv:2210.12486, 2022 | A. Némethi,: Normal surface singularities,, Ergebnisse der Mathematik und ihrer Grenzgebiete, 3. Folge / A Series of Modern Surveys in Mathematics 74, Springer, 2022., 2022 | Ananyo Dan and Agustin Romano-Velázquez: Matrix factorization for quasi-homogeneous singularities, arXiv:2301.05052, 2022 | Sz. Szabó: Perversity equals weight for Painleve spaces, Advances in Mathematics, 383, Article 107667, 45 pages, 2021 | I. Matkovic: Fillability of small Seifert fibered spaces,, Math. Proc. Camb. Philos. Soc. 174 (2023) 585-604, 2023 | E. Fernández, F. Gironella,: A remark on the contactomorphism group of overtwisted contact spheres, Comptes Rendus Mathematiique C. R. Math. Acad. Sci. Paris 358 (2020), no. 2, 189–196., 2020 | Viktória Földvári: The Knot Invariant Upsilon Using Grid Homologies, Journal of Knot Theory and Its Ramifications, Vol. 30, No. 07, 2150051, 2021 | Akram Alishahi, Viktória Földvári, Kristen Hendricks, Joan Licata, Ina Petkova, Vera Vértesi: Bordered Floer homology and contact structures, Forum of Mathematics, Sigma. 2023;11:e30, 2023 | Gábor Damásdi, Viktória Földvári, Márton Naszódi,: Colorful Helly-type Theorems for the Volume of Intersections of Convex Bodies,, Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series A, 178 (2021), Paper No. 105361,, 2021 | LM Fehér, ÁK Matszangosz: Halving spaces and lower bounds in real enumerative geometry, Algebraic & Geometric Topology 22 (1), 433-472, 2022 | F. Gironella: Examples of contact mapping classes of infinite order in all dimensions, Mathematical Research Letters, 28 (2021), no. 3, 707–727., 2020 | A. Stipsicz, Z. Szabo: A note on thickness of knots, Gauge theory and low-dimensional topology—progress and interaction, 299–308, Open Book Ser., 5, Math. Sci. Publ., Berkeley, CA, 2022., 2020 | A. Cavallo: On loose Legendrian knots in rational homology spheres,, Topology and its Applications, 235 (2018), pp. 339-345, 2018 | A. Cavallo: The concordance invariant tau in link grid homology, Algebraic and Geometric Topology, 18 (2018), no. 4, pp. 1917-1951, 2018 | A. Cavallo: On Bennequin type inequalities for links in tight contact 3-manifolds, arXiv:1801.00614, 2018 | A. Cavallo, C. Collari: Slice-torus concordance invariants and Whitehead doubles of links, arXiv:1806.10358, 2018 | P. Ivanics, A. Stipsicz, Sz. Szabó:: Hitchin fibrations on two-dimensional moduli spaces of irregular Higgs bundles with one singular fiber, arXiv:1808.10125, 2018 | Sz. Szabó: Perversity equals weight for Painleve spaces, arXiv:1802.03798, 2018 | V. Foldvari: Legendrian non-simple two-bridge knots, Periodica Mathematica Hungarica,, 2019 | F. Gironella: Examples of contact mapping classes of infinite order in all dimensions, arXiv:1809.07762, 2018 | I. Matkovic: Classification of tight contact structures on small Seifert fibered L-spaces, Algebr. Geom. Topol. 18 (2018) 111–152., 2018 | I. Matkovic: Fillability of small Seifert fibered spaces,, Pacific J. Math., 2018 | A. Gyenge, A. Nemethi and B. Szendroi: Euler characteristics of Hilbert schemes of points on simple surfaces singularities, European Journal of Mathematics, Vol. 4, Issue 2 (2018), 439--524., 2018 | E. Gorsky and A. Nemethi:: On the set of L--space surgeries for links,, Adv. in Math. 333 (2018), 386--422., 2018 | A. Nemethi: Pairs of invariants of surface singularities, Proc. Int. Cong. of Math. 2018 Rio de Janeiro, Vol. 1, 745--776., 2018 | A. Nemethi and G. Pinter: The boundary of the Milnor fibre of certain non--isolated singularities, Periodica Math. Hungarica 77 (1) (2018), 34--57., 2018 | A. Nemethi: Linear subspace arrangements associated with normal surface singularities,, special volume of Journal of Singularities dedicated to E. Brieskorn, to appear, 2018 | T. Laszlo, J. Nagy and A. Nemethi:: Combinatorial duality for Poincar'e series, polytopes and invariants of plumbed 3--manifolds, arXiv:1805.03457, 2018 | J. Nagy, A. Nemethi: The Abel map for surface singularities I. Generalities and examples., arXiv:1809.03737, 2018 | J. Nagy, A. Nemethi: The Abel map for surface singularities II. Generic analytic structure., arXiv:1809.03744, 2018 | T. Laszlo and A. Nemethi:: On the geometry of strongly flat semigroups and their generalizations, arXiv:1809.06328, 2018 | A. Alfieri: Deformations of lattice cohomology and the upsilon invariant., in preparation, 2019 | A. Alfieri, D. Celoria, and A. Stipsicz,: Upsilon invariants from cyclic branched covers., arXiv:1809.08269,, 2018 | T. Laszlo and Zs. Szilagyi: N'emethi’s division algorithm for zeta-functions of plumbed 3-manifolds,, Bull. London Math. Soc. 50 (2018) 1035–1055, 2018 | T. Laszlo and Zs. Szilagyi:: Poincar'e series associated with links of normal surface singularities, Trans. of AMS., 2018 | L. Feher, R. Rimanyi, A. Weber: Characteristic classes of orbit stratifications, the axiomatic approach, arXiv:1811.11467, 2018 | L. Feher, R. Rimanyi: Chern–Schwartz–MacPherson classes of degeneracy loci, Geometry & Topology 22-6 (2018), 3575--3622., 2018 | L. Feher, R. Rimanyi, A. Weber: Motivic Chern classes and K-theoretic stable envelopes, arXiv:1802.01503, 2018 | P.Ivanics, A. Stipsicz, Sz. Szabo: Hitchin fibrations on moduli of irregular Higgs bundles and motivic wall-crossing, JOURNAL OF PURE AND APPLIED ALGEBRA, to appear, 2019 | P. Ivanics, A. Stipsicz, Sz. Szabo: Two-dimensional moduli spaces of rank 2 Higgs bundles over CP1 with one irregular singular point, JOURNAL OF GEOMETRY AND PHYSICS 130 pages 184-212., 2018 | P. Ivanics, A. Stipsicz, Sz. Szabó:: Hitchin fibrations on two-dimensional moduli spaces of irregular Higgs bundles with one singular fiber, SIGMA 15, 2019 | F. Gironella: Examples of contact mapping classes of infinite order in all dimensions, Algebr. Geom. Topol., Volume 19, Number 3 (2019), 1207-1227., 2019 | T. Laszlo, J. Nagy and A. Nemethi:: Combinatorial duality for Poincar'e series, polytopes and invariants of plumbed 3--manifolds, Selecta Mathematica, New series 25 (2019), no. 2, Art. 21, 31 pp., 2019 | J. Nagy, A. Nemethi: The Abel map for surface singularities I. Generalities and examples., Mathematische Annalen, 375(3), 1427-1487, 2019 | T. Laszlo and A. Nemethi:: On the geometry of strongly flat semigroups and their generalizations, A panorama of singularities, 109-135, Contemp. Math., 742, Amer. Math. Soc., Providence, RI, 2020., 2018 | L. Feher, R. Rimanyi, A. Weber: Characteristic classes of orbit stratifications, the axiomatic approach, Conference volume: Schubert Calculus and its applications in combinatorics and representation theory, to appear, 2019 | J. Bowden, F. Gironella, A. Moreno,: Bourgeois contact structures: tightness, fillability and applications, arXiv:1908.05749, 2019 | E. Fernández, F. Gironella,: A remark on the contactomorphism group of overtwisted contact spheres, arXiv:1910.01359, 2019 | F. Gironella: On some examples and constructions of contact manifolds, Math. Ann., 2019 | V. Foldvari: The Knot Invariant Upsilon Using Grid Homologies, arXiv:1903.05893, 2019 | Sz. Szabo: Simpson's geometric P=W conjecture in the Painlevé VI case via abelianization,, arXiv:1906.01856, 2019 | T. Laszlo, J. Nagy, A. Nemethi: Surgery formulae for the Seiberg--Witten invariant of plumbed 3--manifolds, Revista Matematica Complutense 33 (2020), no. 1, 197-230, 2020 | J. Cogolludo-Agustín, T. László, J. Martín-Morales, A. Némethi: Delta invariant of curves on rational surfaces I. The analytic approach,, arXiv:1911.07, 2019 | J. Nagy, A. Nemethi: On the topology of elliptic singularities,, Pure and Applied Mathematics Quarterly, special volume in honor of G.-M. Greuel's 75th birthday., 2019 | J. Nagy, A. Nemethi: The Abel map for surface singularities III. Elliptic germs, arXiv:1902.07493,, 2019 | J. Nagy, A. Nemethi: Motivic Poincare series of cusp surface singularities,, arXiv:1907.12035,, 2019 | J. Nagy, A. Nemethi: The dimension of the image of the Abel map associated with normal surface singularities, arXiv:1909.07023,, 2019 | L. Feher, R. Rimanyi, A. Weber: Characteristic classes of orbit stratifications, the axiomatic approach, Schubert Calculus and Its Applications in Combinatorics and Representation Theory Guangzhou, China, November 2017 Editors: Hu, Jianxun, Li, Changzheng, Mihalcea, Leonardo, 2020 | L. Feher, R. Rimanyi, A. Weber: Motivic Chern classes and K-theoretic stable envelopes, Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society, 2020 | E. Fernández, F. Gironella,: A remark on the contactomorphism group of overtwisted contact spheres, Comptes Rendus Mathematiique, 2020 | A. Némethi, Sz. Szabó,: The Geometric P=W conjecture in the Painlevé cases via plumbing calculus, International Mathematical Research Notices, 2020 | Akram Alishahi, Viktória Földvári, Kristen Hendricks, Joan Licata, Ina Petkova, Vera Vértesi: Bordered Floer homology and contact structures, arXiv:2011.08672, 2020 | Viktória Földvári,: Bounds on convex bodies in pairwise intersecting Minkowski arrangement of order mu, Journal of Geometry, 2020 | Gábor Damásdi, Viktória Földvári, Márton Naszódi,: Colorful Helly-type Theorems for the Volume of Intersections of Convex Bodies,, Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series A,, 2020 | J. I. Cogolludo-Agustin, T. Laszlo, A. Nemethi, J. Martin-Morales: The delta invariant of curves on rational surfaces II: Poincar'e series and topological aspects, arXiv:2003.07110, 2020 | J. I. Cogolludo-Agustin, T. Laszlo, A. Nemethi, J. Martin-Morales: Local invariants of minimal generic curves on rational surfaces,, arXiv:2005.10155, 2020 | J. Nagy, A. Nemethi: The multiplicity of generic normal surface singularities, arXiv:2005.10867, 2020 | O.Curmi: Topology of smoothings of non-isolated singularities of complex surfaces", Math. Ann. 377, 1711–1755 (2020), 2020 | O. Curmi: Boundary of the Milnor fiber of a Newton non degenerate surface singularity, Adv. Math. 372 (2020), 2020 | T. Laszlo: On a canonical polynomial for elliptic singularities, in preparation, 2020 | LM Fehér, ÁK Matszangosz: Halving spaces and lower bounds in real enumerative geometry, arXiv:2006.11251, 2020 | László M. Fehér: Motivic Chern classes of cones, Singularities and Their Interaction with Geometry and Low Dimensional Topology In Honor of András Némethi Editors: Fernández de Bobadilla, Javier, Laszlo, Tamas, Stipsicz, 2020 | F. Gironella: Examples of contact mapping classes of infinite order in all dimensions", Mathematical Research Letters, 2020 | A. Alfieri, S. Kang, A. Stipsicz: Connected Floer homology of covering involutions., Math. Ann. 377 (2020), no. 3-4, 1427–1452., 2020 | A. Stipsicz, Z. Szabo: A note on thickness of knots, arXiv:2010.04967, 2020 | A. Stipsicz, Z. Szabo: Purely cosmetic surgeries and pretzel knots, arXiv:2006.06765, 2020 | Paolo Aceto, Jeffrey Meier, Allison N. Miller, Maggie Miller, JungHwan Park, András I. Stipsicz: Branched covers bounding rational homology balls, Algebraic and Geometric Topology, 2020 | A. Stipsicz: An introduction to grid homology, Encyclopedia of knot theory, 2020 | A. Stipsicz: A short survey on knot Floer homology, Encyclopedia of knot theory, 2020 | P. Ivanics, A. Stipsicz, Sz. Szabó:: Hitchin fibrations on two-dimensional moduli spaces of irregular Higgs bundles with one singular fiber, SIGMA Symmetry Integrability Geom. Methods Appl. 15 (2019), Paper No. 085, 28 pp, 2019 | Sz. Szabó: Perversity equals weight for Painleve spaces, Advances in Mathematics, Article 107667, 45 pages, 2021 | A. Alfieri, D. Celoria, and A. Stipsicz,: Upsilon invariants from cyclic branched covers., Studia SMH, 58 (2021) 457–488, 2021 | L. Feher, R. Rimanyi, A. Weber: Characteristic classes of orbit stratifications, the axiomatic approach, Schubert Calculus and Its Applications in Combinatorics and Representation Theory Guangzhou, China, November 2017 Editors: Hu, Jianxun, Li, Changzheng, Mihalcea, Leonardo, 2020 | L. Feher, R. Rimanyi, A. Weber: Motivic Chern classes and K-theoretic stable envelopes, Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society, 122, 153-189, 2021 | P.Ivanics, A. Stipsicz, Sz. Szabo: Hitchin fibrations on moduli of irregular Higgs bundles and motivic wall-crossing, J. Pure Appl. Algebra 223 (2019), no. 9, 3989–4064., 2019 | V. Foldvari: The Knot Invariant Upsilon Using Grid Homologies, Journal of Knot Theory and Its Ramifications, Vol. 30, No. 07, 2150051, 2021 | J. Cogolludo-Agustín, T. László, J. Martín-Morales, A. Némethi: Delta invariant of curves on rational surfaces I. The analytic approach,, Communications in Contemporary Mathematics, 2022 | J. Nagy, A. Nemethi: The Abel map for surface singularities III. Elliptic germs, Math. Zeitschrift, to appear, 2022 | J. Nagy, A. Nemethi: Motivic Poincare series of cusp surface singularities,, Proceedings of {\it Escuela de Matemáticas Llu'\i s Santal'o 2019: p-adic Analysis, Arithmetic and Singularities}, Contemporary Math. to appear, 2022 | J. Nagy, A. Nemethi: The dimension of the image of the Abel map associated with normal surface singularities, Selecta new series, 2022 | Gábor Damásdi, Viktória Földvári, Márton Naszódi,: Colorful Helly-type Theorems for the Volume of Intersections of Convex Bodies,, Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series A,, 2020 | J. I. Cogolludo-Agustin, T. Laszlo, A. Nemethi, J. Martin-Morales: Local invariants of minimal generic curves on rational surfaces,, Proceedings of {\it Escuela de Matemáticas Llu'\i s Santal'o 2019: p-adic Analysis, Arithmetic and Singularities}, Contemporary Math., to appear, 2022 | LM Fehér, ÁK Matszangosz: Halving spaces and lower bounds in real enumerative geometry, Algebraic and Geometric Topology, to appear, 2022 | László M. Fehér: Motivic Chern classes of cones, Singularities and Their Interaction with Geometry and Low Dimensional Topology In Honor of András Némethi Editors: Bobadilla, Laszlo, Tamas, Stipsicz pp 181-205, 2020 | A. Stipsicz, Z. Szabo: Purely cosmetic surgeries and pretzel knots, Pacific J. Math. 313 (2021), no. 1, 195–211., 2020 | Paolo Aceto, Jeffrey Meier, Allison N. Miller, Maggie Miller, JungHwan Park, András I. Stipsicz: Branched covers bounding rational homology balls, Algebr. Geom. Topol. 21 (2021), no. 7, 3569–3599., 2021 | Belotto, Curmi, Rond: A proof of A. Gabrielov's rank theorem, Journal de l'école polytechnique, p 1329-1396, tome 8, 2021, 2021 | A. Némethi: Surface singularities, Seiberg--Witten invariants of their links and lattice cohomology,, Handbook of Singularities, Volume III, Springer, to appear, 2022 | André Belotto da Silva, Lorenzo Fantini, András Némethi Anne Pichon: Polar exploration of complex surface germs, arXiv:2103.15444, 2022 | András Némethi, Baldur Sigurdsson: Local Newton nondegenerate Weil divisors in toric varieties, arXiv:2102.02948, 2022 | J. Nagy, A. Némethi, T. Okuma: Normal reduction number of normal surface singularities, arXiv:2108.12274, 2022 | T. Ágoston, A. Némethi: Analytic lattice cohomology of normal surface singularities, arXiv:2108.12294, 2022 | T. Ágoston, A. Némethi: Analytic lattice cohomology of surface singularities, II (the equivariant case),, arXiv:2108.12429, 2022 | T. Ágoston, A. Némethi: Analytic lattice cohomology of isolated singularities, arXiv:2109.11266, 2022 | LM Fehér, J Nagy: Additive Combinatorics Using Equivariant Cohomology, ISRAEL JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICS, 2022 | Sz. Szabó: P=W conjecture in lowest degree for rank 2 over the 5-punctured sphere, arXiv:2103.00932, 2022 | A. Dan, A. Romano: Examples of non-flat bundles of rank one, arXiv, 2022 | J Nagy: Invariants of relatively generic structures on normal surface singularities, 1910.03275, 2022 | T László, J Nagy: Brill-Noether problem on splice quotient singularities and duality of topological Poincaré series, arXiv:2107.02206, 2022 | A Stipsicz: Manolescu's work on the triangulation conjecture., Astérisque No. 422, Séminaire Bourbaki. Vol. 2018/2019. Exposés 1151–1165 (2020), 437–468., 2020 | A Stipsicz, Z. Szabó: On negative spheres in elliptic surfaces, arXiv:2108.13632, 2022 | A Cavallo, A Stipsicz: Traces of links and simply connected 4-manifolds, arXiv:2108.07621, 2022 | A. Nemethi: Linear subspace arrangements associated with normal surface singularities,, special volume of Journal of Singularities dedicated to E. Brieskorn, 18 (2018), 464-476, 2018 | J. Nagy, A. Nemethi: The Abel map for surface singularities II. Generic analytic structure., Adv. in Math. 371 (2020), 107268., 2018 | J. Cogolludo-Agustín, T. László, J. Martín-Morales, A. Némethi: Delta invariant of curves on rational surfaces I. The analytic approach,, Communications in Contemporary Mathematics 24 (2022) no. 7, 2022 | J. Nagy, A. Nemethi: The Abel map for surface singularities III. Elliptic germs, Math. Zeitschrift, 300, (2022), 1753--1797., 2022 | J. Nagy, A. Nemethi: Motivic Poincare series of cusp surface singularities,, Proceedings of {\it Escuela de Matemáticas Llu'\i s Santal'o 2019: p-adic Analysis, Arithmetic and Singularities}, Contemporary Math. 2022, 259--277., 2022 | J. Nagy, A. Nemethi: The dimension of the image of the Abel map associated with normal surface singularities, Selecta new series, 28 (2022), no. 3, Paper No. 58, 38 pp., 2022 | A. Némethi, Sz. Szabó,: The Geometric P=W conjecture in the Painlevé cases via plumbing calculus, International Mathematical Research Notices, Volume 2022, Issue 5, March 2022, 3201--3218., 2022 | J. I. Cogolludo-Agustin, T. Laszlo, A. Nemethi, J. Martin-Morales: Local invariants of minimal generic curves on rational surfaces,, Proceedings of {\it Escuela de Matemáticas Llu'\i s Santal'o 2019: p-adic Analysis, Arithmetic and Singularities}, Contemporary Math., 2022, 231--258., 2022 | André Belotto da Silva, Lorenzo Fantini, András Némethi Anne Pichon: Polar exploration of complex surface germs, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc., 375 (2022), no. 9, 6747--6767., 2022 | J. Nagy, A. Némethi, T. Okuma: Normal reduction number of normal surface singularities, EMS volume `Varieties, polyhedra, algorithms', to appear, 2023 | Sz. Szabó: Hitchin WKB-problem and P = W conjecture in lowest degree for rank 2 over the 5-punctured sphere, The Quarterly Journal of Mathematics, haac037, https://doi.org/10.1093/qmath/haac037, 2022 | A. Dan, A. Romano: Examples of non-flat bundles of rank one, Comptes Rendus - Série Mathématique, elfogadva (arXiv:2204.08080), 2022 | A Stipsicz, Z. Szabó: On negative spheres in elliptic surfaces, Proc Amer Math Soc, 151, 417-423, 2023 | A Cavallo, A Stipsicz: Traces of links and simply connected 4-manifolds, Bulletin of the London Math Soc, https://doi.org/10.1112/blms.12729, 2022 | A. Belotto da Silva, O. Curmi, G. Rond,: On rank Theorems and the Nash points of subanalytic sets, https://arxiv.org/pdf/2205.03079.pdf, 2022 | LM Fehér, AP Juhász: Plücker formulas using equivariant cohomology of coincident root strata, arXiv:2312.06430, 2023 | A. Cavallo: On Bennequin type inequalities for links in tight contact 3-manifolds, J. Knot Theory Ramifications, 29 (2020), no. 8, 2050055,, 2020 | A. Cavallo, C. Collari: Slice-torus concordance invariants and Whitehead doubles of links, Canad. J. Math., 72 (2020), no. 6, pp. 1423-1462,, 2020 | Viktória Földvári: Legendrian non-simple two-bridge knots, Periodica Mathematica Hungarica, 79 (2019), no. 1, 12–24., 2019 | F. Gironella: Examples of contact mapping classes of infinite order in all dimensions, Algebr. Geom. Topol., Volume 19, Number 3 (2019), 1207-1227., 2019 | F. Gironella: On some examples and constructions of contact manifolds, Math. Ann., 2019 |





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