A kvantum-színdinamika kritikus pontja  részletek

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Projekt adatai

típus KKP
Vezető kutató Katz Sándor
magyar cím A kvantum-színdinamika kritikus pontja
Angol cím Critical point of Quantum Chromodynamics
magyar kulcsszavak QCD, kritikus pont, rácstérelmélet
angol kulcsszavak QCD, critical point, lattice gauge theories
megadott besorolás
Részecskefizika (Műszaki és Természettudományok Kollégiuma)100 %
zsűri Fizika 1
Kutatóhely Elméleti Fizikai Tanszék (Eötvös Loránd Tudományegyetem)
résztvevők Giordano Matteo
Kovács Tamás György
Markó Gergely
Nógrádi Dániel
Pásztor Attila
Tulipánt Zoltán
projekt kezdete 2018-01-01
projekt vége 2023-12-31
aktuális összeg (MFt) 298.133
FTE (kutatóév egyenérték) 22.44
állapot aktív projekt



kutatási eredmények (magyarul)
A kutatás célja a kvantum-színdinamika fázisdiagramjának vizsgálata és a kritikus pont helyének meghatározása vagy arra korlátok felállítása volt. Bár a kritikus pont létére egyelőre nem utalnak jelek, sikerült azt egy nagy kémiai potenciál tartományban kizárni. A világon elsőként rács szimulációkat végeztünk közvetlenül nemnulla kémiai potenciálnál az előjel átsúlyozás módszerével. Ez lehetővé tette, hogy -az extrapolációs eljárásokkal ellentétben- megbízható eredményeket kapjunk. Bár a kontinuum limeszt még nem végeztük el, nincsenek kritikus pontra utaló jelek a hőmérsékletnél kisebb kémiai potenciálok esetén. Extrapolációs módszerekkel meghatároztuk a fázisdiagramot, az állapotegyenletet és töltés fluktuációkat kontinuum limeszben kis kémiai potenciálokra. Nagyobb kémiai potenciálok felé haladva az előjel probléma még az előjel átsúlyozás módszerével is lehetetlenné teszi a közvetlen szimulációkat. Ennek ellensúlyozására használtuk a kontúr deformációk módszerét. Ezt egyelőre olyan egyszerűbb rendszereken teszteltük, mint a 3 dimenziós XY modell, illetve egy királis véletlen mátrix modell. Mindkét esetben exponenciális mértékben javult az előjel probléma súlyossága. Több különböző modellben vizsgáltuk a Dirac-operátor kis sajátértékeinek viselkedését, mely hozzájárulhat a fázisátmenet megértéséhez.
kutatási eredmények (angolul)
The main goal of the project was to investigate the phase diagram of quantum chromodynamics and to determine the location of, or impose constraints on, the critical point. Although there is yet no evidence for the existence of a critical point, we were able to exclude it over a large range of chemical potentials. For the first time in the literature, we performed lattice simulations directly at non-zero chemical potentials using the sign reweighting method. This allowed us to obtain reliable results in contrast to extrapolation techniques. Although the continuum extrapolation has not yet been performed, there are no indications of a critical point at chemical potentials lower than the temperature. Using extrapolation methods, we have determined the phase diagram, equation of state and charge fluctuations in the continuum limit for small chemical potentials. Moving towards higher chemical potentials, the sign problem makes direct simulations impossible even using the sign reweighting method. To overcome this, we used the method of contour deformations. For the time being, this has been tested on simpler systems such as the 3D XY model and a chiral random matrix model. In both cases the severity of the sign problem improved exponentially. We have investigated the behavior of the small eigenvalues of the Dirac operator in several different models, which may contribute to our understanding of the phase transition.
a zárójelentés teljes szövege https://www.otka-palyazat.hu/download.php?type=zarobeszamolo&projektid=126769
döntés eredménye



M. Giordano, K. Kapas, S.D. Katz, D. Nogradi, A. Pasztor: Radius of convergence in lattice QCD at finite μB with rooted staggered fermions, Phys.Rev.D 101 (2020) 7, 074511, 2020
Borsanyi, Szabolcs; Fodor, Zoltan; Giordano, Matteo; Guenther, Jana N.; Katz, Sandor D.; Pasztor, Attila; Wong, Chik Him: Can rooted staggered fermions describe nonzero baryon density at low temperatures?, arXiv:2308.06105, 2023
Z. Tulipant, M. Giordano, K. Kapas, S. D. Katz, A. Pasztor: Exponential reduction of the sign problem at finite density in the 2+1D XY model via contour deformations, Phys. Rev. D106 (2022) no.5, 054512, 2022
Giordano, Matteo; Pásztor, Attila; Pesznyák, Dávid; Tulipánt, Zoltán: Alleviating the sign problem in a chiral random matrix model with contour deformations, PhysRevD 108 (2023) 094507, 2023
Giordano M., Kapas K., Katz S. D., Nogradi D., Pasztor A.: Effect of stout smearing on the phase diagram from multiparameter reweighting in lattice QCD, PHYSICAL REVIEW D 102: (3) 034503, 2020
A. Pasztor, Z. Szep, G. Marko: Apparent convergence of Padé approximants for the crossover line in finite density QCD, Phys. Rev. D 103, 034511, 2021
A Borsányi, Szabolcs; Fodor, Zoltán; Guenther, Jana N.; Katz, Sándor D.; Parotto, Paolo; Pásztor, Attila; Pesznyák, Dávid; Szabó, Kálmán K.; Wong, Chik Him: Continuum extrapolated high order baryon fluctuations, arXiv:2312.07528, 2023
S. Borsanyi, Z. Fodor, M. Giordano, J. N. Guenther, S. D. Katz, A. Pasztor, C. H. Wong: Equation of state of a hot-and-dense quark gluon plasma: lattice simulations at real $\mu_B$ vs. extrapolations, PhysRevD 107 (2023) L091503, 2023
Bonanno, Claudio; Giordano, Matteo: Continuum limit of the mobility edge and taste-degeneracy effects in high-temperature lattice QCD with staggered quarks, arXiv:2312.02857, 2023
Giordano, Matteo: Impossibility of spontaneous vector flavor symmetry breaking on the lattice, PhysRevD 107 (2023) 114509, 2023
Baranka, György; Giordano, Matteo: Localization of Dirac modes in the SU(2) Higgs model at finite temperature, PhysRevD 108 (2023) 114508, 2023
Nogradi, Daniel; Szikszai, Lorinc: The flavor dependence of m _ϱ /f_π, JHEP 05 (2019) 197, 2019
Chung, Hee Sok; Nogradi, Daniel: f_ϱ/m_ϱ an f_π/m_ϱ ratios and the conformal window, PhysRevD.107.074039, 2023
A. Y. Kotov, D. Nogradi, K. K. Szabo, L. Szikszai,: More on the flavor dependence of m$_{ϱ}$/f$_{π}$, JHEP 07 (2021) 202, JHEP 06 (2022) 032 (erratum), 2022
Cardinali, Marco; D'Elia, Massimo; Garosi, Francesco; Giordano, Matteo: Localisation of Dirac eigenmodes and confinement in gauge theories: the Roberge-Weiss transition, European Physical Journal Web of Conferences 274 (2022) 02009, 2022
Parotto, P.; Borsanyi, S.; Fodor, Z.; Guenther, J.; Kara, R.; Katz, S. D.; Pasztor, A.; Ratti, C.; Szabo, K.: Equation of state of QCD at finite chemical potential from an alternative expansion scheme, PoS LATTICE2021 (2022) 460, 2022
Giordano, M.: Localised Dirac eigenmodes and Goldstone's theorem at finite temperature, PoS LATTICE2021 (2022) 401, 2022
A Bellwied, R.; Borsanyi, S.; Fodor, Z.; Guenther, J. N.; Katz, S. D.; Parotto, P.; Pasztor, A.; Pesznyak, D.; Ratti, C.; Szabó, K. K.: Quantifying corrections to the hadron resonance gas with lattice QCD, PoS LATTICE2021 (2022) 186, 2022
Giordano, M.; Kapas, K.; Katz, S. D.; Nogradi, D.; Pasztor, A.: Towards a reliable lower bound on the location of the critical endpoint, Nuclear Physics A 1005 (2021) 121986, 2021
Guenther, Jana N.; Borsányi, Szabolcs; Fodor, Zoltan; Kara, Ruben; Katz, Sandor D.; Parotto, Paolo; Pásztor, Attila; Ratti, Claudia; Szabó, Kalman K.: The crossover line in the (T, μ)-phase diagram of QCD, Nuclear Physics A 1005 (2021) 121782, 2021
Ratti, Claudia; Bellwied, Rene; Borsanyi, Szabolcs; Fodor, Zoltan; Guenther, Jana N.; Kara, Ruben; Katz, Sandor; Parotto, Paolo; Pasztor, Attila; Szabo, Kalman: The QCD transition line from lattice simulations, Journal of Physics Conference Series 1602 (2020) 012011, 2020
Nogradi, D.; Szikszai, L.: The model dependence of m_\varrho / f_\pi, PoS LATTICE2019 (2019) 237, 2019
Sz. Borsanyi, Z. Fodor, M. Giordano, S.D. Katz, A. Pasztor, C. Ratti, A. Schafer, K.K Szabo, B.C. Toth: High statistics lattice study of stress tensor correlators in pure SU(3) gauge theory, Phys.Rev. D98 (2018) no.1, 014512, 2018
Giordano, Matteo: Localisation, chiral symmetry and confinement in QCD and related theories, PoS Confinement2018 (2019) 045, 2019
G. Endrodi, Z. Fodor, S.D. Katz, D. Sexty, K.K. Szabo, Cs. Torok: Applying constrained simulations for low temperature lattice QCD at finite baryon chemical potential, Phys.Rev. D98 (2018) no.7, 074508, 2018
Z. Fodor, M. Giordano, J. N. Günther, K. Kapás, S.D. Katz, A. Pásztor, I. Portillo, C. Ratti, D. Sexty, K. K. Szabó: Trying to constrain the location of the QCD critical endpoint with lattice simulations, Nucl.Phys. A982 (2019) 843-846, 2019
Sz. Borsanyi, Z. Fodor, J. N. Guenther, S.D. Katz, K. K. Szabo, A. Pasztor, I. Portillo, C. Ratti: Higher order fluctuations and correlations of conserved charges from lattice QCD, JHEP 1810 (2018) 205, 2018
J.N. Guenther, Sz. Borsanyi, Z. Fodor, S. D. Katz, K. K. Szabo, A. Pasztor, I. Portillo, C. Ratti: Lattice thermodynamics at finite chemical potential from analytical Continuation, J.Phys.Conf.Ser. 1070 (2018) no.1, 012002, 2018
Sz. Borsanyi, Z. Fodor, J.N. Guenther, S. Katz, A. Pasztor, I. Portillo, C. Ratti, K.K. Szabó: Towards the equation of state at finite density from the lattice, Nucl.Phys. A982 (2019) 223-226, 2019
J.N. Guenther, Sz. Borsányi, Z. Fodor, S.D. Katz, A. Pásztor, I. Portillo, C. Ratti, K.K. Szabó: Cross-correlations of conserved charges from the lattice, Nucl.Phys. A982 (2019) 303-306, 2019
M. Giordano, A. Pasztor: Reliable estimation of the radius of convergence in finite density QCD, Phys.Rev. D99 (2019) no.11, 114510, 2019
G. Endrodi, M. Giordano, S.D. Katz, T.G. Kovács, F. Pittler: Magnetic catalysis and inverse catalysis for heavy pions, JHEP 1907 (2019) 007, 2019
R. Bellwied, Sz. Borsanyi, Z. Fodor, J.N. Guenther, J. Noronha-Hostler, P. Parotto, A. Pasztor, C. Ratti, J. M. Stafford: Cross-correlators of conserved charges in QCD, arXiv:1911.06762 [hep-ph] submitted to Phys.Rev.D., 2019
R.A. Vig, T.G. Kovacs: Localization with overlap fermions, arXiv:2001.06872 [hep-lat] submitted to Phys.Rev.D., 2020
M. Giordano, K. Kapas, S.D. Katz, D. Nogradi, A. Pasztor: Radius of convergence in lattice QCD at finite μB, arXiv:1911.00043 [hep-lat] submitted to Phys.Rev.D., 2019
A. Boccaletti, D. Nogradi: The semi-classical approximation at high temperature revisited, arXiv:2001.03383 [hep-ph] submitted to JHEP, 2020
M. Giordano: Localisation in 2+1 dimensional SU(3) pure gauge theory at finite temperature, JHEP 1905 (2019) 204, 2019
R. Bellwied, Sz. Borsanyi, Z. Fodor, J.N. Guenther, J. Noronha-Hostler, P. Parotto, A. Pasztor, C. Ratti, J. M. Stafford: Cross-correlators of conserved charges in QCD, Springer Proc.Phys. 250 (2020) 191-196, 2019
R.A. Vig, T.G. Kovacs: Localization with overlap fermions, Phys.Rev.D 101 (2020) 9, 094511, 2020
M. Giordano, K. Kapas, S.D. Katz, D. Nogradi, A. Pasztor: Radius of convergence in lattice QCD at finite μB with rooted staggered fermions, Phys.Rev.D 101 (2020) 7, 074511, 2019
A. Boccaletti, D. Nogradi: The semi-classical approximation at high temperature revisited, JHEP 03 (2020) 045, 2020
R. Bellwied, Sz. Borsanyi, Z. Fodor, J. N. Guenther, J. Noronha-Hostler, P. Parotto, A. Pasztor, C. Ratti, J. M. Stafford: Off-diagonal correlators of conserved charges from lattice QCD and how to relate them to experiment, Phys.Rev.D 101 (2020) 3, 034506, 2020
Sz. Borsanyi, Z. Fodor, J.N. Guenther, R. Kara, S.D. Katz, P. Parotto, A. Pasztor, C. Ratti, K.K. Szabó: QCD Crossover at Finite Chemical Potential from Lattice Simulations, Phys.Rev.Lett. 125 (2020) 5, 052001, 2020
Giordano M., Kapas K., Katz S. D., Nogradi D., Pasztor A.: Effect of stout smearing on the phase diagram from multiparameter reweighting in lattice QCD, PHYSICAL REVIEW D 102: (3) 034503, 2020
Giordano Matteo, Kapas Kornel, D. Katz Sandor, Nogradi Daniel, Pasztor Attila: New approach to lattice QCD at finite density; results for the critical end point on coarse lattices, JHEP 05 (2020) 088, 2020
A. Pasztor, Z. Szep, G. Marko: Apparent convergence of Padé approximants for the crossover line in finite density QCD, accepted for publication in Phys.Rev.D., 2021
A. Pasztor, Z. Szep, G. Marko: Apparent convergence of Padé approximants for the crossover line in finite density QCD, Phys. Rev. D 103, 034511, 2021
S. Borsányi, Z. Fodor, J. N. Guenther, R. Kara, S. D. Katz, P. Parotto, A. Pásztor, C. Ratti, K. K. Szabó: Lattice QCD Equation of State at Finite Chemical Potential from an Alternative Expansion Scheme, Phys. Rev. Lett. 126, 232001, 2021
R.A. Vig, T. G. Kovács: Ideal topological gas in the high temperature phase of SU(3) gauge theory, Phys. Rev. D 103, 114510, 2021
Marco Cardinali, Massimo D’Elia, Francesco Garosi, Matteo Giordano: Localization properties of Dirac modes at the Roberge-Weiss phase transition, Phys. Rev. D 105, 014506, 2022
Claudio Bonati, Marco Cardinali, Massimo D’Elia, Matteo Giordano, Fabrizio Mazziotti: Reconfinement, localization, and thermal monopoles in SU(3) trace-deformed Yang-Mills theory, Phys. Rev. D 103, 034506, 2021
Rene Bellwied, Claudia Ratti, Szabolcs Borsányi, Paolo Parotto, Zoltán Fodor, Jana N. Guenther, Sándor D. Katz, Attila Pásztor, Dávid Pesznyák, Kálmán K. Szabó: Corrections to the hadron resonance gas from lattice QCD and their effect on fluctuation-ratios at finite density, Phys. Rev. D 104, 094508, 2021
György Baranka, Matteo Giordano: Localization of Dirac modes in finite-temperature Z2 gauge theory on the lattice, Phys. Rev. D 104, 054513, 2021
M. Giordano, T.G. Kovacs: Localization of Dirac Fermions in Finite-Temperature Gauge Theory, Universe 2021, 7(6), 194, 2021
Szabolcs Borsanyi, Zoltan Fodor, Matteo Giordano, Sandor D. Katz, Daniel Nogradi, Attila Pasztor, Chik Him Wong: Lattice simulations of the QCD chiral transition at real baryon density, accepted for publication in Phys.Rev.D, 2022
Sz. Borsanyi, Z. Fodor, J. N. Guenther, C. Hoelbling, S. D. Katz, L. Lellouch, T. Lippert, K. Miura, L. Parato, K. K. Szabo, F. Stokes, B. C. Toth, Cs. Torok, L. Varnhorst: Leading hadronic contribution to the muon magnetic moment from lattice QCD, Nature volume 593, pages 51–55 (2021), 2021
D. Nogradi: Vector fields, RG flows and emergent gauge symmetry, JHEP 05 (2021) 044, 2021
Szabolcs Borsanyi, Zoltan Fodor, Matteo Giordano, Sandor D. Katz, Daniel Nogradi, Attila Pasztor, Chik Him Wong: Lattice simulations of the QCD chiral transition at real baryon density, Phys. Rev. D 105 (2022) no.5, L051506, 2022
M. Giordano, A. Pasztor, D. Pesznyak, Z. Tulipant: Fighting the sign problem in a chiral random matrix model with contour deformations, arXiv:2301.12947, submitted to Phys.Rev.D., 2023
S. Borsanyi, Z. Fodor, M. Giordano, J. N. Guenther, S. D. Katz, A. Pasztor, C. H. Wong: Equation of state of a hot-and-dense quark gluon plasma: lattice simulations at real $\mu_B$ vs. extrapolations, arXiv:2208.05398, submitted to Phys.Rev.D., 2022
S. Borsanyi, J. N. Guenther, R. Kara, Z. Fodor, P. Parotto, A. Pasztor, C. Ratti, K. K. Szabo: Resummed lattice QCD equation of state at finite baryon density: Strangeness neutrality and beyond, Phys. Rev. D105 (2022) no.11, 114504, 2022
A. Y. Kotov, D. Nogradi, K. K. Szabo, L. Szikszai,: More on the flavor dependence of m$_{ϱ}$/f$_{π}$, JHEP 06 (2022), 032, 2022
Z. Tulipant, M. Giordano, K. Kapas, S. D. Katz, A. Pasztor: Exponential improvement of the sign problem via contour deformations in the 2+1D XY model at non-zero density, Phys. Rev. D106 (2022) no.5, 054512, 2022
G. Baranka and M. Giordano: Deconfinement transition and localization of Dirac modes in finite-temperature Z3 gauge theory on the lattice, Phys. Rev. D106 (2022) no.9, 094508, 2022
M. Giordano: Localisation of Dirac modes in gauge theories and Goldstone's theorem at finite temperature, JHEP 12 (2022), 103, 2022
Borsányi, Szabolcs; Fodor, Zoltán; Guenther, Jana N.; Kara, Ruben; Parotto, Paolo; Pásztor, Attila; Wong, Chik Him: Finite volume effects near the chiral crossover, arXiv:2401.01169, 2024


Projekt eseményei

2020-09-29 13:49:37
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2019-12-13 20:39:27
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2018-11-05 14:01:32
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2018-06-19 11:16:51
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