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Közleményjegyzék |
Csehi András, Kowalewski Markus, Halász Gábor J, Vibók Ágnes: Ultrafast dynamics in the vicinity of quantum light-induced conical intersections, NEW JOURNAL OF PHYSICS 21: (9) p. 093040., 2019 | Tóth A., Csehi A., Halász G. J., Vibók Á.: Photodissociation dynamics of the LiF molecule: Two- and three-state descriptions, PHYSICAL REVIEW A 99: (4) 043424, 2019 | Badanko Peter, Halasz Gabor J., Cederbaum Lorenz S., Vibok Agnes, Csehi Andras: Communication: Substantial impact of the orientation of transition dipole moments on the dynamics of diatomics in laser fields, JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS 149: (18) 181101, 2018 | Szidarovszky Tamás, Halász Gábor J., Császár Attila G., Cederbaum Lorenz S., Vibók Ágnes: Conical Intersections Induced by Quantum Light: Field-Dressed Spectra from the Weak to the Ultrastrong Coupling Regimes, JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY LETTERS 9: (21) pp. 6215-6223., 2018 | Csehi Andras, Badanko Peter, Halasz Gabor J., Vibok Agnes, Lasorne Benjamin: On the preservation of coherence in the electronic wavepacket of a neutral and rigid polyatomic molecule, JOURNAL OF PHYSICS B: ATOMIC MOLECULAR AND OPTICAL PHYSICS 53: (18) 184005, 2020 | Fabri Csaba, Lasorne Benjamin, Halasz Gabor J., Cederbaum Lorenz S., Vibok Agnes: Striking Generic Impact of Light-Induced Non-Adiabaticity in Polyatomic Molecules, JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY LETTERS 11: (13) pp. 5324-5329., 2020 | Pawlak Mariusz, Szidarovszky Tamás, Halász Gábor J., Vibók Ágnes: Robust field-dressed spectra of diatomics in an optical lattice, PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY CHEMICAL PHYSICS 22: pp. 3715-3723., 2020 | Tóth A., Csehi A., Halász G. J., Vibók Á.: Control of photodissociation with the dynamic Stark effect induced by THz pulses, Physical Review Research 2: (1) 013338, 2020 | Csehi András, Vibók Ágnes, Halász Gábor J., Kowalewski Markus: Quantum control with quantum light of molecular nonadiabaticity, PHYSICAL REVIEW A 100: (5) 053421, 2019 | Badanko Peter, Umarov Otabek, Fabri Csaba, Halasz Gabor J., Vibok Agnes: Topological aspects of cavity-induced degeneracies in polyatomic molecules, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF QUANTUM CHEMISTRY 2021: e26750, 2021 | Fábri Csaba, Halász Gábor J., Cederbaum Lorenz S., Vibók Ágnes: Born–Oppenheimer approximation in optical cavities: from success to breakdown, CHEMICAL SCIENCE 12: (4) pp. 1251-1258., 2021 | Fábri Csaba, Halász Gábor J., Cederbaum Lorenz S., Vibók Ágnes: Signatures of light-induced nonadiabaticity in the field-dressed vibronic spectrum of formaldehyde, JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS 154: (12) 124308, 2021 | Szidarovszky Tamás, Badankó Péter, Halász Gábor J., Vibók Ágnes: Nonadiabatic phenomena in molecular vibrational polaritons, JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS 154: (6) 064305, 2021 | Fábri Csaba, Lasorne Benjamin, Halász Gábor J., Cederbaum Lorenz S., Vibók Ágnes: Quantum light-induced nonadiabatic phenomena in the absorption spectrum of formaldehyde: Full- and reduced-dimensionality studies, JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS 153: (23) 234302, 2020 | Szidarovszky Tamás, Halász Gábor J., Vibok Agnes: Three-player polaritons: nonadiabatic fingerprints in an entangled atom-molecule-photon system, NEW JOURNAL OF PHYSICS 22: (5) 053001, 2020 | Csaba Fábri, Halász Gábor J., Vibók Ágnes: Probing Light-Induced Conical Intersections by Monitoring Multidimensional Polaritonic Surfaces, JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY LETTERS 13: (5) pp. 1172-1179., 2022 | Csehi András, Vendrell Oriol, Halász Gábor J, Vibók Ágnes: Competition between collective and individual conical intersection dynamics in an optical cavity, NEW JOURNAL OF PHYSICS 24: (7) 073022, 2022 | Gabor Halász, Tamás Szidarovszky, Agnes Vibok: On the line shape of the total rovibronic absorption in laser-dressed diatomic molecules, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF QUANTUM CHEMISTRY 122: (7) e26868, 2022 | Fabri Csaba, Halász Gábor J., Cederbaum Lorenz S, Vibok Agnes: Radiative emission of polaritons controlled by light-induced geometric phase, CHEMICAL COMMUNICATIONS 58: (90) pp. 12612-12615., 2022 | Szidarovszky Tamás, Halász Gábor J., Császár Attila G., Cederbaum Lorenz S., Vibók Ágnes: Conical Intersections Induced by Quantum Light: Field-Dressed Spectra from the Weak to the Ultrastrong Coupling Regimes, JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY LETTERS 9: (21) pp. 6215-6223., 2018 | Badanko Peter, Halasz Gabor J., Cederbaum Lorenz S., Vibok Agnes, Csehi Andras: Communication: Substantial impact of the orientation of transition dipole moments on the dynamics of diatomics in laser fields, JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS 149: (18) 181101, 2018 | Tóth A., Csehi A., Halász G. J., Vibók Á.: Photodissociation dynamics of the LiF molecule: Two- and three-state descriptions, PHYSICAL REVIEW A 99: (4) 043424, 2019 | Csehi András, Kowalewski Markus, Halász Gábor J, Vibók Ágnes: Ultrafast dynamics in the vicinity of quantum light-induced conical intersections, NEW JOURNAL OF PHYSICS 21: (9) p. 093040., 2019 | Csehi András, Vibók Ágnes, Halász Gábor J., Kowalewski Markus: Quantum control with quantum light of molecular nonadiabaticity, PHYSICAL REVIEW A 100: (5) 053421, 2019 | Pawlak Mariusz, Szidarovszky Tamás, Halász Gábor J., Vibók Ágnes: Robust field-dressed spectra of diatomics in an optical lattice, PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY CHEMICAL PHYSICS 22: pp. 3715-3723., 2020 | Tóth A., Csehi A., Halász G. J., Vibók Á.: Control of photodissociation with the dynamic Stark effect induced by THz pulses, Physical Review Research 2: (1) 013338, 2020 | Fabri Csaba, Lasorne Benjamin, Halasz Gabor J., Cederbaum Lorenz S., Vibok Agnes: Striking Generic Impact of Light-Induced Non-Adiabaticity in Polyatomic Molecules, JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY LETTERS 11: (13) pp. 5324-5329., 2020 | Csehi Andras, Badanko Peter, Halasz Gabor J., Vibok Agnes, Lasorne Benjamin: On the preservation of coherence in the electronic wavepacket of a neutral and rigid polyatomic molecule, JOURNAL OF PHYSICS B: ATOMIC MOLECULAR AND OPTICAL PHYSICS 53: (18) 184005, 2020 | Szidarovszky Tamás, Halász Gábor J., Vibok Agnes: Three-player polaritons: nonadiabatic fingerprints in an entangled atom-molecule-photon system, NEW JOURNAL OF PHYSICS 22: (5) 053001, 2020 | Fábri Csaba, Halász Gábor J., Cederbaum Lorenz S., Vibók Ágnes: Born–Oppenheimer approximation in optical cavities: from success to breakdown, CHEMICAL SCIENCE 12: (4) pp. 1251-1258., 2021 | Fábri Csaba, Lasorne Benjamin, Halász Gábor J., Cederbaum Lorenz S., Vibók Ágnes: Quantum light-induced nonadiabatic phenomena in the absorption spectrum of formaldehyde: Full- and reduced-dimensionality studies, JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS 153: (23) 234302, 2020 | Szidarovszky Tamás, Badankó Péter, Halász Gábor J., Vibók Ágnes: Nonadiabatic phenomena in molecular vibrational polaritons, JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS 154: (6) 064305, 2021 | Fábri Csaba, Halász Gábor J., Cederbaum Lorenz S., Vibók Ágnes: Signatures of light-induced nonadiabaticity in the field-dressed vibronic spectrum of formaldehyde, JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS 154: (12) 124308, 2021 | Badanko Peter, Umarov Otabek, Fabri Csaba, Halasz Gabor J., Vibok Agnes: Topological aspects of cavity-induced degeneracies in polyatomic molecules, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF QUANTUM CHEMISTRY 2021: e26750, 2022 | Gabor Halász, Tamás Szidarovszky, Agnes Vibok: On the line shape of the total rovibronic absorption in laser-dressed diatomic molecules, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF QUANTUM CHEMISTRY 122: (7) e26868, 2022 | Csaba Fábri, Halász Gábor J., Vibók Ágnes: Probing Light-Induced Conical Intersections by Monitoring Multidimensional Polaritonic Surfaces, JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY LETTERS 13: (5) pp. 1172-1179., 2022 | Csehi András, Vendrell Oriol, Halász Gábor J, Vibók Ágnes: Competition between collective and individual conical intersection dynamics in an optical cavity, NEW JOURNAL OF PHYSICS 24: (7) 073022, 2022 | Fabri Csaba, Halász Gábor J., Cederbaum Lorenz S, Vibok Agnes: Radiative emission of polaritons controlled by light-induced geometric phase, CHEMICAL COMMUNICATIONS 58: (90) pp. 12612-12615., 2022 | Attila Tóth, Sándor Borbély and András Csehi: Dynamic interference in below-threshold ionization, Phys. Rev. A 108, L061101, 2023 |





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