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Közleményjegyzék |
Ahres, Mohamed ; Boldizsár, Ákos ; Gierczik, Krisztián ; Székely, András ; Vágújfalvi, Attila ; Galiba, Gábor: Az árpa fagyállóságának változása különböző fényspektrumok és hideghatás következtében, In: Karsai, Ildikó (szerk.) Növénynemesítés a 21. század elején: kihívások és válaszok : XXV. Növénynemesítési Tudományos Nap 2019 Budapest, Magyarország : Magyar Tudomán, 2019 | 1. Gábor Galiba, Krisztian Gierczik, Terézia Kovacs, Mohamed Ahres, Áron Hamow-Kamirán, Petre Dobrev, Éva Ádám, László Kozma-Bognár, Vankova Radomira, Zoltán Gombos.: Regulation, Signaling and Metabolic Background of Light Induced Cold Acclimation in Cereals., Plant Biology CS 2019, 26 - 31/08/2019, České Budějovice, Czech Republic, In bulletin 1/2019 of the Czech Society of Experimental Plant Biology, P 76., 2019 | Mohamed, Ahres ; Terézia, Kovács ; Ákos, Boldizsár ; Krisztián, Gierczik ; András, Székely ; Zoltán, Gombos ; Attila, Vágújfalvi ; Gábor, Galiba: The combined effect of various light spectra and light intensities on barley frost-tolerance., Olomouc, Csehország : European Federation of Biotechnology (2019) , P. 125., 2019 | Kovacs T., Ahres M., Gombos Z.,Galiba G.: Increased Far-red light ratio in white light and temperature dependent changes in the composition of membrane lipids., . Plant Biology CS 2019, 26 - 31/08/2019, České Budějovice, Czech Republic, In bulletin 1/2019 of the Czech Society of Experimental Plant Biology, P 87., 2019 | 2. Kovacs T., Ahres M., Gombos Z.,Galiba G.: . Increased proportion of far-red in the incident white light modifies membrane lipid composition by temperature dependent manner in winter barley., In CBB5 ABSTRACTS 5th Conference on Cereal Biotechnology and Breeding jointly organized by EUCARPIA Cereal Section November 4–7, 2019 • Budapest, Hungary-. P. 79, 2019 | Krisztián Gierczik, Balázs Kalapos, Attila Vágújfalvi, Gábor Galiba: . Identification of putative Phytochrome Interacting Factors (PIFs) in domesticated barley (Hordeum vulgare L.)., . In CBB5 ABSTRACTS 5th Conference on Cereal Biotechnology and Breeding jointly organized by EUCARPIA Cereal Section November 4–7, 2019 • Budapest, Hungary-. P. 90., 2019 | Terézia Kovács, Mohamed Ahres, Tamás Pálmai, László Kovács, Matsuo Uemura, Cristina Crosatti and Gabor Galiba: Decreased R:FR Ratio in Incident White Light Affects the Composition of Barley Leaf Lipidome and Freezing Tolerance in a Temperature- Dependent Manner, Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2020, 21, 7557; doi:10.3390/ijms21207557., 2020 | Mohamed Ahres, Krisztián Gierczik, Ákos Boldizsár, Pavel Vítámvás and Gábor Galiba: Temperature and Light-Quality-Dependent Regulation of Freezing Tolerance in Barley, Plants 2020, 9, 83; doi:10.3390/plants9010083., 2020 | Gierczik, Krisztián ; Vágújfalvi, Attila ; Galiba, Gábor ; Kalapos, Balázs: In Silico Identification of Putative Barley Phytochrome Interacting Factors (PIFs), Georgikon for Agriculture: A Multidisciplinary Journal in Agricultural Sciences 23 : 2 pp. 2-15. , 14 p., 2019 | Krisztián Gierczik, Tomislava Vukušić, László Kovács, András Székely, Gabriella Szalai, Slobodan Milošević, Gábor Kocsy, Kinga Kutasi and Gábor Galiba: Plasma‐activated water to improve the stress tolerance of barley., Plasma Process Polym. 2020;e1900123; https://doi.org/10.1002/ppap.201900123, 2020 | Ahres, Mohamed ; Pálmai, Tamás ; Gierczik, Krisztián ; Dobrev, Petre ; Vanková, Radomíra ; Galiba, Gábor: The Impact of Far-Red Light Supplementation on Hormonal Responses to Cold Acclimation in Barley., Biomolecules 2021 Mar 17;11(3):450., 2021 | Davide Guerra · Caterina Morcia · Franz Badeck · Fulvia Rizza · Stefano Delbono · Enrico Francia ·Justyna Anna Milc · Istvan Monostori · Gabor Galiba · Luigi Cattivelli · Alessandro Tondelli: Extensive allele mining discovers novel genetic diversity in the loci controlling frost tolerance in barley., Theoretical and Applied Genetics volume 135, pages 553–569, 2022 | Boldizsár, Ákos ; Soltész, Alexandra ; Tanino, Karen ; Kalapos, Balázs ; Marozsán-Tóth, Zsuzsa ; Monostori, István ; Dobrev, Petre ; Vankova, Radomira ; Galiba, Gábor: Elucidation of molecular and hormonal background of early growth cessation and endodormancy induction in two contrasting Populus hybrid cultivars, BMC Plant Biology volume 21, Article number: 111, 2021 | Rady, Mohamed Ramadan ; Gierczik, Krisztián ; Ibrahem, Mona Mohamed ; Matter, Mohamed Ahmed ; Galiba, Gábor: Anticancer compounds production in Catharanthus roseus by methyl jasmonate and UV-B elicitation, SOUTH AFRICAN JOURNAL OF BOTANY 142 pp. 34-41, 2021 | Ahres M., Pálmai T., Kovács T., Kovács L., Lacek J., Vankova R., Galiba G., Borbély P.: The Effect of White Light Spectrum Modifications by Excess of Blue Light on the Frost Tolerance, Lipid- and Hormone Composition of Barley in the Early Pre-Hardening Phase, PLANTS-BASEL 12: (1) 40, 2023 |





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