A XIII-as véralvadási faktor B alegységének molekuláris és celluláris kölcsönhatásai
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Közleményjegyzék |
Raut S, Katona É, Riches-Duit A, Coxon C, Muszbek L, Schroeder V, Rigsby P.: An international collaborative study to assign value for Total Factor XIII-B Subunit Antigen to the WHO 1st International Standard for Factor XIII Plasma, (02/206): ..., J Thromb Haemost. 20:525-531., 2022 | Bogáti R, Katona É, Shemirani AH, Balogh E, Bárdos H, Jeney V, Muszbek L.: The Effect of Activated FXIII, a Transglutaminase, on Vascular Smooth Muscle Cells, Int. J. Mol. Sci. 23, 1-15., 2022 | Somodi L, Bárdos H, Katona É, Baráth B, Haramura G, Horváth E, Shemirani AH, Muszbek L.: Cellular Factor XIII in Macrophage Derived Foam Cells, Res Pract Thromb Haemost, 5: e12591. , 2021 | Bogáti R, Katona É, Shemirani AH, Balogh E, Bárdos H, Jeney V, Muszbek L.: The Effect of Activated FXIII, a Transglutaminase, on Vascular Smooth Muscle Cells, Int J Mol Sci 23: 5845, 2022 | Somodi L, Horváth E, Bárdos H, Baráth B, Pethő D, Katona É, Balla J, Mutch NJ, Muszbek L.: Cellular FXIII in Human Macrophage-Derived Foam Cells, Int J Mol Sci 24: 4802, 2023 | Somodi L, Debreceni Beke I, KIs G, Cozzolino M, Kappelmayer J, Antal M, Panyi G, Bárdos H, Mutch NJ, Muszbek L.: Activation mechanism dependent surface exposure of cellular factor XIII on activated platelets and platelet microparticles, J Thromb Haemost. 20, 1223-1235., 2022 | Baráth B, Bogati R, Miklós T, Kállai J, Mezei Z, Bereczky Z, Muszbek L, Katona É.: Effect if [alpha]2-plasmin inhibitor heterogeneity on the risk of venous thromboembolism, Thromb Res 203: 110-106, 2021 | Pénzes K, Hurják B, Katona É, Becs G, Balla J, Muszbek L: Terminal phase components of the clotting cascade in patients with end-stage renal disease undergoing hemodiafiltration or hemodialysis treatment, Int J Mol Sci. 21 :8426, 2020 | Bovet J, Hurják B, De Maistre E, Katona É, Pénzes K, Muszbek L: Autoimmune factor XIII deficiency with unusual laboratory and clinical phenotype, J Thomb Haemost 18: 1330-1334, 2020 | Somodi L, Debreceni Beke I, KIs G, Cozzolino M, Kappelmayer J, Antal M, Panyi G, Bárdos H, Mutch NJ, Muszbek L.: Activation mechanism dependent surface exposure of cellular factor XIII on activated platelets and platelet microparticles, J Thromb Haemost accepted, 2021 | Baráth B, Kissné Bogati R,Miklós T, Kállai J, Mezei Z, Bereczky Z, Muszbek L, Katona É.: Effect if [alpha]2-plasmin inhibitor heterogeneity on the risk of venous thromboembolism, Thromb Res 203: 110-106, 2021 | Hurják B, Kovács Z, Döncző B, Katona É, Haramura G, Erdélyi F, Shemirani AH, Sadeghi F, Muszbek L, Guttman A: N-glycosylation of blood coagulation factor XIII subunit B and its functional consequence, J Thromb Haemost 18:1302-1309,, 2020 | Bagoly Z, Muszbek L.: Factor XIII: what does it look like?, J Thromb Haemost 17: 714–716, 2019 | Orosz ZZ, Bárdos H, Shemirani AH, Beke Debreceni I, R Lassila, A Riikonen, JA Kremer Hovinga, TG Seiler, HA van Dorland, V Schroeder, Boda Z, Nemes L, B Früh Epstein, Nagy B, Facskó A, Kappelmayer J, Muszbek L.: Cellular factor XIII, a transglutaminase in human corneal keratocytes, Int. J. Mol. Sci.20, 5963;, 2019 | Hurják B, Döncző B, Farkas A, Haramura G, Guttman A, Muszbek L.: The Glycan Structure on Factor XIII B Subunit, International Society on Thrombosis and Haemostasis Congress, Melbourne, 2019 | Hurják B, Kovács Z, Döncző B, Farkas A, Haramura G, Guttman A, Muszbek L.: The Glycan Structure on Factor XIII B Subunit, European Congress on Thrombosis and Haemostasis, Glasgow, 2019 | Somodi L, Debreceni Beke I, Bárdos H, Bana Ágnes, Kappelmayer J, Muszbek L.: Coagulaion factor XIII in platelet microparticles formed by receptor mediated and non-receptor mediated platelet, European Congress on Thrombosis and Haemostasis, Glasgow, 2019 |





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