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Közleményjegyzék |
K. Witte, U. Andiel, F. Brandl, K. Eidmann, E. Fill, I. Földes, H. Habara, D. Habs, M. Hegelich, R. Mancini, J. Meyer-ter-Vehn, M. Kaluza, S. Karsch, G. Pretzler, E. Rácz, T. Schlegel, G. Tsakiris: Isochoric Heating of Matter, Relativistic Electron Transport in Preformed Overdense Plasma, and Characterization of Electrons Generated at Intensely Irradiated Surfaces, IFSA0946 (invited), Book of abstracts of the 2nd Int. Conf. Inertial Fusion Sciences and Applications, Kyoto, 2001 | M. Kaluza, H. Habara, G.D. Tsakiris, K. Eidmann, K.J. Witte, I.B. Földes, E. Rácz: Relativistic Electron Transport in Preformed Overdense Plasmas, 28th EPS Conf. on Controlled Fusion and Plasma Physics, Madeira, Abstracts of Invited and Contributed Papers, 2001 | K. Gál, S. Varró: Polarization properties of high harmonics generated on solid surfaces, Opt. Commun. 198, 419-431, 2001 | I.B. Földes: Properties of transition radiation from fast electrons generated in laser-plasma interactions, Physics of High Energy Density in Matter, Workshop, Hirschegg, 28/1-3/2, 2001 | Gál Kinga: Szilárdtest lézerplazmában keletkező felharmonikusok vizsgálata, PhD értekezés, Budapest, 2001 | Földes István: Sugárzás lézerplazmákból, MTA Doktori értekezés, Budapest, 2002 | I.B. Földes: Beam self-focusing seen even earlier, Laser Focus World 38 (11):9, 2002 | I.B. Földes, K. Gál, G. Kocsis, E. Rácz, S. Szatmári,: High-harmonics from a UV Laser Plasma, Proc. SPIE Vol.5228 Eds. O.N. Krokhin, S. Yu. Guskov, Y.A. Merkulev, 473-479.o., 2003 | I.B. Földes, G. Kocsis, E. Rácz, S. Szatmári, G. Veres: Generation of High Harmonics in Laser Plasmas, Laser and Particle Beams 21, 517-521, 2003 | K. Gál, S. Varró: Single Electron Model of Second and Third Harmonic Generation on Solid Surfaces, Proc. SPIE 4424, 228-231, 2001 | G. Veres, G. Kocsis, E. Rácz, S. Szatmári: Doppler shift of femtosecond laser pulses from solid density plasmas, Appl. Phys. B 78, 635-638, 2004 | K. Gál, S. Varró, I.B. Földes: Anomalous Transparency Induced by High Intensity Laser Pulses, 19th IAEA Fusion Energy Conference, Lyon, France, 2002 | S. Varró, K. Gál, I.B. Földes: Intensity dependent anomalous transmittivity of thin plasma layers, Laser Physics Letters 1, 111-114, 2004 | E. Rácz, K. Eidmann, I.B. Földes, G. Kocsis, S. Szatmári, G. Veres: Polarization- and Propagation Properties of High Harmonics for 1017 W/cm2 Intensities, 31st EPS Conference on Plasma Physics, London, 1000590, 2004 | I.B. Földes, E. Rácz, S. Szatmári, B. Hopp, N.R. Kresz, T. Smausz, Zs. Tóth: Fast electrons for the fast ignitor scheme of inertial confinement fusion,, IAEA CRP meeting on Elements of Power Plant Design on Inertial Fusion Energy, Daejon , Korea IAEA-TECDOC-1460, p. 97-104 (June 2005), 2005 | M. Kaluza, I. B. Földes, E. Rácz, M. I. K. Santala, G. D. Tsakiris and K.-J. Witte: Relativistic self-focusing of fs-laser pulses and their heating effect on the preformed plasma, IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science, 33, 480-481, 2005 | I.B. Földes: Fast Electrons for the Fast Ignitor Scheme of Inertial Confinement Fusion, Elements of Power Plant Design for Inertial Fusion Energy\'', CRP meeting, IAEA Wien, 2001 | R. Rakowski, A. Bartnik, H. Fiedorowicz, R. Jarocki, J. Kostecki, J. Mikolajczyk, A. Szczurek, M. Szczurek, I.B. Földes, Zs. Tóth: Pulse X-ray radiography of a gas jet target for laser-matter interaction experiments with the use of a CCD detector, Nucl. Inst. Methods in Physics Research A 551, 139-144, 2005 | Földes B István, Szatmári Sándor, Kuhlevszkij Szergej: Ultrarövid és koherens ultraibolya és röntgenimpulzusok keltése és alklamazása, Magyar Tudomány, 166, 1477-1482 (2005/12), 2005 | E. Rácz,: On the effect of surface rippling on the generation of harmonics in laser plasmas, Appl. Phys. B 82, 13-18 (2006), online megjelent 2005-ben4, 2005 | E. Rácz, I.B. Földes and S. Szatmári: Investigation of plasma critical surface rippling by harmonics generation in laser plasmas, AIP Conference Proceedings Vol. 812 (Editors: Marek J. Sadowski, Michel Dudeck, Hans-Jürgen Hartfuss, Ewa Pawelec), pp. 291-294. (2006), 2006 | Rácz Ervin: Nemlineáris jelenségek vizsgálata lézerplazmákban nagy lézerintenzitásokon, PhD értekezés, Budapest,, 2005 | E. Rácz, I.B. Földes, L. Ryc: X-ray radiation measurements with photodiodes in plasmas generated by 10^17 W/cm^2 intensity KrF excimer laser pulses, AIP Conference Proceedings Vol. 812 (Editors: Marek J. Sadowski, Michel Dudeck, Hans-Jürgen Hartfuss, Ewa Pawelec), pp. 287-290. (2006), 2006 |





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