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G. Tóth: Flexible, Efficient and Robust Algorithm for Parallel Execution and Coupling of Components in a Framework, Computer Physics Communications, 174, 793, 2006 | B. Kocsis, Z. Frei, Z. Haiman, & K. Menou: Finding the Optical Counterparts of Supermassive Black Holes Discovered by LISA as Gravitational Wave Sources, ApJ, 637, 27, 2006 | C. F. Gammie, J. C. McKinney, & G. Tóth: HARM: Numerical Scheme for General Relativistic Magnetohydrodynamics, ApJ, 589, 444, 2003 | R. Keppens, M. Nool, G. Tóth, & J. P. Goedbloed: Adaptive Mesh Refinment for Conservative Systems: Multidimensional Efficiency Evaluation, Computer Physics Communications, 153, 317, 2003 | G. Tóth and P. L. Roe: Divergence- and Curl-Preserving Prolongation and Restriction Formulas, Journal of Computational Physics, 2002 | G. Tóth and P. L. Roe: Conservative and Orthogonal Discretization for the Lorentz Force, Journal of Computational Physics, 2002 | T. I. Gombosi, K. G. Powell, D. L. De Zeeuw, R. Clauer, K. C. Hansen, W. B. Manchester, A. Ridley, I. I. Roussev, I. V. Sokolov, Q. F. Stout, & G. Tóth: Solution-Adaptive Magnetohydrodynamics for Space Plasmas: Sun-to-Earth Simulations, Computing in Science and Engineering: Frontiers of Simulation, M/A, 13, 2003 | I. I. Roussev, T. I. Gombosi, I. V. Sokolov, M. Velli, W. Manchester IV, D. L. DeZeeuw, P. Liewer, G. Tóth, & J. Luhman: A Three-Dimensional Model of Solar Wind Incorporating Solar Magnetogram Observations, ApJL, 595, L57, 2003 | M. Opher, P. C. Liewer, T. I. Gombosi, W. Manchester, D. L. DeZeeuw, I. Sokolov & G. Tóth: Probing the Edge of the Solar System: Formation of an Unstable Jet-Sheet, ApJL, 591, L61, 2003 | G. Tóth, D. Kovács, K. C. Hansen, T. I. Gombosi: Three-dimensional MHD Simulations of the Magnetosphere of Uranus, Journal of Geophysical Research, 109, 11210, 2004 | B. Kocsis, Z. Haiman, K. Menou, & Z. Frei: Pre-Merger Localization of Gravitational-Wave Standard Sirens with LISA I: Harmonic Mode Decomposition, Phys. Rev. D (beküldve), 2006 | H. Oberhummer, A Csótó, M. Farbairn, H. Schlattl, & M. Sharma: Temporal variation of coupling constants and nucleosynthesis, Nuclear Physics A, 719, 283, 2003 | H. Schlattl, A. Heger, H. Oberhummer, T. Rauscher, A. Csótó: Sensitivity of the C and O production on the 3-alpha rate, Astrophysics and Space Science, 291, 27, 2004 | N. Purger, T. Budavári, A. Szalay, A. Thakar, & I. Csabai: Build Your Own SkyNode, ASP konferencia proceedings, 2003 | B. Kocsis, Z. Haiman, & Z. Frei: Can Virialization Shocks be Detected Around Galaxy Clusters Through the Sunyaev-Zeldovich Effect, ApJ, 623, 632, 2005 | G. Tóth, D. L. De Zeeuw, T. I. Gombosi, K. G. Powell: A Parallel Explicit/Implicit Time Stepping Scheme on Block-Adaptive Grids, Journal of Computational Physics, 217, 722, 2006 | M. Gáspár, Z. Haiman, and Z. Frei: Mass Function of Remnant Black Holes in Nearby Galaxies, in ''Relativistic Astrophysics and Cosmology - Einstein's Legacy'', 2005 | Frei Zsolt, Patkós András: Inflációs kozmológia, TypoTex kiadó, 2005 | A. J. Ridley, Y. Deng, G. Tóth: The Global Ionosphere-Thermosphere Model, Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics, 68, 839, 2006 | G. Tóth, I. V. Sokolov, T. I. Gombosi, et al.: Space Weather Modeling Framework: A New Tool for the Space Science Community, Journal of Geophysical Research, 110, 12226, 2005 | M. Opher, P. C. Liewer, M. Velli, L. Bettarini, T. I. Gombosi, W. Manchester, D. L. De Zeeuw, G. Tóth, I. Sokolov: Magnetic Effects at the Edge of the Solar System: MHD Instabilities, the de Laval Nozzle Effect and an Extended Jet, ApJ, 611, 575, 2004 | P. G. Hanlon, M. K. Dougherty, N. Krupp, K.C. Hansen, F. Crary, D. T. Young, G. Tóth: Dual spacecraft observations of a compression event within the Jovian magnetosphere: Signatures of externally triggered super-corotation, Journal of Geophysical Research, 109, 9, 2004 | P.G. Hanlon, M.K. Dougherty, R.J. Forsyth, K.C. Hansen, G. Tóth: On the evolution of the Solar Wind between 1 and 5 AU at the time of the Cassini-Jupiter flyby: multi spacecraft observations of ICMEs including the formation of a Merged Interaction Region, Journal of Geophysical Research, 109, 3, 2004 | I. K. Baldry, K. Glazebrook, T. Budavari, D. J. Eisenstein, J. Annis, N. A. Bahcall, M. R Blanton, J. Brinkmann, I. Csabai, T. M. Heckman, H. Lin, J. Loveday, R. C. Nichol, D. P. Schneider: The SDSS u-band Galaxy Survey: Luminosity functions and evolution, MNRAS, 358, 441, 2005 |




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