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G. Várhegyi, M. G. Gronli, C. Di Blasi,: Effects of sample origin, extraction, and hot-water washing on the devolatilization kinetics of chestnut wood, Industrial Engineering and Chemistry Research, 43, 2356-2367 (2004), 2004 | E. Jakab, Md.A. Uddin, T. Bhaskar, Y. Sakata: Thermal decomposition of flame retarded high impact polystyrene, Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis, Vol. 68-69, 83-99., 2003 | T. Bhaskar, J. Kaneko, A. Muto, Y. Sakata, T. Matsui, Md. A. Uddin, E. Jakab: Effect of PET on the pyrolysis of brominated flame retardant containing high impact polystyene (HIPS-Br) and catalytic debromination of the liquid products, Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis, Vol. 71, 765-777., 2004 | J. Adam, E. Mészáros, M. Stöcker, M.H. Nilsen, A. Bouzga, J.E. Hustad, M. Grønli, G. Øye, M. Blazsó: Catalytic pyrolysis of biomass, Science in Thermal and Chemical Biomass Conversion, 30 August – 2 September 2004, Victoria, Vancouver Island, Canada, 2005 | T. Bhaskar, J. Kaneko, A. Muto, Y. Sakata, E. Jakab, T. Matsui, Md. A. Uddin: Pyrolysis studies of PP/PE/PS/PVC/ HIPS-Br plastics mixed with PET and dehalogenation (Br, Cl) of the liquid products, Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis, Vol. 72, 27-33., 2004 | E. Jakab, Z. Czégény and M. Blazsó: The effect of carbonaceous materials on the thermal decomposition of vinyl polymers, 15th Int. Symp. on Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis, September 17-20, 2002, Leoben, Austria, 2002 | E. Mészáros, G. Várhegyi, E. Jakab, B. Marosvölgyi: Thermogravimetric and Reaction Kinetic Analysis of Biomass Samples from an Energy Plantation, Energy and Fuels, Vol. 18, 497-507., 2004 | E. Mészáros, E. Jakab, G. Várhegyi, P. Szepesváry, B. Marosvölgyi: Comparative study of the thermal behavior of wood and bark of young shoots obtained from an energy plantation, Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis, Vol. 72, 317-328., 2004 | G. Várhegyi, E. Mészáros, E. Jakab: Advanced computational methods for the characterization of biomass samples by thermogravimetric analysis, Biomass Energy, Industry & Climate Protection, Proc.2nd World Biomass Conference, Edited by W. P. M. Van Swaaij et al., pp. 902-905, ETA and WIP, Florence, 2004 | E. Jakab, M. Omastová: Thermal decomposition of polyolefin/carbon black composites, Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis,, 2005 | E. Jakab, Md.A. Uddin, T. Bhaskar, Y. Sakata: Thermal decomposition of flame retarded polystyrene, 15th Int. Symp. on Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis, September 17-20, 2002, Leoben, Austria, 2002 | E. Jakab, M. Blazsó: Thermal decomposition of polymers in the presence of carbon black, 2nd Int. Conf. on Polymer Modification, Degradation and Stabilisation, 30 June – 4 July 2002, Budapest, 2002 | E. Mészáros, E. Jakab, G. Várhegyi, B. Marosvölgyi: Thermogravimetry - mass spectrometry study of young wood samples, 15th Int. Symp. on Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis, September 17-20, 2002, Leoben, Austria, 2002 | E. Jakab, M. Omastová: Thermal decomposition of polyolefin/carbon black composites, 16th Int. Symp. on Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis, May 23-27, 2004, Alicante, Spain, 2004 | E. Mészáros, E. Jakab, Szepesváry, B. Marosvölgyi, M. Blazsó: The effect of extractive components on the thermal behavior of young wood samples, 16th Int. Symp. on Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis, May 23-27, 2004, Alicante, Spain, 2004 | Mészáros Erika: Lignocellulóz tartalmú anyagok vizsgálata termikus módszerekkel, Doktori értekezés (PhD), 2006 | J. Adam, M. Blazsó, E. Mészáros, M. Stöcker, M. H. Nilsen, A. Bouzga, J. E. Hustad, M. Grønli, G. Øyed: Pyrolysis of biomass in the presence of Al-MCM-41 type catalysts, Fuel, 84, 1494-1502, 2005 | A. Oudia, E. Mészáros, R. Simőes, J. Queiroz, E. Jakab: Pyrolysis-GC/MS and TG/MS study of mediated laccase biodelignification of Eucalyptus globulus kraft pulp, Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis,, 2006 | Várhegyi G., Mészáros E., Antal, M. J., Jr., Bourke J., Jakab E.: Combustion Kinetics of Corn Cob Charcoal and Partially Demineralized Corn Cob Charcoal in the Kinetic Regime, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2006 | C. J. Gómez, G. Várhegyi, L. Puigjaner: Slow pyrolysis of woody residues and a herbaceous biomass crop: A kinetic study, Industrial Engineering and Chemistry Research, 44, 6650-6660, 2005 |




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