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Közleményjegyzék |
Rollinger, J. M., Novák, Cs., Éhen, Zs. és Marthi, K.: Thermal characterisation of Torasemide using coupled techniques, J. Therm. Anal. Cal. 73, 519-526, 2003 | Simon, H., Marthi, K., Pokol, Gy., Fogassy, E. és Kozma, D.: O,O\'-di-p-toluoyl-(2R,3R)-tartaric acid as supramolecular resolving agen, J. Therm. Anal., Cal. 74, 155-162, 2003 | Simon, H., Vincze, Z., Marthi, K., Lévai, G., Pokol, Gy., Fogassy, E. és Kozma, D.: Thermoanalytical study of O, O\'-dibenzoyl -(2R,3R)-tartaric acid SMC Part IV. SMC formation in melt, J. Therm. Anal., Cal. 75, 787-793, 2004 | Bereczki, L., Marthi, K., Huszthy, P. és Pokol, Gy.: Thermal analysis of crown ether complexes, The 2003 Younger European Chemists\' Conference, 2003 augusztus 27 - 29, Grenoble, Franciaország, 2003 | Bereczki, L., Marthi, K., Huszthy, P. és Pokol, Gy.: Thermal analysis of crown ether complexes, 7th International Conference / Workshop on Pharmacy and Applied Physical Chemistry, 2003 szeptember 7 - 11, Innsbruck, Ausztria, 2003 | Pokol, Gy., Kozma, D., Marthi, K., Faigl, F. és Fogassy E.: Supramolecular entities in chiral recognition. Interpretation of resolution processes, 7th International Conference / Workshop on Pharmacy and Applied Physical Chemistry, 2003 szeptember 7 - 11, Innsbruck, Ausztria, 2003 | Bereczki, L., Marthi, K., Huszthy, P. and Pokol, Gy.: 18-Crown-6 ether complexes with aralkylammonium perchlorates - Thermochemical properties., J. Therm. Anal. Cal. 78, 449-459., 2004 | Bálint, J., Schindler, J., Egri, G., Hanusz, M., Marthi, K., Juvancz, Z. and Fogassy, E.: Resolution of methyl-1-phenylethylamines by acidic derivatives of 1-phenylethylamine., Tetrahedron Asymm. 15, 3401-3405., 2004 | Bereczki, L., Rogács, I., Huszthy, P., Pokol, Gy. & Marthi, K.: hermal analysis of benzylammonium perchlorate, Diversity amidst similarity: A multidisciplinary approach to polymorphs, solvates and phase relationships, 9 - 20 June 2004, Erice, Italy., 2004 | Bereczki, L., Schindler, J., Marthi, K., Pokol, G. & Fogassy, E.: Application of Thermal Analysis and X-Ray Diffraction Methods in the Study of Resolutions via Derivatives, Hungarian Chemical Society, Chemists\' Conference, 30 June - 2 July 2004, Balatonföldvár, Hungary., 2004 | Bereczki, L., Schindler, J., Bombicz, P., Marthi, K., Pokol, G. & Fogassy, E.: Application of Thermal Analysis and X-Ray Diffraction Methods in the Study of Resolutions via Derivatives, 8th International Conference / Workshop on Pharmacy and Applied Physical Chemistry, 26 - 30 September 2004, Ascona, Switzerland., 2004 | Marthi, K., Kozma, D., Pokol, G., Faigl, F. & Fogassy, E.: Chiral Recognition on a Supramolecular Level in Optical Resolutions, 17th International Symposium on Chirality, 11 - 14 September 2005, Parma, Olaszország, 2005 | Bereczki, L., Pálovics, E., Schindler, J., Fogassy, E., Marthi, K. & Pokol, G.: Thermoanalytical and X-Ray Diffraction Studies of Derivative-Derivative Diastereomeric Salts, Molecular Crystal Engineering, EuroConference on Evaluations and Predictions of Solid State Materials Properties, 17 - 22 June 2005, Helsinki, Finnország, 2005 |




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