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Közleményjegyzék |
Kovacs I, Demeter I, Kocsonya A, Szőkefalvi-Nagy Z: Bio-alkalmazási lehetőségek a KFKI RMKI proton mikroszondáján (absztrakt), A Magyar Biofizikai Társaság XXI. Kongresszusa, Szeged 2003.augusztus 24-27., 2003 | Szőkefalvi-Nagy Z, Demeter I, Kocsonya A, Kovács I: Non-destructive XRF analysis of paintings, NUCLEAR INSTRUMENTS & METHODS IN PHYSICS RESEARCH SECTION B-BEAM INTERACTIONS WITH MATERIALS AND ATOMS, 226, 53-59 (2004), 2004 | Kocsonya A, Kovács I, Niecke M, Szőkefalvi-Nagy Z: ''IonNyom'' - an ion beam raytracing software, 9th Int. Conf. on Nuclear Microprobe Technology and Applications, September 13-17, 2004, Cavtat,Dubrovnik, Croatia, Poster P1-03, Book of Abstracts, (M Jakcic, S Fazinic,, 2004 | Kovács I, Kocsonya A, Kostka P, Szőkefalvi-Nagy Z, Schrang C, Krüger A, Niecke M: Installation and performance of the Budapest-Hamburg proton microprobe, 9th Int. Conf. on Nuclear Microprobe Technology and Applications, September 13-17, 2004, Cavtat,Dubrovnik, Croatia, Poster P1-11, Book of Abstracts, (Eds. M Jakcic, S Faz, 2004 | Kocsonya A, Kovács I, Kostka P, Szőkefalvi-Nagy Z, Schrang C, Krüger A, Niecke M:: Re-installation of the Hamburg proton microprobe at KFKI Research Institute for Particle and Nuclear Physics, Budapest, 10th Int. Conf. on Particle-Induced X-ray Emission and its Analytical Applications, 4-8 June 2004, Ljubljana-Portoroz, Slovenia, Conference Program and Abstracts (Eds Bu, 2004 | O Guguianu, Sz Török, J. Osan, Kocsonya A, Szőkefalvi-Nagy Z: Elemental concentrations of sterlet bone sample using micro-beam fluorescence analysis method, Romanian Journal of Physics, Vol 48, No 7-10, 2003, 2003 | A Kocsonya, I Demeter, I Kovacs, Z Szőkefalvi-Nagy: Re-installation of the Hamburg-Budapest microprobe. X. International Summer School Nicolas Cabrera, New Trends in Ion Beam Physics and Applications: A Road to Nanotechnologies, 15-19 September, 2003. Miraflores de La Sierra, Spain, 2003 | Kocsonya A, Kovács I, Szőkefalvi-Nagy Z és Niecke M: A Hamburg-Budapest mikroszonda újratelepítése, Kivonatok, Fizikus Vándorgyűlés 2004, Szombathely, 2004. augusztus 24-27, (Ed. Horváth Á), 2004, Poszter-20, p70, 2004 | Kocsonya A, Kovács I, Demeter I, Sző;kefalvi-Nagy Z,: Művészeti és régészeti tárgyak roncsolásmentes XRF és PIXE analízise, Kivonatok, Fizikus Vándorgyűlés 2004, Szombathely, 2004. augusztus 24-27, (Ed. Horváth Á), 2004, Poszter-21, p71, 2004 | Kovács I, Kocsonya A, Kostka P, Szőkefalvi-Nagy Z, Schrang C, Krüger A, Niecke M: Installation and performance of the Budapest-Hamburg proton microprobe, Nuclear Instruments and Methods B 221 (2005) 21-25, 2005 | Kovács I, Kocsonya A, Kostka P, Szőkefalvi-Nagy Z, Keresztessy K, Schrang C, Krüger A, Niecke M: Micro-PIXE study of growth layer structured Hungarian freshwater fish bones (poster), XVII Int. Conf. on Ion Beam Analysis, June 26 – July 1, 2005, Seville, Spain, Abstracts Book, P-Thu-90 (#361), 2005 | Kocsonya A, Kovács I, Kostka P, Szőkefalvi-Nagy Z, Schrang C, Krüger A, Niecke M: Some specific features of the Budapest - Hamburg proton microprobe (poster), XVII Int. Conf. on Ion Beam Analysis, June 26 – July 1, 2005, Seville, Spain, Abstracts Book, P-Thu-91 (#362), 2005 | Szőkefalvi-Nagy Z: Energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy of art and archaeological objects (talk), Hung.-Ital. Symp. on „New technologies and their application to culture heritage preservation and enhancement”, 16 December, 2005, Budapest, Abstr. Book p 10, 2005 | Reményi L, Endrődi A, Baradács E, Uzonyi I, Kiss Árpád Z, Montero I , Rovira S, Szőkefalvi-Nagy Z, Demeter I, Kocsonya A, Kovács I: Művészeti és régészeti tárgyak roncsolásmentes vizsgálata (Non-destructive study of art and archaeological objects), COST Nap, NKTH, 2005. március 7. Budapest, 2005 | Szőkefalvi-Nagy Z: In situ characterization of paint layers of large art and archaeological objects, „In situ applications of X-ray fluorescence techniques” IAEA-TECDOC-1456, September 2005, ISBN 92-0-107105-1, 2005 | A Kocsonya, I Kovacs, P Kostka, M Niecke, Z Szőkefalvi-Nagy: Reinstallation and common use of the ''Hamburg proton microprobe'' in Budapest, Co-operation between the I. Institue for Experimental Physics of the University of Hamburg and the KFKI Research Institute for Particle and Nuclear Physics, Budapest, poszter a Workshop ''Promoting Hungarian-German Cooperation in Physics'' DFG/OTKA Budapest, 2003. május 15-16., 2003 | A Kocsonya, I Kovacs, P Kostka, Z Szőkefalvi-Nagy, C Schrang, A Krüger, M Niecke: Re-installation of the Hamburg proton microprobe at KFKI Research Institute for Particle and Nuclear Physics, Budapest (structured paper) Proceedings (electronic vers.: http://pixe2004.ijs.si/) 10th Int.Conf.on Particle-induced X-ray Emission and its Analytical Applications 4-8 June 2004. Ljubljana, Slovenia (Eds.M.Budnar and Matjaz Kavcic, ISBN 961-6303-62-7), 901.1-3, 2004 | A Kocsonya, Z Szőkefalvi-Nagy, A Torry, E Rauhala, J Räisänen: Absolute alpha particle induced gamma-ray yields for Ti-Zn, Nuclear Instruments and Methods B 251 (2006) 367-370, 2006 | I Kovacs, A Kocsonya, P Kostka, Z Szőkefalvi-Nagy, M Niecke: Die Protonenmikrosonde am Research Institute for Particle and Nuclear Physics, KFKI Budapest, Annual Report of Institute for Exparimental Physics of Univ. Hamburg, 2005, 2005 | D Hopff, M Niecke, A Kocsonya, P Kostka, I Kovacs, Z Szőkefalvi-Nagy, S Lüthje: Trace Elements in Plant Plaszma Membranes (poszter) 8th Int.Conf on Membrane Redox Systems and their role in Biological Stress and Disease, Szeged-H,, Book of Abstract, P-9, p.86, 2006 | Z Szőkefalvi-Nagy, A Kocsonya, I Demeter, I Kovacs: On the XRF detection of Ti in white spots of paintings, Proc.of Art 2002 the 7th Int.Conf. on Noncestructive Testing and Microanalysis for the Diagnosis and Conservation of the Cultural and Environmental Heritage, 2-6 June 2002, Antwerp, Belgium 2002, 327-335, 2002 | I Kovacs, A Kocsonya, P Kostka, Z Szőkefalvi-Nagy, C. Schrang, A Krüger, M Niecke: Installation and performance of the Budapest-Hamburg proton microprobe, Nuclear Instruments and Methods B 221 (2005) 21-25, 2005 | I Kovacs, I Demeter, A Kocsonya, Z Szőkefalvi-Nagy: Characterisation of paint layers by radioisotope induced XRF, Proc. of EDXRS2002 European Conf. on Energy Dispersive X-Ray Spectrometry, 16-21 June 2002, Berlin Germany, 110, 2002 | A Kocsonya, I Demeter, I Kovacs, Z Szőkefalvi-Nagy: Non-destructive PIXE and XRF Analysis of Art and Archeological Objects, Book of Abstracts of EPS-12, General Conf., Trends in Physics, 26-30 Aug. Budapest, 2002 P1-137-C266, 2002 | A Kocsonya, I Demeter, I Kovacs, Z Szőkefalvi-Nagy: Speeding up of internal excitation calculations and applications for X-Ray analysis, X-ray Spectrometry 33 (2004) 53-59, 2004 | A Kocsonya, I Demeter, I Kovacs, Z Szőkefalvi-Nagy: Non-destructive PIXE and XRF analysis of art archaeological objects, Workshop ''The use of ion beams in materials sciences, medicine and archaeometry'', Fax. Univ. Notre-Dame de la Paix, Namur (Belgium) 22-24 May, 2003 p.142, 2003 | Z Szőkefalvi-Nagy: Ion Beam analysis of proteins, Workshop ''The use of ion beams in materials sciences, medicine and archaeometry'', Fax. Univ. Notre-Dame de la Paix, Namur (Belgium) 22-24 May, 2003 p.91, 2003 |





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