ErbB receptorok szerepe emlőtumorok terápiájában és prognózisában
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Közleményjegyzék |
Vereb G, Jr., Nagy P, Park JW, Szöllősi J.: Signaling revealed by mapping molecular interactions: implications for ErbB-targeted cancer immunotherapies, Clinical and Applied Immunology Reviews 2:169-186., 2002 | Matkó J, Bodnár A, Vereb G, Jr., Bene L, Vámosi G, Szentesi G, Szöllősi J, Gáspár R, Horejsi V, Waldmann TA, Damjanovich S: GPI-microdomains (membrane rafts) and signaling of the multi-chain interleukin-2 receptor in human lymphoma/leukemia T cell lines, European Journal of Biochemistry 269(4):1199-208., 2002 | Nagy P, Vereb G, Jr., Sebestyén Z, Horváth G, Lockett SJ, Damjanovich S, Park JW, Jovin TM, Szölősi J.: Lipid rafts and the local density of ErbB proteins influence the biological role of homo- and heteroassociations of ErbB2., Journal of Cell Science 115(22):4251-4262., 2002 | Szentesi G, Vereb G, Horváth G, Bodnár A, Fábián Á, Matkó J, Gáspár R, Damjanovich S, Mátyus L, Jenei A.: Computer program for analyzing donor photobleaching FRET image series., Cytometry 67A:119-128., 2005 | Mosesson Y, Shtiegman K, Katz M, Zwang Y, Vereb G, Jr., Szollosi J, Yarden Y: endocytosis of receptor tyrosine kinases is driven by monoubiquitylation, not polyubiquitylation, J Biol Chem 278(24):21323-6., 2003 | Vereb G, Jr., Szollosi J, Matko J, Nagy P, Farkas T, Vigh L, Matyus L, Waldmann TA, Damjanovich S.: Dynamic, yet structured: The cell membrane three decades after the Singer-Nicolson model., Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 100(14):8053-8058., 2003 | Citri A, Gan J, Mosesson Y, Vereb G, Szollosi J, Yarden Y.: Hsp90 restrains ErbB-2/HER2 signalling by limiting heterodimer formation., EMBO Rep 5(12):1165-70., 2004 | Vamosi G, Bodnar A, Vereb G, Jenei A, Goldman CK, Langowski J, Toth K, Matyus L, Szollosi J, Waldmann TA, Damjanovich S: IL-2 and IL-15 receptor alpha-subunits are coexpressed in a supramolecular receptor cluster in lipid rafts of T cells., Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 101(30):11082-7., 2004 | Vereb G, Matko J, Szollosi J.: Cytometry of fluorescence resonance energy transfer., Methods Cell Biol 75:105-52., 2004 | Vereb G, Jr., Szöllösi J, Damjanovich S, Matkó J.: Exploring membrane microdomains and functional protein clustering in live cells with flow and image cytometric methods., In: Geddes CD, Lakowicz JR, editors. Reviews in Fluorescence. New York: Kluwer Academic / Plenum Publishers. p 99-120., 2004 | Bagossi P, Horvath G, Vereb G, Jr., Szollosi J, Tozser J.: Molecular Modeling of Nearly Full-Length ErbB2 Receptor, Biophys J 88(2):1354-1363., 2005 | Mocanu, M., Fazekas, Z., Petrás, M., Nagy, P., Sebestyén, Z., Isola, J., Tímár, J., Park, J. W., Vereb, G., Szöllősi, J.: Associations of ErbB2, β1-integrin and lipid rafts on Herceptin (Trastuzumab) resistant and sensitive tumor cell lines., Cancer Letters, 227:201-212., 2005 | Horváth, G., Petrás, M., Szentesi, G., Fábián, F., Park, J. W., Vereb, G., Szöllősi, J.: Selecting the right fluorophores and flow cytometer for fluorescence resonance energy transfer measurements., Cytometry, 65(2):148-157., 2005 | Nagy, P., Bene, L., Hyun, W. C., Vereb, G., Braun, M., Antz, C., Damjanovich, S., Paysan, J., Park, J. W., Szöllősi, J.: Novel calibration method for flow cytometric fluorescence resonance energy transfer measurements between visible fluorescent proteins., Cytometry, 67A:86-96., 2005 | Friedländer E, Arndt-Jovin DJ, Nagy P, Jovin TM, Szöllősi J, Vereb G.: Signal transduction of erbB receptors in trastuzumab (Herceptin) sensitive and resistant cell lines: Local stimulation using magnetic microspheres as assessed by quantitative digital microscopy., Cytometry 67A:161-171., 2005 | Zsebik B, Citri A, Isola J, Yarden Y, Szöllősi J, Vereb G.: Hsp90 inhibitor 17-AAG reduces ErbB-2 levels and inhibits proliferation of the trastuzumab resistant breast tumor cell line JIMT-1., Immunology Letters Epub ahead of print, 2006 | Nagy P, Vereb G, Post JN, Friedländer E, Szöllősi J.: Novel single cell fluorescence approaches in the investigation of signaling at the cellular level., In: Biophysical aspects of transmembrane signaling (ed. S Damjanovich), pp 33-70. Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg., 2005 |
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