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Berkes, I., Horvath. L., Kokoszka. P., Shao, Q. M.: Almost sure convergence of the Bartlett estimator, Periodica Mathematica Hungarica 51: 11-25, 2005 | Berkes, I., Gombay E., Horvath L. Kokoszka, P.:: Sequential change-point detection in Garch (p,q) maodels, Econometric Theory 20 1140-1167, 2004 | Berkes I. ,Horvath L., Huskova, M., Steinebach J.: Application of permutations to the simulation of critical values., Nonparametric Stat.. 16 197-216, 2004 | Berkes I., Horvath L., Kokoszka, P.: Probabilistictic and statistical properties of Garch processes., Asymptotic Results in Stochastics, Fields Institute Communications 44 409-429, 2004 | Berkes I., Horvath L., Kokoszka, P.: Testing for parameter constancy in GARCH (p,q) models., Stat. Probab. Letters 70 1140-1167, 2004 | Berkes, I., Weber, M.: Upper and lower class tests along subsequences., Stoch. Proc. Appl. 115: 679-700, 2005 | Berkes I., Horvath L., Kokoszka P.: Near integrated Garch sequences., Annals of Applied Probability 15 890-913, 2005 | Berkes I., Horvath L., Kokoszka P., Shao, Q. M.: On discriminating between long range dependence in the mean., Annals of Statistics,34 1140 -1165, 2006 | Berkes, I., Horvath. L., Kokoszka. P.: A weighted goodness-of fit test for Garch (1.1) specification., Lithunaian Math. Journal 44 409-429, 2004 | Csaki E., Revesz P., Shi Z.: Large void zones and occupation times for coalescing random walks., Stochastic Processes and their Applications 111, 97-108, 2004 | Csaki E., Hu Y.,: On ranked excursion height of a Kiefer process., Journal of Theoretical Probability 17, 145-163, 2004 | Csaki E., Foldes A., Shi Z.:: Our joint work with Miklos Csorgo, Asymptotic Methods in Stochastics: Festschrift for Miklos Csorgo, Fields Institute Communications 44 1-22, 2004 | Csaki E., Hu, Y.: Invariance principles for ranked excursion lengths and heights., Electron. Comm. Probab. 9 14-21, 2004 | Csaki E., Foldes A., Revesz P.: Maximal local time of a d-dimensional simple random walk on subsets., J. Theoret. Probability 18 : 687-717, 2005 | Csaki E., Csorgo M., Rychlik Z., Steinebach J.:: On Vervaat and Vervaat -error type processes for partial sums of renewals., J. Statist. Plann. Inf. J. 137 3-17, 2005 | Major P.: An estimate about multiple stochastic integrals with respect to a normalized empirical measure., Studia Scientarum Mathematicarum Hungarica 42: 295-341, 2005 | Major P.: An estimate on the supremum of a nice class of stochastic integrals and U-statistics., Probability Theory and Related Fields, 134: 489-537, 2006 | Berkes I., Horvath. L.: Convergence of integral functionals of stochastic processes., Econometric Theory 22 304-322, 2006 | Berkes I., Weber M.: Almost sure versions of the Darling-Erdos theorem, Stat Probab. Letters 76 280-290, 2006 | Berkes I., Aue A, Horvath L.: Strong Approximation for the sums of squares of augmented GARCH sequences, Bernoulli 12 583-608, 2006 | Berkes I., Weber M.: On the law of the iterated logarithm for additive functions., Proc. Amer. Math. Soc., 2007 | Berkes I., Weber M.: Moment convergence and the law of the iterated logarithm for additive functions, Acta Arithmetica 123 43-55, 2006 | Csaki E.: Istvan Vincze (1912-1999) and his contribution to lattice path combinatorics and statistics., J. Statistical Planning and Inference 135: 3-17, 2005 | Csaki E.: Mathematical Statistics. A Panorama of Hungarian Mathematics in the Twentieth Century., Bolyai Society Mathematical Studies 14 Springer-Verlag 491-521, 2005 | Csaki E., Foldes A. Revesz P., Rosen J., Shi, Z.: Frequently visited sets for random walks., Stochastic Processes and their Applications 115: 1503-1517, 2005 | Csaki E., Hu, Y.: On the increments of the principal value of Brownian local time., Electron. Comm. Probab. 10: 925-947, 2005 | Major P.: Tail bevahiour of multiple random integrals and U-statistics., Probability Surveys, Vol. 2 448-505, 2005 | Berkes I. ,Horvath L.,: Empirical processes of residuals., Empirical process tecchniques for Dependent Data in Birkhauser, Basel 195-209, 2002 | Csaki E., Hu, Y.: Length and heights of random walk excursions., Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Sciencs Discrete Random Walks, DRW03 Conference Volume AC 45-52, 2003 | Berkes I. ,Horvath L., Kokoszka, P.: GARCH processes: structure and estimation., Bernoulli, 9 201-227, 2003 | Major P.: A multivaraiate generalization of Hoeffding's inequality, Electronic Communication in Probability 2, 220-229, 2006 | Revesz. P.: The maximum of the local time of a transient random walk., Studia Sci. Math. Hung. 395--405, 2002 | Khosnevisan, D., Revesz P., Shi Z.:: On the explosion of the local times of Brownian sheet alog lines., Ann. Inst. Henry Poincare PR 40 1-24, 2004 | Revesz. P.: The maximum of the local time of a transient random walk., Studia Sci. Math. Hung. 395--405, 2004 | Revesz. P.: A prediction problem of the branching random walk, J. Applied Probability 41A 25-31, 2004 | Revesz. P.: Tell me the values of a Wiener process at integers, I tell its local time., Fields Institute Communications 89-95, 2004 | Khosnevisan, D.K., Revesz P.. Shi, Z.:: Level crossings of a two parameter random walk., Stochastic Processes and its applications 112 259-308, 2005 | Revesz P., Rosen, J. Shi, Z.:: Large time asymptotics for the density of a branching Wiener process., J. Applied Probability 42 1091-1094, 2005 | Csaki, E. , Hu. Y:: Strong Approximations of three-dimensional Wiener sausages., Acta Math. Hungar. 114 205-226, 2007 | Csaki, E. , Csorgo M., Rychlik, Z., Steinebach, J:: On Vervaat and Vervaat-error type processes for partial sums and renewals., J. Statist. Plann. Inf. 137 953-966, 2007 | Csaki E, Foldes A., Revesz P.:: Heavy points of a d-dimensional simple random walk., Statistics and Probability Letters 76 45-57, 2006 | Berkes, I., Horvath. L., Kokoszka. P.: Probabilistic and statistical properties of GARCH processes., Asymptotic Results in Stochastics Frields Instituee Commutiations 44 409-429, 2004 | Berkes, I., Horvath. L.,: The efficiency of estimators of paramaters in GARCH processes., Ann. Statist. 43 633-655, 2004 | Berkes I. , Csaki E. Csorgo S., Megyesi Z.:: Almost sure limit theorems for sums and maxima from the domain of geometric partial attraction of semistable laws., Limit Theorems in Probability and Statistics, Bolyai Math. Society, 133-157, 2002 | Berkes I. ,Horvath L., Kokoszka, P.: Asymptotics for GARCH squared residual correlations, Econometric Theory 19 515-540, 2003 | Berkes I. ,Horvath L.,: Approximations for the maximum of stochastic processes with drift., Kibernetika 39 299-306, 2003 | Berkes I. ,Horvath L., Kokoszka, P.: Estimation of the moment index of GARCH (1,1) sequence., Econometric Theory 19 565-586, 2003 | Berkes I. ,Horvath L.,: Limit results for the empirical process of squared residuals in GARCH models., Stoch. Procc. Appl. 105 271-298, 2003 | Berkes I. ,Horvath L.,: Asymptotic results for long memory LARCH sequences., Ann. Appl. Probab.. 13 641-668, 2003 | Csaki E., Csorgo M., Foldes A., Shi, Z. Zitikis, R.: Pointwise and uniform asymptotics of the Vervaat error process., J. Theoretical Probability 15 845-875, 2002 | Csaki E., Csorgo M., Foldes A., Shi, Z.: On a class of additive functionals of two-dimensional Brownian motion and random walk., Limit Theorems in Probability and Statistics, J. Bolyai Mathematical Society, 321-345, 2002 | Csaki E., Hu, E.: On the joint asymptotic behaviours of ranked heighths of Brownian excursions., Limit Theorems in Probability and Statistics, J. Bolyai Mathematical Society, 347-363, 2002 | Csaki E., Shi, Z., Yor, M.: Fractional Brownian motions as `higher order' fractional derivatives of Brownian local times., Limit Theorems in Probability and Statistics, J. Bolyai Mathematical Society, 365-387, 2002 | Csaki E., Foldes A., Shi, Z.: A joint functional law for the Wiener process and principal value., Studia Sci. Math. Hungar. 40 213-241, 2003 | Csaki E., Foldes, A. Hu Y.,: Strong approximations of additive functionals of a planar Brownian motion., Stochastic Processes and their Applications 109, 263-293, 2004 |
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