Az atomi környezet hatása erősen kötött elektronok atomi átmeneteire  részletek

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Projekt adatai

típus K
Vezető kutató Kövér László
magyar cím Az atomi környezet hatása erősen kötött elektronok atomi átmeneteire
Angol cím Effects of the atomic environment on atomic transitions of strongly bound electronic states
zsűri Fizika 1
Kutatóhely Felületfizikai kutatócsoport (HUN-REN Atommagkutató Intézet)
résztvevők Berényi Zoltán
Cserny István
Lukács Dénes
Novák Mihály
Novák Mihály
Papp Tibor
Tőkési Károly
TÓTH József
Varga Dezso
Végh János
projekt kezdete 2002-01-01
projekt vége 2005-12-31
aktuális összeg (MFt) 9.520
FTE (kutatóév egyenérték) 0.00
állapot lezárult projekt



kutatási eredmények (magyarul)
3d átmeneti fémek (Cu, Ni, Co) rezonáns KLL Auger átmeneteiben rezonáns Raman folyamatokat azonosítottunk és a spektrumok alakját értelmezni tudtuk a 4p be nem töltött elektronállapotok segítségével. Eredményeink szerint a 3d elemek KLL Auger átmeneteiben a multiplett felhasadást a szilárdtest környezet csak kis mértékben változtatja meg. A Cu és Ni fémek rezonáns KLL Auger spektrumaiban kezdeti, ill. végállapoti gerjesztéseknek megfelelő szatelliteket azonosítottunk modellszámításaink és a szatellit-intenzitások fotonenergiától való megfigyelt függése alapján. Szilárd Si és Ge belsőhéj fotoelektron és KLL Auger spektrumaiban meghatároztuk a különböző módusú plazmongerjesztésekből származó járulékokat, függésüket a fotonenergiától és a kísérleti geometriától, kimutatva a belsőhéj-vakanciakeltés jelentős szerepét. Elektron-visszaszórási kísérleteinkkel és az elektrontranszport modellezésével meghatároztuk Ge esetében az elektronok rugalmatlan szórási hatáskeresztmetszetét és közepes szabad úthosszát (IMFP) széles energiatartományban. Eljárásokat dolgoztunk ki és alkalmaztunk különböző anyagoknál az IMFP felületi effektusokra történő korrigálására. Igazoltuk, hogy a rugalmasan visszaszórt elektronok spektroszkópiája alkalmas a felületi H kimutatására és a többszörös szórást figyelembe vevő szimulációnkkal kvantitatíve értelmeztük a polietilénről rugalmasan visszaszórt elektronok spektrumát. A kemény röntgensugárzással keltett elektronok nagy energiafelbontású spektroszkópiájának módszerét sikeresen alkalmaztuk röntgendetektor-válaszfüggvények, ill. ötvözetek komponensei közötti töltésátadás meghatározásában
kutatási eredmények (angolul)
Resonant Raman processes were identified in the resonant KLL Auger transitions of 3d metals (Cu, Ni, Co). The shape of the Auger lines was interpreted by the help of the unoccupied 4p electronic states. Our results show that the solid environment causes only a small change in the multiplet structure of the KLL Auger spectra of 3d metals. Satellites due to initial or final state excitations were identified in the resonant KLL Auger spectra of Cu and Ni metals, on the basis of our model calculations and of the observed dependence of the satellite intensities on the photon energy. In the core photoemission and KLL Auger spectra of solid Si and Ge, the contributions of plasmon excitations of various mode (dependending on photon energy and experimental geometry) were quantitatively interpreted, showing the great role of core vacancy production. From electron backscattering experiments and modeling the electron transport the cross section of inelastic scattering and the inelastic mean free path (IMFP) of electrons in Ge were determined in a wide energy range. Procedures were elaborated and applied for various materials for correcting IMFPs for surface effects. The applicability of the elastic peak electron spectroscopy for identification of surface H was proved and using our simulation accounting for multiple scattering, the spectrum of electrons backscattered elastically from polyethylene was interpreted quantitatively. The high resolution spectroscopy of electrons excited by hard X-rays was used successfully in determining response function of X-ray detectors and charge transfer between components of alloys.
a zárójelentés teljes szövege
döntés eredménye



Yubero F; Kover L; Drube W; Eickhoff Th; Tougaard S: Test of dielectric response model for energy and angular dependence of plasmon excitations in core level photoemission, Surface Science: 592, 1-7, 2005
Kövér L; Drube W; Cserny I; Berényi Z; Egri S: High energy resolution Mn KLL Auger study of MnO nanolayers, HASYLAB Annual Report 2004: Pt 1, 542-543, 2005
Tőkési K; Tong X.M; Lemell C; Burgdörfer J: Energy loss of charged particles at large distances from metal surfaces, Phys Rev A 72: 022901-1-16, 2005
Berényi Z; Tőkési K; Tóth J; Burgdörfer J: Electron energy loss spectra of Ge, J Electron Spectrosc Rel Phenom 129: 299-302, 2003
Papp T: On the response function of solid-state detectors, based on energetic electrontransport processes, X-Ray Spectrometry 32: 458-469, 2003
Kosinski A; Lesiak B; Jablonski A; Kövér L; Tóth J; Varga D; Cserny I; Gergely G: Determination of the IMFPs by EPES in selected nonconducting polymers, In: International Workshop on the Inelastic Mean Free Path (IMFP), Prague: 2002. Book of Abstracts p. 19, 2002
Berényi Z; Aszalós-Kiss B; Tóth J; Varga D; Kövér L; Tőkési K; Cserny I; Tanuma S: IMFP of electrons in Co, Cu, Ge and Au in the range of 2-10 keV electron energy, In: 22nd European Conference on Surface Science (ECOSS-22), Praha: 2003. Book of Abstracts p. 121, 2003
Kövér L; Berényi Z; Cserny I; Mukoyama T; Drube W; Medicherla VRR: Near threshold excitation of KLL Auger satellites from Cu and Ni metals, In: 9th International Conference on Electronic Spectroscopy and Structure (ICESS-9), Uppsala: 2003. Program Schedule & Abstracts Book p. 165, 2003
Kövér L; Berényi Z; Tougaard S; Yubero F; Cserny I; Végh J; Tóth J; Varga D; Drube W; Eickhoff T: Extrinsic and Intrinsic Excitations in Ge and Si Photoelectron spectra, In: AVS 50th International Symposium, Baltimore: 2003. Abstracts, 2003
Mukoyama T; Uda M; Kövér L; Berényi Z; Cserny I; Drube W: Evolution of Auger Satellite Lines, In: 23rd International Conference on Photonic Electronic and Atomic Collisions (XIII ICPEAC), Stockholm: 2003. Abstracts of Contributed Papers I. p. Mo 010, 2003
Kövér L: Quantitative applications of high energy electron spectroscopy (up to 10000 eV), In: Warsaw Workshop on Standardization and Quantification of Surface Science Techniques, Warsaw: 2003. Abstracts, 2003
Végh J: The Shirley-equivalent electron inelastic scattering cross-section function, Surface Science 563: 183-190, 2004
Gergely Gy; Menyhárd M; Gurbán S; Tóth J; Varga D: Experimental measurements of the surface excitation parameters of Cu, Au, Ni, Ag, Ge and Pd based on Si and other reference materials, Surface and Interface Analysis 36: 1098-1101, 2004
Gergely Gy; Menyhárd M; Sulyok A; Orosz GT; Lesiak B; Jablonski A; Tóth J; Varga D: Surface excitation of selected conducting polymers studied by elastic peak electron spectroscopy (EPES) and reflection electron energy loss spectroscopy (REELS), Surface and Interface Analysis 36: 1056-1059, 2004
Kövér L: Energy loss in high energy electron spectra, In: Warsaw Workshop on Standardization and Quantification of Surface Science Techniques, Warsaw: 2004. (meghívott előadás), 2004
Tóth J; Cserny I; Kövér L; Varga D: IMFP measurements by XPS using different energy X-rays, In: IUVSTA Workshop on Electron Scattering in Solids - from Fundamental Concepts to Practical Applications (ESS-04), Debrecen: 2004. Program and Abstracts p. 28, 2004
Varga D; Berényi Z; Tőkési K; Tóth J; Kövér L: Energy distribution of electron beams backscattered from solids: energy shift and broadening due to the atomic recoil, In: IUVSTA Workshop on Electron Scattering in Solids - from Fundamental Concepts to Practical Applications (ESS-04), Debrecen: 2004. Program and Abstracts p. 17, 2004
Tőkési K: Surface loss functions at large distances from metal surfaces, In: IUVSTA Workshop on Electron Scattering in Solids - from Fundamental Concepts to Practical Applications (ESS-04), Debrecen: 2004. Program and Abstracts p. 52, 2004
Kövér L: Interpreting Auger spectra in cluster approximation, Advances in Quantum Chemistry 42: 331-352, 2003
Kövér L; Drube W; Berényi Z; Cserny I; Medicherla VRR: Resonant KLL Auger processes in 3d transition metals Cu and Ni, HASYLAB Annual Report 2002 Pt1: 671-672, 2003
Spalek A; Dragoun O; Kovalik A; Yakushev EA; Rysavy M; Frána J; Brabec V; Novgorodov AF; Cserny I; Tóth J; Varga D; Kövér L: Study of the conversion electron and XPS spectra of radioactive 57Co sources, Nucl Instrum Meth Phys Res B 196: 357-364, 2002
Ishii T; Kövér L; Berényi Z; Cserny I; Ikeno H; Adachi H; Drube W: First-principles calculation of the KLL Auger transition energy in 3d transition metals, J Electron Spectrosc Relat Phenom 137-140: 451-455, 2004
Kövér L; Drube W; Berényi Z; Cserny I; Medicherla VRR: Resonant KLL Auger spectra photoexcited from Fe and Co metals, HASYLAB Annual Report 2003: 329, 2004
Berényi Z; Aszalós-Kiss B; Tóth J; Varga D; Kövér L; Tőkési K; Cserny I; Tanuma S: Inelastic Mean Free Paths of Ge in the range of 2-10 keV electron energy, Surface Science 566-568: 1174-1178, 2004
Berényi Z; Kövér L; Tougaard S; Yubero F; Tóth J; Cserny I; Varga D: Contribution of intrinsic and extrinsic excitations to KLL Auger spectra induced from Ge films, J Electron Spectrosc Relat Phenom 135: 177-182, 2004
Aszalós-Kiss B; Berényi Z; Kövér L; Tóth J; Tőkési K; Varga D: Germanium IMFP in the Range of 2-7 keV Electron Energy, In: International Workshop on the Inelastic Mean Free Path (IMFP), Prague: 2002. Book of Abstracts p. 18, 2002
Tóth J; Berényi Z: Comparison of Surface Composition Determined by XPS and EPES, In: International Workshop on the Inelastic Mean Free Path (IMFP), Prague: 2002. Book of Abstracts p. 15, 2002
Lesiak B; Kosinski A; Nowakowski R; Kövér L; Tóth J; Varga D; Cserny I; Zagorska M; Kulszewicz-Bajer I; Gergely G: Correction for hydrogen recoil to the IMFPs of electrons derived from EPES, In: International Workshop on the Inelastic Mean Free Path (IMFP), Prague: 2002. Book of Abstracts p. 6, 2002
Kövér L; Tougaard S; Simon A; Tóth J; Varga D; Berényi Z; Jeynes C: Thickness of thin Co films determined by analysis of K-Auger spectral shapes and by RBS, In: 10th European Conference on Applications of Surface and Interface Analysis (ECASIA\'03), Berlin: 2003. Book of Abstracts p. 371, 2003
Kövér L; Drube W; Berényi Z; Cserny I; Medicherla VRR; Ishii T; Ikeno H; Adachi H: KLL Auger resonant Raman transition in metallic Cu and Ni, In: 9th International Conference on Electronic Spectroscopy and Structure (ICESS-9), Uppsala: 2003. Program Schedule & Abstracts Book p. 164, 2003
Berényi Z; Tőkési K; Tóth J; Varga D: Electron energy loss spectra of Al, Si and Ge, In: 8th European Vacuum Congress (EVC-8), Berlin: 2003. Abstracts p. 139, 2003
Kövér L: Effects of the core hole on the energy loss part of X-ray induced electron spectra, Austrian-Hungarian Workshop on Charged-Particle Transport through Nanostructures and Solids, Debrecen: 2003. Program & Abstracts p. 24, 2003
Kövér L; Egri S; Berényi Z; Tóth J; Cserny I; Varga D: KL23L23 Auger transitions in Ge thin films, In: 16th International Vacuum Congress (IVC-16), ICSS-12, NANO-8, AIV-17, Venice: 2004. Abstracts pp. 554-555, 2004
Berényi Z; Aszalós-Kiss B; Tóth J; Varga D; Kövér L; Tőkési K., Cserny I: Overlayer thickness dependence of extrinsic and intrinsic plasmon excitation in Ge KLL spectra, In: 10th Joint Vacuum Conference (JVC 10), Portoroz: 2004. Program and book of abstracts p. 58, 2004
Tóth J; Varga D; Tőkési K; Cserny I; Kövér L: Efficiency calibration of electron spectrometers by the help of standard spectrum, In: 10th Joint Vacuum Conference (JVC 10), Portoroz: 2004. Program and Book of Abstracts pp. 34-35, 2004
Végh J: Alternative form for the pseudo-Voigt peak shape, Review of Scientific Instruments 76: 056107-9, 2005
Végh J: A Bishop-type electron inelastic scattering cross section function, J Electron Spectrosc Rel Phenom 142: 135-138, 2005
Berényi Z: Nagyenergiájú Auger elektronok keltését kísérő gerjesztési és elektrontranszport folyamatok szilárd anyagokban, Ph.D. disszertáció, 2005
Tőkési K, Varga D: Angular distribution of electrons backscattered elastically from silver, Surface and Interface Analysis 38: DOI:10.10002./sia2227., in press, 2006
Végh J: The Shirley background revised, J Electr Spectrosc Rel Phenom 151: 159-164, 2005
Gergely G, Menyhárd M, Orosz G T, Lesiak B, Kosinski B, Jablonski A, Tóth J., Varga D Nowakowski R, Tóth J, Varga D: Surface excitation correction of the inelastic mean free path in selected conducting polymers, Applied Surface Science, in press, 2006
Varga D, Tőkési K, Berényi Z, Tóth, Kövér L: Observation of the hydrogen peak in the energy distribution of electrons backscattered elastically from polyethylene, Surface and Interface Analysis 38: DOI:10.10002/sia2231, in press, 2006
Gervasoni J. L., Kövér L.: Intrinsic and extrinsic contributions to plasmon excitations in electron emission processes, Surface and Interface Analysis, in press, 2005
Kövér L; Egri S; Cserny I; Berényi Z; Tóth J; Végh J; Varga D; Drube W: Intrinsic excitations in deep core Auger and photoelectron spectra of Ge and Si, Journal of Surface Analysis: 12 146-152, 2005
Varga D; Tőkési K; Berényi Z; Tóth J; Kövér L: Direct observation of the hydrogen peak in the energy distribution of electrons backscattered elastically from polyethylene, 25h Brandt-Rictchie Workshop on Particle Penetretion Phenomena and Excitations of Solids. Gainesville, Florida, USA, 10-13 April, 2005. Proceedings. Ed.: J. Sabin, p. 1, 2005
Kövér L.: Determining electronic structure from Auger spectra in the cluster approximation, Hartree-Fock-Slater method for materials science. Eds: H. Adachi, T. Mukoyama, J. Kawai, Springer-Verlag Berlin, Heidedelberg, 2006
Kövér L; Novák M; Egri S; Cserny I; Berényi Z; Tóth J; Varga D; Drube W; Yubero F; Tougaard S; Werner WSM: Intrinsic and extrinsic excitations in deep core photoelectron spectra of solid Ge, Surface and Interface Analysis 37: DOI: 10.1002/sia2134. in press., 2005
Végh J: On analyzing the intrinsic processes through the Shirley background correction procedure, Surface Science 577: 220, 2005
Végh J: Design principles of the wxEWA spectrum evaluation program for the photoelectron spectroscopy., Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment 557: 639-647, 2006
Végh J: Comments on “A study of amorphous Ti–Ni alloys by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy”, J Electr Spectrosc Rel Phenom 151: 155-157, 2005
Gervasoni JL; Kövér L: Intrinsic and extrinsic loss contributions in XPS spectra of solids, 11th European Conference on Applications of Surface and Interface Analysis. ECASIA 05. Vienna, Austria, 25-30 Sept., 2005, Book of Abstracts: p. 182), 2005
Kövér L; Drube W; Cserny I ; Berényi Z; Egri S: Mn KLL Auger spectra of MnO nanolayers photoexcited at resonant energies, 11th European Conference on Applications of Surface and Interface Analysis. ECASIA 05. Vienna, Austria, 25-30 Sept., 2005, Book of Abstracts: p. 271), 2005
Kövér L; Novák M; Egri S; Cserny I; Berényi Z; Tóth J; Végh J; Varga D; Drube W; Yubero F; Tougaard S; Werner WSM: Intrinsic and extrinsic losses in deep core photoelectron and Auger spectra of solid Ge and Si, 11th European Conference on Applications of Surface and Interface Analysis. ECASIA 05. Vienna, Austria, 25-30 Sept., 2005, Book of Abstracts: p. 226, 2005
Kövér L: Electron spectroscopy in materials analysis - recent trends, European Congress on Advanced Materials and Processes. Prague, Czeh Republic, 5-8 Sept., 2005 (, p. 16), 2005
Kövér L: Kemény röntgensugárzással keltett elektronok spektroszkópiája, MTA 2005 évi közgyülése, Fizikai Tudományok Osztályának ülése. Budapest, május 5, 2005
Kövér L; Drube W; Cserny I; Berényi Z; Egri S: Resonant Mn KLL Auger spectra of MnO nanolayers, WS 16: New Opportunities in Material Science: From Nano-Objects to Complex Materials. Madrid, Spain, 16-17 Feb. (Program and abstracts: p. 47), 2005
Tóth J; Kövér L; Varga D; Cserny I: Comparison of the minimum detectability of Si by AES and XAES experiments, 11th European Conference on Applications of Surface and Interface Analysis. ECASIA 05. Vienna, Austria, 25-30 Sept., 2005
Kövér L: Spectroscopy of electrons induced from solids by hard X-rays and high energy electrons, Warsaw Workshop on Standardization and Quantification of Surface Science Techniques. Warsaw, Poland, 17-18 June, 2005
Papp T; Lépy MC; Plagnard J; Kalinka G; Papp-Szabó E: A new approach to determination of the Fano factor for semiconductor detectors, X-Ray Spectrometry 34: 106-111, 2005
Kövér L: Spectroscopy of electrons excited from solids using high energy photons and electrons, Journal of Surface Analysis, in press, 2006
Végh J: On calculating intensity from XPS spectra, J Electron Spectrosc Rel Phenom 151: 24-30, 2006
Kövér L; Drube W; Cserny I; Berényi Z; Egri S: KLL resonant Auger transitions in metallic Cu and Ni, Atomki Annual Report 2004: 25, 2005
Kövér L; Drube W; Cserny I; Berényi Z; Egri S; Novák M: Resonant Ni and Fe KLL Auger spectra photoexcited from NiFe alloys, HASYLAB Annual Report 2005, 1: 769-770., 2006
Orosz GT; Gergely G; Menyhárd M; Tóth J; Varga D; Lesiak B; Jablonski A: Hydrogen and surface excitation in electron spectra of polyethylene, Surface Science 566: 544-548, 2004

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