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Pataricza András: Formális módszerek az informatikában, Typotex kiadó, 312. oldal, 2004 | I. Majzik, A. Pataricza, A. Bondavalli: Stochastic Dependability Analysis of System Architecture Based on UML models, R. de Lemos et al. (Eds.): Architecting Dependable Systems, LNCS 2677. pp. 219-244, 2003 | B. Polgár, E. Selényi: Probabilistic Diagnostics with P-Graphs, Acta Cybernetica 16 (2003) 279-291., 2003 | D. Varró, A. Pataricza: VPM: A visual, precise and multilevel metamodeling framework describing mathematical domains and UML., Journal of Software and Systems Modelling, Volume 2, Number 3, Special Issue on UML 2002. pp. 187-210, October 2003, Springer., 2003 | D. Varró, A. Pataricza: UML Action Semantics for Model Transformations, International Journal of Periodica Politechnica, 47(3), pp. 167-186, 2003 | Nagy B. Ádám, Illés Tibor: A sufficient optimality criteria for linearly constrained separable concave, Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, Vol. 125, No. 3:559-575, 2005., 2005 | D. Varró: Automated Program Generation for and by Graph Transformation Systems, In Proc. AGT 2002, Workshop on Applied Graph Transformation, pp. 161-173, April 12-13., Grenoble, France, 2002., 2002 | Sz. Gyapay, A. Pataricza, J. Sziray, F. Friedler: Petri Net-Based Optimization of Production Systems, INES 2002 6th International Conference on Intelligent Engineering Systems, 2002 | B. Polgár, T. Bartha, E. Selényi: Modeling Uncertainty In System-Level Fault Diagnosis Using Process Graphs, Distributed and Paralel Systems: Cluster and Grid Computing, DAPSYS'2002 Workshop, pp. 195-202, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Linz, Ausztria, Sept. 29 - Oct. 2, 2002., 2002 | A. Pataricza: From the General Resource Model to a General Fault Modeling Paradigm?, Workshop on Crititcal Systems Development with UML at UML 2002, Dresden, October, Germany, 2002 | D. Varró, A. Pataricza: Metamodelling Mathematics: A Precise and Visual Framework for Describing Semantic Domains of UML Models, UML 2002, International Conference on UML, pp. 18-33, Vol. 2460, Springer, Dresden, Germany, October, 2002, 2002 | D. Varró: Towards Symbolic Analysis of Visual Modeling Languages, GT-VMT 2002: International Workshop on Graph Transformation and Visual Modelling Techniques pp. 57-70, Vol. 72 (3), ENTCS, Elsevier, Barcelona, Spain, October 2002, 2002 | P. Domokos, D. Varró: An Open Visualization Framework for Metamodel-Based Modeling Languages, GraBaTs 2002, International Workshop on Graph-Based Tools, pp. 78-87, Vol. 72 (2), ENTCS, Elsevier, Barcelona, Spain, October 2002., 2002 | Gyapay Szilvia: Petri-hálós modellek folyamatszintézis alapú analízise, Fiatal Műszakiak Tudományos Ülésszaka VIII. pp. 55-58, Kolozsvár, 2003. március., 2003 | A. Tóth, D. Varró, A. Pataricza: Model-Level Automatic Test Generation for UML Statecharts., The 6th IEEE International Workshop on Design and Diagnostics of Electronic Circuits and Systems, pp. 293-294, April 14-16, 2003, Poznan, Poland., 2003 | András Pataricza and Gergely Pintér: Data mining in fault injection, In Tyszer, Piestrak, and Teixeira, editors, Proc. of the Sixth International IEEE Workshop on Design and Diagnostics of Electronic Circuits and Systems, pp. 307-308, 2003 | Sz. Gyapay, A. Pataricza: Eine Kombination von Petrinetzen und Optimierung, Wissenschaftliche Mitteilungen der 15. Frühlingsakademie, pp. 24-29, Balatonfüred, Mai 2003., 2003 | Sz. Gyapay, A. Pataricza: Optimization methods for reachability analysis of Petri net models, Proceedings of Formal Methods for Railway Operation and Control Systems, pp. 53-60, Budapest, May 15-16, 2003., 2003 | András Pataricza: Metamodel based fault modeling in UML designs, In Suppl. Vol. of the 2003 International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks, pp. 72-73, June 2003., 2003 | Sz. Gyapay, A. Pataricza: A Gradual Filtering Method for Simultaneous Verification and Optimization of Petri Nets., Proceedings of the John von Neumann PhD Conference, pp. 27-30. Budapest, October 2, 2003., 2003 | Sz. Gyapay, A. Pataricza: Combination of Petri Nets and Process Network Synthesis, Proceedings of the 2003 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man & Cybernetics, pp. 1167-1174, Washington, D.C., USA, October 5-8, 2003., 2003 | D. Varró, A. Pataricza: Automated Formal Verification of Model Transformations, CSDUML 2003 Workshop on Critical Systems Development with UML, pp. 63-78, October 20-24, 2003, San Francisco, CA, USA., 2003 | Sz. Gyapay: Solving the Optimal Trajectory Problem using SPIN, In Mini-Symposium 2004, BUTE DMIS, February 3-4, 2004. IEEE Hungary Section (BUTE Student Branch), pp. 18–19., 2004 | Gyapay Sz., Pataricza A.: UML modellek Petri-háló alapú eroforrás allokációja és ütemezése., OOOK 2002: V. Országos Objektum-Orientált Konferencia, Dobogókő, Hungary, October 16-17 2002., 2002 | András Pataricza: Formal methods in mission-critical systems, FORMS 2003 Formal Methods for Railway Operation and Control Systems, May 2003., 2003 | András Pataricza: UML and dependability, IEEE DSN'03 Conference, June 2003., 2003 | András Pataricza: Fallbeispiele der UML-basierten Zuverlässigkeitsanalyse, DFG-SSP SOFTSPEZ Kolloquium, Stuttgart, October 2003., 2003 | Illes, T. and A. B. Nagy: New and elementary proof of a sufficient optimality criteria for constrained, concave minimization problems, Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, 2004 | Szilvia Varró-Gyapay, András Pataricza, and Ádám Nagy: Optimization of Production Nets under Temporal Constraints, Veszprém Optimization Conference: Advanced Algorithms, Veszprém, Hungary, December 13-15, 2004 | Szilvia Gyapay: Model based Optimization and Verification of IT Systems, The Fourth Conference of PhD Students in Computer Science, pages 52, Szeged, Hungary, 2004 July 1-4, 2004 | Szilvia Gyapay, András Pataricza: Optimal Trajectory Generation for Petri nets, Acta Cybernetica, 17(2), 2005., 2005 | Szilvia Gyapay: Model Transformation from General Resource Models to Petri Nets using Graph Transformation, Technical University of Berlin, Dept. of Computer Science, July 2004, ISSN 1436-9915, 2004 | Szilvia Gyapay and Ákos Schmidt and Dániel Varró: Joint Optimization and Reachability Analysis in Graph Transformation Systems with Time, GT-VMT04: International Workshop on Graph Transformation and Visual Modeling Techniques, 2004 | Gergely Pintér, Henrique Madeira, Marco Vieira, András Pataricza and István Majzik: A Data Mining Approach to Identify Key Factors in Dependability Experiments, Proc. Fifth European Dependable Computing Conference, EDCC-5, Budapest, Hungary, 2005 Apr. 20--22, 2005 | A. Pataricza, D. Varró: Metamodeling and Model Transformations, in Formal Methods in Computing (book), Akadémiai Kiadó, 357-425, 2005 | Sz. Gyapay: Process Network Synthesis-based Analysis of Petri Net Models, In Mini-Symposium 2003, BUTE DMIS, IEEE Hungary Section, pp. 20-21., 2003 | A. Pataricza: Model-based dependability analysis, DSc thesis, 2006 |




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