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Bartholy J., Pongrácz R.: Regional effects of ENSO in Central/Eastern Europe., Advances in Geosciences, 6, pp. 133-137., 2006 | Bartholy J., Pongrácz R.: Kárpát-medence extrém hőmérsékleti és csapadék indexeinek XX. századi változásai., Természet-, műszaki- és gazdaságtudományok alkalmazás 4. nemzetközi konferencia. Szombathely, 2005. május 28., 2005 | Bartholy J., Pongrácz R.: Extremes of ground-based and satellite measurements in the vegetation period for the Carpathian Basin., Physics and Chemistry of Earth, , 30 (No. 1-3), pp. 81-89, 2005 | Bartholy J., Pongrácz R.: Regional climate projections for the Carpathian Basin., In: Térkép - Tudomány. Tanulmányok Klinghammer István professzor 65. születésnapja tiszteletére. (szerk. Zentai L., Györffy J., Török Zs.) Térképtudományi Tanulmányok 13,, 2006 | Bartholy J., Pongrácz R.: Regional analysis of extreme temperature and precipitation indices for Central/Eastern Europe for the last 50 years., General Assembly of the European Geosciences Union. Vienna, Austria. 24-29 April 2005., 2005 | Torma Cs., Pongrácz R., Bartholy J., Schlanger V.: A globális melegedés várható regionális éghajlati következményeinek becslése a Kárpát-medence térségére., Természet-, műszaki- és gazdaságtudományok alkalmazás 4. nemzetközi konferencia. Szombathely, 2005. május 28., 2005 | Bartholy J., Pongrácz R.: TNéhány extrém éghajlati paraméter globális és a Kárpát-medencére számított tendenciája a XX. században., AGRO-21 Füzetek. 40. szám. pp. 70-93., 2005 | Dezső Zs., Bartholy J., Pongrácz R., Barcza Z.: Analysis of land-use/land-cover change in the Carpathian region based on remote sensing techniques., Physics and Chemistry of Earth, 30 (No. 1-3), pp. 109-115., 2005 | Bartholy J., Pongrácz R.: Tendencies of extreme climate indices based on daily precipitation in the Carpathian Basin for the 20th century., Időjárás, 109 (No. 1.), pp. 1-20., 2005 | Bartholy J., Pongrácz R.: Analysis of precipitation conditions for the Carpathian Basin based on extreme indices in the 20th century and climate simulations for the 21st century, Physics and Chemistry of Earth, megjelenés alatt., 2005 | Bartholy J., Mika J., Pongrácz R., Schlanger V.: A globális felmelegedés éghajlati sajátosságai a Kárpát-medencében. In: Éghajlatváltozás a világban és Magyarországon (szerk.: Takács-Sánta A.), Alinea Kiadó – Védegylet, Budapest. pp. 105-139., 2005 | Bartholy J., Pongrácz R.: Az antropogén eredetű klímaváltozás regionális következményei, az alkalmazkodás lehetőségei. In: Humánökológia: A természetvédelem, a környezetvédelem és az embervédelem, Medicina Könyvkiadó, Budapest. pp. 167-192., 2005 | Bartholy J., Pongrácz R.: Regional climate reconstruction based on written sources for the Carpathian Basin., Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 7. 07688. CD-ROM. EGU General Assembly 2005. 1607-7962/gra/EGU05-A-07688., 2005 | Pongrácz R., Bartholy J.: Analysis of drought events occurred in the 20th century based on extreme precipitation indices., Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 7. 01179. CD-ROM. EGU General Assembly 2005. 1607-7962/gra/EGU05-A-01179., 2005 | Bartholy J., Pongrácz R: Regional analysis of extreme temperature and precipitation indices for Central/Eastern Europe for the last 50 years., Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 7. 01135. CD-ROM. EGU General Assembly 2005. 1607-7962/gra/EGU05-A-01135., 2005 | Bartholy J., Pongrácz R., Pattantyús-Ábrahám M., Pátkai Zs.: Az Atlanti-Európai ciklonok pályájának, s a Magyarország felett átvonuló frontok tendencia elemzése az ERA-40 reanalízis adatbázis felhasználásával., Természet-, műszaki- és gazdaságtudományok alkalmazás 4. nemzetközi konferencia. Szombathely, 2005. május 28., 2005 | Kern A., Bartholy J., Pongrácz R., Dezso Zs., Barcza Z., Torma Cs.: Hydrological consequences of annual- and decadal-scale change of vegetation cover using remotely sensed data., Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 7. 01063. CD-ROM. EGU General Assembly 2005. 1607-7962/gra/EGU05-A-01063., 2005 | Hunyady A., Mika J., Pongrácz R., Zsuffa I.: Climate change effects on water level extremes modelled for an oxbow., Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 7. 01226. CD-ROM. EGU General Assembly 2005. 1607-7962/gra/EGU05-A-01226., 2005 | Bartholy J., Pongrácz R.: Regional effects of climate oscillations in Central/Eastern Europe., 1st Alexander von Humboldt International Conference on The El Niño phenomenon and its global impact. pp. 114. CIIFEN – EGU, Ecuador., 2005 | Pongrácz R., Bartholy J., Bogardi I.: Modelling ENSO-affected regional drought using fuzzy logic, 1st Alexander von Humboldt International Conference on The El Niño phenomenon and its global impact. pp. 116. CIIFEN – EGU, Ecuador., 2005 | Pongrácz R., Bartholy J.: Millennial analysis of the reconstructed climate in the Carpathian Basin on the base of coded written sources., PAGES Second Open Science Meeting – Abstract Book. PAGES, Bern, Switzerland. pp. 62., 2005 | Pongrácz R., Bartholy J., Dezso Zs., Kern A., Barcza Z.: Decadal change of forest area in the Upper-Tisza watershed based on remotely sensed information., IAMAS 2005, Scientific Assembly of the International Association of Meteorology and Atmospheric Sciences. Beijing, China. August 2-11, 2005. C12, 2005 | Bartholy J., Pongrácz R., Dezső Zs., Kern A., Barcza Z: Remotely sensed detection of land cover change at the Upper-Tisza watershed located in the mountain Carpathes. EMS Annual Meeting/ECAM 2005, Abstracts, Vol. 2. European Meteorological Society. EMS05-A-00108., 2005 | Pongrácz R., Bartholy J.: Analysis of extreme climate indices based on daily precipitation and temperature observations in the Carpathian Basin., EMS Annual Meeting/ECAM 2005 – Abstracts, Vol. 2. European Meteorological Society. EMS05-A-00110., 2005 | Bartholy J., Pongrácz R., Hunyady A., Torma Cs.: Regional climate scenarios for Hungary using statistical and dynamical downscaling techniques., EMS Annual Meeting/ECAM 2005 – Abstracts, Vol. 2. European Meteorological Society. EMS05-A-00111., 2005 | Szeidl L., Gimesi L., Markó T.: Időjárás generátor és a sztochasztikus modellezés néhány kérdése (plenáris előadás), VII. Magyar Biometriai és Biomatematikai Konferencia, Budapest, Összefoglalók, pp. 8, 2005 | Bartholy J., Pongrácz R., Pattantyús-Ábrahám M., Pátkai Zs.: Analysis of the European cyclone tracks, the corresponding frontal activity, and changes in MCP frequency distribution., EMS Annual Meeting/ECAM 2005 – Abstracts, Vol. 2. European Meteorological Society. EMS05-A-00297., 2005 | Bartholy J., Pongrácz R.: Methods for regional climate projections for the Carpathian Basin. International Conference Climate Change: Impacts and Responses in Central and Eastern European Countrie, Abstracts. Hungarian Academy of Sciences – Regional Environmental Center – Ministry of Environment and Water, Budapest. pp. 13., 2005 | Bartholy J., Pongrácz R.: Methods for regional climate projections for the Carpathian Basin. International Conference Climate Change, Impacts and Responses in Central and Eastern European Countries. Pécs, 2005. november 5-8., 2005 | Bartholy J., Pongrácz R., Pattantyús-Ábrahám M., Pátkai Zs.: Analysis of the European cyclone tracks, the corresponding frontal activity, and changes in MCP frequency distribution., 5th Annual Meeting of the European Meteorological Society (EMS) and 7th European Conference on Applications of Meteorology (ECAM), Utrecht, Netherlands. September 12-16,, 2005 | Kern A., Bartholy J., Pongrácz R., Dezso Zs., Barcza Z., Torma Cs.: Hydrological consequences of annual- and decadal-scale change of vegetation cover using remotely sensed data., General Assembly of the European Geosciences Union. Vienna, Austria. 24-29 April 2005., 2005 | Bartholy J., Pongrácz R.: Regional climate reconstruction based on written sources for the Carpathian Basin., General Assembly of the European Geosciences Union. Vienna, Austria. 24-29 April 2005., 2005 | Pongrácz R., Bartholy J.: Analysis of drought events occurred in the 20th century based on extreme precipitation indices., General Assembly of the European Geosciences Union. Vienna, Austria. 24-29 April 2005, 2005 | Hunyady A., Mika J., Pongrácz R., Zsuffa I.: Climate change effects on water level extremes modelled for an oxbow., General Assembly of the European Geosciences Union. Vienna, Austria. 24-29 April 2005, 2005 | Bartholy J., Pongrácz R: Tendency analysis of extreme climate parameters for the Carpathian Basin in the second half of the 20th century. IAMAS 2005, Scientific Assembly of the International Association of Meteorology and Atmospheric Sciences. Beijing, China. August 2-11, 2005. C4, 2005 | Bartholy J., Pongrácz R.: Regional effects of climate oscillations in Central/Eastern Europe, 1st Alexander von Humboldt International Conference on The El Niño phenomenon and its global impact. Guayaquil, Ecuador, May 16-20, 2005., 2005 | Pongrácz R., Bartholy J., Bogardi I.: Modelling ENSO-affected regional drought using fuzzy logic, 1st Alexander von Humboldt International Conference on The El Niño phenomenon and its global impact. Guayaquil, Ecuador, May 16-20, 2005., 2005 | Pongrácz R., Bartholy J.: Climate reconstruction analysis of the coded Rethly documentary collection covering the Central/Eastern European region., IAMAS 2005, Scientific Assembly of the International Association of Meteorology and Atmospheric Sciences. Beijing, China. August 2-11, 2005. C9, 2005 | Pongrácz R., Bartholy J., Pattantyus-Abraham M., Patkai Zs.: Analysis of European cyclone tracks and their frontal movements in the Carpathian Basin during the last four decades on the base of ERA-40 datasets, . IAMAS 2005, Scientific Assembly of the International Association of Meteorology and Atmospheric Sciences. Beijing, China. August 2-11, 2005. C8, 2005 | Bartholy J., Pongrácz R., Torma Cs., Hunyady A.: Comparisonal analysis of regional climate projections for Hungary using statistical and dynamical downscaling techniques., IAMAS 2005, Scientific Assembly of the International Association of Meteorology and Atmospheric Sciences. Beijing, China. August 2-11, 2005. C2, 2005 | J., Pongrácz R., Dezső Zs., Kern A., Barcza Z.: Remotely sensed detection of land cover change at the Upper-Tisza watershed located in the mountain Carpathes., 5th Annual Meeting of the European Meteorological Society (EMS) and 7th European Conference on Applications of Meteorology (ECAM), Utrecht, Netherlands. September 12-16,, 2005 | Pongrácz R., Bartholy J.: Analysis of extreme climate indices based on daily precipitation and temperature observations in the Carpathian Basin., . 5th Annual Meeting of the European Meteorological Society (EMS) and 7th European Conference on Applications of Meteorology (ECAM), Utrecht, Netherlands. September 12-16, 2005 | Bartholy J., Pongrácz R., Hunyady A., Torma Cs.: Regional climate scenarios for Hungary using statistical and dynamical downscaling techniques., 5th Annual Meeting of the European Meteorological Society (EMS) and 7th European Conference on Applications of Meteorology (ECAM), Utrecht, Netherlands. September 12-16,, 2005 | Bartholy J., Pongrácz R.: Comparing tendencies of some temperature related extreme indices on global and regional scales., Időjárás, 110 (No. 1.), pp. 35-48., 2006 | Bartholy J., Pongrácz R.: Regional analysis of extreme temperature and precipitation indices for the Carpathian Basin from 1946 to 2001.regional scales., Global and Planetary Change DOI:10.1016/j.gloplacha.2006.11.002., 2006 |
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