Autonóm robotok korszerű irányításelméletének, navigációjának és az intelligencia növelésének kutatása
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Márton L; Lantos B: Friction model for adaptive compensation, 11th Mediterranean Control and Automation Conf, Rhodes: 2003. pp. 1-5, DNBI 85/-766/5-0- CD t5-008.pdf, 2003 | Tél F; Lantos B: 3D projective reconstruction with decomposed projective depth, 11th Mediterranean Control and Automation Conf, Rhodes: 2003. pp. 1-6, DNBI 85/-766/5-0- CD t7-066.pdf, 2003 | Tél F; Lantos B: Feature based image matching for stereo vision, 4th European Scientific and Industrial Collaboration Workshop, Miskolc: 2003. pp. 113-120, ISBN 963 661 570 5, 2003 | Vass G; Lantos B; Payandeh Sh: Real-time optimized trajectory planning with jerk, 7th IFAC Symposium Robot Control, Wroclaw: 2003. pp. 295-300, 2003 | Kemény Zs; Lantos B: Closed form inverse kinematic solution for 8-degree-of-freedom serial manipulator, 9th IEEE Methods and Models in Automation and Robotics Conf, Miedzyzdroje: 2003. pp. 947-952, ISBN 838 876 477 2, 2003 | Márton L; Lantos B: Improved adaptive control scheme with ball and beam application, 9th IEEE Methods and Models in Automation and Robotics Conf, Miedzyzdroje: 2003. pp. 569-574, ISBN 838 876 477 2, 2003 | Bézi I; Tevesz G; Oláh I: Hatkomponensű erő-nyomaték érzékelő párhuzamos illesztésének architektúrális kérdései és az illesztő egység tényleges megvalósítása PCI buszra, BME AAIT, OTKA T042634/1 Tanulmány, Budapest: 2003. pp. 1-36, 2003 | Kemény Zs: Kinematic modeling and low-level motion planning for redundant and mobile robots, PhD Thesis, BME IIT, Budapest, 155 oldal, 2003 | Márton L; Lantos B: Switching robust adaptive control based on RBF neural networks, J Periodica Polytechnica El Eng 46: 195-208, 2003 | Harmati I: Stratified motion and manipulation planning algorithms in robotics, PhD Thesis, BME IIT, Budapest, 139 oldal, 2003 | Prohászka Z: Háromdimenziós térérzékelés robot navigációhoz automatikus kamera kalibrációval, microCAD International Scientific Conf, Miskolc: 2004. Vol K, pp. 371-376, 2004 | Harmati I; Lantos B; Payandeh Sh: Stratified motion plaanning concept in stair-like environment, 4th International Robot Motion and Control Workshop, Poznan: 2004. pp. 259-264, ISBN 837 143 272 0, 2004 | Szádeczky KE; Kiss B: Design and control of a 2-dof positioning robot, 10th IEEE Methods and Models in Automation and Robotics Conf, Miedzyzdroje: 2004. pp. 825-829, ISBN 838 876 404 7, 2004 | Márton L; Lantos B: Low velocity friction modelling with application for DC servo control, 8th Intelligent Engineering Systems Conf, Cluj-Napoca: 2004. pp. 403-408, ISBN 973 662 120 0, 2004 | Prohászka Z: Robust 3D computer vision system for robotic applications, 8th Intelligent Engineering Systems Conf, Cluj-Napoca: 2004. pp. 205-210, ISBN 973 662 120 0, 2004 | Oláh I; Bézi I; Tevesz G: Hibrid robotirányítás rendszerterve QNX 6.x alatt, BME AAIT, OTKA T042634/2 Tanulmány Budapest: 2004. pp. 1-26, ISBN 963 421 559 9, 2004 | Márton L; Lantos B: Sliding mode robot control with friction and payload estimation, J ADV COMPUT INTELL 8: 553-561, 2004 | Márton L; Lantos B: Modelling, identification and compensation of stick slip friction, IEEE T IND ELECTRON 54: pp. 511-521, 2007 | Lantos B: Mixed hard and soft techniques in nonlinear control, 5th International Symposium of Hungarian Researchers on Computational Intelligence, Budapest: 2004. pp. 123-134, 2004 | Juhász T; Vajta L: New challenges in mobile robot simulator systems, 1st CLAWAR/EURON Workshop on Robots in Entertainment, Leisure and Hobby, Vienna: 2004. pp. 1-5, CD ELH-S2.pdf, 2004 | Juhász T: Behavioral robot simulation for production systems, J Production Systems and Information Engineering, University of Miskolc, 2: 121-129, 2005 | Harmati I; Lantos B; Payandeh Sh: Fitted stratified manipulation with decomposed path planning on submanifolds, INT J ROBOT AUTOM 20: 135-144, 2005 | Bézi I, Oláh I: Hibrid pozíció/erő irányítás kisérleti megvalósítása, BME AAIT, OTKA T042634/3 Tanulmány, Budapest: pp. 1-25, ISBN 963 421 427 4, 2005 | Oláh I; Tevesz G: An experimental robot controller for force/torque control tasks, International Journal of INGENIUM 4: 477-484, 2005 | Vajta L; Juhász T: The role of 3D simulation in advanced robotic design, test and control, International Journal of Modelling and Simulation 4: 105-117, 2005 | Vajta L; Juhász T: The role of 3D simulation in advanced robotic design, test and control, In Cutting Edge Robotics, ed. Kordic V; Verlag Mayer-Scholz, Germany, pp. 47-60, ISBN 386 611 038 3, 2005 | Vajda F: HIAC Hierarchical inter-agent communication system, J Production Systems and Information Engineering, University of Miskolc, 2: 131-142, 2005 | Harmati I; Kiss B; Szádeczky-Kardos E: On drift neutralization of stratified systems, pp. 85-96 in: Kozlowski K Robot Motion and Control: Recent Developments, Springer Verlag London, Lecture Notes in Control and Information Sciences, ISBN 978 1 84628 404 5, 2005 | Márton L; Lantos B: Friction modelling and adaptive compensation for intelligent DC servo control, pp. 15-25 in: Elmenreich; Marcado; Rudas I Intelligent Systems at the Service of Mankind, Vol II; UBooks Verlag Berlin, 2005 | Marton L; Lantos B: Friction modelling and robust adaptive compensation, 16th IFAC World Congress, Prague; pp. 1-6, We-A04-TP/6, CD 02495.pdf, 2005 | Lantos B; Kiss B: Nonlinear model predictive control of robots, cranes and vehicles, 16th IFAC World Congress, Prague; pp. 1-6, Tu-M04-TP/17, CD 02617.pdf, 2005 | Lantos B; Varga Á: Model based predictive control of underactuated nonlinear mechatronical systems, J PERIODICA POLYTECH ELECTR ENG 49:123-140, 2005 | Vass G; Lantos B: Object reconfiguration with dextrous robot agents, J ADV COMPUT INTELL 10: 234-240, 2006 | Márton L: Robust-adaptive control of nonlinear singlevariable mechatronic systems and robots, PhD Thesis, BME IIT Budapest, p. 98, 2006 | Vass G: Object manipulation planning for dextrous robot systems, PhD Thesis, BME IIT Budapest, p. 110, 2006 | Lantos B: Nonlinear model predictive control of robots, cranes and ground vehicles, pp. 201-215 in: Bokor J, Hangos K. System Identifications and Control. Burnus Press Pécs, pp. 201-215, 2006 | Varga Á; Lantos B: Predictive control of powered lower limb prosthetic, pp. 204-215 in Proc. 9th International Conference on Climbing and Walking Robots CLAWAR, Brussels, Sep 12-14, 2006 | Tél F; Lantos B: Projective reconstruction for robot vision systems, pp. 357-362 in Proc. IEEE 3rd International Conference on Mechatronics, Budapest, July 3-5, ISBN 1 4244 9712 6, 2006 | Márton L; Lantos B: Stable adaptive ball and beam control, pp. 507-512 in Proc. IEEE 3rd International Conference on Mechatronics, Budapest, July 3-5, ISBN 1 4244 9712 6, 2006 | Varga Á; Lantos B: Eigenvalue properties of discrete time receding horizon control systems, pp. 531-536 in Proc. IEEE 3rd International Conference on Mechatronics, Budapest, July 3-5, ISBN 1 4244 9712 6, 2006 | Harmati I: Motion planning methods for stratified systems, pp. 525-530 in Proc. IEEE 3rd International Conference on Mechatronics, Budapest, July 3-5, ISBN 1 4244 9712 6, 2006 | Szádeczky-Kardoss E; Kiss B: Extension of the Rapidly Exploring Random Tree Algorithm with key configurations for nonholonomic motion planning, pp. 363-368 in Proc. IEEE 3rd International Conference on Mechatronics, Budapest, July 3-5, ISBN 1 4244 9712 6, 2006 | Lemmer L; Kiss B: Modeling, identification and control of harmonic drives for mobile vehicles, pp. 369-374 in Proc. IEEE 3rd International Conference on Mechatronics, Budapest, July 3-5, ISBN 1 4244 9712 6, 2006 | Lemmer L; Kiss B: Robust gamma-stable controller design for a two-degree-of-freedom robot arm, pp. 631-635 in Proc. IEEE 3rd International Conference on Mechatronics, Budapest, July 3-5, ISBN 1 4244 9712 6, 2006 | Lantos B: Path design and receding horizon control for collision avoidance systems of cars, J WSEAS Transactions on Systems and Control 2:105-112, 2006 | Harmati I: Game theoretic control algorithms for urban traffic network, J WSEAS Transactions on Systems and Control 2:141-148, 2006 | Lantos B: Path design and control of collision avoidance system of cars, pp. 337-345 in Proc. 5th WSEAS International Conference on System Science and Simulation in Engineering ICOSSE, Tenerife, Dec 16-18, 2006 | Harmati I: Urban traffic control in game theoretic framework, pp. 346-351 in Proc. 5th WSEAS International Conference on System Science and Simulation in Engineering ICOSSE, Tenerife, Dec 16-18, 2006 | Márton L; Lantos B: Identification and model-based compensation of Striebeck friction, ACTA POLYTECH HUNG 3: 45-58, 2006 | Prohászka Z: Some improvements to the Lucas-Kanade optical flow detector in motion tracking, pp. 503-512 in Proc. 4th Serbian-Hungarian Joint Symposium on Intelligent Systems SISY, Sep 29-30, 2006 | Bézi I, Oláh I: Hibrid pozíció/erő irányítás kisérleti megvalósításának továbbfejlesztése, BME AAIT, OTKA T042634/4 Tanulmány, Budapest: pp. 1-22, ISBN 963 421 428 2, 2006 | Harmati I: Multi-agent coordination for target tracking using fuzzy inference system in game theoretic framework, pp. 2390-2395 in Proc. IEEE International Symposium on Intelligent Control ISIC, Munich, Oct 04-06, 2006 | Harmati I: Multiple robot coordination for target tracking using semi-cooperative Stackelberg optimum, in Proc. IFAC-IEE International Control Conference, Glasgow, Aug 30-Sep 01, Conference CD, f46.pdf, IBSN 0947649549, 2006 | Szádeczky-Kardos E; Kiss B: Tracking error based online trajectory time scaling, pp. 80-85 in Proc. IEEE 10th International Conference on Intelligent Engineering Systems INES, London, June 26-28, ISBN 1 4244 9708 8, 2006 | Lemmer L; Kiss B; Jánosi I: Modeling, identification and control of harmonic drives for automotive applications, pp. 92-97 in Proc. IEEE 10th International Conference on Intelligent Engineering Systems INES, London, June 26-28, ISBN 1 4244 9708 8, 2006 | Szádeczky-Kardoss E; Kiss B: Probabilistic path planning for stratified systems using key configurations for the Rapidly Exploring Random Tree Algorithm, pp. 671-678 in Proc. IEEE 12th International Conference on Methods and Models in Automation and Robotics MMAR, Miedzyzdroje, Aug 28-31, ISBN 83 60140 93 6, 2006 | Kovács G; Pietrac L; Kiss B; Niel E: On the formalization of integrating watchdogs into suprvisory controller structures, pp. 1-6 (közlésre elfogadva) in Proc. IEEE 9th European Control Control Conference, Kos, July 2-5, 2007 | Oláh I: Extensions for robot programming force and torque control, pp. 201-2006 in Proc. Automation and Applied Science Workshop AACS, Budapest, June 30, ISBN 963 420 865 7, 2006 | Oláh I; Tevesz G: Force-torque control for an experimental robot controller, pp. 569-574 in Proc. IEEE 3rd International Conference on Mechatronics, Budapest, July 3-5, ISBN 1 4244 9712 6, 2006 | Oláh I; Tevesz G: Force control extensions for advanced robot programming system, pp. 619-624 in Proc. IEEE 12th International Conference on Methods and Models in Automation and Robotics MMAR, Miedzyzdroje, Aug 28-31, ISBN 83 60140 93 6, 2006 | Oláh I; Tevesz G: Szerelő robot erő-nyomaték irányítása, Elektrotechnika 5: pp. 9-11, 2006 | Oláh I; Tevesz G: Kisérleti robotvezérlő rendszer erő-nyomaték irányítása, Elektronikai Technológia, Mikrotechnika, pp. 1-6 (közlésre elfogadva), 2007 | Oláh I; Tevesz G: Multiprocessor robot controller - Experimental robot controller for force-torque tasks, pp. 540-543 in Proc. 3rd International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics ICINCO, Setubal, ISBN 972 8865 60 0, 2006 | Lantos B: Irányítási rendszerek elmélete és tervezése II. Korszerű szabályozási rendszerek, Akadémiai Kiadó, Budapest, p. 486, ISBN 963 05 7922 7, 2003 | Vajda F: Optimális markerelrendezés és programozás heterogén multiágensű mikrorobot rendszerekben, PhD Thesis, BME IIT Budapest, p. 110, 2006 | Kahlesz F: Human thumb models for dexterous teleoperation, BME IIT, OTKA T042634/5 Tanulmány, Budapest: pp. 1-15, 2006 |




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