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Pálovics E, Schindler J, Borsodi J, Bereczki L, Marthi K. Fogassy E, Faigl F.: Rokon szerkezetű molekulák hatása az enantiomer felismerésre III, XII Nemzetközi vegyészkonferencia, Miercurea Ciuc, 2006 | Egressy M., Schindler J., E. Fogassy:: Resolution of 1-phenyetihylamine and its derivatives by1-phenyethylamine enantiomeric derivatives, Periodica politechnica 61, 2003 | Kmecz I., Simándi B., Székely E., Fogassy E: Separation of N-methylamphetamine enantiomers by supercritical fluid extraction, 6th International Symposium on Supercritical Fluids, Versailles, Franciaország, in Proceedings Tome I., 451, 2003 | Simándi B., Székely E., Kmecz I., Fogassy E., Molnár P., Sawinsky J.: Separation of enantiomers by supercritical fluid extraction, ECCE,, 4th European Congress of Chemical Engineering, Granada, Spanyolország, 2003. szeptember 24-26, 2003 | Simon H., Fogassy E., Kozma D: O’-Dibenzoil-(2R,3R)-tartaric acid as supramolecular Compound Forming Resolving agent,, 15 th International Symposium on Chiral discrimination, Shiznoka, Japán, 2003 október, 2003 | Pokol Gy., Kozma D., Marthi K., Faigl F., Fogassy E: Supramolecular Entities in Chiral Recognition. Interpretation of Resolution Processes,, 7th International Conference on Pharmacy and Applied Physical Chemistry, Innsbruck, Ausztria, 2003 szeptember 7-10., 2003 | Kmecz I., Simándi B., Székely E., Fogassy E: Resolution of N-methylamphetamine enantiomers with tartaric acid derivatives by supercritical fluid extraction, Tetrahedron Asymmetry:15 1841-1845, 2004 | Székely E., Simándi B., Illés R., Molnár P., Gebefügi I., Kmecz I., Fogassy E: Application of supercritical fluid extraction for fractionation of enantiomers, J. Supercrit. Fluids: 31 33-40, 2004 | H. Simon, Z. Vincze, K. Marthy, G. Lévai, G. Pokol, E. Fogassy,and D. Kozma: Thermoanalitical study of O,O’-dibenzoyl-(2R,3R)-tartaric acid supramolecularcompounds Part IV., Therm. Anal. 75 787-793, 2004 | Kovári Z., Böcskei Zs., Kassai Cs., Fogassy E., Kozma D.: Alcohol-O,O’-dibenzoyl-(2R,3R)-tartaric Acid Complexes, Chirality: 16 S23-S27, 2004 | Bálint J., Schindler J., Egri G., Kálai T., Hánusz M., Marthi K., Juvancz Z., Fogassy E: Resolution of methyl-1-phenylethylamines by acidic derivatives of 1-phenylethylamine, Tetrahedron Asymmetry:15 3401-3405, 2004 | Fogassy E., Schindler J., Kiss V., Pálovics E.: Kiralitás és a szerves kémia néhány összefüggése, Magyar Kémiai Folyóirat 2 64-70t, 2004 | Fogassy E., Pálovics E., Schindler J.: The effect of structually related molecules ont he enantiomer recognition during the resolution, 10thInternational Conference of Chemistry Kolozsvár, Románia 2004 november12-14, 2004 | Kiss V., Fogassy E.: Resolution of racemic 1-phenyl-1-propanol, Conference of MSc Students, 2004 | Bálint J., Kiss V., Egri G., Kálai T., Demeter Á., Balog M., Fogassy E: Kinetic resolution of 1-oxyl-3-hydroxymethyl-2,2,5,5-tetramethylpyrrolidine derivatives by lipase-catalyzed enantiomer selective acylation., Tetrahedron Asymmetry:15 671-679, 2004 | D. Kozma, Cs. Kassai, Z. Juvancz, E. Fogassy: One pot resolution of trans-2-jodo-cyclohexanol with DBTA in solid phase, Synthetic Communication, 36 (8): 1015-1018, 2006 | Pálovics E., Schindler J., Faigl F., Fogassy E: Rokon szerkezetű molekulák hatása az enantiomerfelismerésre II, MKE Vegyészkonferencia, Hajdúszoboszló, 2005 | Molnár P., Simándi B., Keszei S., Lovász J., Székely E., Fogassy E: ()Ibuprofén intermedierjeinek elválasztása szuperkritikus állapotú szén-dioxiddal, „Szuperkritikus oldószerek analitikai és műveleti alkalmazása” Konferencia előadás Budapest, 2005 | L. Bereczki, E. Pálovics, J. Schindler, E. Fogassy, K. Marthi, Gy. Pokol: Thermoanalytical and X-ray diffraction studies of derivative-derivative diastereomeric salts, ESF Research Conference, Helsinki, 2005 | K. Marthi, D. Kozma, g. Pokol, F. Faigl, E. Fogassy: Chiral recognition on a supramolecular leveli n optical resolutions, 17thISCD Parma, 2005 | E. Fogassy, F. Faigl, E. Pálovics, J. Schindler: The effect of structurally related molecules ont he enantiomer recognition during the resolution II., 11thInternational Conference of Chemistry Cluj, 2005 | J. Schindler, J. Bálint, k. Marthy, L. Bereczky, E. Fogassy: Optical resolution of substituted 1-arylethylamines by its acidic derivatives, 17thISCD Parma, 2005 | Molnár P., Székely E., Simándi B., Keszei S., Fogassy E: Racém ibuprofén reszolválása szuperkritikus extrakcióval, MKE Vegyészkonferencia, Hajdúszoboszló, 2005 | Székely E., Simándi B., Molnár P., Kmecz I., Fogassy E: Enantiomerek elválasztása szuperkritikus szén-dioxidos extrakcióval, Szuperkritikus oldószerek analitikai és műveleti alkalmazása” Konferencia előadás Budapest, 2005 | Kiss V, Egri G, Balint J, Fogassy E: Enantioseparation of secondary alcohols by diastereoisomeric salt formation, Chirality 18 (2): 116-120, 2006 | Molnar M, Szekely E, Simandi B, Keszei S, Lovasz J, Fogassy E: Enantio separation of ibuprofen by supercritical fluid extraction., Journal of Supercritical Fluids 37 (3): 384-389, 2006 | Schindler J, Pálovics E, Fogassy E.: Preparation of optically active oxazolines, 13th FECHEM Conference on Heterocycles in Bioorganic Chemistry, 2006 | Faigl F, Schindler J, Fogassy E: Advantages of structural similarities of the reactants in optical resolution processes, Topics in Current Chemistry 269: 133-157, 2007 | Bereczki L, Palovics E, Bombicz P, Pokol G, Fogassy E, Marthi K.: Optical resolution of N-formylphenylalanine succeeds by crystal growth rate differences diastereomeric salts, Tetrahedron:Asymmetry 18 (2): 260-264,, 2007 | Kmecz I, Simandi B, Szekely E, Lovasz J, Fogassy E.: Application of mixtures of tartaric acid derivatives in resolution via supercritical fluid extraction., Chirality 19, 430-433., 2007 | Kmecz I, Simandi B, Szekely E, Lovasz J, Fogassy E. G.: Application of mixtures of tartaric acid derivatives in resolution via supercritical fluid extraction., Chirality, 19(6), 430-433,, 2007 | Pálovics E, Schindler J, Bereczki L, Marthi K, Faigl F, Fogassy E:: The effect of structurally related molecules ont he enantiomer recognition during the resolution IV, 13thInternational Conference of Chemistry Cluj, 2007, 2007 | E. Fogassy, M. Nógrádi, E. Pálovics, and J. Schindler: Resolution of enantiomers by non-conventional methods, Synthesis, 2005 | J. Schindler, M. Egressy, J. Bálint, Z. Hell, E. Fogassy: Optical resolution by crystallization from melt using enantiomer derivatives as resolving agents: Nonlinear behavior of resolving agent mixtures, Chirality, 2005 | Fogassy E, Nogradi M, Kozma D, Egri G, Palovics E, Kiss V: Optical resolution methods, Organic & Biomolecular Chemistry 4 (16): 3011-3030, 2006 | Kiss V, Egri G, Balint J, Ling I, Barkoczi J, Fogassy E.: Kinetic and chemical resolution of different 1-phenyl-2-propanol derivatives., Tetrahedron:Asymmetry 17 (15): 2220-2234, 2006 | Novak T , Schindler J, Ujj V, Czugler M, Fogassy E, Keglevich G: Resolution of 3-methyl-3-phospholene 1-oxides by molecular complex formation with TADDOL derivatives, Tetrahedron:Asymmetry 17 (18): 2599-2602, 2006 | Fogassy E, Marthi K.: Királis vegyületek előállítása, Természet Világa, 1, 79-81,, 2007 | Novak T, Ujj V, Schindler J, Czugler M, Kubinyi M, Mayer A.Zs, Fogassy E, Keglevich G.: Resolution of 1-substituted-3-methyl-3-phospholene 1-oxides by molecular complex formation with TADDOL derivatives., Tetrahedron:Asymmetry, 18, 2965-2972,, 2007 | Palovics E, Bereczki L, Marthi K, Pokol G, Faigl F, Fogassy E.: Solvent dependency though not solvate formation in the derivative-derivative resolution of N-formylphenylaianine, Tetrahedron:Asymmetry 18 (21): 2531-2536, 2007 | Palovics E, Fogassy E, Schindler J, Nogradi M.: Nonlinear chiral interactions in resolutions with benzylamine derivatives., Chirality 19 (1): 1-4,, 2007 | Schindler J, Egressy M, Bereczki L, Pokol G, Fogassy E, Marthi K.: Enhanced efficiency due to the use of achiral additives in the optical resolution of 1-phenylethylamine by its glutaric acid derivative., Chirality 19 (3): 239-244, 2007 |




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