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Némethi, A.; Luengo, I.; Melle-Hernández, A.: Links and analytic invariants of superisolated singularities, Journal of Algebraic Geometry, 14, 543-565., 2005 | Némethi A., L. I. Nicolaescu: Seiberg-Witten invariants and surface singularities II (singularities with good C*-action), Journal of London Math. Soc. (2), 69, 593-607., 2004 | Némethi A., L. McEwan: The zeta-function of a quasi-ordinary singularity, Compositio Math. 140, 667-682., 2004 | ifj. Böröczky K.: Finite packing and covering, Cambridge Tracts in Mathematics, Cambridge University Press, 2004 | Réti T., ifj. Böröczky K.: Topological Characterization of Cellular Structures, Acta Polytechnica Hungarica, 1, 59--85., 2004 | ifj. Böröczky K., M. Reitzner: Approximation of Smooth Convex Bodies by Random Circumscribed Polytopes, Annals of Applied Prob., 14, 239--273, 2004 | Braun G.: A proof of Higgin's conjecture, Bull. Austral. Math. Soc., 70, 207-212., 2004 | Domokos M., Frenkel P. E.: On orthogonal invariants in characteristic 2, J. of Algebra, 274, 662--688., 2004 | Domokos M., Frenkel P. E.: Mod 2 indecomposable orthogonal invariants, Adv. Math., 192, 209-217., 2005 | Némethi A.: Invariants of normal surface singularities, Contemporary Mathematics, 354 , 161-208., 2004 | Némethi A., A. Dimca: Hypersurface complements. Alexander modules and monodromy, Contemporary Mathematics, 354, 19-43., 2004 | Elek G., Szabó E.: Sofic groups and direct finiteness, Journal of Algebra, 280, 426-434., 2004 | Szamuely T.: Groupes de Galois de corps de type fini (daprès Pop), Astérisque 294, 403-431., 2004 | Szenes, A., M. Vergne: Toric reduction and a conjecture of Batyrev and Materov, Invent. Math., 158, 453-495., 2004 | ifj. Böröczky K.; Réti T.: Topological characterization of finite cellular systems represented by 4-dimensional polytopes., Materials Science Forum, 473-474, 381-388, 2005 | ifj. Böröczky K.: Finite coverings in the hyperbolic plane, Discrete and Comp. Geometry, 33, 165-180., 2005 | Némethi, A.: On the Heegaard Floer homology of S^3_{-d}(K) and unicuspidal rational plane curves, Fields Institute Communications, 47., 2005 | ifj. Böröczky K.: The stability of the Rogers-Shephard inequality, Adv. Math., 190, 47-76., 2005 | Braun, G.; Blass, A.: Random orders and gambler's ruin, Electronic Journal of Combinatorics, 12, R23., 2005 | Braun, G.; Göbel, R.: E-algebras whose torsion part is not cyclic., Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 133, no.8, 2251-2258, 2005 | Némethi, A.; Mendris, R.: The link of {f(x,y)+z^n=0} and Zariski's Conjecture., Compositio Math., 141, 502-524., 2005 | Braun, G.: Characterization of matrix types of ultramatricial algebras, New York Journal of Mathematics, 11, 21-33., 2005 | Némethi, A.; McNeal, J.D.: The order of contact of a holomorphic ideal in C^2, Math. Zeitschrift, 250, 873-883., 2005 | Némethi, A.: On the Ozsváth-Szabó invariant of negative definite plumbed 3-manifolds, Geometry and Topology, 9, 991-1042., 2005 | Szabó, E.; Elek, G.: Hyperlinearity, essentially free actions and L^2-invariants. The sofic property., Mathematische Annalen, 332, 421-441., 2005 | Szamuely, T.; Harari, D.: Arithmetic duality theorems for 1-motives, J. reine angew. Math., 578, 93-128., 2005 | Szenes, A.; Vergne, M.: Mixed toric residues and tropical degenerations, Topology, 45, no. 3, 567-599., 2006 | Némethi, A.; de Bobadilla, F.J.; Luengo, I.; Melle-Hernandez, A.: On rational cuspidal projective plane curves, Proc. of London Math. Soc. 92 (3), 99-138., 2006 | Némethi, A.; Horváth, A: On the Milnor fiber on non-isolated singularities, Studia Sci. Math. Hungarica, 43 (1), 131-136., 2006 | Némethi, A.; Rimányi, R; Fehér, L.: Coincident root loci of binary forms, Michigan Math. J. 54(2), 375-392., 2006 | Némethi, A.; Caubel, C.; Popescu-Pampu, P.: Milnor open books and Milnor fillable contact 3-manifolds, Topology, 45 (3), 673-689., 2006 | Szamuely, T.; Gille, Ph.: Central simple algebras and Galois cohomology, Cambridge University Press, 2006 | Böröczky, K.J.; Réti, T.; G. Wintsche: On the combinatorial characterization of quasicrystals, J. Geometry and Physics, 57, 39-52., 2006 | Böröczky, K.J.; Pach, J.; Tóth, G.: Planar crossing numbers of graphs embeddable in another surface, International Journal of Foundations of Computer Science, 17, 1005-1017., 2006 | Böröczky, K.; Böröczky, Jr., K.; Wintsche, G.: Typical faces of extremal polytopes with respect to a thin three-dimensional shell., Periodica Math. Hung., 53, no. 1-2, 83-102., 2006 | Böröczky, Jr., K.; Fábián, I.; Wintsche, G.: Covering the crosspolytope by equal balls, Periodica Math. Hung., 53, no. 1-2, 103-113., 2006 | Frenkel, P.E.: Character formulae for classical groups, Central European J. of Math, 4, no 2., 242-249, 2006 | Braun, G.; Lippner, G.: Characteristic numbers of multiple-point manifolds, Bull. London Math. Soc. 38, no. 4, 667-678., 2006 | Szabó, E; Elek, G.: On sofic groups, J. Group Theory 9, no. 2, 161-171., 2006 |
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