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Domoki, F., Kis, B., Nagy, K., Farkas, E., Busija, D.W., Bari, F.: Diazoxide preserves hypercapnia-induced arteriolar vasodilation after global cerebral ischemia in piglets, Am. J. Physiol. Heart. Circ. Physiol. 289(1), H368-373., 2005 | Farkas, E., Timmer, N.M., Domoki, F., Mihály, A., Luiten, P.G.M., Bari, F.: Post-ischemic administration of diazoxide attenuates long-term microglial activation in the rat brain after permanent carotid artery occlusion, Neurosci. Lett., 387(3), 168-172., 2005 | de Wilde, M.C., Farkas, E., Luiten, P.G.M., Kiliaan, A.J.: Fish oil fatty acids slow degenerative processes in Alzheimer’s disease, 166th Scientific Meeting of the Dutch Anatomcal Society, Zeist, The Netherlands. Poster., 2004 | Farkas, E., Donka, G., Bari, F., Mihály, A., Luiten, P.G.M.: White matter injury and microglial activation develop in the rat optic tract after carotid artery occlusion, 4th Forum of European Neuroscience, Lisbon, Portugal. Poster., 2004 | Farkas, E., Annaházi, A., Institóris, Á., Mihály, A., Luiten, P.G.M., Bari, F.: Diazoxide and dimethyl sulphoxide alleviate experimental cerebral hypoperfusion-iduced white matter injury in the rat brain, Neurosci. Lett., 373, 195-199, 2005 | Farkas, I.G., Farkas, E., Dobó, E., Krisztin-Pév,a B., Mihály A.: Wirkung von TNFá und aktivierten T-Lymphozyten auf Mikroglia-Aktivierung im hippocampus der Ratte, Anatomische Gesellschaft – 99. Versammlung, Anatomical Society of Great Britain and Ireland, Nederlandse Anatomen Vereniging, Sociedad Anatómiva Espanola. Wien, Austria. Poster., 2004 | Meerlo, P., Roman, V., Farkas, E., Keijser, J.N., Nyakas, C., and Luiten, P.G.M.: Ageing-related decline in Adenosine A1 Receptor Binding in the Rat Brain: an Autoradiographic Study, J. Neurosci. Res., 78(5), 742-748, 2004 | Farkas, E., Donka, G., de Vos, R.A.I., Mihály, A., Bari, F. and Luiten, P.G.M.: Experimental cerebral hypoperfusion imposes white matter injury and microglial activation in the rat brain, Acta Neuropath. (Berl.), 108(1), 57-64, 2004 | Farkas, E., Institóris, Á., Domoki, F., Mihály, A., Luiten, P.G.M. and Bari, F.: Diazoxide and dimethyl sulphoxide prevent cerebral hypoperfusion-related learning dysfunction and brain damage after carotid artery occlusion, Brain Res., 1008(2), 252-258, 2004 | Annaházi, A., Mihály, A., Bari, F., Farkas, E.: Diazoxide and dimethyl sulphoxide reduces chronic cerebral hypoperfusion induced glial reaction in the rat white matter, The 10th Annual Meeting of the Hungarian Neuroscience Society (MITT), Pécs, Hungary. Poster., 2005 | Institóris, Á., Farkas, E., Domoki, F., Mihály, A., Bari, F.: The effect of diazoxide on the early phase of chronic cerebral hypoperfusion in rats, The 10th Annual Meeting of the Hungarian Neuroscience Society (MITT), Pécs, Hungary. Poster., 2005 | Timmer, N.M., Farkas, E., Luiten, P.G.M., Mihály, A., Bari, F.: Post-ischemic administration of diazoxide does not prevent chronic ischemia-related memory impairment, but attenuates microglial activation in the rat brain, The 10th Annual Meeting of the Hungarian Neuroscience Society (MITT), Pécs, Hungary. Poster., 2005 | Farkas, E., de Vos, R.A.I., Donka, G., Jansen Steur, E.N., Mihály, A., Luiten, P.G.M.: Age-Related Microvascular Degeneration in the Human Cerebral Periventricular White Matter., Acta Neuropath. (Berl.), in press., 2005 | B. Tóth, B., Farkas, E., Farkas, G.: Retinal changes following acute pancreatitis induction in the rat, 15th Congress of the European Society of Ophthalmology, Berlin, Germany. Poster., 2005 | Farkas, E., Antal, P., Tóth-Szűki, V., Farkas, I.G., Mihály, A., Bari, F.: Circulating tumor necrosis factor-alpha alters cerebral blood flow and microvascular ultrastructure through nitric oxide release in the rat brain, XXIInd International Symposium on Cerebral Blood Flow, Metabolism, and Function, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Poster., 2005 | Fabene, P.F., Weiczner, R., Marzola, P., Nicolato, E., Calderan, L., Andrioli, A., Farkas, E., Süle, Z., Mihaly, A., Sbarbati, A.: Structural and functional MRI following 4-aminopyridine-induced seizures: A comparative imaging and anatomical study., Neurobiol. Dis., in press., 2005 | Farkas, E., Institóris, Á., Domoki, F., Mihály, A., Bari, F.: A diazoxid elő- és utókezelés hatása krónikus agyi ischemia korai és késői szakaszában, patkányban., XIII. Anatómus Kongresszus, Pécs, Hungary. Talk., 2005 | Bari, F., Annaházi, A., Institoris, Á., Domoki, F., Farkas, E.: Administration of diazoxide, a mitoKATP channel opener decreases hypoperfusion-related memory dysfunction and neuronal damage in rats, FASEB J., 19 (5), A1250-A1250 Part 2 Suppl. S., 2005 | Annaházi, A., Institóris, Á., Mihály, A., Bari, F., Farkas, E.: A diazoxid hatása a tanulási zavarra és gliareakciókra krónikus agyi hipoperfúzióban., A Magyar Élettani Társaság LXIX. Vándorgyűlése, Budapest, Hungary. Talk., 2005 | B.Tóth, B., Farkas, E., Farkas, G.: Morfológiai változások a retinában akut pancreatitis indukciót követően állatmodellben., A Magyar Szemorvos Társaság Kongresszusa, Szeged, Hungary. Talk., 2005 | Farkas, E., Antal, P., Tóth-Szűki, V., Bari, F.: Patkányban a tumor nekrózis faktor-α nitrogén-monoxid felszabadulásán keresztül növeli az agykérgi véráramlást., Pécsi Angiológiai Napok - A Magyar Angiológiai és Érsebészeti Társaság és a Magyar Cardiovascularis és Intervenciós Radiológiai Társaság közös kongresszusa, Pécs, Hungary, 2005 | Farkas, E., Annaházi, A., Karg, E., Penke, B., Bari, F.: Alpha-tocopherol pretreatment attenuates cerebral hypoperfusion-induced learning dysfunction and neurodegeneration in rats, 5th Forum of European Neuroscience, Wien, Austria., 2006 | Farkas, E., de Vos, R.A.I., Donka, G., Jansen Steur, E.N., Mihály, A., Luiten, P.G.M.: Age-Related Microvascular Degeneration in the Human Cerebral Periventricular White Matter, Acta Neuropath. (Berl.), 111(2), 150-157., 2006 | Farkas, E., Domoki, F., Institóris, Á., Annaházi, A., Busija, D.W., Bari, F.: Neuroprotection by diazoxide in animal models for cerebrovascular disorders, Vasc. Dis. Prev., 3(3), 253-264., 2006 | Farkas, E., Süle, Z., Tóth-Szűki, V., Mátyás, M., Antal, P., Farkas, I.G., Mihály, A., Bari, F.: Tumor necrosis factor-alpha increases cerebral blood flow and ultrastructural capillary damage through the release of nitric oxide in the rat brain, Microvasc. Res., 72(3), 113-119., 2006 | Farkas, E., Institóris, Domoki, F., Mihály, A., Bari, F.: The effect of pre- and post-treatment with diazoxide on the early phase of chronic cerebral hypoperfusion in the rat, Brain Res., 1087(1), 168-174., 2006 | Farkas, E., Luiten, P.G.M., Bari, F.: Permanent, bilateral common carotid artery occlusion in the rat: a model for chronic cerebral hypoperfusion-related neurodegenerative diseases, Brain Res. Rev., in press., 2007 | Bari, F., Institóris, Á., Annaházi, A., Mracskó, É., Süle, Z., Farkas, E.: ) Novel approaches to reduce the hypoperfusion-induced memory deficit and brain damage in rats, 5th International Congress of Pathophysiology, Beijing, China., 2006 | Annaházi, A., Farkas, E., Mracskó, É., Institóris, Á., Süle, Z., Karg, E., Mihály, A., Penke, B., Bari, F.: Systemic administration of alpha-tocopherol attenuates cerebral hypoperfusion-induced learning dysfunction in rats, IBRO International Workshop, Budapest, Hungary., 2006 | Süle, Z., Tóth-Szűki, V., Antal, P., Mátyás, A., Mihály, A., Bari, F., Farkas, E.: TNF-α-induced microvascular damage is mediated by nitrogen monoxide in the rat brain, IBRO International Workshop, Budapest, Hungary., 2006 | Institóris, Á., Farkas, E., Süle, Z., Bari, F.: COX-2 inhibition prevents memory failure and neuron loss in cerebral hypoperfusion in rats, 36th Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience, Atlanta, Georgia, U.S.A., 2006 | Bari, F., Annaházi, A., Mracskó, É., Institóris, Á., Süle, Z., Farkas, E.: Novel approaches to reduce the hypoperfusion-induced memory deficit and brain damage in rats, Gordon Research Conference on Brain Energy Metabolism and Blood Flow, Magdalen College, Oxford, United Kingdom., 2006 | Farkas, E.: The TNFalpha-induced increase in cerebral blood flow and blood-brain barrier damage is nitric oxide-dependent in the rat brain, X. Jubileumi Alzheimer-kór Konferencia a betegség leírásának 100. évfordulóján, Szeged, Hungary., 2006 | Farkas, E.: Neuroprotective strategies in experimental, chronic, cerebral hypoperfusion, The 11th Annual Meeting of the Hungarian Neuroscience Society (MITT), Szeged, Hungary., 2007 | Institóris, Á., Farkas, E., Berczi, S., Bari, F.: Patkányban a ciklooxigenáz (COX)-2 gátlása kivédi az agyi hipoperfúzió által okozott memóriakárosodást és neuron pusztulást, A Magyar Élettani Társaság LXX. Vándorgyűlése, Szeged, Hungary., 2006 | Mracskó, É., Farkas, E., Süle, Z., Penke, B., Karg, E., Bari, F.: Az ALFA-tocopherol kezelés csökkenti a krónikus agyi hipoperfúzió okozta idegi károsodást patkányban, A Magyar Élettani Társaság LXX. Vándorgyűlése, Szeged, Hungary., 2006 | Süle, Z., Kovács, G.G., Mihály, A., Farkas, E.: Fehérállományi mikroér elváltozások Alzheimer-kórban, The 11th Annual Meeting of the Hungarian Neuroscience Society (MITT), Szeged, Hungary., 2007 |
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