Gyorshűtéssel, mechanikus ötvözéssel, illetve nagy deformációval előállított nanokristályos anyagok mikroszerkezete, termikus és mechanikai tulajdonságai  részletek

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Projekt adatai

típus K
Vezető kutató Lendvai János
magyar cím Gyorshűtéssel, mechanikus ötvözéssel, illetve nagy deformációval előállított nanokristályos anyagok mikroszerkezete, termikus és mechanikai tulajdonságai
Angol cím Microstructure, thermal and mechanical properties of nanocrystalline materials produced by rapid solidification, mechanical alloying or by severe plastic deformation
zsűri Fizika 1
Kutatóhely Anyagfizikai Tanszék (Eötvös Loránd Tudományegyetem)
résztvevők Groma István
Krállics György
Máthis Krisztián
Révész Ádám
Ribárik Gábor
Shapaan Mahmoud Shapaan
Szenes György
Ungár Tamás
projekt kezdete 2003-01-01
projekt vége 2007-12-31
aktuális összeg (MFt) 19.190
FTE (kutatóév egyenérték) 0.00
állapot lezárult projekt



kutatási eredmények (magyarul)
Tömbi amorf ötvözetekből kiindulva amorf és nanokristályos fázisokat tartalmazó heterogén rendszereket állítottunk elő. Az üvegesedési hőmérséklet közelében végzett deformációnál a viszkozitás reciproka lineárisan csökken a nanokristályos térfogathányaddal. Cu60Zr20Ti20 összetételű kristályos mintákban nagy nyomáson történő csavarással (HPT) részleges amorfizációt észleltünk. A mechanikai hatásra történő amorfizáció fordított folyamata a nagy deformáció hatására bekövetkező kristályosodás: amorf Cu60Zr20Ti20 minták HPT deformációjakor nanokristályos fázisok képződését figyeltük meg szinkrotron-XRD vizsgálatokkal . Al85Ce8Ni5Co2 amorf ötvözet HPT deformációjánál kimutattuk, hogy a termikus hatásokra képződő és a deformáció-keltette kristályos fázisok nem azonosak. Tiszta fémeken, valamint Al és Mg alapú ötvözeteken könyöksajtolással (ECAP) vizsgáltuk az extrém nagy alakítások hatását a mikroszerkezetre. Széles deformációs tartományban érvényes új empírikus feszültség-deformáció függvényt javasoltunk fcc fémekre, amely visszaadja az ismert Hollomon- és Voce-formulákat. Új kiértékelési eljárásokkal röntgen vonalprofil analízis alapján vizsgáltuk a rétegződési hibákat és az ikresedést, amelyek szerepet játszhatnak az inverz Hall-Petch viselkedésben. Szinkrotron mellet végzett röntgen-tomográfiával meghatároztuk alumínium-mátrixú kompozitok és fémhabok 3D mikroszerkezetét, ennek felhasználásával végeselem szimulációkat végeztünk a deformáció modellezésére.
kutatási eredmények (angolul)
Heterogeneous materials containing amorphous and nanocrystalline (nc) phases were produced from bulk metallic glasses. Upon deformation around the glass transition temperature the reciprocal viscosity decreases linearly with the nc volume fraction. In polycrystalline Cu60Zr20Ti20 samples partial amorphisation could be achieved by high pressure torsion (HPT). The inverse process, formation of nc phases during HPT was observed in rapidly solidified amorphous CuZrTi samples by synchrotron X-ray diffraction. HPT-induced crystallization was also detected in amorphous Al85Ce8Ni5Co2 where the nc products were different from those obtained by thermal crystallization. The effect of severe plastic deformation was studied by equal channel angular pressing on pure metals and on Al and Mg based alloys. A new empirical stress-strain formula, including as special cases the Hollomon- and Voce-equations, and valid in a wide range of strain, has been proposed for fcc metals. By a new evaluation method of X-ray diffraction peak profiles the role of stacking faults and twinning was investigated, since it has been suggested that these might influence the occurrence of the inverse Hall-Petch behavior. 3D microstructure of particle reinforced Al-matrix composites and foams has been determined by synchrotron X-ray tomography. On the basis of the real microstructure finite element modeling was used to reproduce the stress-strain curves.
a zárójelentés teljes szövege
döntés eredménye



Fátay D., Gubicza J., Szommer P. , Lendvai J. , Blétry M. , Guyot P.: Thermal stability and mechanical properties of a Zr-based bulk amorphous alloy, Mater. Sci. Eng. A 387-389 (2004) 1001-1004., 2004
Fátay D. , Gubicza J. , Lendvai J. :: Indentation creep behavior of a Zr-based bulk metallic glass,, J. Alloys Compd. (2007) in press, 2007
Kádár Cs.: Fémhabok szerkezeti és mechanikai vizsgálata, PhD értekezés, 2007
Máthis K., Chmelík F., Trojanová Z., Lukác P., Lendvai J.: Investigation of some magnesium alloys by use of the acoustic emission technique, Mat. Sci. Eng. A387-389. 331-335, 2004
Kenesei P., Borbély A., Biermann B.: Microstructure based three-dimensional finite element modeling of particulate reinforced metal-matrix composites, Mat. Sci. Eng. A387-389. 852-856, 2004
Shapaan M., Lábár J., Varga L.K., Lendvai J.: Glass-forming ability and thermal stability of Fe62Nb8ZrxB30 and Fe72Zr8B20 amorphous alloys, Central European Journal of Physics 2. 104-119, 2004
Shapaan M., Bárdos A., Varga L.K., Lendvai J.: Thermal stability and glass forming ability of cast iron-phosphorus amorphous alloys, Mat. Sci. Eng. A366. 6-9, 2004
Shapaan M.: Thermal stability and glass forming ability of iron and cast iron-based bulk amorphous alloys, PhD tézis, 2004
Bérces G.,Lendvai J., Juhász A., Chin NQ.: Dynamic characterization of Portevin-Le Chatelier instabilites occurring in depth-sensing microhardness tests, J. Mater. Res. 18. 2874.-2881, 2003
Chinh N.Q., Gubicza J., Kovács Zs., Lendvai J.: Depth-sensing indentation tests in studying plastic instabilities, J. Mater. Res. 19. 31-45, 2004
Kenesei P., Kádár Cs., Rajkovits Zs., Lendvai J.: The influence of cell-size distribution on the plastic deformation in metal foams, Scripta Mater 50. 295-300, 2004
Kenesei P., Kádár Cs., Maire E., Peix G., Rajkovits Zs., Lendvai J.: Cell-size distribution in open-cell metal foams, Proc. Int. Conf. Cellular Metals, 2004
Máthis K., Nyilas K., Axt A., Dragomir-Cernatescu I., Ungár T., Lukác P.: The evolution of non-basal dislocations as a function of deformation temperature in pure magnesium determined by X-ray diffraction, Acta Mater. 52. 2889.- 2894, 2004
Kovács Zs., Castellero A., Greer A.L., Lendvai J., Baricco M.,: Thermal stability and instrumented indentation in a Mg60Cu30Y10 bulk metallic glass, Mat. Sci. Eng. A387-389. 1012-1017, 2004
Máthis K.,: Deformációs mechanizmusok magnézium alapú könnyűfém ötvözetekben, Ph.D tézis, 2004
Gubicza J., Chin N.Q., Horita Z., Langdon T.G.: Effect of Mg addition on microstrucure and mechanical properties of aluminum, Mat. Sci. Eng. A387-389. 55-59, 2004
Máthis K., Trojanová Z., Lukác P., Cáceres C.H., Lendvai J.: Modeling of hardening and softening processes in Mg alloys, J. Alloy Compd. 378. 176-179, 2004
Kádár Cs., Chmelík F., Lendvai J., Babcsán N., Rajkovits Zs.: Acoustic emission response of metcomb foams during indentation, Kovové Materiály, Metallic Materials 42. 265-274, 2004
Kádár Cs., Chmelík F., Rajkovits Zs., Lendvai J.: Acoustic emission measurements on metal foams, J. Alloy Compd. 378. 145-150, 2004
Kádár Cs., Maire E., Borbély A., Peix G., Lendvai J., Rajkovits Zs.: X-ray tomography and finite element simulation of the indentitation behavior of metal foams, Mat. Sci. Eng. A387-389. 321-325, 2004
Chinh NQ., Horváth Gy., Horita Z., Langdon T.G.,: A new constitutive relationship for the homogeneous deformation of metals over a wide range of strain, Acta Mater. 52. 3555- 3563, 2004
Chinh NQ., Lendvai J., Ping D.H., Hono K.: The effect of Cu on mechanical and precipitation properties of Al-Zn-Mg alloys, J. Alloy Compd. 378. 52-60, 2004
Szenes G.: Ion-induced amorphization in ceramic materials, J. of Nucl. Mat. 336. 81-89, 2005
Máthis K., Mussi A., Trojanova Z., Lukac P., Rauch E.: Effect of equal chanel angular pressing on mechanical properties of AZ91 alloy, Kovové Mater. Metallic Maretials 41. 293-299, 2003
Gubicza J., Krállics Gy., Schiller I., Malgin D.: Evolution of the Microstructure of Al 6082 Alloy during Equal-Channel Angular Pressing, Mat. Sci. Forum 473-474. 453-458, 2004
Voronin G.A., Zerda T.W., Gubicza J., Ungár T., Dub S.N.,: Properties of nanostructured diamond silicon carbide composites sintered by high-pressure infiltration technique, J. Mater. Res. 19. 2703- 2707, 2004
Révész Á., Nagy L., Kovács Zs., Ribárik G., Ungár T., Lendvai J.: Microstructural evolution in mechanically alloyed nanocrystalline Al-20 at.% Mg alloy, J. Metastable and Nanocrystalline Mater. 24-25. 149-152, 2005
Schafler E., Simon K., Bernstorff S., Hanák P., Tichy G., Ungár T., Zehetbauer M.J.: A second-order phase-transformation of the dislocation structure during plastic deformation determined by in situ synchrotron X-ray diffraction, Acta. Mater. 53. 315-322, 2005
Kovács Zs., Révész Á.: Effect of local ordering on the decomposition of amorphous Cu-Zr-Ti alloys, Appl. Physics Letters 87. 251909, 2005
Szenes G.: Universal scaling for biomolecule desorption induced by swift heavy ions, J. of Nucl. Mat. 233. 70-77, 2005
Chinh N.Q;.,Vörös Gy., Szommer P., Horita Z., Langdon T.G.: Grain boundary sliding as a significant mechanism of low temperature plastic deformation in ECAP aluminum, Mat. Sci. Forum 503. 1001-1006, 2006
Schafler E., Nyilas K., Bernstorff S., Zeipper L.,Zehetbauer M., Ungár T.: Microstructure of post deformed ECAP-Ti investigated by Multiple X-Ray Line Profile Analysis, Z.Kristallographie 23. 129-134, 2006
Révész Á., Henits P., Hóbor S., Kovács Zs.,: Thermal stability, microstructure and nucleation mechanism around the glass transition temperature in a Cu60Zr22Ti18 amorphous alloy,, J. Metastable and Nanocrystalline Mater. 24-25. 495-498, 2005
Kovács Zs., Henits P., Zilyaev A.P., Révész Á.: Deformation induced primary crystallization in a thermally non-primary crystallizing amorphous Al85Ce8Ni5Co2 alloy, Scripta Mater. 1733-1737, 2006
Révész Á., Fátay D., Zander D., Spassov T.: Influence of the particle size on the hydrogen storage sorption properties of ball-milled MgH2 with Nb2O5 as catalyst, J. Metastable and Nanocrystalline Mater. 24-25. 447-450, 2005
Fátay D., Révész Á., Spassov T.: Particle size and catalytic effect on the dehydriding of MgH2, J. Alloy Compd. 399. 237-241, 2005
Révész Á., Cziráki Á., Lovas A., Pádár J., Lendvai J., Bakonyi I.: Structure and thermal stability of a melt-quenched single phase nanocrystalline Hf61Fe39 alloy, Z. Metallkunde 96. 874-878, 2005
Révész Á.: Melting behavior and origin of strain in ball-milled nanocrystalline Al powders, J. Mater. Sci. 40. 1643-1646, 2005
Ungár T., Schafler E., Hanák P., Bernstorff S., Zehetbauer M.,: Vacancy concentrations determined from the diffuse background scattering of X-rays in plastically deformed copper, Z. Metallkunde 96. 578-583, 2005
Gubicza J., Balogh L., Hellmig R.J., Estrin Y., Ungár T.,: Dislocation structure and crystallite size in severely deformed copper by X-ray peak profile analysis, Mater. Sci. Eng. A400-401. 334-338, 2005
Révész Á., Hóbor S., Lábár J.L., Zhilyaev A.P., Kovács Zs.: Partial amorphization of a Cu-Zr-Ti alloy high pressure torsion, J. Appl. Physics 100. 103522, 2006
Chinh N.Q., Kovács Zs., Süvegh K., Horváth Gy., Lendvai J., Ping D.H., Hono K.: The effect of Cu on precipitation properties of Al-Zn-Mg alloys, Aluminium Alloys 5. 783-789, 2004
Horváth Gy., Chinh N.Q., Lendvai J.,: Solute Concentration Dependence of Strength and Plastic Instabilities in Al-Mg Alloys, J. Mater. Res. 20. 331-337, 2005
Ribárik G., Audebrand N., Palancher H., Ungár T., Louër D.: Dislocations and crystallite size distributions in ball-milled nanocrystalline fluorides MF2 (M = Ca, Sr, Ba, Cd) determined by X-ray diffraction-line-profile analysis, J. Appl. Cryst. 38. 912-926, 2005
Balogh L., Gubicza J., Hellmig R.J., Estrin Y., Ungár T.: Thermal stability of the microstructure of severely deformed cooper, Z. Kristallogr. Supp. 23. 381-386, 2006
Balogh L., Ribárik G., Ungár T.: Stacking faults and twin boundaries in fcc crystals determined by x-ray diffraction profile analysis, J. Appl. Physics 100. 023512, 2006
Horváth Gy., Chinh N.Q., Gubicza J., Lendvai J.: Plastic instabilities and dislocation densities during plastic deformation in Al-Mg alloys, Mat. Sci. Eng. A. 445-446. 186-192, 2006
Gubicza J., Schiller I., Chinh N.Q., Illy J.: Precipitation microstructure of ultrafine-grained Al-Zn-Mg alloys processed by servere plastic deformation, Mat. Sci. Forum 537-538. 169-176, 2007
Schiller I., Gubicza J., Kovács Zs., Chinh N.Q., Illy J.: Precipitation and mechanical properties of supersaturated Al-Zn-Mg alloys processed by servere plastic deformation, Mat. Sci. Forum 519-521. 853-840, 2006
Gubicza J., Ungár T., Wang Y., Voronin G., Pantea C., Zerda T.W.: Microstructure of diamond-SiC nanocomposites determined by x-ray line profile analysis, Diamond Related Materials 15. 1452-1456, 2006
Chinh N.Q., Szommer P., Horita Z., Lagdon T.G.: Experimental evidence for grain-boundary sliding in ultrafine-grained Aluminum processed by severe plastc deformation, Advanced Mat. 18. 34-39, 2006
Chinh N.Q., Szommer P., Csanádi T., Lagdon T.G.,: Flow processes at low temperatures in ultrafine-grained aluminum, Mat. Sci. Eng. A. 434. 326-334, 2006
Kovács Zs.,Henits P., Zilyaev A.P., Chinh N.Q., Révész Á.: Microsrtuctural characterization of the crystallizion sequence of a severe plasticílly deformed Al-Ce-Ni-Co amorphous alloy, Mat. Sci. Forum 519-521. 1329-1334, 2006
Chinh N.Q., Horváth G., Kovács Zs., Juhász A., Bérces Gy., Lendvai J.: Kinematic and dinamic characterization of plastic instabilities occurring in nano- and microindentation tests, Mat. Sci. Eng. A. 409. 100-107, 2005
Gubicza J., Nam N.H., Máthis K., Stolyarov V.V: Microstructure of severely deformed metals from x-ray line profile analisis, Z. Kristallogr. Suppl 23. 93-98, 2006
Kenesei P., Horváth Gy., Bernstorf S., Ungár T., Lendvai J.: Early stages of nocleation and growth of Guinier-Preston zones in Al-Zn-Mg and Al-Zn-Mg-Cu alloys, Z. Metallkd. 97. 315-320, 2006
Kádár Cs., Kenesei P., Maire E., Peix G., Rajkovits Zs., Lendvai J.: The influence of cell-size distribution on the plateau stress in open-cell metal foams using X-ray tomography, Cellular Metals: International Conference, Berlin (Germany), Ed. J. Bahnhart et al., Verlag MIT Publ., Berlin, Germany, pp. 313-318, 2003
Chinh NQ., Illy J., Horita Z., Langdon T.G.,: Using stress-strain relationships to define the low and high temperature plastic deformation regions in aluminum, Mater. Sci. Eng A411 234-238, 2005
Gubicza J., Chin N.Q., Králics Gy., Schiller I., Ungár T.: Microsrtucture of ultrafine-grained fcc metals produced by severe plastic deformation, Current Appl. Phys. 6. 194-199, 2006
Schafler E., Nyilas K., Bernstorff S., Zeipper L., Zehetbauer M., Ungár T.: Microstructure of post deformed ECAP-Ti investigated by Multiple X-Ray line profile analysis, Z. Kristallographie, 23. 129-134, 2006
Zehetbauer M., Schafler E., Ungár T.: Vacancies in plastically deformed copper, Z. Metallkunde, 96. 1044-1048, 2005
Ungár T.: Subgrain size-distributions, dislocation structures, stacking - and twin faults and vacancy concentracions in SPD materials determined by X-Ray line profile analysis, Mater. Sci Forum 503-504. 133-140, 2005
Ungár T., Gubicza J., Tichy G., Zerda T.V.: Size and shape of crystallites and internal stresses in carbon blacks, Composites: Part A36. 431-436, 2005
Nyilas K., Misra A., Ungár T.: Micro-strains in cold rolled Cu–Nb nanolayered composites determined by X-ray line profile analysis, Acta Materialia 54. 751–755, 2006
Kerber M., Schafler E., Hanak P., Ribárik G., Bernstorff B., Ungár T., Zehetbauer M.: Spatial Fluctuations of the Microstructure during Deformation of Cu Single Crystals, Z. Kristallographie 23. 381-386, 2006
Ungár T.: Microstructure Parameters from X-ray Line Profile Analysis, in Advanced X-ray Techniques in Research and IndustryCapital Publishing Company, New Delhi, 2006 and IOS Press, 2005, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, Ed. A.K.Singh, pp. 268-2, 2006
Szenes G.: Amorphous tracks induced by energetic ions in strongly anisotropic solids with layered structures, Radiation Effects & Defects in Solids 161. 401-410, 2006
Szenes G., Fink D., Klaumünzer S., Pászti F., Péter Á.: Ion-induced tracks in Bi4Ge3O12 and Bi12GeO20 crystals, Rad. Physics Res. B245. 243-245, 2006
Kádár Cs., Chmelík F., Lendvai J., Vörös G., Rajkovits Zs.: Acoustic emission of metal foams during tension, Mat. Sci. Eng. A in press, 2007
Révész Á., Henits P., Kovács Zs.,: High temperature behavior of ball-milled Al-Ni-Ce-Co alloys, J. Alloys and Compounds (Proc of ISMANAM-2005, Paris, France) in press, 2007
Gubicza J., Chinh N.Q., Csanádi T., Langdon T.G., Ungár T.: Microstructure and strength of severely deformed fcc metals, Mat. Sci. Eng. in press, 2007
Ungár T.: Microstructure of Nanocrystalline Materials Studied by Powder Diffraction, Z. Kristallographie in press, 2007
Révész Á., Fátay D., Spassov T.: Microstructure and hydrogen sorption kinetics of Mg nanopowders with catalyst, J. Alloys and Compounds in press, (Proc of ISMANAM-2005, Paris, France), 2007
Kovács Zs., Hóbor S., Szabó J., Lendvai J., Zhilyaev A.P., Révész Á.,: Radial dependence of the microstructure in a HPT Cu-Zr-Ti disc, Mat. Sci. Eng. in press, 2007
Révész Á., Hóbor S., Szabó J., Zhilyaev A.P., Kovács Zs.: Deformation induced crystallization in an amorphous Cu60Zr20Ti20 alloy by high pressure torsion, Mat. Sci. Eng. in press, 2007
Fátay D., Spassov T., Delchev P., Ribárik G., Révész Á.,: Microstructural development in nanocrystalline MgH2 during H-absorption/desorption cycling, Int. J. Hydrogen Energy in press, 2007
Révész Á., Hóbor S., Lábár L.J., Zhilyaev A.P., Kovács Zs.: Partial amorphization of a Cu-Zr-Ti alloy by high pressure torsion, J. of Appl. Phys. 103522, 2006
Chinh N.Q., Gubicza J., Lagdon T.G.: Characteristics of Face-Centered Cubic Metals Processed by Equal-Channel Angular Pressing, J. Mater. Sci. in press, 2007
Gubicza J., Chinh N.Q., Szommer P., Vinogradov A., Langdon T.G.: Microstructural Characteristics of Pure Gold Processed by Equal-Channel Angular Pressing, Scripta Mater in press, 2007
Gubicza J., Schiller I., Chinh N.Q., Horita Z., Langdon T.G.: The effect of severe plastic deformation on precipitatation in supersaturated Al-Zn-Mg alloys, Mat. Sci. Eng. in press, 2007
Lendvai J.,Fátay D. , Gubicza J.: Indentation creep study on a Zr-based bulk metallic glass containing nano-quasicrystals, Mater. Sci. Eng. A (2007) in press., 2007
Horváth Gy., Chinh N. Q., Gubicza J., Lendvai J.:: Plastic instabilities and dislocation densities during plastic deformation in Al-Mg alloys, Mater. Sci. Eng. A 445-446 (2007) 186-192., 2007

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