Metamorfózis és tektonikai folyamatok korviszonyainak, a Tethys fejlődésének és a kapcsolódó magmás tevékenységnek a kutatása elsősorban a Kárpát-Balkán térségben. Fluidumok hatásának vizsgálata a K/Ar és Ar/Ar korokra.
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Közleményjegyzék |
Fodor L., Zupancic, N., Márton E., Trajanova, M., Pécskay Z., Balogh K., Koroknai B., Dunkl I., Horváth P., Vrabec, M., Vrabec, M., Horvath, A., Jelen, B. and Rifelj, H.: Miocene exhumation of the Pohorje-Kozjak Mts., Slovenia (Alpine-Pannonian transition, EGS-AGU-EUG Joint Assembly, Nice, Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 5, 11814, 2003 | Balogh, K.,Itaya, T.,Németh, K., Martin, U., Wijbrans, J., Thanh, N. X.: Study of controversial K/Ar and 40Ar/39Ar ages of the Pliocene alkali basalt of Hegyestű, Balaton Highland, Hungary: A progress report, Mineralia Slovaca, 37, 298-300, 2005 | Balogh K., Németh K.: Evidence for the small volume intracontinental volcanism in Western Hungary: K/Ar geochronology of the Tihany Maar Volcanic Complex, Geologica Carpathica 56/1, 91-99, 2005 | Fodor L., Balogh K., Dunkl I., Pécskay Z., Koroknai B., Trajanova, M., Vrabec, M., Vrabec, M., Horváth P., Janák, M., Lupták, B., Frisch, W., Jelen, B. and Rifelj, H: Structural evolution and exhumation of the Pohorje-Kozjak Mts., Slovenia, Annales Universitatis Scientiarum Budapestiensis de4 Rolando Eötvös Nominatae, 35, 118-119, 2003 | Seghedi, I., Downes, H., Vaselli, O., Balogh K., Pécskay Z., Szakács A.: Alkali-mafic magmatism in the Carpathian-Pannonian region: A review, Anuarul Institutului Geologic al Romaniei, Vol. 73 Spec. Issue, The 5th Symposium Baia Mare Branch of the Geological Society of Romania, 6-7. 11. 2003., Baia Mare, p. 41, 2003 | Fodor L., Balogh K., Dunkl I., Horváth P., Koroknai B., Márton E., Pécskay Z., Trajanova, M., Vrabec, M., Vrabec, M. and Zupancic, N.: Deformation and exhumation of magmatic and metamorphic rocks of the Pohorje-Kozjak Mts., (Slovenia): Constraints from structural geology, geochronology, petrology and Paleomagmatism, Geolines 17, 31-32, 2004 | Balogh K., Konecny, V., Vass, D., Lexa, J. and Németh K.: Methodical results of K/Ar dating of post-Sarmatian basalts int he Carpathian Basin, Abstracts of the 2nd International Maar Conference, Lajosmizse-Kecskemét, 09 21-26, Occasional Papers of the Geological Institute of Hungary, Budapest, 41-42, 2004 | Konecny, V., Balogh K., Vass, D., Lexa, J.: Evolution of volcanic activity o fin the Southern Slovakia alkali basalt volcanic field, Abstracts of the 2nd International Maar Conference, Lajosmizse-Kecskemét, 09 21-26, Occasional Papers of the Geological Institute of Hungary, Budapest, p. 67, 2004 | Sabol, M., Vass, D., Konecny, V., Hudácková-Hlavatá, N., Slamková, M., Túnyi I. and Balogh K.: Reconstruction of the paleoenvironmental evolution of the Bone Gorge Maar near Hajnacka (Southern Slovakia), Abstracts of the 2nd International Maar Conference, Lajosmizse-Kecskemét, 09 21-26, Occasional Papers of the Geological Institute of Hungary, Budapest, pp.88-89, 2004 | Wijbrans, J., Németh K., Martin, U. and Balogh K.: 40Ar/39Ar geochronology of a Mio/Pliocene phreatomagmatic volcanic field in the western Pannonian Basin, Hungary, Abstracts of the 2nd International Maar Conference, Lajosmizse-Kecskemét, 09 21-26, Occasional Papers of the Geological Institute of Hungary, Budapest, p. 103, 2004 | Ulrych, J., Lloyd, F.E., Balogh, K., Hegner, E., Landrová, A., Lang, M., Novák, J. K., Randa, Z.: Petrogenesis of alkali pyroxenite and ijolite xenoliths from the Tertiary Loucná-Oberwiesenthal Volcanic Centre, Bohemian Massif in the light of new mineralogical, geochemical, and isotopic data, N. Jb. Miner. Abh. 182/1, 57-79, 2005 | Ulrych, J., Novák, J. K., Balogh, K., Hegner, E., Randa, Z., Lang, M.: Petrological and geochemical characteristics and K/Ar ages for Cenozoic tinguaite dykes of the Roztoky Intrusive Centre, ceské stredohorí Mountains, NW Bohemia, N. Jb. Miner. Abh., Megjelenés alatt, 2006 | Judik, K., Balogh, K., Tibljas, D., Balen, D., Tomljenovic, B., Pamic, J., Árkai, P.: New K-Ar Age Data on the Alpine, Low-temperature Regional Metamorphism of Mt. Medvednica (Croatia), Tomljenovic, B., Balen, D., Vlahovic, I. (eds): Abstracts book of the 7th Workshop on Alpine Geological Studies, Opatija, 29.09.-01.10.2005, Croatian Geological Soc., 2005 |




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