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Közleményjegyzék |
Barnaföldi GG, Lévai P, Lukács B: Fermion stars in 3+1 vs. 4+1 dimanesional space time, PADEU (Publ. of the Astronomy Dept. of the Eötvös Univ.) 14, 2004 | Greco V, Ko CM, Lévai P: Parton coalescence at RHIC, Physical Review C68, 034904, 2003 | Barnaföldi GG, Papp G, Lévai P, Fai G: Nuclear reaction mechanisms and the Cronin effect, Proc. of the 10th Int. Conference on Nuclear Reaction Mechanisms, Varenna, Italy, Ricera Scientifica ed Educazione Permanente,(Ed. E. Gadioli) p. 549, 2003 | Lukács B, Barnaföldi GG, Lévai P: The inner structure of hybrid stars, Proc. of the NATO Advanced Research Workshop on Superdense QCD Matter and Compact Stars, 27 Sep - 4 Oct 2003, Yerevan, Armenia, 2004 | Skokov VV, Lévai P: Transverse and longitudinal momentum spectra of fermions produced in strong SU(2) fields, Physical Review D (submitted), 2007 | Barnaföldi GG, Lévai P, Lukács B: Heavy quarks or compactified extra dimensions in the core of hybrid stars, Proc. of the 4th International Workshop on New Worlds in Astroparticle Physics, Faro, Portugal, 5-7 Sep 2002, World Scientific, 2003 | Barnaföldi GG, Lévai P, Papp G, Fai G: Jet tomography studies in AuAu collisions at RHIC energies, European Physics Journal, C33, s609-s611, 2004 | Barnaföldi GG: Quick view on jet tomography at RHIC, Progress in Particle and Nuclear Physics 53, 257-259, 2004 | Barnaföldi GG, Papp G, Lévai P, Fai G: Cronin effect at different rapidities at RHIC, Journal of Physics G 30, 1125-1128, 2004 | Barnaföldi GG, Papp G, Lévai P, Fai G: Rapidity Aymmetry in pA and dAu Collisions, Nuclear Physics, A749, 291-294, 2005 | Barnaföldi GG, Papp G, Lévai P, Fai G: Cronin effect in close-to-midrapidity regions, Acta Physica Hungarica A22, 325-334, 2005 | Skokov VV, Lévai P: Transverse momentum spectra of fermions and bosons produced in strong Abelian field, Physial Review D71, 094010, 2005 | Zimányi J, Lévai P, Biró TS: Properties of quark matter produced in heavy ion collisions, Journal of Physics G31, 711-718, 2005 | Lévai P: The phases of strongly intearcting matter in heavy ion collisions, AIP Conf. Proc. 802, 242-245, 2006 | Csizmadia P, Lévai P: Energy dependence of transverse quark flow in heavy ion collisions, Acta Physica Hungarica A22, 371-380, 2005 | Cole BA, Barnaföldi GG, Lévai P, Papp G, Fai G: EMC effect and jet energy loss in relativistic dAu collisions, Physical Review C (submitted) [hep-ph/0702101], 2007 | Greco V, Ko CM, Lévai P: Parton coalescence and the antiproton/pion anomaly at RHIC, Physical Review Letters 90, 202302, 2003 | Lévai P, Fai G, Papp G: Di-hadron correlations at ISR and RHIC energies, Physics Letters B634, 383-390, 2006 | Fai G, Papp G, Lévai P: Di-hadron correlations and parton intrinsic momentum, Nuclear Physics A774, 557-560, 2006 | Barnaföldi GG, Lévai P, Papp G, Fai G: The nuclear modification factor at large rapidities, Nuclear Physics A774, 801-804, 2006 | Hartmann P, Donkó Z, Lévai P, Kalman GJ: Molecular dynamics simulation of strongly coupled QCD plasmas, Nuclear Physics A774, 881-884, 2006 | Csizmadia P, Lévai P: D and J/psi production from deconfined matter in relativistic heavy ion collisions, Acta Physica Hungarica A27, 433-440, 2006 | Lévai P, Papp G, Fai G, Gyulassy M: Kaon and pion ratio probes of jet quenching in nuclear collisions, Acta Physica Hungarica A27, 459-468, 2006 | Zimányi J, Lévai P: Quark coalescence into opposite parity baryon states, Acta Physica Hungarica A27, 469-478, 2006 | Lévai P, Barnaföldi GG, Fai G, Papp G: Nuclear effectsin dAu collisions from recent RHIC data, Nuclear Physics A783, 101-108, 2007 | Fai G, Lévai P, Papp G: From dihadron correlations to parton intrinsic transverse momentum in proton-proton collisions, Nuclear Physics A783, 535-538, 2007 | Barnaföldi GG, Lévai P, Papp G, Fai G: Jet tomography in the forward direction at RHIC, European Physical Journal C49, 333-338, 2007 | Lévai P, Hartmann P, Donkó Z, Kalman GJ: Viscosity in the strongly interacting quark matter around the critical temperature, Journal of Physics G (accepted), 2007 | Papp G, Lévai P, Fai G: Intrinsic transverse momentum in di-hadron correlations, International Journal of Modern Physics E (accepted), 2007 | Barnaföldi GG, Lévai P, Fai G, Papp G, Cole BA: Does the Cronin peak disappear at LHC energies?, International Journal of Modern Physics E (accepted), 2007 | Gogohia V: Energy from the nonperturbative QCD vacuum, ArXive: hep-ph/0508224, 2005 | Gogohia V: Mass gap and gluon confinement in the Yang-Mills theory, Proc. of the Gribov-75 Memorial Workshop on Quarks, Hadrons, and Strong Interactions, World Scientific, p. 379-393. ArXive: hep-ph/0511156, 2006 | Gogohia V: The Existence of a mass gap in QCD, ArXive: hep-th/0604095, 2006 | Gogohia V: How to release a mass gap in QCD, ArXive: hep-ph/0606010, 2006 | Gogohia V: The mass gap and solution of the gluon confinement problem in QCD, ArXive: hep-ph/0702066, 2007 | Dokshitzer Yu.L, Levai P, Nyiri J (Eds.): Quarks, hadrons, and strong interactions: Gribov Memorial Volume, World Scientific, Singapore, pp.1-555, 2006 | Csörgő T, Dávid G, Lévai P, Papp G (Eds.): Proceedings of the XVIIIth Int. Conference on Nucleus-Nucleus Collisions, Elsevier, Nuclear Physics A774, 1-950, 2006 | Csörgő T, Lévai P, Satz H, Schukraft J, Wiedemann UA: Quarks mattered in Budapest, CERN Courier, 46N1,25-27, 2006 |




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