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Közleményjegyzék |
Könyves, V.; Moór, A.; Kiss, Cs.; Ábrahám, P.: Young Stellar Objects in L 1188, 2004BaltA..13..470K, 2004 | Konyves, V.; Kiss, Cs.; Moor, A.; Kiss, Z. T.; Toth, L. V.: Catalogue of far-infrared loops in the Galaxy (Konyves+, 2007), VizieR On-line Data Catalog: J/A+A/463/1227, 2007 | Tóth, L. V.; Vavrek, R.; Lemke, D.: Star Formation in the Taurus Molecular Ring, 2004BaltA..13..443T, 2004 | Zsom, A.: A por és a gáz hőmérsékletének összehasonlítása, Tudományos Diákköri dolgozat, 2006 | Ács Barbara, Klagyvik Péter: Hol keletkeznek a Naphoz hasonló tömegű csillagok?, Tudományos Diákköri Dolgozat, 2004 | Kiss, Z. T.; Tóth, L. V.; Miller, M.; Yonekura, Y.: CO Measurements of Optically Dark Clouds in Cepheus, 2004BaltA..13..430K, 2004 | Tóth, L. V.; Krause, O.; Kim, C.-H.; Park, Y.-S.; Hotzel, S.; del Burgo, C.; Lemke, D.: A Faint ISO Globule ISOSS J 20380+6352, 2004BaltA..13..439T, 2004 | Kiss, Cs.; Moór, A.; Tóth, L. V.: Far-infrared loops in the 2nd Galactic Quadrant, 2004A&A...418..131K, 2004 | Tóth, L. V.; Haas, M.; Lemke, D.; Mattila, K.; Onishi, T.: Very cold cores in the Taurus Molecular Ring as seen by ISO, 2004A&A...420..533T, 2004 | Apai, D.; Tóth, L. V.; Henning, T.; Vavrek, R.; Kovács, Z.; Lemke, D.: HST/NICMOS observations of a proto-brown dwarf candidate, 2005A&A...433L..33A, 2005 | Kiss, Z. T.; Tóth, L. V.; Krause, O.; Kun, M.; Stickel, M.: Star formation in the Cepheus Flare region: implications from morphology and infrared properties of optically selected clouds, 2006A&A...453..923K, 2006 | Könyves, V.; Kiss, Cs.; Moór, A.; Kiss, Z. T.; Tóth, L. V.: Catalogue of far-infrared loops in the Galaxy, 2007 A&A...463.1227, 2007 | Kiss, Z. T.; Tóth, L. V.; Balázs, L. G.; Könyves, V.: The distribution of photometrically selected T Tauri candidates in the outer Galaxy, 2006PADEU..17..173K, 2006 | Tóth, L. V., Kiss, Z.T.,: Footprints Of Trigger In Large Area Surveys Of The Nearby ISM And YSOs, 2006IAUS..237E..22T, 2006 | Kiss, Z. T.; Kiss, Cs.; Ábrahám, P.; Tóth, L. V.: Determination of dust temperature and emissivity from IRAS and ISO observations, 2004PADEU..14..113K, 2004 | Star Formation Mission Programme Team: ASTRO-F Star Formation Mission Programme, http://www.ir.isas.jaxa.jp/ASTRO-F/Observation.OT/Docs/ASTRO-F_LSMP_Abstracts.pdf, 2006 | Tennekes, P. P.; Harju, J.; Juvela, M.; Tóth, L. V.: HCN and HNC mapping of the protostellar core Chamaeleon-MMS1, 2006 A&A...456.1037, 2006 | Balázs, L. G.; Ábrahám, P.; Kun, M.; Kelemen, J.; Tóth, L. V.: Star count analysis of the interstellar matter in the region of L1251, 2004A&A...425..133B, 2004 | Krause, O.; Vavrek, R.; Birkmann, S.; Klaas, U.; Stickel, M.; Tóth, L. V.; Lemke, D.: Early Stages of Massive Star Formation Revealed by ISO, 2004BaltA..13..407K, 2004 | Tóth, L. V.; Hungarian ASTRO-F Star Formation Mission Program Support Team: Akari (ASTRO-F) magyarországi honlap, http://astro.elte.hu/~akari, 2006 | Zsom, A.: Csillagközi felhőmagok vizsgálata űrcsillagászati és rádióspektroszkópiai mérésekkel, ELTE TTK szakdolgozat, 2007 | Tóth, L. V., Burkert, A., Onishi T.: Star formation in Taurus, "Science and Art in Europe" Conference Berlin, Abstract Book, Max-Planck-Gesellschaft, 2005 | Tóth, L.V.: Very low mass interstellar clouds, Abstracts of the conference: ''The interaction of stars with their environment III.'', 2006 | Kiss,Z.T., Tóth,L.V., Elmegreen,B.G., et al.,: The distribution of TTauri stars int he outer galaxy: small scale clustering and triggered star fromation in dust shells, Abstracts of the conference: ''The interaction of stars with their environment III.'', 2006 | Ács Barbara: Fiatal csillagok a Taurusban, MSc szakdolgozat, 2004 | Kiss, Z. T.; Tóth, L. V.; Krause, O.; Kun, M.; Stickel, M.: Morphologies in the Cepheus Flare region (Kiss+, 2006), VizieR On-line Data Catalog: J/A+A/453/923, 2006 | Kiss, C.; Moor, A.; Tóth, L. V.: Far-infrared loops in the 2nd Galactic Quadrant (Kiss+, 2004), VizieR On-line Data Catalog: I/A+A/418/131., 2004 | Kiss, C.; Moor, A.; Tóth, L. V.: Far-infrared loops in the 2nd Galactic Quadrant (Kiss+, 2004), VizieR On-line Data Catalog: J/A+A/418/131, 2004 |




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