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Györgyi G., P.W.C. Holdsworth, B. Portelli, Z. Rácz: Statistics of extremal intensities for Gaussian interfaces, PRE, vol. 68 056116, 2003 | Lagzi L., P. Pápai and Z. Rácz: Complex motion of precipitation bands, J. Stat. Mech.: Theory and Exp. P11013, 2007 | Bena I., M. Droz, K. Martens, and Z. Rácz: Reaction-diffusion fronts with inhomogeneous initial conditions, J. Phys. C 19, 065103, 2007 | Horváth Z.; Rácz Z.: Klímaváltozások: adatok, nagyságrendek, modellek, in 31. Meteorológiai Tudományos Napok, Az éghajlat regionális módosulásának objektív becslését megalapozó klímadinamikai kutatások, pp. 71-81, Országos Meteorológiai Szolgálat, Budapest, 2006 | Bene Gy; Czinner V; Vasúth M: Accelerating expansion of the Universe may be caused by inhomogeneities, Relativity today /Proc. of the seventh Hungarian Workshop/ ed. Rácz I, 157-165 pp., 2004 | Bajnok Z; Dunning C; Palla L; Takács G; Wágner F: SUSY sine-Gordon theory as a perturbed conformal field theory and finite size effects, Nucl. Phys. B679 521-544, 2004 | Eisler V; van Wijland F; Rácz Z: Transverse Ising chain with energy flux: Magnetization distributions, Phys. Rev. E 67 056129, 2003 | Antal T; Droz M; Rácz Z: Probability distribution of magnetization in the one-dimensional Ising model: Effects of boundary conditions, J. Phys. A: Math. Gen. 36 1465-78, 2004 | Tél T; Nishikawa T; Motter AE; Grebogi C; Toroczkai Z: Universality in active chaos, Chaos 14 72-78, 2004 | Schneider J; Tél T: Extracting flow structures from tracer data, Ocean Dynamics 53 64-72, 2003 | Helesfai G; Bene Gy: A numerical study of spectral properties of the area operator in loop quantum gravity, gr-qc/0306124, 2003 | Egri G.I., Z. Fodor, S.D. Katz, K.K. Szabo: Topology with dynamical overlap fermions, JHEP0601 049, 2006 | Bántay P: Simple current symmetries in RCFT, JHEP01 006., 2005 | Bajnok Z; Palla L; Takács G: (Semi)classical analysis of sine-Gordon theory on a strip, Nucl. Phys. B702 448-480, 2004 | Bajnok Z; Böhm G; Takács G: On perturbative quantum field theory with boundary, Nucl. Phys. B682 585-617, 2004 | Fodor Z; Katz SD; Szabó KK; Tóth AI: Grand canonical potential for a static quark-anti-quark pair at MU does not equal 0, Nucl. Phys. Proc. Suppl. 140, 508-510, 2005 | Bajnok Z; Palla L; Takács G: (Semi)classical analysis of sine-Gordon theory on a strip, Fortsch. Phys. 53 548-553, 2005 | Fodor Z; Katz SD; Szabó KK: Dynamical overlap fermions, results with HMC algorithm, Nucl. Phys. Proc. Suppl. 140, 704-706, 2005 | Fodor Z; Katz SD: Critical point of QCD at finite T and MU, lattice results for physical quark masses, JHEP 04;050-060, 2004 | Fodor Z; Katz SD: Finite T / MU lattice QCD and the critical point, Prog. Theor. Phys. Suppl. 153:86-92, 2004 | Csikor F; Egri GI; FodorZ; Katz SD; Szabó KK; Tóth AI: The QCD equation of state at finite T / MU on the lattice, Prog. Theor. Phys. Suppl. 153:93-105, 2004 | Csikor F; Egri GI; Fodor Z; Katz SD; Szabó KK; Tóth AI: Equation of state at finite temperature and chemical potential, lattice QCD results, JHEP 05:046-073, 2004 | Tóth GZs: A nonperturbative study of phase transitions in the multi frequency sine-Gordon model, J. Phys. A37 9631-9650, 2004 | Fodor Z; Katz SD; Szabó KK: Dynamical overlap fermions, results with hybrid Monte Carlo algorithm, JHEP 08:003-015, 2004 | Tóth GZs: N=1 Supersymmetric boundary bootstrap, Nucl. Phys. B676 497-536, 2004 | Bajnok Z; George A: From defects to boundaries, IJMP A21 1063-1078, 2006 | Bajnok Z; Palla L; Takács G: Finite size effects in quantum field theories with boundary from scattering data, Nucl. Phys. B716 519-542, 2005 | Benczik I J, Tél T, Köllő Z: Modulated point vortex couples on a beta-plane: Dynamics and chaotic advection, J. Fluid Mech, nyomdában, 2007 | Barnaföldi G. G., P. Lévai, G. Papp, G. Fai: Jet Tomography in the Forward Direction at RHIC, hep-ph/0609023, 2006 | Tél T., M. Gruiz: Chaotic Dynamics: An Introduction Based on Classical Mechanics, Cambridge University Press, pp. 393, 2006 | Rácz Z: Scaling functions for nonequilibrium fluctuations: A picture gallery, SPIE Proc. 5112 248-259, 2003 | Hunyadi V; Rácz Z; Sasvári L: Dynamic scaling of fronts in the quantum XX chain, Phys. Rev. E69; 066103 (1-5), 2004 | van Wijland F; Rácz Z: Large deviations in weakly interacting boundary driven lattice gases, J. Stat. Phys. 118, 27-54, 2005 | Bena I; Coppex F; Droz M; Rácz Z: Front motion in an A + B = C type reaction-diffusion process: Effects of an electric field, J. Chem. Phys. 122; 024512, 2005 | Rákos A; Schütz G.M: Exact shock measures and steady-state selection in a driven diffusive system with two conserved densities, J. Stat. 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Szabo: Dynamical overlap fermions, results with HMC algorithm, Nucl.Phys.Proc.Suppl.140:704-706, 2005 | Anchordoqui L.A., Z. Fodor, S.D. Katz, A. Ringwald, H. Tu: Upper bounds on the neutrino-nucleon inelastic cross section, JCAP 0506:013, 2005 | Fodor Z., C Guse, S. D. Katz, K.K. Szabo: Grand canonical potential for a static quark-antiquark pair at finite chemical poptential, PoS LAT2005:178, 2006 | Csikor F, S.D. Katz, Z. Fodor, T.G. Kovacs: Exotic baryons on the lattice, Acta Phys.Polon.B36:2271-2282, 2005 | Csikor F, Z. Fodor, S.D. Katz, T.G. Kovacs, B.C. Toth: A comprehensive lattice search for theta+ pentaquark, Phys. Rev. D 23 034506, 2006 | Aoki Y., Z. Fodor, S.D. Katz, K.K. Szabo: The equation of state in lattice QCD: with phyisical masses towards the continuum limit, JHEP 0601, 675, 2006 | Bakó B, I. Groma, G. Györgyi, G. Zimányi: Dislocation patterning: the role of climb in meso-scale simulations, Computational Materials Science 38, 22-28, 2006 | Biró T.S., G.Purcsel, G.Györgyi, A.Jakovác, Zs.Schram: Power-law tailed spectra from equilibrium, Nucl. Phys. A 774, 845-848, 2006 | Hunyadi V., D. Chretien, and I.M. Janosi: Mechanical stress induced mechanism of microtubule catastrophes, Journal of Molecular Biology, 348, 927-938, 2005 | Bartos I., and I.M. Janosi: Atmospheric response function over land: Strong asymmetries in daily temperature fluctuations, Geophysical Research Letters, 32, L23820, 2005 | Muller R., and I.M. Janosi: Empirical mode decomposition and correlation properties of long daily ozone records, Physical Review E71, 056126, 2005 | Barnaföldi G.G, Papp G., Lévai P., Fai G: Rapidity asymmetry in pA and dAu collisions,, Nucl. Phys. 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