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SOMSÁK, L.; CZIFRÁK, K.; VERES, E.: Selective removal of 2,2,2-trichloroethyl- and 2,2,2-trichloroethoxycarbonyl protecting groups with Zn–N-methylimidazole in the presence of reducible and ..., Tetrahedron Lett., 2004, 45, 9095-9097., 2004 | CHRYSINA, E.D.; KOSMOPOULOU, M.N.; TIRAIDIS, C.; KARDAKARIS, R.; BISCHLER, N.; LEONIDAS, D.D.; HADADY, Z.; SOMSÁK, L.; DOCSA, T.; GERGELY, P.; OIKONOMAKOS, N.G.: Kinetic and crystallographic studies on 2-(-D-glucopyranosyl)-5-methyl-1,3,4-oxadiazole, -benzothiazole, and -benzimidazole, inhibitors of muscle glycogen ..., Protein Sci., 2005, 14, 873-888., 2005 | SOMSÁK, L.; NAGY, V.; HADADY, ZS.; FELFÖLDI, N.; DOCSA, T.; GERGELY, P.: Recent developments in the synthesis and evaluation of glucose analog inhibitors of glycogen phosphorylases as potential antidiabetic agents, Frontiers in Medicinal Chemistry, Eds. A. B. Reitz, C. P. Kordik, M. I. Choudhary, Atta-ur-Rahman, Bentham, Vol. 2., 2005, pp. 253-272., 2005 | ELEK, R.; KISS, L.; PRALY, J.-P.; SOMSÁK, L.: Beta-D-Galactopyranosyl-thiohydroximates and D-galactopyranosylidene-spiro-oxathiazoles: synthesis and enzymatic evaluation against E. coli D-galactosidase, Carbohydr. Res., 2005, 340, 1397-1402., 2005 | CZIFRÁK, K.; KOVÁCS, L.; KÖVÉR, K. E.; SOMSÁK, L.: Synthesis of some derivatives of C-(1-deoxy-1-N-substituted-D-glucopyranosyl)formic acid (D-gluco-hept-2-ulopyranosonic acid) as potential inhibitors of glycogen phosphor, Carbohydr. Res., 2005, 340, 2328-2334., 2005 | K. Czifrák, L. Somsák: Stereoselective synthesis of oligopeptides incorporating anomerically fused sugar glycines, 2nd Austrian-Hungarian Carbohydrate Conference, Somogyaszaló, 2005. május 24-26., 2005 | L. Somsák: Glycomimetics: New syntheses, improved biological activities, 13th European Carbohydrate Symposium, Bratislava, Slovakia, August 21-26, 2005, PL4. (Plenáris előadás), 2005 | N. Felföldi, Zs. Hadady, T. Docsa, P. Gergely, L. Somsák: Glycogen phosphorylase inhibitors: structure-activity relationships of N-glucopyranosyl urea type compounds, 13th European Carbohydrate Symposium, Bratislava, Slovakia, August 21-26, 2005, P146., 2005 | Somsák L.: Glikomimetikumok: szénhidrátok gyökös brómozásától a potenciális antidiabetikumokig, MTA Kémiai Tudományok Osztálya, Felolvasóülés, Budapest, 2005. október 18., 2005 | KANDRA, L.; REMENYIK, J.; BATTA, GY.; SOMSÁK, L.; GYÉMÁNT, GY.; PARK, K. H.: Enzymatic synthesis of a new inhibitor of alpha-amylases: acarviosinyl-isomaltosyl-spiro-thiohydantoin, Carbohydr. Res., 2005, 340, 1311-1317., 2005 | K. Czifrák, L. Somsák: Stereoselective Synthesis of Oligopeptides Incorporating Anomerically Fused Sugar Glycines, 2nd German-Hungarian Workshop, University of Debrecen, April 4-9, 2006, YS02, p. 10., 2006 | L. Somsák: Recent Developments in the Inhibition of Glycogen Phosphorylase as a Potential Antidiabetic Therapy, 2nd German-Hungarian Workshop, University of Debrecen, April 4-9, 2006, KnL04, p. 21., 2006 | L. Somsák: Progress in the inhibition of glycogen phosphorylase: the last three years, MTA Kém. Tud. Oszt., Szénhidrátkémiai Munkabizottság előadóülése, Mátrafüred, 2006. május 31.-jún. 2., 2006 | N. Felföldi, Zs. Hadady, T. Docsa, P. Gergely, L. Somsák: Structure–activity studies among glycogen phosphorylase inhibitors, 2nd German-Hungarian Workshop, University of Debrecen, April 4-9, 2006, P08, p. 45., 2006 | L. Somsák, N. Felföldi, K. Czifrák, É. Bokor, K. Telepó, Cs. Hüse, T. Docsa, P. Gergely, E.D. Chrysina, C. Tiraidis, N. G. Oikonomakos: Synthesis and Evaluation of New Glucose Analog Inhibitors of Glycogen Phosphorylase, XXIIIrd International Carbohydrate Symposium, Whistler, Canada, July 23-28, 2006, TUE-PS.50, p. 169., 2006 | L. Somsák, N. Felföldi, K. Czifrák, É. Bokor, K. Telepó, Cs. Hüse, T. Docsa, P. Gergely, E.D. Chrysina, C. Tiraidis, N. G. Oikonomakos: Synthesis and Evaluation of New Glucose Analog Inhibitors of Glycogen Phosphorylase, XXIIIrd International Carbohydrate Symposium, Whistler, Canada, July 23-28, 2006, TUE-PS.50, p. 169., 2006 | SOMSÁK, L.; FELFÖLDI, N.; KÓNYA B.; HÜSE, CS.; TELEPÓ, K.; BOKOR, É.; CZIFRÁK, K.: Assessment of synthetic methods for the preparation of N-b-D-glucopyranosyl-N’-substituted ureas, -thioureas and related compounds, Carbohydr. Res., 2008 | OIKONOMAKOS, N. G.; SOMSÁK, L.: Recent advances in glycogen phosphorylase inhibitor design, Curr. Opin. Invest. Drugs, 2008 | SOMSÁK, L.; CZIFRÁK, K.; TÓTH, M.; BOKOR, É.; CHRYSINA, E. D.; ALEXACOU, K.-M.; LEONIDAS, D. D.; ZOGRAPHOS, S. E.; OIKONOMAKOS, N. G.: New inhibitors of glycogen phosphorylase as potential antidiabetic agents, Curr. Med. Chem., 2008 | Docsa T., Hüse Cs., Somsák L., Németh J., Döbrönte R., Szilvássy Z., Peitl B., Gergely P.: Glükopiranozilidén-spiro-tiohidantoin hatása az inzulin érzékenységre, Magyar Biokémiai Egyesület 2007. évi Vándorgyűlése, Debrecen, 2007 | L. Somsák, É. Bokor, K. Telepó, B. Kónya, Cs. Hüse, T. Docsa, P. Gergely, E. D. Chrysina, D. D. Leonidas, S. E. Zographos, N. G. Oikonomakos: Searching for new glucose derivatives as inhibitors of glycogen phosphorylase, potential antidiabetic agents, 14th European Carbohydrate Symposium, Lübeck, Germany, (orális előadás), 2007 | M. Tóth, D. Mucs, I. Tvaroška, L. Somsák: Testing new structures as potential inhibitors of glycoenzymes, 14th European Carbohydrate Symposium, Lübeck, Germany,, 2007 | L. Somsák: Glucose analogue inhibitors of glycogen phosphorylase: syntheses and structure-activity relationships, Universitaet Potsdam, Germany,, 2007 | Somsák L.: Cukorszármazékok, mint potenciális antidiabetikumok, Tudományos ülésszak a Magyar Tudomány Ünnepe 2007 rendezvénysorozat keretében, Debrecen,, 2007 | L. Somsák, V. Nagy, N. Felföldi, K. Czifrák, T. Docsa, P. Gergely, N. G. Oikonomakos: Glucose analog inhibitors of glycogen phosphorylase as potential antidiabetic agents, Ist HUNGARIAN-SINGAPOREAN WORKSHOP on DRUG DISCOVERY and BIOMATERIALS (Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest,, 2008 |




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