Antinociceptív neurotranszmitterek / modulátorok hatásmechanizmusa: homológ és heterológ receptor kölcsönhatások vizsgálata és új, endogén peptid-kötőhelyek azonosítása
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Gündüz, Ö., Sipos, F., Spagnolo; B., Kocsis, L., Magyar, A., Orosz, Gy., Borsodi, A., Caló, G., Benyhe, S: In vitro binding and functional studies of Nociceptin / Orphanin receptor hexapeptides, Neurosignals, 2006 | Kocsis, L., Orosz, G., Magyar, A., Al-Khrasani, M., Kató, E., Rónai, A.Z., Bes, B., Meunier, J-Cl., Gündüz, Ö., Tóth, G., BORSODI, A., Benyhe, S.: Nociceptin antagonism: Probing the receptor by N-acyl peptide derivatives, Regulatory Peptides, 122, 199-207, 2004 | Tóth, G., Keresztes, A., Tomboly, C., Peter, A., Fulop, F., Tourwe, D., Navratilova, E., Varga, E., Roeske. W.R., Yamamura, H.I., Szucs, M., BORSODI, A: New endomorphin analogs with mu-agonist and delta-antagonist properties, Pure and Applied Chemistry 76, 951-957, 2004 | Csaba Tömböly, Fanni Tóth, Géza Tóth, Anna Borsodi and Dirk Tourwé: Endomorphin-2 analogues with a novel spirolactam type -turn mimetic, PEPTIDES 2004, Proceedings of the Third International and Twenty-Eighth European Peptide Symposium, September 5-10, 2004, Prague, Czech Republic, 2004 | Ligeti, M., Gündüz, Ö., Magyar, A., Kató, E., Rónai, A.Z., Vita, C., Varga, I., Hudecz, F., Tóth, G., BORSODI, A. and Benyhe, S.: Synthesis and biological studies of nociceptin derivatives containing the dtpa chelating group for further labeling with therapeutic radionuclides, Peptides, 26, 1159-1165, 2005 | 148. Cox, V., Clarke, S., Czyzk, T., Anssonoff, M.., Nitshe, J., Hsu, M-S., BORSODI, A., Toth, G., Hill, R., Pintar, J., Kitchen, I.: Autoradiography in opioid triple knockout mice reveals opioid and opioid receptor like binding of naloxone benzoylhydrazone, Neuropharmacology, 48, 228-235, 2005, 2005 | Ioja E., Benyhe S.,.Tourwe D., Tömböly Cs., Tóth G., BORSODI A: Opioid Receptor Binding Characteristics And Structure-Activity Studies Of Novel Diastereomeric tetrapeptides in the TIPP (Tyr-Tic-Phe-Phe) Series., Neurosignals, 2006 | Gündüz, Ö., Rizzi, A., Baldisserotto, A., Guerrini, R., Spagnolo, B., Gavioli, E.C., Kocsis, L., Magyar, A., Benyhe, S., Borsodi A. and Calo’, G: In vitro and in vivo pharmacological characterization of the nociceptin/orphanin FQ receptor ligand Ac-RYYRIK-ol., Eur J Pharmacology, 2006 | Tóth, G., Ioja, E., Tömböly, Cs., Péter, A., Chung, N.N., Schiller, P.W., Benyhe, S., BORSODI, A., Tourwé, D: Beta-methyl substitution on Cha residue in Dmt-Tic-Cha-Phe peptides provides highly potent delta agonists, J Med Chem 50, 328-333, 2007 | Páldyová E; Bereczki E; Sántha M; Wenger T; Borsodi A; Benyhe S: Altered gene expression and functional activity of opioid receptors in the cerebellum of CB1 cannabinoid receptor knockout mice after acute treatments with cannabinoids, Acta Biol Hun 58, 113-129, 2007 | Ioja, E., Tourwé, D., Kertész, I., Tóth, G., BORSODI, A., Benyhe, S.: Novel diastereomeric opioid tetrapeptides exhibit differing pharmacological activity profiles, Brain Res Bull 74, 119-129, 2007 | Páldyová E; Bereczki E; Sántha M; Wenger T; Borsodi A; Benyhe S: Noladin ether, a putative endocannabinoid, inhibits µ–opioid receptor activation via CB2 cannabinoid receptors, Neurochem Int 52, 321-8, 2008 | Rocha L., Cuellar-Herrera M., Velasco M., Velasco F., Velasco A.L., Jimenez F., Orozco-Suarez S., Borsodi A.: Opioid receptor binding in parahippocampus of patients with temporal lobe epilepsy: Its association with the antiepileptic effects of subacute electrical stimulation, Seizure-Eur J Epilep 16, 645-652, 2007 | Aguila B., Coulbault L., Boulouard M., Liotaveilliota F., Davis A., Tsigmath G., Borsodi A., Balboni G., Salvadori S., Jauzac P., Allouche S: In vitro and in vivo pharmacological profile of UFP-512, a novel selective delta-opioid receptor agonist; correlations between desensitization and tolerance., Br J Pharmacol 152, 1312–1324, 2007 | Carmona-Aparicio L., Pena F., Borsodi A., Rocha L: Effects of nociceptin on the spread and seizure activity in the rat amygdala kindling model: Their correlations with (3)H-leucyl-nociceptin binding., Epilepsy Res 77, 75-84, 2007 |




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