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Közleményjegyzék |
Kovács, A., Váncza, J.: Completable Partial Solutions in Constraint Programming and Constraint-based Scheduling, Proceedings of the CSCLP04 – Joint Annual Workshop of ERCIM / CoLogNet on Constraint Solving and Constraint Logic Programming, Lausanne, pp. 244-257, 2004 | Kovács, A., Váncza, J.: Completable Partial Solutions in Constraint Programming and Constraint-based Scheduling, Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming, Proc. of CP2004, (ed. Wallace, M.), Springer LNCS 3258, 2004, pp.: 332-346., 2004 | Kis, T.: Scheduling of Variable Intensity Activities Connected by Feeding Precedence Constraints, Dagstuhl-Seminar on Scheduling in Computer and Manufacturing Systems, Dagstuhl, May 31-June 4, 2004, 2004 | Kis, T.: Polyhedral Results on the Single Node Variable Upper-Bound Flow Model with Allowed Configurations, SIAM Conference on Discrete Mathematics, Nashville, June 13-16, 2004, 2004 | Kis, T.: A Branch-And-Cut Algorithm for Scheduling of Projects with Variable-Intensity Activities, Mathematical Programming, 100(3):515-539, 2005 | Egri, P., Kovács, A., Márkus, A., Váncza, J.: Project-Oriented Approach to Production Planning and Scheduling in Make-To-Order Manufacturing, Production Systems and Information Engineering, 2:23-37, 2005 | Kovács, A., Egri, P., Váncza, J.: Integrált termeléstervezés és ütemezés megrendelésre történő gyártásban, Gépgyártástechnológia, 45(1):45-47, 2005 | Kovács, A., Egri P., Kis, T., Váncza, J.: Proterv-II: An Integrated Production Planning and Scheduling System, Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming, Proc. of CP2005, (ed. van Beek, P.), Springer LNCS 3709, 880, 2005 | Egri P., Váncza, J.: Cooperative Planning in the Supply Network – A Multiagent Organization Model, Multi-Agent Systems and Applications IV (eds. Pechoucek, M., Petta, P., Varga, L. Zs.), Springer LNAI 3690, 346-356, 2005 | Monostori, L.; Fornasiero, R.; Váncza, J.: Organizing and Running Real-time, Cooperative Enterprises, Advanced Manufacturing: An ICT and Systems Perspective (eds. Taisch, M., Thoben, K-D.), IMS, 2005, pp. 144-157., 2005 | Kis, T.: RCPS with Variable Intensity Activities and Feeding Precedence Constraints, Chapter 5 in: Jozefowska, J., Weglarz, J. (eds.), Topics in Modern Project Scheduling, Springer, pp. 105-129, 2006 | Kovács A.: Novel Methods and Algorithms for Integrated Production, PhD dissertation, BME Villamosmérnöki és Informatikai Kar, Méréstechnika és Információs Rendszerek Tanszék, Budapest, 2005 | Kéri, A., Kis, T.: Primal-dual Combined with Constraint Propagation for Solving RCPSPWET, Proceedings of the 2nd Multidisciplinary International Conference on Scheduling: Theory and Applications, (eds. Kendall, G., Lei, L., Pinedo, M.), July 18-21, 2005, Stern, 2005 | Kovács, A., Váncza J.: Progressive Solutions: A Simple but Efficient Dominance Rule for Practical RCPSP, Proc. of CPAIOR 2006, 139-151, Springer LNCS 3990, 2006 | Egri, P., Váncza, J.: Cooperative Planning by Coordinating The Supply Channel, Production Systems and Information Engineering, 4, 3-19, 2006 | Monostori, L., Váncza, J., Kumara, S.R.T.: Agent-Based Systems for Manufacturing, CIRP Annals – Manufacturing Technology, 55(2), 697-720, 2006 | Váncza J., Egri, P.: Coordinating Supply Networks in Customized Mass Production – A Contract-Based Approach, CIRP Annals – Manufacturing Technology, 55(1), 489-492, 2006 | Egri P., Váncza J.: Incentives for Cooperative Planning in Focal Supply Networks, Proc. of the 6th International Workshop on Emergent Synthesis, IWES, 2006, pp. 17-24, 2006 | Egri P., Váncza J.: A Logistics Framework for Coordinating Supply Chains on Unstable Markets, Proc. of 3rd International CIRP Conference in Digital Enterprise Technology, 2006 | Váncza, J., Egri, P., Wiendahl, H-H.: Configurable Logistics Platform to Handle Supply Turbulences – A Case Study in a Focal Supply Network, Proc. of the 8th Int. Conf. on Modern Information Technology in the Innovation Processes of the Industrial Enterprises (MITIP 2006), pp. 281-288, 2006 | Monostori, L., Váncza, J., Márkus, A., Kis, T., Kovács, A., Erdős, G., Kádár, B., Viharos, Zs.J.: Real-time, Cooperative Enterprises: Management of Changes and Disturbances in Different Levels of Production, 38th CIRP International Seminar on Manufacturing Systems, Florianopolis, Brazil, 2005 |




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