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Közleményjegyzék |
E. Szemenyei, F. Tóth, É. Varga, J. Jambrosic, E. Navratilova, H.I. Yamamura, A. Borsodi, G. Tóth: New endomorphin analogues with 2\',6\'-dimethyl-Tyr and e-beta-MePhe substitutions, European Opioid Conference, Visegrád, Hungary, 2004 | G. Tóth, E. Szemenyei, A. Keresztes, F.Fülöp:: Tritium labelling of Novel endomorphin analogues containing unnatural alfa and beta amino acids, Proceedings of 5. International Conference on Isotopes p295-299 (2005), 2005 | A. Páhi, A. Keresztes,G. Tóth and M. Szücs:: 3H[(1S,2R)AC6C]2-endomorphin-2 is a potent, selective, new mu opioid agonist, European Opioid Conference 2004 Visegrad, Hungary 2004,P43, 2004 | G. Tóth, E. Szemenyei, S. Benyhe, A. Borsodi: Tritium labelling and radioreceptor binding characterization of Dmt-endomorphin-2, V. European Opioid Conference, Salamanca, Spain 2006, P25, 2006 | G. Tóth, A. Keresztes, M. Szücs, E. Forró, F. Fülöp: Endomorphin analogs with alicyclic beta-amino acids, In: „5th Joint Meeting on Medicinal Chemistry”, Portoroz, Slovenia, (Ed. Danijel Kikelj). Medimond S.r.l. p. 47-50, 2007 | Csaba Tömböly, Katalin E. Kövér, Antal Péter, Dirk Tourwé, Dauren Biyashev, Sándor Benyhe, Anna Borsodi, Mahmoud Al-Khrasani, András Z. Rónai and Géza Tóth: Stucture-Activity Study on the Phe Side Chain Arrangement of Endomorphins Using Conformationally Constrained Analogues, J. Med. Chem. 47, 735-743, 2004 | G. Tóth, A. Keresztes, Cs. Tömböly, A. Péter, F. Fülöp, D. Tourwé, E. Navratilova, É. Varga, W.R. Roeske, H.I. Yamamura, M. Szűcs: New endomorphin analogs with mu-agonist and delta-antagonists properties, Pure Appl. Chem. Vol. 76, No. 5, pp. 951-957, 2004 | V. Gonzalez-Nunez, G. Arsequell, E. Szemenyei, G. Tóth, G. Valencia, R.E. Rodriguez: Binding profile of the endogenous novel heptapeptide Met-Enkephalin-Gly-Tyr in zebrafish and rat brain, The Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, 314, 862-867, 2005 | András Z. Rónai, Erzsébet Szemenyei, Erysébet Kató, László Kocsis, György Orosz, Mahmoud Al-Khrasani, Géza Tóth: Endomorphin Synthesis in rat brain from intracerebroventricularly injected [3H]-Tyr-Pro: A possible biosynthetic rout for endomorphins, Regulatory Peptides, 134, 54-60(2006), 2006 | Attila Keresztes, Géza Tóth, Fülöp Ferenc, Mária Szücs: Synthesis, radiolabeling and receptorial characterization of [3H][(1S,2 R)ACPC2]endomorphin-2, Peptides, 27, 3321--60(2006), 2006 | Milad Botros, Matthias Hallberg, Tobias Johansson, Qin Zhou, Gunnar Lindenberg, Per-Anders Frandberg, Csaba Tömböly, Géza Tóth, Pierre Le Greves, Fred Nyberg: Endomorphin-1 and endomorphin-2 differntially interact with specific binding sites for substance P (SP) aminoterminal SP 1-17 in the rat spinal cord, Peptides, 27.,753-759 (2006), 2006 | A.H. Molnár, C. Varga, T. Janáky, Gábor Tóth, Géza Tóth, J. Farkas, F. László, F.A.László: Biological half-life and organ distribution of [3H]8-Arginine vasopressin following administration of vasopressin receptor antagonist OPC-31260, Regulatory Peptides 141, 12-18, 2007 | E. Szemenyei, G. Tóth: Tritium labelling and degradation of 2'6' Dmt1-endomorphin-2, J. Labelled Comp. Radiopharm. 50, 1148-1152, 2007 | Tóth, G. Ioja, E., Tömböly, Cs., Ballet, S., Tourwé, D., Péter, A., Martinek T., Chung, N., Schiller, W. P., Benyhe, S., Borsodi, A.: beta-methyl substitution of cyclohexylalanine in Dmt-Tic-Cha-Phe-peptides results in highly potent delta-opioid antagonists, J. Med. Chem. 50., 328-333, 2007 | E. Birkás, I. Kertész, G. Tóth, L. Bakota, K. Gulya, M. Szűcs: Synthesis and pharmacological characterization of a novel, highly potent, peptidomimetic delta-opioid radioantagonist, [H]Tyr-Tic-(2S,3R)-β-MePhe-Phe-OH, Neuropeptides 42, 57-67, 2008 |




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