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Csendes T: Generalized subinterval selection criteria for interval global optimization, Numerical Algorithms 37:93-100, 2004 | Csallner AE; Csendes T; Kocsis AB: Reliable numerical computation in civil engineering, Numerical Algorithms 37:85-91, 2004 | Vinkó T; Lagouanelle JL; Csendes T: A New Inclusion Function for Optimization: Kite - The One Dimensional Case, JOGO 30:435-456, 2004 | Csallner AE; Kocsis AB: Handling Interval Constraints in Civil Engineering Problems, In: IMACS/GAMM SCAN-2004 Conf, Fukuoka: 2004. p. 46, 2004 | Csébfalvi A; Csébfalvi G: Effect of Semi-Rigid Connection in Optimal Design of Frame Structures, Proceedings of the 6th World Congresses of Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 30 May - 03 June 2005, 2005 | Csallner AE; Csendes T; Kocsis AB: Reliable Optimization in Civil Engineering - Structural and Numerical Optimization of Civil Engineering Problems, Proceedings of the International Workshop on Global Optimization, pp. 77-80, San José, Spain, September 18-22, 2005, 2005 | Csébfalvi A; Csébfalvi G: A new hybrid meta-heuristic method for optimal design of space trusses with elastic-plastic collapse constraints, Proceedings of The Eighth International Conference on Computational Structures Technology, Edited by B.H.V. Topping, G. Montero and R. Montenegro, Las Palmas de Gran[...], 2006 | Csallner AE: Step Function Overestimators With Left-Bounded Step Widths, Book of Abstracts SC4N 2006, pp. 137, Duisburg, Germany, September 26-29, 2006., 2006 | Csallner AE; Kocsis AB; Csendes T: Reliable Optimal Shear Force Design of Reinforced Concrete Beams, ECMI Newsletter, 39, pp. 11, 2006., 2006 | Csallner AE; Balogh J: Optimization Without Derivatives: A Simple Direct Search Method, Pollack Periodica Supplement: 145-154, 2007 | Markót MC; Fernandez J; Casado LG; Csendes T: New interval methods for constrained global optimization, Mathematical Programming 106(2006) 287-318, 2006 | Frits ER; Markót MC; Csendes T; Lelkes Z; Fonyó Z; Rév E: Finding limiting flows of batch extractive distillation with interval arithmetic, AIChE J. 52(2006) 3100-3108., 2006 | Pedamallu CS; Özdamar L; Csendes T: An interval partitioning approach for continuous constrained optimization, In Models and Algorithms in Global Optimization. Springer, 73-96., 2006 | Frits ER; Markót MC; Csendes T; Lelkes Z; Fonyó Z; Rév E: Use of interval optimization for finding limiting flows of batch extractive distillation, J. Global Optimization J. Global Optimization 38: 297-313, 2007 | Bánhelyi B; Csendes T; Garay BM: A verified optimization technique to bound topological entropy rigorously, Proceedings of the SCAN-2006 Conference, IEEE. (közlésre elküldve), 2006 | Bertok B; Adonyi R; Kovacs Z; Friedler F: Algorithmic Synthesis of Supply Chains, In: XIX Polish Conf. of Chemical and Process Engineering, Rzeszow: 2007. p. 1, 2007 | Csendes T; Pál L; Sendín JOH; Banga JR: The GLOBAL Optimization Method Revisited, Optimization Letters (közésre elfogadva), 2007 | Pedamallu CS; Pósfai J; Csendes T: Interval Partitioning Algorithm for Constraint Satisfaction Problems, Int. J. of Modelling, Identification and Control (közésre elfogadva), 2007 | Csendes T: Interval Analysis: Algorithmic improvements using a heuristic parameter, RejectIndex for interval optimization, Encyclopedia of Optimization, Springer-Verlag, Berlin (közésre beküldve), 2007 | Csendes T: Interval Analysis and Verification of Mathematical Models, NATO ASI volume on Uncertainties in Environmental Modelling. Vrsar (közésre beküldve), 2007 | Tóth B; Csendes T: Empirical investigation of the convergence speed of inclusion functions, Reliable Computing 11: 253-273, 2005 | Pedamallu CS; Özdamar L; Csendes T: Symbolic Interval Inference Approach for Subdivision Direction Selection in Interval Partitioning Algorithms, J. Global Optimization 37: 177-194, 2007 | Csallner AE; Kocsis AB: Automatic Verified Shear Force Design of Reinforced Concrete Beams, In: Proc. of the 11th Int. Conf. on Civil, Struct. and Env. Eng. Comp, Civil-Comp Press, Stirlingshire, United Kingdom, paper 38, 2007 | Kocsis AB; Csallner AE: Design of Optimal Reinforced Concrete Bases with Automatic Result Verification, In: Proc. of the 11th Int. Conf. on Civil, Struct. and Env. Eng. Comp, Civil-Comp Press, Stirlingshire, United Kingdom, paper 36, 2007 | Csébfalvi A: Optimal Design of Frame Structures with Semi-Rigid Joints, Periodica Polytechnica Ser. Civ. Eng. (51)1: 1-18, 2007 | Csébfalvi A: Displacement based moment distribution method for semi-rigid frames, Poolack Periodica (2)3: 109-125, 2007 | Csébfalvi A; Csébfalvi G: Optimum Design and Sensitivity Analysis of Shallow Space Structures using an Improved Meta-Heuristic Method, In: Proc. of the 15th UK Conf. of the ACME, Glasgow: paper 59, 2007 | Csébfalvi A; Csébfalvi G: Ant colony optimization applied for continuous and discrete design of space trusses, In: Proc. of the 11th Int. Conf. on Civil, Struct. and Env. Eng. Comp, Civil-Comp Press, Stirlingshire, United Kingdom, paper 199, 2007 | Csébfalvi A; Csébfalvi G: An angel meta-heuristic method for combined shape and sizing truss optimization, In: Proc. of the WCSMO-7, COEX, Seoul, 2007 | Csébfalvi A; Csébfalvi G: A continuous angel meta-heuristic for discrete truss design, In: Proc. of the WCSMO-7, COEX, Seoul, 2007 | Csébfalvi A: Combined shape and size optimization of steel bridges, In: The DFE2008 Design, Fabrication and Economy, Miskolc (nyomdában), 2008 | Csébfalvi A; Csébfalvi G: An angel method for optimal design of shallow dome structures, In: Seventh World Congress on Computational Mechanics, Los Angeles, 2006 | Csendes T; Garay BM; Bánhelyi B: A verified optimization technique to locate chaotic regions of Hénon systems, JOGO 35:145-160, 2006 | Csendes T; Bánhelyi B; Hatvani L: Towards a computer-assisted proof for chaos in a forced damped pendulum equation, J. Computational and Applied Mathematics 199: 378-383, 2007 |




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