Brane-kozmológiák és gravitációs sugárzási jelenségek  részletek

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típus K
Vezető kutató Gergely Árpád László
magyar cím Brane-kozmológiák és gravitációs sugárzási jelenségek
Angol cím Brane cosmologies and gravitational radiation
zsűri Fizika 1
Kutatóhely Elméleti Fizika Tanszék (Szegedi Tudományegyetem)
résztvevők Keresztes Zoltán
Kovács Zoltán
Mikóczi Balázs
Szaniszló Erika
Vasúth Mátyás
Vinkó József
projekt kezdete 2004-01-01
projekt vége 2007-12-31
aktuális összeg (MFt) 8.472
FTE (kutatóév egyenérték) 0.00
állapot lezárult projekt



kutatási eredmények (magyarul)
Az általános relativitáselmélet módszereit alkalmaztuk brán-világokra, kompakt kettős rendszerekre, kozmológiára és sugárzási téridőkre Levezettük az aszimmetrikusan beágyazott bránokra vonatkozó kovariáns egyenleteket. Kozmológiai sugárzó bránokat vizsgáltunk, valamint az ötödik dimenzió Weyl-görbületét okozó fekete lyukak Hawking-sugárzásának kozmológiai hatásait. Összevetettük a modellt a szupernóva adatokkal, az LCDM modellnél jobb egyezést találva. Kimutattuk, hogy az inhomogenitásokat tartalmazó, Swiss-Cheese jellegű bránok nyomás-szingularitásba fejlődhetnek. Kiszámoltuk az árapály-töltésű brán fekete lyukak közelében a fényelhajlást másodrendig. Vizsgáltuk a gravitációs kollapszust a bránon, kimutatva, hogy ez sötét energia képződéshez vezet a horizont alatt. Megvizsgáltuk az általános relativisztikus és véges-kiterjedés effektusok (spin, tömeg-kvadrupólus, mágneses dipólus) hatását a kompakt kettős rendszerek pályafejlődésére, alkalmazva a reziduum-tételt. Általánosított Kepler egyenletet vezettünk le. Megadtuk a gravitációs hullám polarizációs állapotait és frekvenciájának időfejlődését a poszt-newtoni formalizmus keretein belül. Sűrűség- és forgási perturbációkat vizsgáltunk a Sachs-Wolfe effektusban, valamint az inhomogenitások hatását az univerzum gyorsuló tágulására. Kidolgoztuk a gömbszimmetrikus kétkomponensű sugárzási téridők hamiltoni tárgyalását és felírtuk a hamiltoni kényszer impulzusokban lineáris alakját.
kutatási eredmények (angolul)
We have applied the methods of general relativity to brane-worlds, compact binaries, cosmology and radiative space-times. We have derived the covariant evolution equations for asymmetrically embedded branes. We have studied radiating brane-worlds and the cosmological effect of the Hawking radiation from the 5-dimensional black hole causing the Weyl curvature. We compared our models with supernova data, finding better agreement than for the LCDM model. We have shown that Swiss-Cheese type brane-worlds containing inhomogeneities can evolve into pressure singularities. We have computed the light deflection near a tidal charged brane black hole, to second order. We have studied the gravitational collapse on the brane, finding dark energy production below the horizon. We have included both general relativistic and finite size effects (spin, mass quadrupole, magnetic dipole) in the orbital evolution of compact binaries, by applying the residue theorem. We have derived a generalized Kepler equation. We have given the polarization states and frequency evolution of gravitational waves in the framework of the post-Newtonian formalism. We have studied density- and rotational perturbations in the Sachs-Wolfe effect and the role of inhomogeneities in the acceleration of the universe. We have developed the Hamiltonian formalism for spherically symmetric space-times generated by colliding radiation streams, writing up the Hamiltonian constraint as linear in the momenta.
a zárójelentés teljes szövege
döntés eredménye



LÁ Gergely, Z Keresztes, B Mikóczi: An efficient method for the evaluation of secular effects in the perturbed Keplerian motion, Astrophys. J. Suppl. Series 167, 286-291 (2006) [astro-ph/0603677], 2006
B Mikóczi: Frequency evolution of the gravitational waves for compact binaries, Astrophysics of Variable Stars, Eds. C Sterken and C Aerts, Astron. Soc. of the Pacific [astro-ph/0610290], 2006
Z Kovács, LÁ Gergely, Z. Horváth: Canonical analysis of equilibrium stellar atmospheres, Proceedings of the Eleventh Marcel Grossmann Meeting 2006, Eds. H Kleinert, R T Jantzen and R Ruffini, World Scientific, Singapore [gr-qc/0612052], 2007
J Majár, M Vasúth: Gravitational waves from compact binary systems, Proceedings of the 29th Spanish Relativity Meeting ERE-2006, Palma de Malloeca, Spain, 2007
Z Kovács, LÁ Gergely: Hamiltonian theory of brane-world gravity, Proceedings of the Eleventh Marcel Grossmann Meeting 2006, Eds. H Kleinert, R T Jantzen and R Ruffini, World Scientific, Singapore [gr-qc/0612050], 2007
LÁ Gergely: Is dark matter futile on the brane?, Proceedings of the Eleventh Marcel Grossmann Meeting 2006, Eds. H Kleinert, R T Jantzen and R Ruffini, World Scientific, Singapore [gr-qc/0612163], 2007
LÁ Gergely, Z Keresztes, B Mikóczi: The second post-Newtonian order generalized Kepler equation, Proceedings of the Eleventh Marcel Grossmann Meeting 2006, Eds. H Kleinert, R T Jantzen and R Ruffini, World Scientific, Singapore [gr-qc/0612086], 2007
Zs Horváth, Z Kovács: Canonical theory of the Kantowski-Sachs cosmological models, Proceedings of the 4th Workshop of Young Researchers in Astronomy & Astrophysics, Ed. E Forgács-Dajka, Publ. Astron. Dept. Eötvös Univ. PADEU 17, 229-234 [gr-qc/0610063], 2006
B Nagy, Z Keresztes: On the luminosity-redshift relation in the brane-wolrlds with cosmological constant, Proc. of the 4th Workshop of Young Researchers in Astronomy & Astrophysics, Ed. E Forgács-Dajka, Publ. Astron. Dept. Eötvös Univ. PADEU 17, 221-227 [astro-ph/0606662], 2006
B Mikóczi, Z Keresztes: Generalized eccentric vs. true anomaly parametrizations in the perturbed Keplerian motion, Proceedings of the 4th Workshop of Young Researchers in Astronomy & Astrophysics, Ed. E Forgács-Dajka, Publ. Astron. Dept. Eötvös Univ. PADEU 17, 63-69 [astro-ph/0610285], 2006
Z Keresztes, I Képíró: Irradiated closed Friedmann brane-worlds, Proceedings of the 4th Workshop of Young Researchers in Astronomy & Astrophysics, Ed. E Forgács-Dajka, Publ. Astron. Dept. Eötvös Univ. PADEU 17, 205-211 [hep-th/0610112], 2006
Z Keresztes, B Mikóczi: Post-Newtonian parameterization of the orbit of compact binaries under the spin-spin interaction, Astrophysics of Variable Stars, Eds. C Sterken and C Aerts, Astron. Soc. of the Pacific [astro-ph/0610287], 2006
LÁ Gergely, B Darázs: Weak gravitational lensing in brane-worlds, Proc. of the 4th Workshop of Young Researchers in Astronomy & Astrophysics, Ed. E Forgács-Dajka, Publ. Astron. Dept. Eötvös Univ. PADEU 17, 213-219 [astro-ph/0602427], 2006
M Vasúth, B Mikóczi: Self interaction of spins in binary systems, Proceedings of the Albert Einstein Century International Conference, Paris, France 2005, Eds. J-M Alimi, A Fűzfa, AIP Conference Proceedings 861, 794-798 [gr-qc/060402], 2006
Z Kovács, LÁ Gergely: New variables for brane-world gravity, Proceedings of the Albert Einstein Century International Conference, Paris, France 2005, Eds.J-M Alimi, A Fűzfa, AIP Conference Proceedings 861, 897-902 [hep-th/0603178], 2006
LÁ Gergely, I Képíró: Asymmetric Swiss-cheese brane-worlds, [hep-th/0608195], 2006
Z Keresztes, LÁ Gergely, B Nagy, GM Szabó: The luminosity-redshift relation in brane-worlds I. Analytical results, PMC Physics A 1 : 4-1-24 , [astro-ph/0606698], 2007
LÁ Gergely: Black holes and dark energy from gravitational collapse on the brane, [hep-th/0603254], 2006
LÁ Gergely: Dark energy from gravitational collapse?, Honorable Mention a Gravity Research Foundation 2006-os Essays in Gravitation pályázatán Int. J. Mod. Phys. D 15 (12) [gr-qc/0606073], 2006
J Majár, M Vasúth: Gravitational waveforms from a Lense-Thirring system, Phys. Rev. D 74, 124007-1-9 [gr-qc/0611105], 2006
Zs Horváth, Z Kovács, LÁ Gergely: Geometrodynamics in a static, spherically symmetric crossflow of null dust, Phys. Rev. D 74, 084034 -1-12 [gr-qc/0605116] [astro-ph/0603677], 2006
LÁ Gergely: Brane-world cosmology with black strings, Phys. Rev. D 74, 024002-1-6 [hep-th/0603244], 2006
Z Keresztes, I Képíró, LÁ Gergely: Semi-transparent brane-worlds, J. Cosmol. Astropart. Phys. JCAP 06 (05), 020-1-12 [hep-th/0603223], 2006
LÁ Gergely, Z Keresztes: Irradiated asymmetric Friedmann branes, J. Cosmol. Astropart. Phys. JCAP 06 (01), 022-1-22 [hep-th/0601217], 2006
GM Szabó, LÁ Gergely, Z Keresztes: The luminosity-redshift relation in brane-worlds: II. Confrontation with observational data, PMC Physics A 1 : 8-1-15, [astro-ph/0702610], 2007
Z Kovács, LÁ Gergely: Gravitational dynamics in s+1+1 dimensions II. Hamiltonian theory, Phys. Rev. D 77, 024003-1-13, [arXiv:0709.2131 [gr-qc]], 2007
M Vasúth, J Majár: Gravitational waveforms for finite mass binaries, Int. J. Mod. Phys. A 22, 2405–2414, [arXiv:0705.3481], 2007
V Czinner, M Vasúth: Revisiting rotational perturbations and the microwave background, Int. J. Mod. Phys. D 16, 1715–1723, [arXiv:0706.3967], 2007
Gy Bene, V Czinner, M Vasúth: Accelerating expansion of the universe may be caused by inhomogenities, Mod. Phys. Lett. A 21, 1117-1125, [astro-ph/0308161], 2006
Z Keresztes, B Mikóczi, LÁ Gergely: The Kepler equation for inspiralling compact binaries, Phys. Rev. D 72, 104022-1-7, [astro-ph/0510602], 2005
LÁ Gergely, Z Kovács: Gravitational dynamics in s+1+1 dimensions, Phys. Rev. D 72, 064015-1-12, [gr-qc/0507020], 2005
B Mikóczi, M Vasúth, LÁ Gergely: Self spin-spin effects in inspiralling compact binaries, Phys. Rev. D 71, 124043-1-6, [astro-ph/0504538], 2005
LÁ Gergely: No Swiss-cheese universe on the brane, Phys. Rev. D 71, 084017-1-5, Erratum: 72, 069902-1, [gr-qc/0407010], 2005
LÁ Gergely, R Maartens: Asymmetric brane-worlds with induced gravity, Phys. Rev. D 71, 024032-1-7, [gr-qc/0411097], 2005
V Czinner, M Vasúth, Á Lukács: An analytic approach to the late ISW effect in a Lambda dominated universe, Int. J. Mod. Phys. A 20, 7233-7240, [astro-ph/0503347], 2005
V Czinner, M Vasúth, Á Lukács, Z Perjés: Covariant linear perturbations in a concordance model, Int. J. Mod. Phys. A 20, 5671-5677, [gr-qc/0501009], 2005
Z Perjés, M Vasúth, V Czinner, D Eriksson: C∞ perturbations of FRW models with a cosmological constant, Astronomy and Astrophysics 431, 415-421, [astro-ph/0402069], 2005
LÁ Gergely, E Leeper, R Maartens: C∞ perturbations of FRW models with a cosmological constant, Phys. Rev. D 70, 104025-1-5, [gr-qc/0408084], 2004
LÁ Gergely: A homogeneous brane-world universe, Class. Quantum Grav. 21, 935-940, [gr-qc/0309059], 2004
LÁ Gergely, Z Keresztes, GM Szabó: Cosmological tests of generalized RS brane-worlds with Weyl fluid, AIP Conference Proceedings 957, 391-396, [astro-ph/0709.0933], 2007
P Jaranowski et al (including M Vasúth): Analytic approximations, perturbation methods, and their applications, to appear in Classical Quantum Grav., [astro-ph/0710.5658], 2008
LÁ Gergely, PL Biermann: Supermassive binary black hole mergers, to appear in J. Physics: Conf. Series (JPCS), 2008
M Vasúth, V Czinner: Perturbations of a cosmological constant dominated universe, to appear in the Proceedings of the Eleventh Marcel Grossmann Meeting 2006, Eds. H Kleinert, R T Jantzen and R Ruffini, World Scientific, Singapore, 2008
M Vasúth, J Majár: Gravitational waves of a Lense-Thirring system, to appear in the Proceedings of the Eleventh Marcel Grossmann Meeting 2006, Eds. H Kleinert, R T Jantzen and R Ruffini, World Scientific, Singapore, 2008
M Vasúth, B Mikóczi, LÁ Gergely: Orbital phase in inspiraling compact binaries, to appear in the Proceedings of the Eleventh Marcel Grossmann Meeting 2006, Eds. H Kleinert, R T Jantzen and R Ruffini, World Scientific, Singapore, [gr-qc/0703054], 2008
LÁ Gergely: Black holes on cosmological branes, to appear in the Proceedings of the Eleventh Marcel Grossmann Meeting 2006, Eds. H Kleinert, R T Jantzen and R Ruffini, World Scientific, Singapore, [gr-qc/0703051], 2008
M Vasúth: The effects of magnetic dipole moments in binary systems, Proceedings of the 7th Hungarian Relativity Workshop, Ed. I. Rácz, Akadémiai Kiadó, p. 275-283, 2004
Gy Bene, V Czinner, M Vasúth: Accelerating expansion of the universe may be caused by inhomogeneities, Proceedings of the 7th Hungarian Relativity Workshop, Ed. I. Rácz, Akadémiai Kiadó, p. 157-165, 2004
Z Keresztes, LÁ Gergely: On the validity of the 5-dimensional Birkhoff theorem: The tale of a counterexample, sent for publication, [gr-qc/0712.3758], 2008
LÁ Gergely, PL Biermann: The dance of black holes, sent for publication, 2008
LÁ Gergely, PL Biermann: The spin-flip phenomenon in supermassive black hole binary mergers, sent for publication, [astro-ph/0704.1968 ], 2008
LÁ Gergely: Az Univerzum rendje, 170 év: a Római Katolikus Főgimnáziumtól az Áprily Lajos Főgimnáziumig, szerkesztette. J Papp, P Petki, Brassó, Rövidített változatban:Brassói Lapok, IV/906 A4, 2007
P Forgács, C Hoenselaers, P Tod, G Fodor, M Vasúth, LÁ Gergely: In memoriam Zoltán Perjés (1943-2004), Fizikai Szemle, 2007/1 14-17, 2007
LÁ Gergely, Z Keresztes, GM Szabó: Cosmological tests of the generalized RS brane-worlds with Weyl fluid, London South Bank University, UK, 2007
LÁ Gergely, Z Keresztes, GM Szabó: Cosmological tests of the generalized RS brane-worlds with Weyl fluid, Imperial College, London, UK, 13th International Symposium on Particles, Strings and Cosmology, 2007
VG Czinner, M Vasúth: Rotational Sachs-Wolfe effect in FRW cosmologies, Sydney, Australia, 18th International Conference on General Relativity and Gravitation, 2007
VG Czinner, M Vasúth: Rotational Sachs-Wolfe effect in FRW cosmologies, London, UK, Outstanding questions for the standard cosmological model, 2007
LÁ Gergely, Z Keresztes, B Mikóczi: Research in Gravitation, Physics exhibition, University of Szeged, 2006
LÁ Gergely: Asymmetric Friedmann branes, Dublin, Ireland, 17th International Conference on General Relativity and Gravitation, 2004
Z Perjés, M Vasúth, V Czinner, D Eriksson: FRW perturbations in the presence of a cosmological constant, Dublin, Ireland, 17th International Conference on General Relativity and Gravitation, 2004
Gy Bene, V Czinner, M Vasúth: Structure formation may cause the accelerating expansion of the universe, Bad Honnef, Germany, 319th WE-Heraeus-Seminar, 2004
LÁ Gergely, Z Keresztes, GM Szabó: Generalized Randall-Sundrum brane-worlds with Weyl fluid tested by supernova data, Program book of the 294th WE-Heraeus-Seminar: Cosmology of Fundamental Interactions, Bad Honnef, Germany, 2007
M Vasúth, J Majár: Gravitational waves for compact binaries, Abstract book of the 18th International Conf. on Gen. Rel. and Grav. (GRG18) and of the 7th Edoardo Amaldi Conf. on Grav. Waves (Amaldi7), Sydney, Australia, p. 56, 2007
M Vasúth, J Majár: Spin evolution in binary systems, Abstract book of the 18th International Conf. on Gen. Rel. and Grav. (GRG18) and of the 7th Edoardo Amaldi Conf. on Grav. Waves (Amaldi7), Sydney, Australia, p. 54, 2007
LÁ Gergely, P Biermann: Supermassive binary black hole mergers, Abstract book of the 18th International Conf. on Gen. Rel. and Grav. (GRG18) and of the 7th Edoardo Amaldi Conf. on Grav. Waves (Amaldi7), Sydney, Australia, p. 111-112, 2007
LÁ Gergely, Z Keresztes, GM Szabó: Cosmological tests of the generalized Randall-Sundrum brane-world model with late-time dark radiation, Abstract book of the 18th International Conf. on Gen. Rel. and Grav. (GRG18) and of the 7th Edoardo Amaldi Conf. on Grav. Waves (Amaldi7), Sydney, Australia, p. 28, 2007
LÁ Gergely: The evolution of gravitational wave frequency until the final coalescence of compact binaries, The 11th Canadian Conference on General Relativity and Relativistic Astrophysics, Online Proceedings, Contributed Talks. Conference organizers K Schleich and D Witt, 2005
Z Perjés, V Czinner: FRM Perturbations in the presence of a cosmological constant, Book of abstracts of the 17th International Conference on General Relativity and Gravitation, RDS, Dublin, Ireland, p. 191, 2004
M Vasúth: Binary systems with magnetic dipole moments, Book of abstracts of the 17th International Conference on General Relativity and Gravitation, RDS, Dublin, Ireland, p. 191, 2004
LÁ Gergely: Asymmetric Friedmann branes, Book of abstracts of the 17th International Conference on General Relativity and Gravitation, RDS, Dublin, Ireland, p. 258-259, 2004
LÁ Gergely: Orbital evolution of compact binaries to 2PN order, Book of abstracts of the 17th International Conference on General Relativity and Gravitation, RDS, Dublin, Ireland, p. 69, 2004


Projekt eseményei

2024-05-30 11:33:06
Kutatóhely váltás
A kutatás helye megváltozott. Korábbi kutatóhely: Kísérleti Fizikai Tanszék (Szegedi Tudományegyetem), Új kutatóhely: Elméleti Fizika Tanszék (Szegedi Tudományegyetem).
2023-08-02 11:02:13
Kutatóhely váltás
A kutatás helye megváltozott. Korábbi kutatóhely: Elméleti Fizika Tanszék (Szegedi Tudományegyetem), Új kutatóhely: Kísérleti Fizikai Tanszék (Szegedi Tudományegyetem).
2023-04-19 14:50:41
Kutatóhely váltás
A kutatás helye megváltozott. Korábbi kutatóhely: Kísérleti Fizikai Tanszék (Szegedi Tudományegyetem), Új kutatóhely: Elméleti Fizika Tanszék (Szegedi Tudományegyetem).

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