Anatómiai és paleopatológiai vizsgálatok háziállatok csontozatán: recens megfigyelések a régészeti leletek értelmezésében
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Bartosiewicz L.: To discard or not? Problems with the conservation of archaeozoological materials as exemplified by the situation in Hungary., G. Gruppe–J. Peters eds: Archaeobiologiae 2: Conservation policy and current research. Publisher: Verlag Marie Leidorf, Rahden/Westf. 62-71., 2004 | Bartosiewicz L.: Animal husbandry, P. Bogucki–P. J. Crabtree, eds. Ancient Europe, 8000 B.C. to A.D. 1000: An Encyclopedia of the Barbarian World. Schribners\' Sons, New York: 366-370., 2004 | Bartosiewicz L. és Gál E.: Ottoman Period Animal Exploitation in Hungary., Gerelyes I.–Kovács Gy. eds. Archeology of the Ottoman Period in Hungary. Opuscula Hungarica III. Magyar Nemzeti Múzeum, Budapest: 365-376., 2004 | A. Kitchener, C. Bonsall és Bartosiewicz L.: Missing mammals from mesolithic middens: a comparison of the fossil and archaeological records from Scotland., A. Saville ed.: Mesolithic Scotland and its Neighbours. Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, Edinburgh: 73-82., 2004 | A. Pike-Tay, Bartosiewicz L., Gál E. és A. Whittle: Body-part representation and seasonality: sheep/goat, bird and fish remains from early Neolithic Ecsegfalva 23, SE Hungary., Journal of Taphonomy 2/4: 221-246., 2004 | Choyke, A. M. és Bartosiewicz, L.: Osseous projectile points from the Swiss Neolithic: taphonomy, typology and function., M. Roksandic ed.: Violent interactions in the Mesolithic. Evidence and meaning. BAR, IS 1237: 75-88., 2004 | Bartosiewicz L.: Skull fragment of a Late Neolithic aurochs (Bos primigenius Bojanus 1827) from Mórágy–Tűzköves (Tolna County, Western Hungary)., Alba Regia XXXIV: 41-44., 2005 | Bartosiewicz L.: Signs of environmental stress in prehistoric sheep., R. R. Thomas–Z. Miklikova eds.: Proceedings of the 1st Meeting of the ICAZ Palaeopathology Working Group, 2004. BAR, IS, Oxford, Archaeopress. in press., 2007 | Bartosiewicz L.: Worked elk (Alces alces L. 1758) antler from Central Europe., In H. Luik, A. M. Choyke, C. E. Batey and L. Lougas eds.: From hooves to horns, from mollusc to mammoth. Tallinn, Muinasaja Teadus 15: 339-350., 2005 | Bartosiewicz L.: Body conformation in unimproved horses: an analysis of ethnohistoric data from the Eastern Carpathians., M. Mashkour ed.: Equids in time and space. Oxford, Oxbow Books: 148-160. In press, 2005 | Bartosiewicz L.: Better earlier than never: Iron Age aurochs remains from Hungary., Antiquity79/303, http://antiquity.ac.uk/ProjGall/bartosiewicz/, 2005 | Bartosiewicz L.: Plain talk: animals, environment and culture in the Neolithic of the Carpathian Basin and adjacent areas., In D. Bailey and A. Whittle eds.: (un)settling the Neolithic. Oxford, Oxbow Books: 51-63., 2005 | Bartosiewicz L.: Crane: food, pet and symbol., In G. Grupe and J. Peters eds.: Feathers, grit and symbolism. Birds and humans in the ancient Old and New Worlds. Doc. Archaeobiol. 3, Marie Leidorf, Rahden: 259-269., 2005 | Bartosiewicz L.: Scavenger scattering at two contemporary open air sites in Hungary., Munibe (Antropologia-Arkeologia), San Sebastián 57/1: 495-503., 2005 | Bartosiewicz L.: Chapter 7.4 Animal Remains., In B. Genito and L. Madaras eds.: Arch. remains of a steppe people... Univ. d. Studi di Napoli ''L'Orientale'', Ser. Maior X: 125-150., 2005 | Bartosiewicz L.: Interdisciplinary analysis of an iron age aurochs horn core from Hungary: a case study., Acta Archaeologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 57: 149-159., 2006 | Bartosiewicz L.: Animal bones from the medieval settlement Otok (Gutenwerth) near Dobrava pri ©kocjan, Slovenia., Arheolo¹ki Vestnik 37: 415-436., 2006 | Bartosiewicz, L.– Boroneanþ, V. –Bonsall, C. – Stallibrass, S.: Size ranges of prehistoric cattle and pig at Schela Cladovei (Iron Gates region, Romania)., Analele Banatului, Serie nouã XIV: 12-23., 2006 | Bartosiewicz, L.: Phenotype and age in protohistoric horses: a comparison between Avar and Early Hungarian crania., D. Ruscillo ed.: Recent Advances in Ageing and Sexing Animal Bones. Oxbow Books, Oxford: 204-215., 2006 | Bartosiewicz, L.: Mettre le chariot devant le boeuf. Anomalies ostéologiques liées à l‘utilisation des boeuf pour la traction., P. Pétrequin et al. eds. : Premiers chariots, premiers arairesCNRS Editions, CRA Monographies 29 : 259-267., 2006 | Gál, E.: Vogelfunde aus der Festung von Bajcsavár., B. Berner et al. eds.: Auf Sand gebaut. Weitschawar/Bajcsa/Vár. Forschungen zur geschichtlichen Landeskunde der Steiermark, Band XLVIII: 120-124 + 128., 2005 | Bartosiewicz L.: Die Tiere der türkenzeitliche Burg von Bajcsavár., B. Berner et al. eds.: Auf Sand gebaut. Weitschawar/Bajcsa/Vár. Forschungen zur geschichtlichen Landeskunde der Steiermark, Band XLVIII: 107-119., 2005 | Bartosiewicz, L.–Bökönyi, S.: Animal remains from Late Neolithic causeway camps in Western France., C. Burnez ed.: Font-Rase á Barbezieux et Font-Belle á Segonzac (Charente). BAR, IS 1562: 326-335., 2006 | Bartosiewicz, L.: Taphonomy and palaeopathology in archaeozoology., Geobios, Lyon, in press., 2007 | Bartosiewicz, L.: Chapter 14. Mammalian bone., A. Whittle ed.: The Early Neolithic on the Great Hungarian Plain: investigations of the Körös culture site of Ecsegfalva 23, County Békés., 2007 | Bartosiewicz L.: Régenvolt háziállatok., L’Harmattan, Budapest. pp. 240., 2006 | Gál, E.: Broken-winged: fossil and subfossil pathological bird bones from recent excavations., R. R. Thomas–Z. Miklikova eds.: Proceedings of the 1st Meeting of the ICAZ Palaeopathology Working Group, 2004. BAR, IS, Oxford, Archaeopress. in press., 2007 | Bartosiewicz L.: Hobble on the wild side: A review of palaeopathology in wild animals., J. Mulville–A. Powell eds.: Walk on the wild side. Oxbow Books, Oxford. in press., 2007 |
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